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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #826
    Senior Member
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  2. #827
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    that's a severed cock garter on her thigh, i'd like to get a few more on it.

    i'm also working on seeing if i can script an animation for two people so i can have her actually cutting off penises with sound and blood. i'm all for the slicing of a watermelon and the scream from hostel 2. but i'm only this far in two years, can't imagine how long it'll take me to write up some penis chopping code.

  3. #828
    Registered Member
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    Mar 2010
    Woow, that looks nice and neat. R u trying to do all the coding all by urself?

  4. #829
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2009
    Now that looks fun.

  5. #830

  6. #831
    Junior Member justcause's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    I love the fantasy of penectomy...very hot!

  7. #832
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    i'm trying to just code the animation. making the penises and blades is easy, it's the animation that is difficult for me, that and making the blood spurt out as well, the particles arent easy.

    sadly i'm just not a coder but only get into stuff that gets me hard, so since i enjoy watching her tease people's manhood in game, i'm trying to learn how to do everything from youtube how-tos.

    sadly they dont have a how-to for penis offing

  8. #833
    Junior Member ray1977's Avatar
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    Makes me

    Wanna Play 2nd life, so I can get chopped numerous times and various ways.

  9. #834
    Senior Member
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    2nd life dick chopping

    2nd life has a lot of places to go to get tortured or do the torturing.

    there's piles of CBT clubs and BDSM sex houses where you can either go to get punished, punish others, or just enjoy watching stuff happen.

    best animation i saw ever was a vampire who seduced a man seductively, she laid him down on the ground, unzipped his pants, played with his cock til it got hard then went total vamp with a viscious howl and she bared her open mouthed fangs then started chewing on his cock and kept chewing til there was nothing left but a bloody stump.

    it was the most beautifully sexy thing i've ever seen in a game. very erotic and bloody, he laid on the ground crying in a ball with a puddle of blood around him until they ended the animation scene.

    if you haven't looked into second life, youtube it, you'll see a lot that you can do and it's actually quite realistic if you get the right body modifications.

  10. #835
    Supreme Poster Just Hanging's Avatar
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    Can you transfer "Second Life" images to this thread?

  11. #836
    Junior Member
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    usa ohio

    I make toys like this in SL

    Hey send me a private message with your SL name and ill get in touch with you and i can t show you what i have made and see about working on new toys.

  12. #837
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bookoo View Post
    And thank you for your information AJG. It seems in most of these penectomies the woman is Asian and in particular Vietnamese, I guess those Viet chicks got lots of practice during the Vietnam War and passed on to their daughters.
    my minor wife said she wanted put something in my food ,, so I sleep... then tie me .. , cut off one ball... fry it... eat it,, the the next ball... then to cut my penis off and eat it...cooked.. .. no joke... she was a beautiful thing,,, but violent... sigh

  13. #838
    Supreme Poster Just Hanging's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mucsub View Post
    my minor wife said she wanted put something in my food ,, so I sleep... then tie me .. , cut off one ball... fry it... eat it,, the the next ball... then to cut my penis off and eat it...cooked.. .. no joke... she was a beautiful thing,,, but violent... sigh
    Wow she sounded like a keeper. What happened?

  14. #839
    Registered User
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    I love the idea of penectomy, but I particularly enjoy the idea of a completely unwilling one. The idea of loosing it no matter what turns me on massively.
    Any one else like that?

  15. #840
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2008

    a keeper

    i had a keeper years ago.

    the poor girl was tortured by an ex boyfriend and it really was sad but it twisted her mind sexually to quite an enjoyable effect.

    i used to ask her to play with me while saying what she would like to do to my cock if it was the other guy's and she'd be very seductive then pull out a knife and slide it up and down my shaft and get very violent -you know when you put your bottom teeth out and bite down hard and growl angrily when you talk- yeah she'd do that and slam the knife into the base of my shaft from the bottom up and say things like "i want to cut his cock off right HERE!" and pull up really hard with the knife on it to the point that a few times i got cut and thought with just a little more effort, barely any, she'd have actually taken it off

    a couple times she really hurt me where she would do random attacks on me.

    once while i was doing the dishes she came in behind me and started very nice and then slid my pants down and pulled my cock across the rim of the basin holding it pointed into the sink with the head and then pulled out a serated steak knife and pushed it down against my shaft and the metal sink so hard that i had 9 holes in a straight line about a half inch from the very base.

    she said "how would you feel if i just pulled the knife away really fast and this cock of your came off in my hand?"

    i was surprised because i was still soft at this point and we only played like that in bed so i said i like playing but i dont want her to really cut it off and she pulled the knife away, pulled me cock toward her and placed the knife under it and said she wanted to cut if off and feel it in her hand and watch my expression while she did it.

    i think that was what really ended the relationship for me. as much as i'm all for some really hard playing and threats, i dont want to lose my best friend

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