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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #5071
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    I like it

    • I like it .very very like .

  2. #5072
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    I like it,very very like it ,too eat it

    I like it,very very like it ,too eat it
    Quote Originally Posted by Troubled View Post
    Am I talking to myself here? Do you want more? or should I stop?

  3. #5073
    Registered User nparry8504's Avatar
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    May 2011

    Picking A Fight With A Certified ********** Specialist

    Do you ever think about getting kicked in the nuts by that perfect someone? Maybe it's the woman of your dreams or a famous celebrity. For me, it's Lauren Lee. This is a fictional ********** story I wrote about a girl in high school who I loved at first, and then shunned. Getting a line-drive boot in the balls from her would be the greatest day of my life.

    Picking A Fight With A Certified ********** Specialist

    I must have been half stupid to ask the beautiful Lauren Lee to kick me in the nuts. I knew she ********* men for a living, but what I didn't realize was just how good she is at doing it. All I had wanted was to feel a woman's wrath for the first time in my life. Now, I was about to. She striped me down until I was bare naked in front of her. I stood before her innocent and vulnerable, and ready to have my manhood sacrificed to a goddess. "Wait there. I have something special in mind for you." When she came back she was wearing knee high boots. They were as black as night, satin leather, with black leather straps going up their length. She called them her nut-crunchers. "Many men have lost their balls to these babies." I was glad my balls would be added to her collection. That's where they needed to be, hanging on Lauren Lee's mantle. "I'm going to make this quick because there's another ********** I need to be at. This won't be painless, by the way. It will be the worst thing you ever feel in your life." A chill went soaring down my spine. This was the last time I would ever have testicles between my legs. "Sit on the ground with your legs spread open." I leaned my head and back against the wall, and held my nuts gently in my hand. Goodbye Lefty, goodbye Righty. "Don't be a pussy and take it like a man. Your hands can't be in the way. Sit on them so you don't flinch." I spread my legs wide, and gave her complete access to my testicles. My cock laid limp in my pubic hair; my nuts hung low to the ground. I watched her leg swing backwards, and soar full force into balls.

    It only took a second, but in that second I watched her leg glide swiftly through the air as if she was attempting a 60-yard field goal. I glimpsed the look on her face as her foot went on a collison course with my nuts. I watched my balls explode between my legs. I never knew I could scream so loud. I jumped around the room like a fish caught on a boat, holding what she had left of my nuts. It was as if applying pressure to my scrotum would ease the pain, but there was no comfort for them now. They were mush inside my sac. Waves of pain filled my body. I felt nauseous. I thought I might puke. My body started to go numb. I laid in the fetal position holding what Lauren had left of my nuts. I looked up at the woman who stood over me with her hands on her hips, a smile on her face. "You took my nuts from me." I whispered. Tears flooded my eyes. "Well, not yet." Lauren leaned down and pulled my hands away from my crotch. It was so easy for her. I was too weak to resist. She wrapped her fingers around what was left of my nuts, squeezed, and pulled as hard as she could. She dug her nails deep into the top of my scrotum, ripping it apart as she did. All I could do was put my hands over my mouth and try hard not to scream. I felt her sever my spermatic cords with her nails, twist, and yank the rest of my scrotum from my body. "These belong to me now." I held my nutless crotch searching for my testicles. They weren't there. A woman had deprived me of them. Now I was a eunich forever. I watched her walk away with my nuts in her hand. As she did she turned around and spoke: "I'll send you my fee in the mail. Oh, and I don't take checks. You can pay the full 200 dollars in cash."

  4. #5074
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    one of the best ********** scene ever
    Bonus English sub:
    This beer's so good.
    Female detective: Hebikichi has never returned borrowed money.
    Who are you?
    Where's Sodom?
    TeII us!
    The guy: You think I'II teII you?
    I'm a IoyaI servant of Sodom!
    Female detective: Right or Ieft?
    The guy: Huh?
    Female detective: Right or Ieft, choose!
    What are you doing?
    Female detective: The right one.
    The guy: What are you doing?
    Stop it!
    What are you going to do? Stop it!
    Stop it, you jerk.
    Hey, what are you doing?
    Stop it.
    Stop it!
    Stop it, you pervert!
    Stop it!
    Stop it, you pervert!
    That hurts!
    Female detective: How about it? Do you want me to crush the Ieft one, too?
    The guy: I'II taIk. I'II taIk.

  5. #5075
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by hellboy47 View Post
    one of the best ********** scene ever
    Bonus English sub:
    This beer's so good.
    Female detective: Hebikichi has never returned borrowed money.
    Who are you?
    Where's Sodom?
    TeII us!
    The guy: You think I'II teII you?
    I'm a IoyaI servant of Sodom!
    Female detective: Right or Ieft?
    The guy: Huh?
    Female detective: Right or Ieft, choose!
    What are you doing?
    Female detective: The right one.
    The guy: What are you doing?
    Stop it!
    What are you going to do? Stop it!
    Stop it, you jerk.
    Hey, what are you doing?
    Stop it.
    Stop it!
    Stop it, you pervert!
    Stop it!
    Stop it, you pervert!
    That hurts!
    Female detective: How about it? Do you want me to crush the Ieft one, too?
    The guy: I'II taIk. I'II taIk.
    Hahaha that was a nice clip ! Thanx for sharing.
    Pornography = boring.

  6. #5076
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick_sl8ter View Post
    Hahaha that was a nice clip ! Thanx for sharing.
    jajaajajajaj !que ocurrente¡ tan facil como usar un cajon a saber cuantos guevos tiene dentro.

  7. #5077

  8. #5078
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastriker View Post
    jajaajajajaj !que ocurrente¡ tan facil como usar un cajon a saber cuantos guevos tiene dentro.
    Mire: puedo hablar mierda también. Hahaha.
    Pornography = boring.

  9. #5079
    Member Perlimplim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellboy47 View Post
    one of the best ********** scene ever
    Bonus English sub:
    This beer's so good.
    Female detective: Hebikichi has never returned borrowed money.
    Who are you?
    Where's Sodom?
    TeII us!
    The guy: You think I'II teII you?
    I'm a IoyaI servant of Sodom!
    Female detective: Right or Ieft?
    The guy: Huh?
    Female detective: Right or Ieft, choose!
    What are you doing?
    Female detective: The right one.
    The guy: What are you doing?
    Stop it!
    What are you going to do? Stop it!
    Stop it, you jerk.
    Hey, what are you doing?
    Stop it.
    Stop it!
    Stop it, you pervert!
    Stop it!
    Stop it, you pervert!
    That hurts!
    Female detective: How about it? Do you want me to crush the Ieft one, too?
    The guy: I'II taIk. I'II taIk.
    Thanks for sharing this video. I've never seen it before, but it's really a good one. Very exciting.

  10. #5080
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  11. #5081
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2008

    cool pic

    where did you get that pic from?

  12. #5082
    Big Supporter samuelbbbb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellboy47 View Post

  13. #5083
    Senior Member
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    Damn. That's an awsome video.

  14. #5084
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    Пытки шаров

    Пытки на яйцах:

  15. #5085
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