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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #5116
    Member Straponfetus's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    I love this website and this forum

  2. #5117
    Registered Member
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    Aug 2008
    Nice set of balls getting snipped:
    (starting at 1:48)

  3. #5118

  4. #5119

  5. #5120
    Supreme Poster humanbean's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jjm41 View Post
    Nice set of balls getting snipped:
    (starting at 1:48)
    the shape under the sheet seems a little small to me...

    i think its a young pig.

  6. #5121
    Supreme Poster
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    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by nefarious View Post
    girl gives guy handjob but if he cums she will ******** him

    I just wanted to bump this one up because it still works and its FUCKING HOT.

  7. #5122
    Junior Member
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    here, there, everywhere

  8. #5123
    Registered Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by humanbean View Post
    the shape under the sheet seems a little small to me...

    i think its a young pig.
    Yes, i was wondering what animal it might be. Pig sounds plausible.

    Quote Originally Posted by TeethFan View Post
    Wow, would love her to take care of my balls.

  9. #5124
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2006

    Babe crushes testicle

    Hey huys!

    I hope this is not a repost.
    The girl orders the guy to choose which ball should her crush.
    Finally she chooses for her self.

  10. #5125
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ValmarIrenicus View Post
    Hey huys!

    I hope this is not a repost.
    The girl orders the guy to choose which ball should her crush.
    Finally she chooses for her self.

    Was it a movie or a story? Any way it sounds great.

  11. #5126
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    here is the story of **********!

    Top of Form 1

    A small country on a small tropical island. Here are some ladies of high society for the sake of entertainment, but more different politicians, and, unlike the socialite remain here forever - this island is ideal in order to remove a competitor in the political arena. The economy of this country was built here in this strange "tourism" and can not say that it is in decline. Here are born, live and die modern Amazons. Few people know about them, or broke a major international scandal - there are too many "missing" politicians from different countries, and just the rich men who have someone in the way.
    - Do something going? - Lena asked her niece - You have long had nothing to eat, even the pale.
    - Cradles. - Somehow managed a hoarse Natasha.
    - No long-winded. But you know, this restaurant is just a wonderful ship.
    - Thank you, Auntie, but I really do not want to now. It's better when descending to the shore.
    Elena - a stately lady of forty, with a magnificent high chest, long legs and an angelic face. Unearthly beauty, despite her age, could not make men of all ages do not notice it. And now it ran a crowd of boys waiters ready to be a race of any order. Helen slowly read the menu, like the first time, catching the edge of the eye is admiring gaze of a young man, the lusting eyes of another. She loved it. Probably none of them really thought that for such a trick you can get off and on shore.
    - Natasha.
    The girl looked up from wipes, from which persistently tried to fold paper cranes and looked at her aunt. She nodded toward the waiter, a handsome boy who looked the youngest out of all those gathered here, who did not pay any attention to the Lena, to her great indignation, but the long-awaited order of Natasha.
    Natasha has translated an indifferent glance at the boy, who immediately somehow blushed and lowered her blue eyes, and pushed himself from the menu, never looked into it.
    - I'm not going. Is that water.
    The boy shyly took the menu and wanted to go, as the next table something ugly is not the top of the food, not to squeak. Natasha turned to see what it is. It turned out that the sounds are heard from the opposite lady, it's hard to say where exactly, but his lips were moving, apparently she said. Whether the health of Natasha, or nasty nasty lady's voice was not allowed to make out the words properly. Only some sounds reminiscent of human speech.
    - Here you are! - She pointed the finger at the blue-eyed boy - Where is my order!
    - Excuse me, but I do not ... - A woman would not let him finish, cutting short his illegible peep.
    From some strange people came running, Natasha had not seen them in a restaurant, and generally on the liner. They took the boy, whispered something hysterical lady brought some food, and she calmed down. Further happened in a blur, and she did not wait for the water. True to lift a tantrum because it did not, not educated, not spoiled.
    Natasha went to the cabin, drunk sleeping pills and fell asleep. And my aunt went to the deck - in contrast to his niece, her voyage pleasure. For some reason, remembered her late husband. She still keeps his loyalty, though with her husband she needed the attention of other men, over time, he put up with it. After her husband died she decided to devote himself fully to his niece - the children she was not. Natasha's father is poor, and when my aunt offered to help, always raise a stink, saying something that will never depend on anybody. His pride was above all else, even a child. Mother in the family as if did not have the right to vote, although just afraid of her husband - he immediately began to beat, if done something wrong. But the child did not raise his hand, so consider himself a saint or something ... It does not matter. On the one hand it terrible father, and the other on the contrary - he tried to do everything for her daughter on their own, though did not really succeed. In all assisted my aunt, but not as his brother did not say and all the achievements of his daughter, he ascribed to himself. But as a husband he wasmonster as it may look. Lena took a lot of strength to the terrible scandals literally wrested from the clutches of his brother and the girl on her eighteenth birthday present trip. He even broke terelochku with touching heart and says "Daddy", which was depicted by Natasha still in kindergarten. Rather, it was expensive for mom than for "Daddy." My mother refused to go under an evil eye of her husband. Natasha had to get used to the luxury of expensive clothes, luxury liner, great food, a maid ...
    Island on the horizon. Lena pushed all thoughts on the not very pleasant topic, and hurried into the cabin to tell the good news niece.
    Natasha slept in an unnatural and even a little funny pose. Lena sat beside him and vzlyanula on a pretty face girl. Oh, how beautiful it is! But this beauty is difficult to discern a lack of confidence, for unfounded complex generated by her father. Do not become awake, Lena was gone. Returned when approached. The passengers got off quickly - there were quite a bit.
    The hotel. The bed. Apparently there were too many sleeping pills. Only the next day, Natasha woke up.
    Shower and a light breakfast with coffee it finally woken up.
    - Get enough sleep?
    - Yeah! - Happily replied Natasha.
    - The "yeah" and "yes" - corrected her aunt - Although there may be discarded all manners. We have come to rest. That is, I rest, and you work hard.
    Lena smiled watching the metamorphosis of a girl - a joyous expression on his face at first turned into a mild surprise, then bewilderment increased degree and added a pat confused huge eyelashes.
    - To work on yourself. - Explained Lena - Do not be afraid you're wrong. In one month, which your father has allowed me to spend alone with you first, you must become a princess from a weakling.
    Natasha expression has not changed - she could not understand why all this must be my aunt.
    - Stop popping eyes already, I was blown off!
    - Aunt, but we do where? - To collect his thoughts asked Natasha
    - On the island.
    - That on the island, I did and it was not clear. At what exactly?
    - Just on the island. He has no name. Local people - mostly women, all men here, how would you say? .. The maid. Today, all she'll see. Put it this way - an island of women.
    - Most Amazons.
    - Exactly! You are lovely!
    My aunt came and kissed her forehead and her niece had gone into another room. Returned to the mini-skirt and tank top, which only the breasts are not covered.
    - How do I look? Do not answer, I know myself. Dress easier - pretty hot here in the afternoon.
    Actually, the only dress and there was nothing. His stuff was not able to find Natasha, apparently they were hidden doting aunt. Instead, find a similar outfit. There is no choice. Twist of the mirror - like herself.
    - Since my aunt wants, then so be it - to myself quietly said Natasha
    She went to my aunt.
    - It is strange that such a prude as you, so the caller chose the skirt, and top. - With Lena said sarcastically
    - I have never been shy. Bad I know, aunt - Natasha countered.
    - Well, right. The more so that we here in the first and possibly last time. What difference does that for us think?
    Their clothes in the streets of the city they do not stand out, but on the contrary, have merged with others. Several ladies were even totally naked.
    - If I could hesitate - Natasha whispered.
    - Who is shy? Men are forbidden to appear on the streets.
    - Yes? And that means not a man? - Natasha asked sarcastically pointing at the guy who sells ice cream to tourists.- Used to be, now do not. Men come here, if someone do a bad turn. Basically it is the oligarchs, tycoons kids, well, politics. For such a link more money and not a small fee. But still sail as we are, ladies, men insulted and dumped even more denyushki for the whole family to take revenge on the male. Here and there the former men on the streets. By the way, they have absolutely nothing there. Those who are fortunate enough to preserve something, working out of town, I do not know what they're grown, and grown at all if anything at all ...
    Natasha looked in amazement at my aunt even when she stopped talking until he stumbled.
    - I do not think we have done just this way in order to swim and sunbathe.
    - You're right - a wink to her aunt
    - But I do it for?
    - Your self-doubt to me the rest does not. You think I do not see how you become a mouse with men
    Top of Form 1

    and how relaxed and naturally behave in a woman's society. This wine of your father. I do not judge him, but I can fix it.
    - But I do not need! - Tried to argue Natasha, though she knew all that said my aunt - the truth.
    - Even as it should. You're beautiful, but nobody sees it. You're smart, but nobody knows it. And all because you do not let anybody do it. Chest out! Hips shaking! Be bold! And you will run for all men, you will choose the very one who will pray for life to you. And you want to choose you for lack of other options?
    - No, but ...
    - I know what you mean. - Cut short by her aunt - Maybe it's not the best way to become more daring, but this is the best option to feel power over men. Over all men. By the way, what we are going now.
    They turned the corner in front appeared a magnificent palace.
    - There are many high-grade men, who had been born here, and someone came here from other countries. They are all the same to lose. So no matter what we do, or others.
    - I have no desire to have nothing to do with them.
    - Yes? At the middle of the road do you know why it is we're going. And you do not come back.
    - Maybe I'm just afraid of getting lost?
    - Going straight to get lost?
    - It does not matter. I do not need.
    - Try to imagine that you hold in your hands the testicles man, you can make it do what you want. Presented?
    - Yes.
    - It's disgusting?
    - No, but neither is pleasant emotions.
    - Your imagination is limited. Time is not disgusting, then you'll like. Let's go. In the end, we always have time to go.
    At the door they were met by a nice girl. It
    Top of Form 1

    already received a great pleasure. The moral and physical pleasure are now merged. A member was so long that all was not included. Were near someone's testicles and penis. Continuing to caress her, she put her head sponges and balls with his free hand, but not squeezed them, and began gently massaging. Instantly became a member of the firm. Natasha felt the approaching orgasm, the testicles squeezed, threw his head lips tightly ... She clenched her ograzma of teeth. Owner members gasped in pain and moaned with pleasure. He was finishing straight in the mouth Natasha. It is disabled on the floor. Out on a limb there were only traces of the teeth. Lucky him.
    Woke up after an hour.
    - Want to take a shower?
    - Where is it?
    - Yes, right there. Get up, show you.
    Taking a shower, Natasha over and over again in my mind is how roll out the testicles cut off from the scrotum. She was excited again.
    Did not wipe. Again she wanted. Wanted to be somebody fucked again, wanted to deprive a man of eggs. As you wish. Digging in a drawer, took out a wooden board, two nails and a hammer. With every second she was got stronger and stronger. Chose a new victim.
    - Sit on the floor.
    The man sat down. By Natasha eggs planted timber and prepared to drive a nail in the left testicle.
    - Please do not be - a barely audible voice pronounced the man
    Natasha looked at him, his eyes were tears of fear. A light blow. Nail has already touched the tree. Another blow, the nail went into the bar. A man who previously restrained himself howling ... Whether the pain, or loss of principal value. A second egg was the same. Natasha hammered both nail so that the caps have already touched on the testicles. But this is not stopped. With each blow nail heads sank deeper into the testes, the howling of men mingled with the rattle, and then did was only wheeze ... Then verse. Even in silence Natasha blows inflicted last, shuddering in orgasm. Stroke, and an egg cracked. Another blow, the second burst. Rather loudly. Natasha felt her, what is left - it's more like a porridge.
    - I wonder how does it look? - She asked herself.
    Digging in the box, found a knife is something on effects like a vise, just translucent.
    - It'll do!
    How can we more accurately, she began to cut off the scrotum. Soon she fell to the floor. The testicles were hanging ... They just beckoned, and asked them to tear or crush. Natasha ran into the shower, took all the towels and brought to the "patient." Stopping the blood dry towel, wiped her all wet. Neat balls, with a small blood vessel. They are quite vulnerable. Natasha took her hand and squeezed into one. But it was not there - not so easy to crush. Placing the eggs in the "grip" was spinning. The more the clenched testicles, the more they sobbed the owner. The transparent stelku testicles simply flowed, their thickness was not even half an inch ... Natasha called the closest to a guy, not even looking at him, got cancer.

    Top of Form 1

    - Fuck me!
    It just all flowed. Member immediately went into it. Feelings of love to the male genitals and hatred mixed ... Now she is adored not only to destroy men's dignity, but also get pleasure from them through sex. She wanted to crush the testicles, which were now in front of her and be kind to those who now clapped on the perineum. That's bad luck, the testes do not stand a guy before she could finish. It is true orgasm was not long in coming. Natasha somehow did not matter now, he finished it or not, why none of the castrati did not resist and did not even flinch when deprived iyats and member, and do not even bother to her lost companion. She lay down on his back, spread her legs.
    - Lick! - Natasha ordered.
    Tongue ran on the clitoris, the hole, sometimes leaping into it. Another orgasm was close. She grabbed the boy by the hair, pressed it to himself even more. Again came, though not as rapidly as in previous times, but it quickly. She looked at the boy. Such blue eyes ... Somewhere she had seen them ... And somehow it seemed to her so pretty, she just wanted him to leave himself, like a puppy. The more so that he himself probably does not mind.
    - Played enough? - Heard a female voice from behind
    - Where were you? - Natasha asked the girl
    - I was there all the time. Cleaning up after you.
    - What is the meaning?
    - We need eunuchs here, not dead. The corpse will not work. And what to do with it become? - She nodded toward the blue-eyed boy
    - I leave myself.
    - Do you think you will do it?
    - And why not?
    - He was here because of the fact that disrespected a woman with her trinkets he just will not go away. And you want it to be without them?
    Something snapped under his foot, there was a muffled rattle, and the boy's body curled. He tried to clasp his crushed testicle, which still was under the foot of Natasha, but because of its awful long way scrotum could not reach.
    - That's a shame ...
    Natasha has a little stamped on his half of manhood. Then she took his hand in the other half. Hands to crush did not work, boy was writhing like a snake, no wheezing, no moaning, only occasionally snapped noisily air through the mouth.
    - Zubkov try. - Decided to pin her companion.
    - Why, there's a scalpel lying somewhere. Ah, here it is!
    Natasha has made two cuts at the base member, and pulled first razdvlennoe egg, cut it and gave the boy who so persistently to him stretched. He even became a little easier to look at, when he got his treasure. Natasha then pulled second egg and cut it in half. The boy passed out.
    - What are the long cords, and any small testes. Oh ... Apparently you have more time for me to lay, I'm sorry
    - Go with the best aunt of the boy speak. He was the last of eggs. I've been late.

    * * *

    The hotel is back together. Fucked Natasha bitten boy and pleased with herself his aunt, who was able to negotiate with his young girlfriend. Trophies brought with them plenty. The girl told how long you can not keep zaspirtovyvaya male testes. In her left hand she held a dead eggs, and the right - alive.
    Men have a weakness, but it does not. It's beautiful! She princess! And who does not agree, he will be in the left hand.
    All other days Natasha spent on the beach. It is pleasant to lie on the sand, especially when the blue-eyed boy licks your pussy.

    * * *

    My aunt stopped the car near the home of Natasha.
    - Will you come?
    - Well, really not. Brother scandal, fall through to your mother. The boy will throw out the door. And you did not quit, you're not just so it actually saved? But who knows. In general, I just do not want to see it. I'll wait here. If all goes well, as I said, the two of you get back. You will live with me.
    - Yeah ... About a boy dad need to somehow tell more delicately. Well ... We will go.
    Natasha's aunt and said goodbye, and Lena was left alone. Waited for. Soon called Natasha Cell and reported that everything is in order. Heard there was a scandal, so I calmed down, my aunt had gone, promising to call the next day.

    * * *

    The doorbell rang. Auntie, as promised, arrived. Natasha opened. Departure of guests. In the room sat only mom happy. Its such a long time no see.
    - Where is the monster?
    - No father. - Said Natasha.
    - Oh! You glued that plate? - Aunt came to the plate with a children's drawing, which stood directly in front of her mother Natasha.
    In the plate were two eggs. Two small eggs.
    - You still did it with a boy? It's a pity. - With genuine sadness said Lena - Where is he?
    - He sleeps. A father in the hospital - Natasha replied spiritedly
    Eggs on a platter ... On a plate with a touching picture: heart and "daddy."



  12. #5127
    Big Supporter
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    united states

  13. #5128
    Registered Member phobia's Avatar
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    Hello everyone! Finally i found out i'm not alone with my fantasies!

    I'll post some pics real soon!

  14. #5129

  15. #5130
    Big Supporter Pnek2me's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Illustrated ********** Book

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