To all users of the free forums,
As you all have noticed SadisticSara in no longer here
to moderate the boards.
A few things has caused this to happen.
I could post a long post about this with copies of
our PM (Private Messages) we have made back and forth to explain in detail why.
However i do not wish to make our private messages public here on the board and as Sara
since yesterday cant post here it will be objective information based on what the majority already
have seen on the boards or knows from either Sara or me.
The main reasons for her not moderating
you can read out of my 2 posts here:
As most of you already read it before it got deleted you can read it again: m%20Sara)-filer/sarasreply.txt
If the post should have stayed here I would have had to again reply and refer to PMs
and nobody would know what we where talking about with sentences taken out of context.
As you can see her post #28 was moderated where I wrote to her to mail me instead
of addressing my post wherein I ask her to mail us instead or use PM.
(Sara was showing with the title as "big supporter" instead of a "moderator" and by that was removed moderator functions
because she asked us to moderate for this month as it also says in the thread.)
After i moderated her post I had hoped to finally hear from her so we could have moved on.
(This is the last time i wrote to Sara or she wrote to me directly)
After some time we got some mails that someone had posted for Sara on our board. F...From Sara).htm
(The reason for the weird looking url is that it was deleted)
Note: We still didn’t suspend her from logging into the boards as Sara after this
or to post on the boards about ballbusting.
Then imlost568 where asked to post a PM for her on the boards (even do she was still not suspended
and could freely post here as Sara).
I can only understand this and the deleted post you have read either now or when it was previously posted m%20Sara).htm
as she don’t want to communicate with me personally herself about this and as of today i still haven’t heard from her this being
almost 2 weeks after she said she would reply to my PM. After all these things we don’t wish Sara to stay.
Until these things happened i personally liked Sara and was letting her pretty much do as she wanted with the forums.
We have communicated thru the last 2-3 years but for several reasons besides the above we couldn’t seem to work it out here
in the end unfortunate. Unfortunate because as i wrote i liked Sara and
until the last few weeks I appreciated her effort here but it seems due to language problems me being native Danish
and probably have some understanding difficulties and couldn’t express myself correct in my reply’s to her it ended up this way.
I wish Sara good luck with her studies and future and hope she will succeed in whatever she wants to do after school.