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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #931
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilShelly View Post
    Hi, I just got joined up here, and this might be my first post that actually goes through. For the most part, I have had a booring sex life, never had a S&M partner never got tied up, never did it in the public. But I do have a little secret that I am into penectomy stuff all fantasey of course. When there is a guy that I like, all I can think about is how bad I want to cut his dick off I dont know why. I do not want to hurt anybody, I do not want to make anybody mad or get in trouble.
    It is from our mother I know, when we were little my brother had something that I didnt have, we called it his weiner. She used to spank our butts so hard if we wernt wearing clothes it would sting very bad and she used to say she was going to cut off his weiner. She even spanked him on the front side. I asked her what happens if she cuts his weiner off and she said it will grow back like no big deal. I always wanted to see her cut his weiner off so I could watch it grow back but she never did.
    That is why all my life when I like a guy, I wish I could cut his dick off. My first boyfriend I loved so much, It took so much courage for me to tell him that I wanted to cut his dick off but he didnt understand and he broke up with me. I have never told that to another guy.
    Hi Shelly! Your story sounds very familiar to me! Even if from the other side. As a kid my mom happened to threaten me with cutting my dick off (even if clearly joking) and I know that my younger sister was intrigued by the idea. In fact, I and sis used to play doctor and I was almost always the patient. She'd make me undress (naked or waist down) then proceed to examine my privates. Needless to say, she'd always detect an "unhealty swelling" (i.e. my erection) and the only therapy was.. cutting! We devised several methods for the "therapy" included radical electrocution (!). Such games ended when she reached puberty and I've been missing them for a long time. If you are willing to exchange memories and fantasies, I'd be glad to chat with you sometimes!

  2. #932
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    Who does shit like that with a family member...
    "they're ripe for the taking"
    yes they are ^^

  3. #933
    Big Supporter Rebecca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dude View Post
    Who does shit like that with a family member...
    Don't be such a Quaker!

    Exploration between children is quite normal, and not even in the same realm as an adult doing such things with a child.

  4. #934
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebecca View Post
    Don't be such a Quaker!

    Exploration between children is quite normal, and not even in the same realm as an adult doing such things with a child.
    Thank you Rebecca. And Dude, there are many posts I dislike on this forum. I just don't read them, but I don't insult anyone. It would be great if you could to the same.

  5. #935
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    I did not call you any names or what so ever, didn't even say how I felt about it, so there's nothing for you to feel insulted over.

    And rebecca, maybe it's because I don't remember or anything, but such exploration is not a good thing in my book.
    "they're ripe for the taking"
    yes they are ^^

  6. #936
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Puestos a contar nuestra historia personal voy a contar la mia.Desde pequeño ya presencie escenas de penectomia, en el colegio a un niño que siempre orinaba donde estaba prohibido (la fachada de la escuela) una profesora en clase le bajo el pantalon y mientras sostenia unas tijeras le advertia que si lo volvia ha hacer le cortaria el pito.Otra fue que iba al medico con mi madre entramos en la consulta y yo cogi un libro que tenia la doctora lo abri y me encontre con fotos del prodeso de una penectomia,rapiamente mi madre me lo quito pero ya vi lo suficiente.Un dia estaba viendo una pelicula con mis padres en la que a un chico le quitaban los dientes mientras le cortaban el pene dos arabes con unas grandes tijeras y en otra pelicula a un niño un doctor le ponia delante de la taza del wc, le bajo el calzoncillo y mientas la sostenia con unas pinzas con un bisturi se lo iba cortando, estas dos tenian censura en el momento final pero me marcaron bastante. Luego en la adolescencia no dejaba de pensar en ello, hcia dibujos de escenas de una mujer cortandola,incluso un dia me hice con un pene de goma que me salio en una bolsa de broma asi que le vacie por dentro y le meti betadine para simular sangre, me lo coloque y delante del wc lo corte con unas tijeras.Luego cotidianamente sule salir el tema de manera juguetona,una chica a le que yo le gustaba despues de rechazarla, en clase sacaba sus tijeras de manualidades y me las enseñaba mientras susurraba..te la voy a cortar te voy a cortar la cola, incluso un dia me las puso en la bragueta del pantalon. Muchas veces pienso en que si no hubiese presenciado esas cosas ahora no tendria el concepto de relacion sexual equivocado, es decir siempre me he excitado con el hecho de una mujer cortandomela con unas tijeras, mientras que al pensar en sexo no me excito tanto.

  7. #937
    Supreme Poster LilShelly's Avatar
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    [quote=Pnek2me;102952]I've found the best time to tell someone about a fetish is after the 3rd bang. You like each other well enough to have sex, but still have an opportunity to air things out before you're "set" in the relationship. The trust issue is important, so for sure don't say "i want to cut off your dick" to anyone you just met. Unless you met them on this forum.

    Since true penectomy (for anything other than medical reasons) will probably land you in prison, stick with knifeplay. It's exciting as hell and you can come back and play more. Try a blade in bed rubbing it on his skin... start at the chest, go down, and refrain from actual bloodletting. See how that plays out. If he's into it, you'll know.

    Thank you for the advice, like I said earlier, my sex life has been not very interesting so far. Knife play sounds like alot of fun, playfull is my comfort zone, and it would be a fun, funny way to get a reaction, rather than a backfire. Actually the thought of knife plat really turns me on
    I couldnt imagine ending up like one of those women on the news that got arrested for cutting their husbands penis off while he was sleeping.

  8. #938
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pnek2me View Post
    I've found the best time to tell someone about a fetish is after the 3rd bang. You like each other well enough to have sex, but still have an opportunity to air things out before you're "set" in the relationship. The trust issue is important, so for sure don't say "i want to cut off your dick" to anyone you just met. Unless you met them on this forum.

    Since true penectomy (for anything other than medical reasons) will probably land you in prison, stick with knifeplay. It's exciting as hell and you can come back and play more. Try a blade in bed rubbing it on his skin... start at the chest, go down, and refrain from actual bloodletting. See how that plays out. If he's into it, you'll know.

    Thank you for the advice, like I said earlier, my sex life has been not very interesting so far. Knife play sounds like alot of fun, playfull is my comfort zone, and it would be a fun, funny way to get a reaction, rather than a backfire. Actually the thought of knife plat really turns me on
    I couldnt imagine ending up like one of those women on the news that got arrested for cutting their husbands penis off while he was sleeping.
    i love knife play too or scissors play , but my wife does not like the idea she thinks there something wrong with me and will not do it to me.
    i love chatting to girls who are into it as i am, its great to roleplay on yahoo or someother chat too.
    it turns me on when a girl tell me how she is about to remove my cock .
    so lilshelly you are so cool to be into this .

  9. #939
    Supreme Poster LilShelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by atteone76 View Post
    Hi Shelly! Your story sounds very familiar to me! Even if from the other side. As a kid my mom happened to threaten me with cutting my dick off (even if clearly joking) and I know that my younger sister was intrigued by the idea. In fact, I and sis used to play doctor and I was almost always the patient. She'd make me undress (naked or waist down) then proceed to examine my privates. Needless to say, she'd always detect an "unhealty swelling" (i.e. my erection) and the only therapy was.. cutting! We devised several methods for the "therapy" included radical electrocution (!). Such games ended when she reached puberty and I've been missing them for a long time. If you are willing to exchange memories and fantasies, I'd be glad to chat with you sometimes!
    Good story, I never touched my brother in a sexual way, but when we were pretty little it seems like we were always running around naked, and at some point I remember becoming fascinated with his body. I think something happened around that time because my mom started trying to get us to put our clothes on.

  10. #940
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilShelly View Post
    Good story, I never touched my brother in a sexual way, but when we were pretty little it seems like we were always running around naked, and at some point I remember becoming fascinated with his body. I think something happened around that time because my mom started trying to get us to put our clothes on.
    my sister used to ask my mother why we had that sausage like thing between our legs and she did not . we said she had her's cut off for being bad.

  11. #941
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Yo jugaba con mi hermana a los medicos pues teniamos un kit de juguete, nos escondiamos y to fingia tener algo malo en el pene y ella usaba las tijeras de plastico para cortarmela entonces tendriamos 4 o 5 años.Tambien mi madre me decia que si no me la lavaba bien me la cortaria y me enseñaba las tijeras mientras yo estaba tumbado boca arriba en la cama.Siempre en mis experiencias habia tijeras sera por eso que es mi fetiche favorito.

  12. #942
    Big Supporter Pnek2me's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilShelly View Post
    Actually the thought of knife plat really turns me on
    Actually, the thought of knifeplay with you really turns me on too ! You... with a sharp knife at my penis, scraping the skin and running the blade over the head, leaving an indent... telling me how you want to cut off my cock with me chasing your knife around with my hard meat, asking you to sever it at the root...

    ...time for a cold shower

  13. #943
    Supreme Poster Just Hanging's Avatar
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    Thank you for the advice, like I said earlier, my sex life has been not very interesting so far. Knife play sounds like alot of fun, playfull is my comfort zone, and it would be a fun, funny way to get a reaction, rather than a backfire. Actually the thought of knife plat really turns me on
    I couldnt imagine ending up like one of those women on the news that got arrested for cutting their husbands penis off while he was sleeping.[/quote]

    Hi Litl Shelly.
    It sounds like you are on the right track, keeping it fun and playful. You should be able to find out if a guy is into the same thing as you without freaking him out. And with the knife play, you never know where that will lead, hopefully somewhere good for you.
    Just don't pull the Lorena Bobbit, and you should stay out of trouble.
    As long as it is consensual, you will be fine.
    Have fun.

  14. #944
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    Hey lilshelly, um how old are you anyways? I mean im 19, but idk, im just wondering.

  15. #945
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just Hanging View Post
    Thank you for the advice, like I said earlier, my sex life has been not very interesting so far. Knife play sounds like alot of fun, playfull is my comfort zone, and it would be a fun, funny way to get a reaction, rather than a backfire. Actually the thought of knife plat really turns me on
    I couldnt imagine ending up like one of those women on the news that got arrested for cutting their husbands penis off while he was sleeping.

    Hi Litl Shelly.
    It sounds like you are on the right track, keeping it fun and playful. You should be able to find out if a guy is into the same thing as you without freaking him out. And with the knife play, you never know where that will lead, hopefully somewhere good for you.
    Just don't pull the Lorena Bobbit, and you should stay out of trouble.
    As long as it is consensual, you will be fine.
    Have fun.
    ...just make sure your hands are not slippery, the knife is neither too heavy nor too sharp, everything is calm and you are not shocked by sudden noises like the telephone ringing etc. - otherwise there might be chances for these "oops"-moments...

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