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Thread: BB Programs

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  1. #1
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Hey Guys

    Thanks for the ideas. was hoping that some bb program already existed and someone could upload one. i just went the deck of card route. each card represents some sort of punishment. there are no set amount of kicks, knees, etc my gf does it how many times until she wants to draw a new card which dictates the punishment.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    BB app

    I have a free week so i could do such a program for you. If you want, just let me know here, what it should do.

    My idea would be to have 3 lists.
    1/ ballbusting techniques
    2/ for teasing
    3/ for pleasing your gf

    You could set
    1/ how much populated (%) these 3 lists will be in your results. / or final numbers
    2/ total number of actions
    3/ intensity/length/number of ...
    4/ you could reroll once, with 60% chance to get worse results, 30% to get better results and 10% to get something baaad

    Thats my vision, if you like it and want me to code it, or want some other functions, let me know.

  3. #3
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Kvero Yes please I would love giving it shot


  4. #4
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    Jul 2004

    Eve ans Jill, continued

    “Right then! Last one, OK?” She reached for the dice.
    ************************************************** *************************
    I was grateful that the end of my torment was imminent. Just one more throw. It must be something a bit less brutal. Law of averages. She threw the dice.

    She laughed as she consulted her list.

    “It says here ‘doing whatever ball torture you feel like for two minutes’. Do you remember agreeing to this list?”

    I began to protest, but her next words chilled me.

    “I went on the Internet today and you’d been looking at a site called something like Female Dom, hadn’t you? Looking at some stuff about ball busting. Does this mean I’m not enough for you?”

    Before I could gather my thoughts for a reply she leaned over and sent a knee crashing into my aching balls.

    “I’m going to give you more than two minutes. You deserve more. And you know what? I’m really enjoying this! It’s about time I beat you up” She slapped my face, punched me in the stomach, pushed me down and kneed me in the balls again.
    After a while I was just groaning in agony and embarrassment. She was still panting with pleasure and anticipation. She waited for my agony to begin to subside, then she raised herself and let loose a tremendously heavy slap into my balls. I screamed in pain, then choked as it became even worse as my balls’ nerves finally got their latest update to my brain. The pain eventually began to recede and I gasped for breath. She waited patiently, a small cruel smile, eager eyes, hand raised.

    I started to try to speak…so I could apologise, to get her to stop. I drew breath. Another hard slap to my balls brought another choked and desperate scream. I was frightened as well as being in tremendous ball-pain. She was just going to go ahead with the throw of the dice - ball torture. But for as long as she felt like.

    She slapped me again, then again.
    The blows stopped. I looked at her pleadingly with tearful eyes. But I realized her head was turned and she seemed to be listening. Then I heard it myself. The doorbell was ringing.

    "Shit!” she exclaimed, climbing off me and going to the window from where we could see the front door. At first she looked puzzled, then turned to me in amazement.

    “You’re not going to believe this! It’s Eve from the gym!”

    I probably looked blank and baffled.

    “You know? Eve! The muscle-girl?" She seemed annoyed at me for not knowing. "I told you about that girl who's incredibly strong?”

    I began to remember…

    “I wonder if she’d be...interested in something kinky?” She grinned.

    The doorbell rang again and my wife suddenly burst into action, grabbing a robe and running out, calling “I’m coming!” She left the bedroom door open. For some reason this made me feel even more vulnerable and exposed. But I didn't feel embarrassed about the possibility of being seen naked by a stranger, tied down on my own bed. I felt frightened.

    I heard the door open and they greeted each other. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but they seemed pleased to see each other. The door closed as the visitor stepped into our house.
    This Eve had really impressed my wife with her physique and strength, I now began to remember. But she wouldn't dare ask her to hurt me, would she? She wouldn't want her new friend to think she was a pervert or anything, surely? But I hadn't met this friend. Didn't know what they'd talked about. Perhaps she'd already confided in her about the pervy games I talked her into going along with. No, she couldn’t have.

    These thoughts were rushing through my pain-battered brain as I tried to hear what was going on downstairs.

    I could hear Eve’s heeled shoes clattering on the floorboards as they both went into the front room, still chatting away. Perhaps she’d just do whatever she came for, gossip about the gym or something, and go. She could surely see my wife was…busy.

    The chattering died down. Perhaps she was going now.

    But then my ears picked up a murmured conversation going on. Why were they talking quietly?

    There was a loud laugh, quickly suppressed. I couldn’t tell if it was my wife or her friend.

    Then a chilling voice that clearly wasn’t my wife’s called out loudly.

    “I know you’re listening! I’m coming for your balls!” They both burst out in hysterical laughter.
    I pulled against my bonds. They just dug in tighter. As I tried pointlessly to escape, Eve and my wife came into the room.

    Eve was in high heels and skirt and towered over my wife who was grinning, watching my reaction. Eve was very attractive and very big. Her stockinged calf muscles were thick, and her short-sleeved fully-filled blouse revealed muscular arms and big hands.

    “Jill told me she was in the middle of torturing your balls. She asked if I wanted to join in. So here I am!” Her voice was deep, and held an edge of excitement.

    “No!” I cried, looking towards my wife. “We were just…finishing!” I gulped, realising how desperate and frightened I sounded. Jill looked at Eve, who caught her eye. Jill nodded at her and smiled. She took off her robe and hung it back on the door. Naked next to Eve she looked almost puny. But Eve still deferred to her.

    “Shall I take something off? Is that OK?” she asked. Jill smiled at me and nodded. I stared with fascinated fear and desire as Eve unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it. She was wearing suspenders with her stockings, and her legs were big and muscular. She unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it off, hanging it with my wife’s robe. She picked up her skirt from the floor and hung that as well. With every movement her imposing muscular body flexed and the floor beneath her creaked with her shifting weight. Then she turned to me, just wearing shoes, stockings, briefs, suspenders and well-filled bra.

    “What do you want me to do to him?”

    “Jill!” I yelled in fear “No! Please don’t…don’t let her…do anything to me!”

    She smiled at me, looked over to Eve and back at me.

    “What’s the matter? You like having your balls hurt, don’t you? And Eve really wants to hurt them, don’t you Eve?”

    Eve nodded, intrigued by this exchange.

    to be continued...

  5. #5
    Big Supporter skweezme's Avatar
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    Nov 2004

    Thanks for repost crushee!

    I lost my original file of this story and must say great to see it again! Even though I wrote it myself it's such a while back I hardly remember it. Like I'm reading it for the first time. How strange! And how hot! Well, it appeals to me anyway but I guess it would wouldn't it

  6. #6
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    Skweezeme's story, continued

    No! Please! You’ve…you’ve already hurt my balls enough!” I was still in pain from the slaps she’d been giving me before Eve arrived. “It’s OK…it was… amazing! But please don’t hurt me any more! I’m sorry Eve, we’ve sort of…there’s sort of been a misunderstanding” They both looked at each other and I began to feel relief that some sanity was beginning to descend.

    “Do you want to squeeze his balls, Eve?”

    She still looked intrigued, as though she wondered how far this little game was going to go. She looked me in the eyes.

    “Oh yes! I’d love to squeeze his balls!” she said with an amused gleam.

    I turned to my wife in confusion.

    “No, please…Jill…?”

    “Go ahead then! But don’t go…you know…full on just yet”

    I began to protest but Eve just strode over to me and put one knee on the edge of the bed, her weight pulling my tied body towards her uncomfortably. She looked at Jill, who nodded encouragingly, one hand straying to her own groin. Eve took both my aching balls in one big hand and started squeezing.
    It was like having my balls in a vice. There was no need to knead and roll my balls to intensify the pain, like Jill did - finding the most sensitive spots and sadistically exploiting them. This was just brutal crushing strength. I imploded into a world of pain, screaming.

    “Oh! Am I hurting you?” She tugged my balls, putting her substantial weight into it, dragging me towards the side of the mattress and hauling on my bound arm and leg on the other side of the bed. Then she raised herself and lifted me up one-handed from the bed as far as my bonds would allow. Her strength was awesome; her enormous biceps and shoulder muscles bulged fantastically under her tanned skin. Then she let me drop.

    For a while I lost awareness of my surroundings, overwhelmed by her brutal display of power and cruelty.

    I slowly began to come to again. I became aware that Jill and Eve were talking and laughing. Jill noticed my return to consciousness.

    “Aha! You’re back with us! Eve’s just been telling me about something she wants to try out on you. Ballscissors! But I thought we’d make it more interesting by playing your dice-game a bit more. We’re going to go through each list, taking it in turns. Six rolls for each list. Eve might get a chance to practice her ballscissors, but she might not. But whatever happens…you’re going to suffer, sweetie! Now which order do you want us to do the lists in? Save the hardest till last, or get it over and done with first?”

    I was only slowly taking in what was in store for me. The game had turned serious. They were going to torture me. Jill grabbed my aching balls and kneaded them, finding those parts still hurting most from Eve’s punishment. I cried out.

    “I said what order do you want us to do the lists in?”

    “But I don’t want you to…” I cried out again as her hand tightened.

    “What order?” she demanded.

    “The hardest…last!” I gasped. I needed some respite. That last list was going to be absolutely agonising. I couldn’t handle it just now.

    “Ha! Wimp!” she laughed.

    Jill let go and arranged the lists. She handed the dice to Eve.

    “Guests first!”

    Eve grinned and threw the dice. It settled.

    “A two!”

    She looked at the list Jill held out to her, finger on one line. “2. 20 quick strokes, one slap” She sauntered to the bed and stood looking down at me over her full breasts.

    “A lucky start for you! Have to make that slap count, won’t I?” she said as she crouched down by me and took my penis in her fingers. It was aroused, but not fully erect. She began playing with it, teasing it. Very soon it was at full attention, despite my fear and throbbing pain. I couldn’t help but look at her awesome breasts.

    “OK!” she smiled. “20 quick strokes and one really hard slap! You’re getting off lightly!” The twenty quick strokes began to set my nerves tingling. Then she stopped.

    “Was that nice?” she asked, smiling down at me. “Cos this won’t be…” she stood up, her muscles shifting as she rose, and leaned over me. The slap had her weight and power behind it and was seriously intended to hurt. It did.

    Jill and Eve gave me time to recover. I was crying and begging them to stop, trying to tell them I’d really had enough. Jill ignored me and took the dice. Rolled it.

    “OK…a One! 1. 20 slow strokes, one punch. You’re being a bit lucky at the moment, aren’t you? Don’t worry…it won’t last!” She looked at Eve and they laughed.

    Jill wrapped her hand round my penis and gave it twenty slow and sensual strokes, taking her time, making that tantalising feeling grow. She wanted it to feel good. It did. Then she stopped and I groaned.

    She laughed, shifted her position, and tapped me in the balls with her fist. I was expecting something more vicious, and though it hurt I was grateful for her restraint.

    Eve was rolling the dice again. This was unrelenting.

    “A Three! Let’s have a look…hmmmm…3. Play with penis for 30 seconds. Does this mean doing nice stuff, Jill?”

    Jill looked at me.

    “Yeah. For now…I suppose…” I was grateful for her mercy

    Eve sighed, but began working on my penis gently.

    “Do you think I’m attractive? I think muscular girls with big tits turn you on, don’t they?”

    She had my answer in her hands. I glanced guiltily at Jill. Her expression was unreadable. Her finger was between her legs. It was her turn next. She was looking like she was going to hurt me, if the dice allowed it. Eve carried on teasing me with her strong, capable fingers, and then stopped, leaving my penis dribbling in un-fulfilment.

    Jill took the dice.

    “Four! 4. Be rough with penis for 30 seconds. I think I’d better wait till you’ve calmed down a bit. Don’t want you coming, do we, sweetie?”

    They laughed. Jill waited. Then she flexed her fingers and dug her nails into my penis, pinching and clawing it. I squirmed in pain. Then she grabbed the base of my penis tightly and began slapping it hard with her other hand. She stopped. My penis felt like it was burning, but was still fully hard.

    “OK Eve! Your turn again!”

    Eve rolled the dice.

    to be continued...

  7. #7
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    Skweezeme's story, continued

    “A One again! Make the most of it while you can!”

    She took my sore penis in her big hand and, in a matter of seconds, massaged it to full erection again. Then she counted off twenty excruciatingly slow strokes, increasing my arousal. She smiled and balled her hand into a large fist, positioning herself to strike.

    “Jill, you might need to cover his mouth. He’s going to scream!!”

    My wife laughed and covered my mouth with her hands, pressing down. I could just breathe through my nose.

    Eve pulled her arm back, muscles bunching, and then she unleashed the blow. It felt like being hit by a cannonball. The impact drove me down into the mattress with its force, and the pain was sharp and shocking. Then the gut-wrenching ball-ache welled up. My screams were muffled by Jill’s hands. They both climbed off me, laughing.

    “OK! Last one off this list coming up. Then it gets a bit more fun! For us!”

    She rolled the dice. I was still retching in pain.

    “Two again! Ah well. Your luck won’t last, you know!

    She took my penis and gave it twenty perfunctory strokes, then slapped my balls hard. She quickly covered my mouth again as I screamed in pain, my balls still throbbing from Eve’s former punch.

    “OK, Eve, let’s see what’s next!” She rearranged the lists. I knew the next list upped the ante. They were going to enjoy hurting me more. I begged for mercy, but they ignored me.

    “I’ll go first this time” Jill rolled the dice.

    “A One!” She consulted the list. “Hmm…your luck’s still holding out. In a way!” Eve looked puzzled, so Jill showed her the list. Eve looked at me and smiled as she thought of something.

    “How about if I give him something special to look at while you do it?” She looked at me seductively.

    “I think you’re a cruel bitch, Eve! Wonderful!” They laughed together.
    Jill took my scratched and sore penis in hand again. I had no idea what was on the list, what she was going to do to me. She began caressing it gently. It responded immediately under her soft touch. Despite my predicament, I felt an orgasm growing. I tried to hide the signs, hoping to get the release my body needed. But then Eve began unfastening her bra and I couldn’t hide a gasp of pleasure and surprise.

    Jill laughed and stopped stroking, still holding me, leaving me trembling on the edge of orgasm.

    “Shall we make him come?”

    Eve released her breasts and threw the bra to one side.

    “Hmmm…maybe! Maybe not! It’s up to you…”

    Jill gave my penis a couple of slow strokes that had me straining at my bonds. She looked at the clock and smiled. She nodded to Eve who began playing with her engorged nipples, causing them to harden even more. Jill continued to play with my penis, keeping me on the edge of sexual desire and sexual frustration. Eve began lifting and fondling her breasts, moaning with pleasure.

    I was groaning in frustration and was thrashing in Jill’s hands. Sometimes she’d let go and wait for me to settle down a bit. Then she’d start teasing me again, while Eve continued playing with her heavy breasts and big nipples.

    Jill glanced at the clock, smiled at me and released my penis.

    “Would you like me to make you come now?” she asked

    “Oh god, Jill! Yes please!” I begged, still staring at Eve’s breasts.

    Jill took me in hand again and began stroking me firmly and steadily. I gasped as the orgasm began building, and relaxed into the delicious sensation as it began to peak.

    Jill stopped and took her hand away. “Time’s up! Sorry!” They both burst out laughing. My penis was throbbing, but the orgasm was edging away.

    She picked up the dice and passed it to Eve.

    “I hope you get a chance to really hurt him now!”

    “Me, too!” said Eve as she rolled the next number.

    “It’s a Three!”

    Jill showed her the list.

    “3. 20 slow strokes, one punch, again? Boring!”

    I sighed with relief. I was expecting worse.

    Eve carried out the instructions mechanically but the orgasm began to return. Then the punch was like a piston driving into me. Jill danced to my side and covered my scream again.

    When I was partly recovered, she took the dice and rolled it for her turn.

    “Shit! It’s a one again! You bastard!”

    Eve sidled up to her.

    “Why don’t we just…forget about the dice stuff and just… have some fun?”

    The enthusiastic and sadistic gleam in her eyes terrified me.

    Jill laughed. “Steady on, Eve! We’re only halfway through the second list. We’re going to have lots of fun in a minute, aren’t we, sweetie?”

    For another few minutes I endured Jill bringing me to the edge of orgasm, then back down, again and again. But there was no teasing game this time. It was just physical. It left my body shuddering.

    Then it was Eve’s turn. She looked pissed off at the result.

    (to be continued...)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Crushee, fantastic storyline, got me going just reading it...what a great idea.

    now the proof of the puddings in the I will have to try this.

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