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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #1081
    Senior Member
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    @sunagwa regarding the nurse with patient pic above you posted... do you have others from that same shoot where she has cut it off with a hacksaw? I love the smile on her face in those other shots

  2. #1082
    Member Druid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunagwa View Post
    @ouch1 Absolutely epic. I've always loved the idea of a women just cutting off your dick and then seeing it destroyed in some way, never to return. Flushing it has always been one of my favorites. I love how the story gives the impression that the women is really enjoying it, giving it one last kiss, taking a pic and then recording the whole thing as you helplessly watch your dick disappear. Wonderful little story you have there.
    Agreed 100%. Well done.

  3. #1083
    Junior Member
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    Very nice

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunagwa View Post
    Here's a few more of my favorites. The last one you kinda have to let your imagination take hold on but I really like it. Maybe because I find her extremely hot. Pretty much all of these have a chick who seems rather please with whats going on. Sounded like it'd be right up your ally.

    Love this series of photos sooo much!

  4. #1084
    Big Supporter Pnek2me's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hardhotrod96 View Post
    best video I've seen with knife play
    better if they'd zoom past the flubber & into the action

  5. #1085
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    Quote Originally Posted by ouch1 View Post
    Here's one that's hot well at least to me it is.

    You are taking a leak in the toilet in a men's room, then a beautiful girl comes in, locks the door behind her and stands beside you. She watches what you are doing and she moves your hand away from your penis and she takes control. Slightly moving your penis while peeing you can hear her gasping and giggling slightly as she moves your stream all over inside the toilet bowl. Quite a few times she moves too far and splatters all over the rim and seat. Her difficulty controlling your penis is because you have started to get an erection.

    What do you all think? Any and all feedback is most welcome!
    Great story ouch. Keep this kind of work up and i don't see no reason why you shouldn't sale your stories.

  6. #1086
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    Great story !!!

  7. #1087
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    Thank you all - was hoping for more responses but its cool, again thank you all. Since LilShelly enjoys penectomy or penectomy fantasies quite a bit, I wonder what she thinks of the story? LilShelly, I would like to hear your feedback and don't worry if its negative feedback, its the only way I'll get better at writing future stories.

    Btw, someone said I could sell these stories? How specifically would I go about doing that? Depending on how complex it is, I may just leave them up here for all to enjoy for free and not charge. Question is, would anyone like to see more stories like this? One warning though, I enjoy the toilet quite a bit so they would revolve around that, no pun intended hehe.

    Thanks all

  8. #1088
    Supreme Poster LilShelly's Avatar
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    I like your story, it is sexy to hear it come from your point of view.
    The toilet ads a nice touch, if you want to see it go bye bye forever. But personally I would like to hang on to it, at least for a while. Just to feel it in my hand, keeping it for myself would be a long lasting euphoric experience. And then to have it preserved in a jar to show off, would be unbelievable fun. If I met a penis in a jar, I would definitely want to meet the guy it came from.
    More personal details about the fantasy. For me, he would be smooth and hairless. I wouldn't need to tie his hands, because he would be willing to give me what I want, but I could tie them just to keep them out of the way. It would be fun to take before and after pictures. Maybe less believable, blood would not be an issue, nothing more that a large band aid could fix. And most importantly, I would hold his penis in one hand, looking deep into his eyes as I chop it off with the other.
    That's me

  9. #1089
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilShelly View Post
    I like your story, it is sexy to hear it come from your point of view.
    The toilet ads a nice touch, if you want to see it go bye bye forever. But personally I would like to hang on to it, at least for a while. Just to feel it in my hand, keeping it for myself would be a long lasting euphoric experience. And then to have it preserved in a jar to show off, would be unbelievable fun. If I met a penis in a jar, I would definitely want to meet the guy it came from.
    More personal details about the fantasy. For me, he would be smooth and hairless. I wouldn't need to tie his hands, because he would be willing to give me what I want, but I could tie them just to keep them out of the way. It would be fun to take before and after pictures. Maybe less believable, blood would not be an issue, nothing more that a large band aid could fix. And most importantly, I would hold his penis in one hand, looking deep into his eyes as I chop it off with the other.
    That's me
    Always good to have the female perspective, I'm glad you're with us on this forum, you give a touch of joy. See an interesting video

  10. #1090
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    This is certainly determined.Look what the issue is and what xmistresxx answers, I put the idea of ​​having girls like her.

  11. #1091
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    I like the idea of a girl garroting it off during sex while its inside her then slowly pushing it out of her pussy using her internal muscles while rubbing her clit to orgasm... really loved the part in Teeth when she bites off her brothers cock and it falls out of her while shes standing in front of him. It would have been great to actually see that happen on film, but, alas it was left all to our minds. I hope they make a Teeth 2 and that it is TOTALLY unrated amd in your face. Granted that would only be for the penectomy fanboys and girls, but thats all the movie is aimed at anyway so why not go to town when making it in the first place, right?

  12. #1092
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    penectomy fantasy

    Well, as a guy I find the idea of a girl who wants to chop your penis off really, really hot, but its not something i'd want to become a reality. It always turned me on, and through my late teens I found that some girls would refer to carrying out the act , usually just a flippant comment if they were pissed off with some guy. everytime this happened it would get me thinking more and more that some girls have an inquisitive desire to emasculate a man for their own amusement. Some girls that have seen the idea as funny or cool, I have indulged by drawing them cartoons depicting them carrying out penectomies or castrations, but for the few I know who appreciate this, it is more of a humourous topic than a wholly sexual one.

  13. #1093
    Big Supporter Pnek2me's Avatar
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  14. #1094
    Big Supporter Pnek2me's Avatar
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    worst case of VD
    Last edited by Pnek2me; 09-10-2013 at 11:39 AM.

  15. #1095
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    Come on ladies

    I find this such a turn on,that a woman could *chop of my penis and leave my balls hanging there useless unable to cum just for her pleasure. But the fantasies don't go away, Am always thinking about what she'd do after the event when it's gone, what would she do when shes horny for cock?? Be unfaithful? What if she left me for a man with a penis, would she think about what's she'd done to me to get off?? And laugh to herself *about my living torture because of her.
    Would love to hear stories from ladies on this subject*

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