5:48 "look at your little dick, I could just bite it all off"
scissors action at the end
5:48 "look at your little dick, I could just bite it all off"
scissors action at the end
Es un video bastante bueno, pero ya se subió a este foro hace bastante tiempo y de hecho lo subí yo.He comentado que en la pajina de BALLBUSTINGTUBE he encontrado uno bastante bueno,se llama HOME VISIT.Mucha gente pasa de lo que digo,no digo tu ni nadie en particular, pero si la mayoría,supongo que es porque cuando escribo en ingles no se me entiende y porque si lo pongo en español algunos son demasiado vagos como para dar a la tecla de traduccion,no lo se.Saludos.
puede ser fastriker pero tambien cabe decir que no todos tienen la opcion de traduccion a mano de todas menras ese video del que habla si ya la habias puesto pero es que luego la gente no ve los post.
De todas manes son tantos los temas que ss muy dificil verlos como sea ya que saludos men tiempo sin ver algun comentario tuyo por aqui saludos.
Pues si pero ya ves que luego la gente solo usa la porqueria de internet explorer en vez de usar cosas mejores ni idea del por que de todas maneras te apoyo en tu decision fastriker por cierto te invito a que te des una vuelta por mi post si aun no has comentado ahi hazlo men se agradecera.
One fantasy ive always debated but prob could not full do, i just have to much fun with it =D
Mine was when my mother would catch me masterbating and would tell me if I didn't stop she would have it cut off
see if it worked... thought it was cute.
i have also 2 galleries about penectomy and ********** there =) hope u like the photos =D or should i post them here too Oo
Hi all I think I finally found the movie I have been looking for, it shows the scene I love (a lot of my cum has been flushed down my toilet b/c of this scene hehe).
I need anyone who can identify the name or where I can find this movie - -
Fast forward to 16:27 it plays from 16:27 to 16:45 Please I am dying to know the name of this movie!
Thanks all!!
The name of the movie is "Another Piece Of Romance". The movie has a total of 5 penectomy scenes and is definitely worth watching.
I have no idea how you found out that info but Many Thanks!! I've been on google punching in penectomy, toilet, flush penis down toilet, penectomy scenes in movies, etc and Never could find this or any scenes of it in google images. Can someone upload this so I can d/l it b/c its not on ebay or anywhere that I can find.
thanks again!!
I asked google for this title, and found a link. It's a bit more difficult than at times megaupload an others existed, but it took me only a few minutes to find it
Here you can find the links and password:
Works fine with me, just watching it![]()