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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #5296
    Big Supporter
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    Yes !!!!!!!

  2. #5297
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    giggles ok here goes it was going to be a continuing story but they didn't want one so hope you enjoy it. The title is the sage of Janice giggles

    Guess I had better introduce myself. My name is Janice I have served Mistress T as her personal slave for almost 15 years I am a male sissy slut and Mistresses live in lover. Mistress T has other slaves but I am the only one that serves her 24/7. I also serve as her bodyguard when she goes anywhere as she sent me to training for this a long time ago.

    I awake beside Mistress T and roll over and gently kiss her careful not to wake her and get up and puts on a bathrobe and goes in the kitchen and makes breakfast and places the food on a tray and makes a pot of coffee and puts a cover on the tray to keep everything warm and slips back into the bedroom and sets the tray beside Mistress T's pillow and gently kiss her awake and when she is awake enough whispers breakfast is served Mistress and she smiles at me and says “good girl” and sits up and I hand her the tray and sit on the bed and watch her eat and Mistress says slut go take your bath when I have finished I will join you. I get up and go into the bathroom and draw a hot bath and while it fills take the robe off and my corset and stockings and takes my ass length blond hair and rolls it up on top of my head and pins it in place and then climb in and let the tub fill the rest of the way. And relax as I await Mistress joining me. In a few minutes Mistress enters and climbs in and sits in the tub with me and I take a washcloth and start washing her from head to toe and when I have finished Mistress smiles pats my head and whispers Good girl Janice. As I dry her with a fluffy terry towel she says I have a show to do tonight I am going into San Fran to get the people I am gonna use so wont be around much today Janice so clean the house and then relax and have some fun just be careful with those damned toys you play with you know how I worry about that death fetish of yours. laughing she walks out of the bathroom and I drain the tub and clean it and put the towels in the hamper and slip into the bedroom as Mistress is zipping up her thigh high stiletto boots and she smiles at my naked body and says Janice and I know what she wants so I walk to her and kneel and kiss her boots and she says assume the position slut and I stand and spread my legs and close my eyes and wait for what I know is coming and wham I gasp and shake but stand as she kicks me square in the balls and then again and again and then she plays with them a little and whispers good morning my little pet have a wonderful day and walks out and I sigh in pain knowing she has left for the city and I feel sorry for whoever pisses her off today because when she does this anyone messes with her is going to regret it. I giggle and take the sheets off and remake the bed and then go in naked and do the dishes and then the laundry and realize its now 11 am and someone might come knocking so I go in and pull on a short skirt and a tight tube top and add a pair of heels and start dusting and then vacuuming and am just putting everything away when Mistress comes in.

    She walks in and doesn't look happy and has a young woman in tow kinda cute and sexy and says Janice this is angel she will be in my show tonight. I smile and wink and say welcome Angle make yourself at home, there is food in the fridge if your hungry and she says no I am fine Mistress stopped and bought us some food on the way. Mistress walks past me and into the bedroom and I make Angel comfortable and follow Mistress in and she is making phone calls and I hear her asking people if they want to do a show tonight and after about 20 calls she puts the phone down and cusses and I whisper whats wrong Mistress? She ignores me awhile and I gently start rubbing her shoulders and finally she says the jerk I had lined up for the show tonight backed out at the last minute and this show is special for a very dear couple I have known a long time. Without hesitation I whisper ill do it for you Mistress and she looks at me and says you would wouldn't you laughing but your mine I don't want to hurt you like I do in the shows Janice. I just keep rubbing Mistresses shoulders and whisper. Because I am yours pain is easily taken Mistress, This is important to you I can tell so I will do it if you wish. She just smiles at me and says ill think about it I love you and she kisses my cheek and picks the phone back up and starts calling again and whispers my slut go make us some coffee and give Angel some too . I stand and stop rubbing her shoulders and leave the bedroom and go make coffee and give Angel a cup and return to the bedroom carrying Mistress a cup and she is calling still as she takes it and smiles at me and says I want cream slut and I pull up my skirt and start jerking my dick until I am ready to cum and squirt my cum into her cup and she smiles and whispers thank you slut and grabs a pen and stirs her coffee and drinks it as I drink mine. Mistress reaches up and starts playing with my dick and when it is hard she points at the bedpost and says fuck yourself cunt for my pleasure and I giggle and climb on the bed and back up to the corner post and slowly slip it in my ass and start sliding up and down on it as she talks on the phone. Finally she puts the phone down and says Janice cum and I squirt on her command into my hand and she says eat it bitch and I lick my cum from my hands and eat it and she points at the bedposts and says oh 1 more call and as she picks up the phone says lick it clean bitch for Mistress and I do as she calls and pissed throws the phone on the bed and cusses and says Janice come and kneel beside me and I do and she says this couple we are doing this special show for are very dear to me they have helped me many times when I was in need so it ois going to be a particular nasty show as I have promised them their fantasies and it will be very painful . Do you understand that Janice and I look at her with adoring eyes and smile and say yes Mistress I am yours to do with as you please you know that giggling and I kiss her hand and she bends and kisses the top of my head.

    Then Mistress grabs my hair and pulls my face close to hers and whispers very quietly tonight slut you will feel pain like you never have and that includes that two week period when I beat you everyday until you couldn't walk and I told you something then what was it slut. If I ever fuck something up again that you care about deeply you will kill me next time, Mistress, I answer trembling. Mistress looks me in the eye and say this is one of those times where that applies slut understand I gulp and trembling remembering the two weeks and just nod and whisper yes Mistress. You slut will see things happen that will terrify you today and I expect you to just do what I say anyway. Do not embarrass me slut Janice understand and do as I say no matter what and I gulp again and whisper yes Mistress and then Mistress smiles and whispers if you do as I wish you will be rewarded for the rest of your life my love and she kisses me and then stands and grabs my hand and leads me to the bed and says lay down Janice I wish to feel your dick in me my love and I giggle and lay down and Mistress pulls my skirt up and plays with my dick and then slips it in her and starts riding me. As she rides me she smiles and says I suspected I was going to have to use you Janice when I found out he wasn't gonna do it. So I bought a special outfit for you for the show. Its similar to the one you had way back 10 years ago you know with the chains and I giggle and whisper oh can I try it on and Mistress says no I am gonna fill you in on something you will put it on when we get there but I want you to shower and shave your whole body and do everything as if you were preparing for me and then get dressed and and do your makeup and make a good show of it because the bathroom you are in has a camera and I will be watching with my special friends the cameras are in three different places and cover every inch of that bathroom and do not say anything to Angel about it laughing. Everything that happens tonight is gonna be on film It is part of their fantasy to be able to live it over and over. And Janice your fetish will definatly get a workout tonight many times you will think you are going to die and that's all I will say and slut cum all you want but you do as you are told under all circumstances or I will and she bends over and whispers I will kill you my little whore and it is said in such a voice I cum inside her and she laughs and smiles and leans down and kisses me and says go get your purse slut its time to go and your dressed fine for the trip and Mistress gets up pulls her skirt down and leaves the room and I grab my purse make sure my makeup is in it and add a couple things and follow her.

    I go out and get in the car and see Angel is in the back seat and Mistress T smiles and starts the car and starts driving and we go out of town and into the hills for about an hour and then pull of into a wooded area and up to a really fancy house and stop. We get out and Mistress opens the trunk and there is several packages inside and I and Angel grab them and Mistress leads us inside and the house is empty and Mistress says as she digs into the bags and grabs two Janice come with me Angel ill be back in a minute wait here and Mistress leads me down a hallway and opens a door and it is a huge bathroom with a beautiful tub and shower combination and a dressing table against one wall and a massage table against another she sets the two big bags on a dressing table and says Janice prepare as you would for me understand and the clothes you are to wear are in the bags instead of a shower take a bath and relax you have plenty of time. We wont be starting for a couple hours and when you are ready for the shaving and wish your ass and back done push this button and I will send angel in to help you understand and I smile and say yes Mistress and as she leaves I sit at the dressing table and remove my heels and then my skirt and tube top and run the bath and put my ass length blonde hair up in a bun on top of my head and climb in and scrub my body everywhere and then just soak a little while and then get out and dry myself and drain the tub and clean it and then push the button and in comes Angel carrying a straight razor and a can of shaving cream and a bottle of something and she smiles and says Mistress says I am to shave your body and assist you in preparing Janice hop up and lay on the massage table and we can get started. I smile and say sure Angel knowing Mistress is helping me relax for later and hop up on the table and lay back and Angel starts shaving at my ankles and works her way up and very carefully shave my balls and then my belly and chest not much to shave but she does it all to make sure and then she does my neck and face and then has me turn over and I do and she does the same to my back and legs and ass and then she says this will help keep it from growing back we put it on and rub it in all over you and it smells like lilac she giggles and starts rubbing it in and then has me turnover and does the front side even my dick which gets hard as she does.

    Then she goes to the bags and comes back carrying the corset and I smile as she tears the tags off of it and I hold it up and smile it is white lace with white metal stays and cup less but has chains that circle the breasts and three chains hooked to the chain that circles the breasts on each breast that go up to a white leather collar all the chains are silver and I see the sane type chains attached to the bottom as I put the collar around my neck and buckle it in place and Angel gets two white leather laces and starts lacing the back one from the top and one from the bottom and when the laces are all in she says now we get it to do its job Janice and she starts at the bottom and putting her heel on my ass pulls each lace as tight as she can get it as I feel it start to shape and form my body and halfway up the corset she ties the laces in a pretty bow knot and the she does the same from the top down and again ties the laces in a bow knot and sighs and says that's done damned you look good. She then starts on the bottom and she takes one of the chains hanging down and as I watch she slips a metal ring over one of my balls and starts turning a screw thing on the ring and I feel it tighten behind the ball and make the ball stand out and then she does the same with the other ball and then she slips a third ring over my cock and then starts sucking it until I am semi hard and she tightens that ring just enough to keep me that way then she says spread your legs Janice and I do and she reaches through and pulls a chain from first one side and then the other and attaches them to the rings and I realize that the chains she attached actually encircle my thigh and are tight and hold everything in place without limiting access to my ass and at the same time holds the corset down and tight and in place. I giggle because it feels sexy as hell and then she gets a pair of white seamed stockings and says put these on and I sit and pull on the stockings and see that the garters are chain also and attach the front garters and Angel attaches the back ones and adjusts them so the seam is perfectly straight and the tightens the garters and then Angel goes to the other big bag and returns carrying a pair of knee high white 6 inch stiletto heeled boots and say put these on Janice and I sit and slip them on and zip them up and they are tight and feel oh so sexy and I giggle again and she says come Janice sit at the dressing table I will do your makeup and I do and she puts on foundation and then she plucks my eyebrows and helps me put on false eyelashes then she does the eyeliner and puts on my lipstick and does all the other things to my face and then she lets my hair down and gets a brush and brushes it out until it is gleaming all the way to about 4 inches above my asshole she then goes to the bags again and comes back carrying a white opaque see thru mini skirt or I should say micro mini and she helps me step into it and pull it up and it is so small its almost just a belt and my dick makes a tent in it she goes back to the bag and comes back with a matching opaque white see thru blouse that zips up the front and I stick my arms through the spaghetti strap and she pulls it tight and zips it about two inches up so that it is loose and open for access to anyone that needs it and then she goes back to the bag and comes back with a pair of white satin shoulder length opera gloves that are fingerless and she helps me get them on and slip my middle finger through the loops and pulls the tight and then she goes to the bags and comes back with 4 red leather cuffs and she buckles one on each wrist and ankle. Then she leads me to the full length mirror and says check yourself out while I get mistress she wants to inspect you and slips out the door and I look inn the mirror and barely recognize myself. But remembering what Mistress said I stand and run my hands over my body and lick my lips because I look sexy as hell and giggle. I do this for a little while and the door opens and mistress enters and comes up behind me and checks me out and smiles and kisses the top of my head and says good girl Janice now hold still and she lifts the mini off my dick and plays with my dick as she whispers in my ear I may just have to kill your sexy ass just because you are so damned sexy beautiful and my dick is hard as a rock and she reaches down and tightens the ring tighter to keep it that way.

  3. #5298
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    She pulls a leash out and attaches it to my collar and says follow whore and leads me out and down the hallway and stops at the bags where Angel has waited and says Angel your turn go take a bath and get ready slut and she says yes ma'am and smiling heads to the bathroom carrying all but one of the bags and Mistress reaches into the bag and removes a small lock and pulls my hair out of the way and locks my collar on so it cant be removed and smiles and shows me two more locks and they are small but have property of Mistress T stamped into them and she smiles just so everyone knows whore laughing and grabs the leash and leads through the house and into a room with a man and six mistresses sitting around and watching a great big 54 inch screen mounted on the wall and I see Angel stripping and getting into the bath on the screen and Mistress T says this is whore Janice everyone she is here for everyone's pleasure but ask first and she leads me to the man and says as she puts the handle of the leash in the loop on my neck Whore turn around for the Master of the house slowly he has my permission to do anything he wishes to you at any time understand and you will call him Master whore I answer yes Mistress as I slowly turn for inspection and when I am facing him again he says whore you are a pretty bitch arn't you laughing and a woman walks up beside me and Mistress says this is the Mistress of the house whore and I also have given her permission to do anything she wishes with you understand and you will respond to her with yes mistress whore understand to whatever she tells you to do myself and her are your Mistresses tonight and Master is your master. And I do mean anything they wish to do they can whore and that includes killing your worthless whore ass understand and I gulp and say yes Mistress. Mistress adds the rest of the ladies here will be addressed as Ma'am unless you piss me off whore understand and I say yes Mistress and as I do the house Mistress grabs my balls under my skirt and squeezes them hard and I stand feeling the pain but say nothing and she says so this is the Janice you talk about as she looks me up and down, I can see why you have kept her to yourself for so long dear. Does she know whats happening to her tonight and mistress T says nope but she will do as told. The master asks does that worthless expendable piece of shit in the bath know whats in store for her and Mistress T says no laughing do you think she would have come if she did. He laughs and says Janice come to me crawl whore and I drop to my knees and crawl to him and he laughs and opens his robe and pulls out a 12 inch dick and says suck me whore and you had better be as good a your Mistress said you are I crawl until I am between his legs and take his cock into my mouth and start sucking while probing his pee hole with my tongue and slowly start sliding on his dick and sucking and after a little while he has grown to almost 15 inches and is hard as rock and then he says stop whore and I do and I feel my hair grabbed and I am pulled around and the Mistress says whore sit on his dick I want it all the way in your worthless ass understand and I say yes Mistress and slowly sit back until I feel the head against y asshole and I push until the head pops in and slowly sit until I am all the way on it and then the mistress walks over and pulls my skirt up and straddles us both and slips onto my hard dick and starts riding it as Master starts thrusting into my ass and I see Mistress standing watching smiling when all of a sudden my hands are grabbed by two of the other woman and held tight against the back of the couch and I see a clear plastic bag pulled over my face and Master tapes it in place tight and I cant breath and he says its time to die whore as he fucks my ass and the Mistress rides my dick as the air gets less and less in the bag and then I pass out and cum as I do into the Mistress and I just for a second feel the Master cumming deep in my ass and then everything is black.

    I slowly wake up laying face down on the floor and as my senses come back I can feel cum oozing out of my ass and I hear them talking and Master is saying that disposable cunt in the bath is a cutie I am glad you could get her for tonight and I hear Mistress T say well she was the one you picked out if the pics I gave you as Janice was for your wife laughing. I have been thinking about Janice for awhile and she is a great slave but she is getting old and I have been looking for a young one because I have thought a lot about doing this to her its a shame really but yes she is expendable for this you know you two are that special to me I would die for you. Then I hear whispering and then Mistress T is beside me and says waking up are you whore about time and she grabs the leash and half drags me to the center of the room and says okay ladies its time and a woman brings an angled horse over and faces it lengthwise toward the TV and Mistress grabs my hair and pulls me up and pushes my dick against the end of the horse and makes me lay along it lengthwise at an upward slant and one of the woman throws a wide belt around me and the horse at the shoulder level and under my armpits and buckles it tightly while I feel my legs grabbed and ****** apart and a spreader attached to my ankles ******* my legs wide apart and then my hands are cuffed together under the horse and then a harness is placed over my head and buckled in place and I feel something attached to the head harness and then I feel my skirt lifted and a hook is inserted in my ass and Mistress T stands between me and the TV and she is putting on a strap on a large 15 inch one and she says ladies whenever your ready you know whats expected as I feel someone shove a strap on in my ass and start fucking me and Mistress T walks out of sight and I feel the head of my dick being grabbed under the end of the horse and something ****** in the pee hole and then she whisper just a penis plug whore don't want any cum on the carpet laughing and someone giggles while I am being fucked and says cunt is drying herself and they all laugh.

    I look and see Angel getting out of the tub and drying herself and I watch as I am being fucked by someone as they take turns using my ass with different dildos as she gets a white fishnet body stocking and steps into it and adjusts it and slowly pulls it up her body and then over her ass and up over her titties and slips her arms through it and her finger through the loop on each hand to hold it in place and then over her shoulders and adjusts it so it is just perfect and then she puts on a zip front cup less corset also white and garters and stockings and a 6inch pair of ankle strap stilettos and then a lace thong white also and I feel another person shove a dildo in my ass as I watch as she pulls a very short tight spaghetti strap white lace dress on over her body and then short white fingerless gloves and I hear Master say laughing I so love watching a cunt primp and prepare herself to die and everyone laughs and then I hear the house Mistress say I loved watching the sissy do the same and again everyone laughs as I gasp as I watch angel do her makeup and brush her hair and then I feel the spreader being removed and the dildo leaves my ass and they unstrap me from the horse and I see Angel leave the bathroom and don't know what to think of what I heard but its a good thing I have a penis plug in because I felt myself let the cum go when the sissy comment was said and then Angel walks into the room and kneels before Mistress T and they undo the cuffs on my hands so I can stand again as I hear Mistress T tell Angel she is to also serve both Master and Mistress of the house and she responds and says yes Mistress. I hear Master make her do twirls and bend and crawl as Mistress grabs my leash and leads me out of the room and hands me a bag and say follow whore and I do as I am told carrying the bag and we go out a door onto a patio and down some steps and around to the side of the house where there is a big area with a roof over it and dirt for the floor and as we walk towards the roofed area I look around and there is a St Andrews Cross in the yard and several cameras set up around the place and I saw some with the lights on filming us as we walked to the roofed area Mistress stops in the center and says open the bag whore and I do and there is 2 large plastic sheets there and she says take one out whore and spread it right her and I pulls one out and unfold it and lay it under the beam and I see as I do that there are two sets of handcuffs bolted into the beam above us and as I spread the plastic out I also see there is two staked into the ground wide apart and after the plastic is down mistress pulls a knife from her thigh high boot top and slits the plastic over the stakes and pulls the cuffs through and then does the same with the other. Mistress replaces the knife in her boot and says as she grabs my leash follow whore and leads me to the St Andrews Cross and again has me lay out the other sheet of plastic and as I finish I am looking around and I see a big hole dug off in a corner if the yard and wonder at it when I hear Master laughing and everyone coming out side and around the house to join us as I am led back to the roofed area and as we get there master orders angel to get on her knees and suck his dick and she does and he just throws off his bathrobe and is naked except for his cowboy boots and a leather vest and all the other woman stand around and mistress leads me to a cooler and makes me give everyone except Angel a drink and then allows me to drink a sip of hers she smiles and finishes hers and says whore sit in the chair and I do and she pulls my skirt up and removes the penis plug and sits slowly slipping my dick into her ass and saying you have my permission to cum whenever you wish as long as you are inside me whore laughing as she wiggles a little on my dick as I watch Master grab Angel by the hair and pull her to her feet and lead her to the cuffs and puts them on her wrists as one of the woman follows closely with a camera and films everything he is doing and then as he drops to his knees on the plastic he attaches the cuffs to her ankles spread wide and stands and I hear him ask whore do you know why you were brought here tonight and Angel says to do a show Master and he laughs yes a special show you see I am a necrophiliac whore so we are going to film me as I kill your worthless expendable slut ass and then I am going to fuck you until I am satisfied whore and I can hear Angel,gasp as I also gasp and cum in Mistresses ass and I realize she is playing with her pussy as she is riding my dick and then as Angel starts crying and I can see her makeup running with the tears he walks around her slaps her ass and then her ace a couple times and then his hand shoots out and blood spurts everywhere from her throat and is running down the white dress as I watch her try to talk and cant and she tries to breath as he slowly folds a straight razor up and slips it back into his vest and watches as she slowly dies and I am cumming as I watch her die and Mistress is moaning in pleasure and shaking on my dick and I can tell she is in the throe's of orgasm after orgasm as I cum in her as she watches angel die and she keeps riding my dick hard and fast with her ass and I cant help it I am scumming and cumming and when she is dead Master walks to her pulls her skirt up and starts fucking her licking blood from her neck as he does and after a couple minutes he grunts and cums. One of the other Mistresses runs to him and sucks his dick and plays with his balls and in less than a minute he is hard again as two other mistresses let her arms loose and lay her on the plastic face down still cuffed at the feet as he jumps on her body and shoves his dick in her ass and fucks her over and over and over for so long that Mistress has finally stopped cumming and she leans back you liked that whore didn't you laughing as she stands up and reaches down and puts the penis plug in and grabs my leash and leads me closer and we stand and watch as he fucks her dead body until he cums again and relaxes and slips out of her body soft and lays back smiling and nods at Mistress as two mistresses undo the cuffs on her ankles and mistress leads me to her feet and says kneel whore and I do as she says Masters cum never is wasted whore lick it from her dead worthless pussy and ass and scared to death I just look at her and bend and start licking her dead pussy and when I have licked as much as possible from her pussy I grab her legs and pull the up and lick her dead ass of Masters cum and when I am finished I realize I have had a camera inches from my face and everything was filmed then Mistress reaches down and pulls the plug from my dick and says now whore fuck the dead bitch and I look at her and see her eyes and know that look and pull my skirt out of the way and stick my dick in the body and start fucking it and mistress says you don't get to stop until you have your cum flowing from her pussy whore and whore think about what just happened and the fact she was wearing white as you are tonight laughing and as it sinks in I cum and cum in the dead pussy and Mistress laughs and laughs and when I have finished she pulls me off and Master comes over and she makes me suck his dick until he is hard again and then he pulls out of my mouth and bends and breaks Angels jaw and sticks his dick in her mouth and face fucks her dead body until he cums and then stands and says okay I am finished with the cunt get rid of it so my wife can have her fun laughing as he says it looking at me and I am trembling in fear as a couple mistresses start to wrap the body in the plastic when Mistress says no whore will do that it wont matter oif she gets blood on her clothes now will it laughing and says whore wrap the body in the plastic and pick it up and I stand and pull the plastic over her seeing the cum dripping from her mouth and pussy as I wrap her in the plastic and roll it up and bend and pick up the bundle and throw it over my shoulder and Mistress leads me on the leash across the lawn toward the hole and it hits me what the hole is for and I realize I am being followed by a camera as I carry the body to the hole at the edge of the hole Mistress says okay set it down and unwrap it and roll it in the hole we are gonna save the plastic so I unwrap the body and pick up the plastic and roll it into the hole and when I watch it go in the hole I notice there are several bodies already in the hole and my face goes white and Mistress says white shows the blood so well don't it whore and I gag a little and Mistress says aww all chocked up are we whore laughing as she says leave the plastic we will get it after you laughing and I cum at her words getting a wet spot on my skirt and she laughs again as she leads me back to join the others.

    As we join everyone Mistress leads to to the house Mistress and hands my leash to her and I am trembling as she takes it and simply says dear stop shaking now and I cant and she laughs and says follow slut and leads me to the St Andrews Cross and says lay on the plastic cunt and I do and she laughs at the cum stain showing through the skirt and says ladies join me and all the woman come to the plastic as she pulls my skirt up and starts jerking my dick and sits on my face and says lick my pussy you worthless expendable whore and I start licking still shaking and they take turns jerking me off until I cum and they don't stop and the agony is so bad as my dick is so sensitive right after I cum but they keep jerking taking extra care to make sure the head suffers the most since it is the most sensitive and they do this while the camera films until I have come about 12 times and still do it but they see my dick jerking but no cum comes out and she laughs a lot of cum whore I know why T liked you so much now laughing as they had made me lick every pussy their while they did it. They step back and she says slut stand up and I do and she grabs the leash and says now stand at the cross cunt and I stand against it and she laughs and a stool is brought first I am made to put one foot on the stool and my ankle is cuffed to the cross off the ground and then the other foot and it is cuffed and I am

  4. #5299
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    holding onto the wrist cuffs so they first cuff one wrist and then the other and I am on the cross off of the ground and spread wide with my skirt bunched up above my dick and everyone leaves me there except mistress as they all walk away stays and says Janice you have served me well but you have gotten old and I want a young dick now so it is time for you to please one last time as my sissy as everyone is walking back with drinks and chairs and the Mistress stops and waits as Mistress says I do not want you to scream and I look at her and whisper never Mistress I was proud to serve you and will as I pledged serve you till death and she laughs and says good girl and steps back as the house mistress steps up and says ready to die whore as she takes a long sharp knife from her bot and starts running it over my throat lightly. and then a quick motion and I gasp expecting my throat cut but she cut off my blouse in one fast cut and then she starts running the knife around my nipples and the she runs it down the corset and I feel the skirt drop off as she cuts it off and my dick and balls are visible and she starts running the knife very lightly up and down the shaft of my dick and over my balls. And as she pokes my balls she asks Janice do you really want to know why you are here and this is happening to your worthless expendable whore ass and I gasp and say I thought I did know Mistress I am to old. The Mistress says No cunt you are here because for 15 years , as she pokes my balls your worthless ass has acted as if you are better than other slaves just because you can cum so much and we all have listened to Mistress T tell us how you think you are so special and that you seem to think as a slave you deserve special treatment and as she says this my mouth drops open but I say nothing I just look at Mistress and she stares back with that dark look in her eyes. And I feel so betrayed because I have never expected anything special and Mistress knows it but she is just glaring at me. The Mistress says we all got together and we discussed your problem and decided we had to find a solution we all discussed this your Mistress included and decided that you needed to learn and we came up with a solution you will live tonight whore although many of us feel you should just be disposed of forever. We have decide that your punishment should be one of two things and we will let you choose which it will be laughing and I wonder what these punishments will be as the Mistress states your first choice Janice is for us to ******** you and that way you will never have to worry about cumming again and thus you will no longer have a reason to feel special and of course you will remain your Mistresses worthless slave but you will understand you place and will be reminded as you look at your limp never to be hard again dick laughing. As for your second choice which we all prefer laughing is that we cut your worthless dick off and make you serve the rest of your worthless expendable life still having balls so you will feel all the urges and needs of sex but never be able to act on them laughing. We all feel this is the most just punishment because it will make you suffer every day for the rest of your pitiful worthless expendable life whore. So think about it you have ten minutes think about it and decide which would please her more and I am looking at Mistress with tears rolling down and ruining my makeup but silent otherwise knowing I did nothing to deserve this but accepting that I still love my Mistress who is watching me closely and walks to me and smiles and whispers I am happy with whatever you choose bitch and I gasp and look in her eyes and whisper and what happens if I prefer to just die Mistress may I ask for that and return to silence. She looks deep into my eyes and says after a couple minutes tell her that is your choice I am disappointed in you I expected you would be happy to serve me in any capacity . Looking at Mistress I just think as she turns away and walks to the rest of the people standing there when Master comes out and says has it made its mind up yet laughing and the Mistress says it still has two minutes to decide. I just look at Mistress and follow her with my eyes and finally make my decision not wishing to but I have and relax nothing I can do just accept it.

    The Mistress walks to in front of me and asks what is your decision bitch and I look at her and whisper ********** Mistress with tears running down my face as I watch Mistress and see no reaction and know I am a fool but I do love her and will serve her as she wishes forever. And mi watch as the Mistress turns and says well ladies ********** it is and a mistress brings a tray to the mistress and she takes something from the tray and I gasp as I feel the cut as it slides through the sack and then I feel the cut spread and feel a tug and then I pass out as she is slicing and I wake at an awful smell and an ammonia capsule has been broken under my nos and the Mistress says you will be awake for every minute of this whore I want you to remember this the rest of your life so the more you pass out the longer it will take bitch and I look at Mistress and just think about her and feel it but not as much as she finishes and then gasp as I feel the sac sliced on the other side and everything is done again and I hear Master laughing as he watches and then I notice that pictures are being taken of everything . And I am crying and then I feel and hear a snip and after a minute another and I see the Mistresses hand set my balls on the tray and then I feel several pricks lick ones and then she stands and smiles you are now even more worthless than you were before if that's possible whore and she says hold the cotton balls there until the bleeding has stopped all the way and she picks up the tray and walks away everyone except one ma'am leaves and follows with me still cuffed to the cross and the one holding my sac with cotton balls in her hand. After a little while even she leaves and I am left on the cross alone and just hanging there knowing I am no longer a man and am not a woman either and my life is changed forever and I have plenty of time to think about what has happened and yes I cry a lot actually knowing she not only has lied to these people about me but that she stood there and let them do this to me without a word and actually feels I deserve it.

    A couple hours later Mistress comes out walking toward me carrying a plate and a drink and stands in front of me and looks at me a few minutes and then pulls up a chair and sits and starts to eat and she says mmm this is good whore you know what it is its slices of your balls and my jaw drops and I watch her eat after she finishes she says calmly you do understand why this happened to you don't you whore and I look around and no one else is there and I say yes because you have lied to them for years about me until you had no choice but to put me on the alter or shut up. She takes a sip of her drink and says you really believe that whore and then says, yes, you do, you haven't a clue. I guess I will have to explain it to you slut as she comes and stands in front of me and checks where my balls were and smiles and says For years you have said you weer my slave but you expected sex in return that is not being a slave. A slave never expects anything in return for his service. Now you will not have that problem slut laughing, never again but you will still serve me but as a real slave because you now know you can expect nothing in return you are there for my use and pleasure and nothing else. Do you understand whore. I just looked at Mistress and I said yes I understand very well my love for you meant nothing did it ever and was never returned was it and she laughs and says ahhh but slave I do love you that is why I have done this to you instead of just killing your worthless ass. This way you learn thru my love that service to me is all you need as a slave. That manhood was stronger in you than you thought wasn't it I see you have been crying worthless. Well maybe this will help look at your hard dick as I loosen the cock ring as it will be the last time you ever see it hard whore as she loosens the ring and then turns and walks away and back to the house. Still hanging on the cross I just cry and realize whats ahead of me now and wish I had asked to just die .

    A little while later Mistress returns and she looks into my eyes and says you want to die now don't you whore laughing oh well and she undoes me from the cross and I fall to the plastic and as I lay there she grabs the still attached leash and says follow whore and you can walk and I stand slowly and walk behind her as she leads me to the roofed area and to the back corner and says stay slut and she walks away and comes back with the stool we had sat on earlier and sets it under the high beam and walks away and comes back carrying a rope with a noose on it and throws and end up over one of the high beams and pulls it until the noose is head high and she drops the noose over my head and pulls my hair out and says walk over and climb on the stool my worthless expendable whore and I look at her and sigh and says yes Mistress and do as she says she pulls the rope until it is tight and ties it off on a side beam and then gets a small rope and walks behind me and ties my hands together tightly and then takes the long end of the rope and ties it around first one of my 6 inch stiletto heels and says don't want you being able to move your hands now do we whore. Now whore if you wish to die just step off after I am gone you will spend the night out here or until you die if we see you hanging Master will get some more pleasure if you wish to serve me then you will be here tomorrow oh wait I forgot something and I watch her walk back to the cross and come back dragging the plastic and she sets it on the ground in front of me and says whore hold on and yanks the stool out from under me and pulls the plastic under me and then sets the stool down as I am strangling and grabs m,y ankles and puts me back on the stool and reaches up and loosens the noose just a little bit and smiles and says there if you do kill yourself well at least Master wont have to get dirty to have his fun laughing and she leaves. As I am still gasping trying to get air in my burning lungs and in a minute or so I see a red light come on on a couple of the cameras and know they are all watching. Guess I am in for a long night I have already decided to live with my situation whatever happens as long as I can serve her she never had any clue as to how much I loved her. So I stand and I am so sore as I watch it start to get dark where they removed the balls hurts so bad I cry a lot and struggle to stay standing and when its dark I see a flashlight come out and then a bright light is shining on me and whoever brought it leaves. Then it starts getting cold and then to rain but the roof has me dry but I am still very cold and shaking from the cold and my hands are numb I cant feel them and I giggle as I cant feel my balls anymore its so cold and just stand but pay hell standing because I am shaking from the cold. My whole body is numb now and I am in a daze when I see it is starting to get light and then it is daylight and it starts to warm up and after a little while I start feeling the pain bad and I am crying in agony where my balls were hurts so bad and all of a sudden I hear laughing and Mistress is standing there and she smiles and says see you decided to live slut. Thank you I just won 5 k I had a bet you wouldn't but alas now I have another bet and I had better win this slut. But first I have to check you out and she feels where my balls were and its like fire when she touches it and she smiles and says oh slut look at this . I said look down her slut choke a little but I want you to see your precious dick and I struggle to look down and as I do she laughs and says oh you got about 2 maybe three inches laughing no 9 inches anymore huh slut are you still proud. I look at her and whisper yes Mistress I am still proud because you may have taken it but I know it pleased you for 15 years so it may be small but it did what it was supposed to until now .she is furious I can see it in her eyes and she says well then since you love your Mistress so much then when I tell you to step off the stool I am sure you will whore wont you and I look at her and glare and say if that is your wish Mistress say so I will and she says wait a minute whore and she leaves. A few minutes later she returns with all the woman and Master and they stand in front of me and says step off the stool and die slut for your Mistress and I look at her and step off and I kick a little as I realize I cant breath and watch as she collects money and figure that's it its over as everything goes black.

    I hear wake up Janice and I feel a slap across the face and come on bitch don't you die on me and then the pain hits and my whole body is screaming at me and I groan and the pain is so bad my whole body is shaking and when I try to talk I cant my throat is so dry nothing comes out and I pass out again and then another slap and my eyes open and I see Mistress and she is smiling and I start to smile back and the pain hits and I start sobbing and gasping for air my lungs are burning my neck hurts my balls are screaming and I start crying and pull up into a ball in agony and Mistress slaps me again and says buck up Janice stop the crying my bitch don't cry and I cant stop the crying but do stop the groaning and she grabs the leash and says stand up and I try but cant fall back down and Mistress says then crawl whore and starts walking and I crawl very slowly and she jerks the leash and I fall to the ground in agony my neck is burning and I am moaning again and she stands and looks at ,e a minute or two and then says crawl slut and I get back to my knees and crawl and this time she walks slow and she stops and I look I am in front of a bucket full of water and she says drink slut and I start drinking lapping water from the bucket and with each little bit that I get down my very sore throat I feel a little better. And then she says enough slut or you will get sick that's the first drink since yesterday afternoon now try and stand up and I do and can and she smiles and says good bitch laughing and leads me to the middle of the yard and says stand still and wait slut and I answer yes Mistress and she goes inside and comes out with some tape and a 12 inch piece of plastic and she places it over my balls and dick and tapes it in place and says stay and don't touch that and goes back in the house and I stand there and then she returns pulling a hose and stands in front of me and says don't move slut and she starts spraying me and the water is ice cold and she washes every inch of me off and even sticks the nozzle up my ass for a second and then she takes a piece of cloth from her boot top and soaks it and tosses it to me and says now clean your face of all the makeup your whiny crying has it all messed up slut and I scrub everything off and as I am she reaches down and tears the plastic off my dick and balls and I gasp at the pain but am actually starting to feel better. She turns the hose off and grabs the leash and leads me out of the wet area and into the grass and says stand there and dry out bitch I will be back when I feel you are dry a nice sunburn will go good with that white when it dries out laughing and walks away and back into the house I stand there and after about an hour I am dry but she doesn't come out so I stand there and another half hour she comes out grabs my leash and checks my ball area and smiles and leads me into the house and stops in the room with the TV and everyone is there and says look at my little tiny clit my cunt now has laughing and everyone laughs and comes and inspects it and says well she sure wont get a big head over that will she laughing and the Master says now the cunt needs a pussy to go with that sexy ass and clitty laughing and Mistress laughs and says now that's an idea. Give her a pussy and stick her on the corner and make some money out of her and when she is to ugly we can do what we did to angel to her laughing. She pulls the leash and leads me to the bath area and says fix your makeup bitch you look ugly as hell. I start doing my makeup and Mistress sticks me with a syringe and shoots me up with something and she says you will get one of these everyday from now on whore understand and I ask what is it Mistress and she says its something to help with the ********** bitch so don't worry about it just accept it understand it isn't your lowly place to ask. I gulp and just say yes Mistress and then she hands me short tight strapless white dress and says pull it on whore and I do and go back to my makeup and finish it and she inspects me and smiles and says okay now grab the bags and I do and she takes the leash and leads me out and says I am talking my slave home now have fun everyone and let mne get a copy of the movies please and they say sure. Master and Mistress come and Master says if you ever do make this thing a cunt please don't forget me when its time laughing and the Mistress kisses Mistress and says thank you I enjoyed that so much I so love ********** bitches laughing and she reaches under the dress and pinches my little dick.

    To be continued:

    enjoy everyone giggles

  5. #5300
    Member saxson's Avatar
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    Wooow great story......thanks!!!

  6. #5301
    Junior Member
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    absolutely great

  7. #5302
    Junior Member
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    in the desert
    Uh, no offense, slavecherie100, but your stories could use some more punctuation marks... and past-tense... AND capitalization. Without it, it's nothing but a wall of rambling text.

    I'm a writer, myself. Frankly, it annoys me when my comrades can't even include basic tenets of written English.

  8. #5303
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    I'm a writer, myself. Frankly, it annoys me when my comrades can't even include basic tenets of written English.[/QUOTE]

    giggles Wow that good that you had to become a grammar Nazi well giggles my editor doesn't seem to mind that's the first rejection in almost two years. Of course the fact that my editor knows i am a self taught two finger typist might be why he understands it but as he puts it if i as an editor were to tell Shakespeare i wouldn't publish his works because his spelling and punctuation isn't correct for current standards i would be a starving editor .

  9. #5304
    Junior Member
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    in the desert
    Quote Originally Posted by slavecherie100 View Post
    I'm a writer, myself. Frankly, it annoys me when my comrades can't even include basic tenets of written English.

    "giggles Wow that good that you had to become a grammar Nazi well giggles my editor doesn't seem to mind that's the first rejection in almost two years. Of course the fact that my editor knows i am a self taught two finger typist might be why he understands it but as he puts it if i as an editor were to tell Shakespeare i wouldn't publish his works because his spelling and punctuation isn't correct for current standards i would be a starving editor ."

    I... I'm not trying to be a Grammar Nazi, I'm just saying that your work's a little hard to read. From what I've deciphered, you're a pretty good writer (probably), and I'm not saying you should stop posting here, but you also shouldn't rely on your editor to decode/organize your writing; doesn't really show your writing ability and annoys those who are used to properly formatted fiction.

  10. #5305
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    I... I'm not trying to be a Grammar Nazi, I'm just saying that your work's a little hard to read. From what I've deciphered, you're a pretty good writer (probably), and I'm not saying you should stop posting here, but you also shouldn't rely on your editor to decode/organize your writing; doesn't really show your writing ability and annoys those who are used to properly formatted fiction.[/QUOTE]

    Sorry i am a little touchy i have never had any formal training as a writer and my editor knows it no college or even classes as i am a full time live in slave to my Mistress and have had Mistresses since the age of 19. My writing is done with my current Mistresses Permission and did not even know how to type until she acquired me. She has been very generous and allowed me the use of this computer and has helped me to learn to type and taught me how to do many things many people have enjoyed all their lives.she has allowed me freedom to think and use my imagination instead of just being a yes Mistress slave but at the same time she knows that if she sneezes in the other room i will run to her with a cleenex. 3 years ago i would never have dared to even try to respond top you and i am explaining what i may know because Mistress saw my earlier post and was displeased and informed me to tell you this and truthfully if she hadnt i wouldnt.

  11. #5306
    Junior Member
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    [quote=RevonZZ;109295]Uh, no offense, slavecherie100, but your stories could use some more punctuation marks... and past-tense... AND capitalization. Without it, it's nothing but a wall of rambling text. quote]

    Actually, I agree. I can't read it. Its too rambling. Not the story; I can't get into it because the formatting of the text.. THough I would like to, its just not working for me. Too hard.


  12. #5307
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    OK, first lesson: Paragraphs.

    So, imagine you have written several sentences that describe an event, an idea, or a thing. Now, before moving onto the next thing, you bundle those sentences into a paragraph. Paragraphs may be only two sentences long (usually big ones). Or they can be several sentences long. No paragraph should have more than a few hundred words in it. Many paragraphs will be 100 words long or less. Your story should break up into pieces this small without trouble, if you think about how to cut it up.

    In written text (as in a book or a Word document), each paragraph begins with the first line "indented:" offset slightly to create a gap that shows the reader where it starts. When typing you would use the tab key for this. On Internet forums, where you cannot indent your writing, the custom is to leave a blank line (hit return twice) between paragraphs.

    Almost any published work, including cheap novels and newspapers, can be used as an example of how to do this. Even most long forum posts or fanfiction can be used for this. Look at what is being said, and how it is split up into different paragraphs, each of which expresses a single complex idea, just as each sentence expresses a single simple idea.

    You can even use this post as an example.

    If you break your writing up into paragraphs, it will immediately become much easier to read. A good proofreader or editor might do this for you, perhaps without even bothering to tell you. Although the way I see it, they'd owe it to you to explain, so you could do it yourself next time. Obviously, I think very differently from how you think, so you may not feel the same way.

  13. #5308
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    Thank you sir i will try and do it with the story and if i get it wrong please tell me

  14. #5309
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    Guess I had better introduce myself. My name is Janice I have served Mistress T as her personal slave for almost 15 years. I am a male sissy slut and Mistresses live in lover. Mistress T has other slaves but I am the only one that serves her 24/7. I also serve as her bodyguard, when she goes anywhere, as she sent me to training for this a long time ago.

    I awake beside Mistress T and roll over and gently kiss her careful not to wake her and get up and put on a bathrobe, I go in the kitchen and make breakfast, places the food on a tray and makes a pot of coffee. I put a cover on the tray to keep everything warm. I then slip back into the bedroom and set the tray beside Mistress T's pillow, and gently kiss her awake and when she is awake enough, I whisper, breakfast is served Mistress and she smiles at me and says, “good girl” and sits up. I hand her the tray and sit on the bed and watch her eat. Mistress says "slut go take your bath, when I have finished I will join you". I get up and go into the bathroom and draw a hot bath and while it fills take the robe off and my corset and stockings and takes my ass length blond hair, and I roll it up on top of my head and pins it in place.

    I then climb in and let the tub fill the rest of the way. I relax as I await Mistress joining me. In a few minutes Mistress enters naked and climbs in and sits in the tub with me. I take a washcloth and start washing her from head to toe, and when I have finished Mistress smiles pats my head and whispers "Good girl, Janice". As I dry her with a fluffy terry towel, she says. "I have a show to do tonight, I am going into San Fran to get the people I am gonna use, so wont be around much today, Janice, so clean the house. After you are done, then relax and have some fun. Just be careful with those damned toys you play with, you know how I worry about that death fetish of yours. Laughing she walks out of the bathroom, as I drain the tub,clean it, and put the towels in the hamper. I then slip into the bedroom.

    Mistress is zipping up her thigh high stiletto boots and she smiles at my naked body. She says Janice, and I know what she wants so I walk to her and kneel and kiss her boots. She says assume the position slut. I stand and spread my legs and close my eyes and wait for what I know is coming and "wham" I gasp, and shake but stand as she kicks me square in the balls. Then again and again, and then she plays with them a little. She whispers good morning my little pet, have a wonderful day and walks out, I sigh in pain, knowing she has left for the city. I think to myself I feel sorry for whoever pisses her off today. When she starts the day this way, anyone messes with her is going to regret it. I giggle, and take the sheets off and remake the bed and then go in naked and do the dishes, and then the laundry, and realize its now 11 am,

    Knowing someone might come knocking I go in and pull on a short skirt and a tight tube top and add a pair of heels and start dusting and then vacuuming and am just putting everything away when Mistress comes in.

    She walks in and doesn't look happy and has a young woman in tow, kinda cute and sexy and says, Janice this is Angel, she will be in my show tonight. I smile and wink and say "welcome Angel, make yourself at home", there is food in the fridge, if your hungry. She says no I am fine, Mistress stopped and bought us some food on the way. Mistress walks past me and into the bedroom. I make Angel comfortable.

    I follow Mistress in and she is making phone calls. I hear her asking people if they want to do a show tonight. After about 20 calls she puts the phone down, and cusses. I whisper whats wrong Mistress? She ignores me awhile. I gently start rubbing her shoulders and finally she says the jerk I had lined up for the show tonight backed out at the last minute.Janice This show is special for a very dear couple I have known a long time. Without hesitation I whisper I'll do it for you Mistress, and she looks at me and says, you would wouldn't you, laughing, but your mine, I don't want to hurt you like I do in the shows Janice. I just keep rubbing Mistresses shoulders and whisper. Because I am yours pain is easily taken, Mistress, This is important to you, I can tell so I will do it if you wish. She just smiles at me, and says I'll think about it, I love you, and she kisses my cheek and picks the phone back up and starts calling again.

    She whispers, slut, go make us some coffee and give Angel some too. I stand and stop rubbing her shoulders and leave the bedroom and go make coffee. I give Angel a cup, and return to the bedroom, carrying Mistress a cup and one for me. She is calling still as she takes it, and smiles at me and says I want cream, slut. I pull up my skirt and start jerking my dick until I am ready to cum. and squirt my cum into her cup. She smiles, and whispers, thank you slut, and grabs a pen and stirs her coffee, and then drinks it, as I drink mine.

    Mistress reaches up and starts playing with my dick, and when it is hard, she points at the bedpost and says fuck yourself cunt, for my pleasure, and I giggle and climb on the bed and back up to the corner post and slowly slip it in my ass and start sliding up and down on it. She watches as she talks on the phone. Finally she puts the phone down and says Janice cum and I squirt on her command into my hand. She says eat it bitch, and I lick my cum from my hands and eat it. She then points at the bedposts. and says lick clean.Oh one more call, and as she picks up the phone and calls I do as she told me to. She finishes and pissed throws the phone on the bed, and cusses. She says, Janice, come and kneel beside me, and I do and she says this couple we are doing this special show for, are very dear to me, they have helped me many times, when I was in need. So it is going to be a particularly nasty show. I have promised them their fantasies, and it will be very painful. Do you understand that, Janice, I look at her with adoring eyes and smile and say "Yes Mistress" I am yours to do with as you please you know that, giggling, and I kiss her hand and she bends and kisses the top of my head.

  15. #5310
    Senior Member slavecherie100's Avatar
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    how is that giggles

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