Can someone please re-up this clip, it has been taken down.
And thanks to Iron Horse for the topic. I am all for consensual bb and it is nice to see progressively harder blows in the build up, a scene which doesn't have a sadistic woman will usually suck. The best ball beaters out there probably have experience in causing varying degrees of damage, perhaps not permanent. And men who participate in the scenes should know there is a risk of real damage. I can't blame the ladies for wanting to break balls, I mean that's the point isn't it? The ones who fake it usually don't convince the viewer they are into the scene.
I have to point out there is a line between a consensual scene gone hard, and non-consensual brutality and assault. The latter isn't entertaining to watch and I hope people know the difference, and I certainly hope legal repercussions impress the difference on the opportunists (e.g. shefights) who think they can get away with anything on the back of a disclaimer or waiver.