I do that too, saving up for my GF whom I see twice a month. Blueballs for sure. Multiply x10000000000000000000000 if Lil Shelly gets a hold of you.
I do that too, saving up for my GF whom I see twice a month. Blueballs for sure. Multiply x10000000000000000000000 if Lil Shelly gets a hold of you.
les puede interesar http://www.geocities.ws/lisavee69/Penectomy
http://ballbusting tube.com/video/6112/ballbusting-penectomy-she-destroys-his-balls-and-cuts-his-penis
(remove space in link)
fun begins @ 40 seconds (brief but I like the knife sawing the cock)
I often fantasize about a minimum legal penis length. I know I'd be the first in line to have mine removed if such a law was ever passed. Seriously though I intend to have it removed when I can afford to have it done.
Man goes in hospital for circumcision and penis implant and has to have his penis amputated due to frostbite from excessive use of ice packs. No more suckie fuckie for this guy unless he is the one sucking of being fucked.![]()
Love to hear the nurses side of the story and why she kept packing his penis in ice for 19hrs??? She knew want she was doing,he probably pissed her off at
Some point so got her revenge lol
I personally think most if not all women would cut your dick or balls off if they could get away with it, I only have to listen to women talk about this subject and they all laugh saying they would.. Lol
I can see the penile implant but why the circumcision? What he has a younger girl who never see a dick with skin? Put on some european porno for her. Now he has what just a nub for her. Guess she will get some of his retirement for free now. Probably conspired with the nurse since it doesn't matter the malpratice you can't sue a military doctor or nurse. And we want this kind of medical care for all? Sorry for the political dig...
http://canibal.tumblr.com/page/54 http://canibal.tumblr.com/page/89 seguid viendo que hay cosas buenas
Me gustaron mas las de canibalismo que las de tortura genital pero esta buena esa galeria gracias por compartir compa saludos.http://canibal.tumblr.com/page/54 http://canibal.tumblr.com/page/89 seguid viendo que hay cosas buenas
After this recent article, this snail can amputate a part of its foot to get away from its prey. Now imagine, what new heights and excitement can be experienced, if the penis can be ripped off just like that and growing back within a week or two!
Penis sausages! You can suck your own penis, play with it afterwards, cut open to just see, how it works, pumping play till it bursts, trample it to a pulp, feed it to your dog, annoy your girlfriend by nerving her with waving it in her faceor give her a second live dildo. Show it off to others, if yours is well endowed. The possibilities are endless!
What are you thinking about it?
Was talking to my female colleague at work about this(not letting her no I love this subject) I asked her why she would do this??? She said it'll be funny to get it hard and when it was ready to cum cut it off so she could see the horror in his eyes(laughing)I ask what about the poor bloke,she said she wasn't bothered about him just her fun,anyway there's lots more penises out there she said.
I work in the city(London)she is so hot and her friends are as well.
I always try and bring this subject up and it never fails to get a response in this way. Love it
A pic of me finally getting to do it.
The happiest day of my life.![]()
It is a gift from vulkrypse, and it is perfect.