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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #106
    Junior Member
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    Huntington, WV
    Dang. That's a little more exposed than I'm into. I meant more along the lines of the heart, being in the ribcage, is not exposed; whereas the testicles, being in the scrotum, are. So dang.

    All the same, thanks for the sentiment.

  2. #107
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    I need to know

    Please excuse the length of this post, but there are things I need to know. I'm a submissive male with strong femdom ********** fantasies and I'm trying to understand them.

    In my fantasy I'm always dressed in a long sleeve shirt with my sleeves down and my arms covered completely to my hands in long sleeves, but I'm naked from my waist down.

    I'm strapped down helpless to an operating table by a group of beautiful dominant women. I'm the only man there and I don't have long to remain a male, the women are going to ******** me. The castratrix is my mistress. She is an especially beautiful and domiant even sadistic woman. She has her hair tied back out of her way and she is wearing a long sleeve shirt like a light blue chambrey or light blue soft denim long sleeve workshirt.

    She takes her place at the operating table to perform the **********. Looking me in the eyes, she rolls up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows. She rolls up her sleeves in a way that's casual and also The Goddess in control, and a little higher than to just above her elbows. As she does so she tells the other women just what she is going to do to me.

    She performs the ********** very very slowly, also very skillfully gently and omnipotently. It's obvious she wants me to survive the ********** at her hands.

    Throughout the operation the Castratrix describes each step in the operation to the other women, and they and the Castratrix talk among themselves about everything having to do with **********, what she is doing to me and why, what I will be and what I will be like when she's done and why I'll be that way. I have a huge erection and the Castratrix at one point masturbates me while she is performing the ********** surgery on me. Throughout the operation I keep looking up at the Castratrix watching and feeling her ********** me. I feel and experience all the things you would expect a man to feel and experience physically, emotionally, and sexually while he is undergoing ********** surgery performed by a very beautiful and dominant woman.

    She takes out my right testicle first, then my left one. The second half of the operation while she operates on my left and last testicle is more intense.

    Standing over me is this beautiful, dominant, sadistic woman with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows as she performs ********** surgery on me and my manhood is destroyed at her hands. Unable to resist her I worship her as Goddess as she cuts my nuts out and my manhood is destroyed at her hands, worship of her that will continue forever after the operation. Emasculated at her hands I become her very own personal eunuch slave and I will personally serve her and worship her as Goddess, and I will forever belong completely to her.

    What does anyone here think of this fantasy and the elements that make it up? I would especially like to hear from the women here about this because I need insights and guidance I can only get from women and a woman's perspectives on this.

    I know this is just a fantasy, but often there is something we are searching for through our fantasies. What am I searching for here and how do I find it, what should I do with this?

    Also, Are there women who have fantasies like this about ********** a man and keeping him as her slave? Are there women here who have actually performed any castrations even if it's on male farm or ranch animals? Please tell me about it. How you did it, which method you prefer. How did you as a woman feel while doing it, did you enjoy doing it? Have you ever done it by cutting the testicles out, have you ever done it wearing a long sleeve shirt with your sleeves rolled up above your elbows?

    I would love to find some photos or a video of a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows surgically ********** a male farm or ranch animal like a pig. I would just like to see a woman cutting a male's nuts out for real to know what that looks like.

    Is there a woman who would really do this to me for real? If you knew you could really get away with it would you do it to me for real? If so please tell me why and how you would do it. Please describe what you look like. Describe the shirt you would wear and how you would roll up your sleeves. Describe the procedure as you would perform it on me. How long would it take you to perform the ********** on me?

    What would it be like for me while you're doing it? Would I feel much pain, would I have an erection, would I cum or would you masturbate me while you're operating on me, woule I have much bleeding, would I feel fear and panic? Would I feel sexual arousal? What would it be like for me physically, emotionally, and sexually while you are performing the ********** surgery on me?

    Most important, what would the rest of my existence be like personally serving you as your very own personal eunuch slave ********* at your hands and worshipping you as Goddess?

    There is a part of me that is very very afraid of this and that doesn't want it ot become reality, and a part of me that really wants it for real, and there is even a part of me that feels I would almost willingly lie down on a castratrix's gelding table and just submit to my fate at her hands, and even a part of me that just doesn't know.

    I know I've asked a lot of questions here, and I know how some of them seem. I'm trying to know and understand my ********** fantasy and the feelings I have because of it. I need and want to know. I hope others here will answer all the questions I've asked here, especially women, I need the thoughts, insights, perspectives, and guidance on this that I can only get from women.

    Thank you

  3. #108
    Supreme Poster Macra's Avatar
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    Swindon, UK
    Good luck to u dude; I doubt that any women here will have the time to indulge your fantasy (or talk about it). For a start ********** is illegal all over the world. It is also very dangerous for the victim. If you survive the actual insult then you’ll likely have psychological problems to deal with. I believe the eunuch suicide rate is very high – that’s got to be saying something. Check out if you haven’t already; it’s a fantastic resource and you might find others there to discuss your fantasy with. I believe there are a couple of women who’ll relieve you of your nuts in Mexico. However, it’ll set you back ten grand (USD). If you’ve got lots of cash and can travel further then the Far East is a good bet (Vietnam/Thailand) and will likely cost less. Why not just lop them off yourself, save the money and then have a great holiday? Alternatively, there are some good phone-sex operators in the West that will play out almost any scenario over the telephone provided you pay them well. Stay safe.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ouch.jpg  

  4. #109
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    seeks pics and videos

    I would love to find some pictures or videos of the following.

    1. A woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. There is just something to me about a woman when she is wearing a long sleeve shirt and she has her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. I would like to see a woman in a long sleeve shirt rolling up her sleeves, and I would love to see a woman in a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.

    2. A group of dominant women surgically ********** a man ( mock ********** scene ) especially where the man being ********* is wearing a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms completely covered in long sleeves, and the castratrix is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.

    3. An actual surgical ********** of a male farm or ranch animal, for example a pig, being performed by a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. I would just like to see an actual surgical ********** being performed by a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.

    I don't have any pictures or videos like this. Does anyone know where I might find some?

    I would also like to hear some women talking among themselves about ********** a man.

  5. #110
    Supreme Poster Macra's Avatar
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    BME have a bunch of ********** shots. Free sample shots below. Its graphic stuff - best left for fantasy as the reality is v messy!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails encyc00041-1.jpg   encyc00355-2.jpg   encyc00958-1.jpg   encyc01098-1.jpg  

  6. #111
    Supreme Poster Macra's Avatar
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    This lot should be enough to put anybody off the real thing. I hope they cure you.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails encyc01098-2.jpg   encyc01182-1.jpg   encyc01182-2.jpg   encyc01182-4.jpg  

  7. #112
    Supreme Poster Macra's Avatar
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    I'm more into the idea of 'play' myself. Best keep 'em so that you can use 'em again
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails k1.jpg   k2.jpg  

  8. #113
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    great Cruella pics...many I posted myself

    at various yahoo groups. share the wealth, Clancy, and don't be a hog

  9. #114
    Junior Member Cyberman's Avatar
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    The Tenth Planet
    We’ve been expecting you Mr. Bond.

    Up rather late last night weren’t you?

  10. #115
    Supreme Poster Macra's Avatar
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    Swindon, UK
    Well, well, well. A little nut-cutting talk brought Robin Hood out of Sherwood Forest . You're a long way from home dude. While you're over here stay out of Nottingham - we don't want the sheriff getting hold of you!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails c1.jpg  

  11. #116
    Supreme Poster
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    next to that other guy
    grrr how come i cant open the thumbnails anymore?

  12. #117
    Supreme Poster Macra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thatguy
    grrr how come i cant open the thumbnails anymore?
    Because this is your first post. If you made one before then it rather looks as if it was deleted.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails c2.jpg  

  13. #118
    Big Supporter
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    are there women who fantasize ********** a man?

    Are there women who have fantasies in which she herself castrates a man then makes him serve her as her very own personal eunuch slave?

    I would like to know if there are women who have fantaqsies about being a castratrix and I want to know about these women's femdom ********** fantasies.

  14. #119
    Supreme Poster Macra's Avatar
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    Swindon, UK

    Off topic

    Quote Originally Posted by Trouble
    The trip to Nawlins was a bust, 'though. I mean, no bust. none of the ladies I usually see there wuz home.
    Bush has just released a statement following his investigation into the
    New Orleans disaster - The blame is being put on a Muslim suicide

    ************************************************** ********************

    President Bush has asked for pop groups to stage a benefit
    concert for The victims of New Orleans however Katrina and the
    Waves have not been invited.

    ************************************************** ********************

    Mayor of New Orleans has denied rumours the Mar di Gras is cancelled.
    He expects a record number of floats this year on Main Street.

    ************************************************** ********************

    5 black men in purple dinner jackets & bow ties were found
    floating today under a pier in New Orleans, DNA tests later
    identified them as The Drifters. Rumour has it they were under
    the boardwalk down by the sea

    ************************************************** ********************

    Eric Burden & the animals are re-releasing their earlier hit, it
    begins "There was a house in New Orleans"
    ************************************************** ********************

    Hurricane Katrina, typical female! When she came she was warm, wild
    and wet. When she left, she took the house and contents with her.

    ************************************************** ********************

    Two planeloads of volunteers left Liverpool airport today bound
    for New Orleans to assist with the looting.

  15. #120
    Supreme Poster Macra's Avatar
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    Swindon, UK
    Anybody here into having their cock cut off?
    No, me neither!

    PS. I think its 'faked'
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails cut1.jpg   cut26.jpg  

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