Castratrix Aphrodite![]()
Now that's more like it![]()
Castratrix Aphrodite![]()
Now that's more like it![]()
::snip, snip::
Well, its more a threat I use than an actual fantasy.
First, I'm not always comfortable about my ********** fantasies, I guess because they don't seem normal in terms of what we would expect most people to consider normal. Oh my, what if someone especially someone I knew found out? so I do have some uncomfortable feelings about them. That's why with forums like this I often leave from time to time.
If you have not already done so, please go back and read my other posts on this thread and on the thread, "Castratrix".
I want to know what others think, most especially what women think about my ********** fantasies and the fetishes that go with them.
Very often we are searching for something through our fantasies and fetishes, and I feel I'm searching for something through my ********** fantasies and fetishes. What is it I'm searching for? Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas about that? I would appreciate any suggestions anyone might give me about that.
Something else I keep asking because I really need and want to know. Are there really women who have ********** fantasies, fantasies in which she herself castrates a man then keeps him as her slave? If there is a woman like this I wish she would please tell me about it. It would be helpful to me to know.
Are there women who have ********* male farm animals on a farm or ranch where she herself actually performed the ********** and actually enjoyed doing it? Are there women who have done that and on occasion imagined that it was a man she was **********? If anyone knows about a woman doing the ********** on a farm or ranch please tell me about it, I would like to know,
again, it would be helpful to me to know.
The reason I keep asking to hear from women about this is that I need insights into my ********** fantasies and fetishes, into women's fantasies about ********** a man, into all these things I've been asking about from a women's perspective. Women would have insights and perspectives on all of this that I as a man do not have, and I need that.
If you don't feel comfortable posting your answers and insights publicly here, then please feel free to send me a priavte message. I really need answers to my questions, and I need women's insights and perspectives on all of this.
Thank you.
Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet
You just did:
Originally Posted by LadyWI
If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!
Listen to the Troubled gentleman above. He has been known to speak some sense (occasionally).
Speaking as one who has a ********** fantasy myself, I feel well positioned to offer some insight here. First, as I’ve said before, its not very likely that the type of woman you're looking for exists outside of male fantasy. It is extremely unlikely that they exist here. Lets face it, with Sara’s departure, our female input here is somewhat diminished.
We have:
Sharon, who makes a living at this kinda thing and is far too busy to be going around thinking about loping off nuts.
Julie, a kiwi-ensnared scouser who is so kinky as to be into anything – except ********** guys.
Agnetha, who has never exhibited any castratrix-tendency
The new ‘Lady’ from Wisconsin
And Evilgirl.
I reckon Evilgirl is yer best bet but don’t hold yer breath.
If you’re seeking an answer then it is this Sir: You WANT such a woman to exist and you want to engage in discourse with her so that you can get off on it. Hey, I’d like to converse with her too* You are fooling yerself if you actually believe your motives are really any other than this.
Now the gif flie below is what I call a nut roast
*Please see my Dalek fantasy in the castere…castrix…causter…lady-ball-cutter thread
Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble
Hey, I only just realised that gif files would 'play' hereThe one below shows a guy losing wots dear to him one at a time
Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble
Here's one I prepared earlier.
Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble
Yeah... Evilgrl... Plus, she knows Snake Girl.
I say we start a new petition: if Evilgrl gets enough signatures e-mailed to her, we might get her to consider experimenting with ********** male test subjects.
If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!
The link below will take you to a realmovie of two women cutting open a guys ballsack and fishing out its contents. They then proceed to stick needles in his skinned nuts. Its fairly graphic and I do not expect that it will remain posted at rapidshare for long. Get it while you can you SICK, SICK people l
Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble
And here's some photos![]()
Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble
How kind of them to help with the banding![]()
Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble
Am I talking to myself here? Do you want more? or should I stop?
Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble
I think I'll answer that, since, as Julie18nz will tell you, I can't shut up (she complained that she asked me about a video editing pogram and it took me 108 words to tell her, "No").Originally Posted by Troubled
I look at these pictures sometims, but they really don't compare. My friend, the crazy older psycho chick, if she and I could agree on a photographer, I'd rather have a pic to look at of her busting me. Neither of us is going to win any beauty pageants, but, you know how it is.
She had a picture of my genitals on her refrigerator for a while. I thought, "Damn, woman, I have a mind, too!" Just kidding, I thought it was great. I think one of her kids must have dropped by when she had it up, 'cuz I can't persuade her to put it back.
But these photos, with the wacky outfits, and the bizarre situations in which testicles are bound and gagged, and the staged looks on any faces, it doesn't do much for me. I'm into BB because of the times when people just came up to me and did the proverbial It. (It would seem that my personality predisposes women to want to hit my testicles - unlucky for me at first, but lucky now that I am an addict.)
Some of them are pretty good, 'though, and I would encourage you to keep posting more just because I want to keep Julie18nz happy.
If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!
Thank you all for this fantastic pics! I'm so happy to know this board now! :-)
As its Julie you care about, I just stuck some CB stuff in Julie’s thread (see: ). She’s much more into cunt pain – especially when its delivered by pretty women. Hopefully, this’ll keep u happy by keeping Julie happy. I’ll leave off on the pseudo nut cutting as it doesn’t appear there’s much interest in it here these days (Bring back Jiggy!).Originally Posted by Trouble
Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble