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Thread: Furry Ballbusting

  1. #1126
    Big Supporter darkwing's Avatar
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    Sep 2008
    I guess you could call her a furry

  2. #1127
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2011
    Midwest USA
    Shit, I hope this chick means business.

  3. #1128
    Member SweetKim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Very cool thread! I hope to add some more stuff later on!

  4. #1129
    Big Supporter darkwing's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    This one is not too bad using Madagascar characters

  5. #1130
    Big Supporter darkwing's Avatar
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  6. #1131
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2012
    Nice finds

  7. #1132
    Senior Member
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    Midwest USA
    Yeah, how about Madagascar? There was ball busting in those films anyway.

    Plus a color of that bat I posted.

  8. #1133
    Big Supporter
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    beside a large rock
    Goddamn it, SagaDC, do I love your writing. You're a fantastic author, and your characters are awesome – I could read Kira's internal monologue all day. Especially when she's doing anything testicle-related. Here's hoping Rhaelyn hasn't seen the last of her talons, poor guy :P

    Here are two more Pokemon BB snippets, plus another MLP one! My pace on these snippets has slowed to a crawl, but I hope to produce some more in the near future. Keep the suggestions coming :)

    Also, if anyone's interested: I started a small independent forum specifically for furry ballbusting, which you should TOTALLY GO SIGN UP FOR. There's already been some excellent content posted, including some I haven't seen anywhere else. Check it out:

    Vulpix (F) vs. Lucario (M)

    It wasn’t the first time she’d held a male’s testicle in her paws – nor was it the first time she’d squeezed a gonad like she was juicing an orange. And yet as the Vulpix bore down, her thumbs sinking deep into the center of the Lucario’s nut, the female couldn’t help thinking that she must somehow be doing it wrong. Otherwise, wouldn’t he be begging for mercy?

    “Ohhhhhhh, fuck. You’ve got practice.” The male had long since given up on trying to stand – it was all he could do just to stay conscious as his opponent tried to scramble his egg. And yet the Lucario was making no effort to escape. If anything, he was encouraging his attacker, his hips thrust forward into her brutal squeeze, his arms folded behind his head as he watched the naked fox do her worst. “Ohh!

    The Vulpix grit her teeth as she adjusted her grip, but suddenly the rubbery sphere popped free, squirting out from between her fingers like a ball shot from a cannon. She could see the stab of pain that went through him as his spud reinflated to its usual round shape: the twitch in his leg, the tightening of his chest muscles. His eyes went unfocused for a moment, his lips parting slightly in a silent oh.

    Then her furry fist slammed up between his legs, driving both orbs into his pelvis, and the Lucario was silent no more. “Sh-...shit!” he squeaked, voice jumping an octave as the fox found her grip again, this time attacking both balls at once. His body shook as she ground his testicles together, his swollen spunkmakers rearranging themselves around her fingertips in an effort not to collapse under the pressure. And yet still, the male made no move to stop her. “’re stronger than you look!” he warbled, his voice high and weak, yet unshakably confident.

    The fire-type growled dangerously. “Do you want me to pop them?” she growled.

    “I’d like to see you try,” he shot back.

    The fox narrowed her eyes. “That can be arranged.”

    “Ohhhh...ohh! Oh ARCEUS!

    Umbreon (M) vs. Blaziken (F)

    Ten seconds later and they would have missed each other entirely – but it was just one of those days for the Umbreon. As he rounded the corner, lost in thought about tomorrow’s midterm, the male walked smack dab into the Blaziken from down the hall...still dripping wet from her shower, and wrapped in only a towel. Both ‘mon jumped in surprise, and the Umbreon threw his hands up in apology, accidentally knocking the towel from her body. His eyes widened at the sight of the female’s bare breasts...just as her foot came rocketing up between his legs in an instinctive kick, driving his family jewels into his throat.

    A burst of pain exploded in his groin, and the dark-type doubled over with a quiet squeak, falling forward – directly onto the Blaziken. His face landed between her breasts, and by the time the Umbreon realized just how much danger he was in, the fire-type had already drawn her leg back for a second blow. This time her knee crushed his poor testicles to a fraction of their usual plumpness, his left nut slipping out of the way, but his right nut taking the full force of the blow. It was a small miracle that the orb didn’t burst as it was flattened between kneecap and pelvis, sending a massive wave of nausea into his gut. His muzzle opened to make some cry of pain – and then the male’s eyes rolled back into his head as he slumped to the ground, collapsing in a heap at the Blaziken’s feet.

    “Perv!” spat the female, still fuming. She turned and stomped away down the hall, leaving the *********** Umbreon (and his two swollen testicles) for someone else to discover.

    Cadance and Shining Armor (MLP)

    Cadance looked at her fiancé with no small amount of irritation. “Are you disagreeing with me?”

    “I guess I am–ah!”

    The stallion suddenly looked queasy, his eyes going unfocused and his jaw falling slack. The unicorn’s horn sparked weakly as instinct kicked in, trying to cast a defensive spell – but then the foreign magic reached its intended target, and all the male’s resistance broke.

    Across from him, the alicorn princess grinned maliciously, her own horn lit with a malevolent green light. “Oh dear, are you getting another one of your ‘headaches’?” Casually she stepped around the rigid male, in order to better examine her handiwork.

    Shining Armor’s mouth moved, but no sound came out. Between his hind legs, his two heavy coltmakers were bathed in a sickly glow. The impressive orbs squirmed in his sac of their own accord, as if trying to retreat into his abdomen, but that did nothing to soothe the gut-wrenching nausea radiating from his groin.

    Cadance narrowed her eyes, and suddenly the skin around his gonads grew taut. The unicorn let out a squawk of pain as his left nut was crushed by an invisible force, his eyes watering at the sudden bolt of testicular agony. His gonad instantly abandoned its usual round shape and flattened like a pancake, as though it were being stomped beneath an angry mare’s hoof.

    Training for the Royal Guard had never prepared him for this. “Gyah!”

    “Feeling better?” asked Cadance, a smirk playing at one corner of her mouth. Already, she was probably doing permanent damage to the stallion – but a few more pounds of pressure, and Ol’ Lefty would be nothing but plum pudding. Briefly, she considered it...but the risk of blowing her cover was too great. Besides, there would always be time to grind his gonads to goo after the changelings took over Equestria...

  9. #1134
    Big Supporter
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    Oct 2006
    I always love to see new writing from you guys. If anything, it inspires me to get off my tail and actually finish working on my own writing projects. :P

    I've also noticed a slowly growing trend on some of the art sites - more ballbusting art, furry or otherwise. Hopefully this trend will continue!

    At any rate, I finally got around to polishing up a third part to my vaguely shaped fantasy story. A little trickier now, since it's moved beyond any of the original source material that inspired it. Still, I have some general ideas about where to go with it...


    "M-... me...?" Kira swallowed, hard, her eartufts drooping as she faced the accusatory stare of the panther lying in front of her. The gryphon's mind raced as she tried to think of a way to defuse the situation. Her tongue fumbled in her beak, as she tried to buy herself a few precious seconds. "N- now, hold on, this isn't what it looks like!"

    Rhaelyn snorted, his eyes narrowed and his own ears slicked back as he took in the scene. He had only just awoken, but already his adrenaline was pumping after having found a gryphon hovering over him. A glance downward only heightened his apprehension - no, that was an undestatement, it pushed him to borderline panic! The gryphon had his balls grasped firmly in her claws! He also couldn't help but note his erection, but given the presence of the sizable talons just below that he was really finding it hard to focus on sexual arousal. "Unhand me, you filthy beast!"

    Kira gasped at the panther's hissed demand, hurt by his tone and by his words. Her talons stayed right where they were, of course, carefully cradled about the male's delicate cargo as she clacked her beak with barely-concealed irritation. "Hey! Watch who you're calling a beast, you idiot! I'm trying to HELP you!"

    Despite himself, Rhaelyn was actually a little flabbergasted that the gryphon had responded. Well, no, he had been expecting her to respond, but not in his native Pantherkin beast-tongue. It was a bit accented, a bit sloppy at the edge of the harder inflections, but it definitely wasn't the screeching and chirping he had come to expect from the gryphons. It was almost enough to make him forget how angry he was. Almost. "HELP me!? You were hunting me!"

    "No you idiot, I was tracking you! I had to get to you before the Queen's hunters did!" Kira rolled her eyes dramatically, the talons of her free hand drumming against the stone of the cavern floor.

    Rhaelyn curled his lip, snarling back defiantly. "You attacked me!"

    "No, you attacked ME! I defended myself!" Kira narrowed her eyes a little, her muscles tensing. Could the beastkin really be this stupid?

    "You knocked me ***********," the panther grunted. His tone was almost petulant, as if he had begun to realize that he might have been in the wrong - although he apparently still felt the need to be difficult.

    "Yes, well, you stabbed me." Kira jerked her head back a little, gesturing toward the scabbed-over wound she had suffered on her flank. Fortunately the injury hadn't been a bad one, but it still got the point across.

    "Ah, well..." the panther glanced to the wound, then back to the gryphon's face. "You, ah... you hit me." He glanced downward, his body heating a bit as he blushed. Given his dark fur, it was almost impossible to see, other than at the pink of his ears and nose.

    Kira leaned in a bit, the tip of her beak hanging in the air just a foot from the panther's muzzle. "You lit me on fire." There was a hint of menace in her voice, but it was otherwise a dead-calm. If anything, that made the statement even more terrifying.

    Rhaelyn coughed, lightly, his ears skewed now as he fidgeted against the cold stone beneath and behind him. The entirety of the fight had firmly reasserted itself in the forefront of his brain at this point, and in retrospect the panther could certainly understand how he might have been in the wrong. Of course, he didn't really want to ADMIT that. "Ah, w-well... you, ah... you almost ********* me!"

    "Hmf," the hen grunted. "I still might."

    Kira flexed her talons pointedly, getting a better grip on those soft little organs that she had trapped in one hand. The heat of her grip had loosened the male's sac to the point that it almost felt like warm clay, so she laced her fingers about the neck of the feline's scrotum to trap his balls against her palm. She tried to sound casual, even though her mind was racing. "Unless you start cooperating, that is."

    The panther hesitated, his thighs tensed as he felt the gryphon's claws shifting against the tender flesh at his crotch. His muzzle worked a bit, but no words came out - his throat suddenly seemed impossibly dry. He briefly - very briefly - considered trying to pull the creature's hand away from his lap, but he really didn't want his genitals to go with it.

    The hen arched a brow as she carefully watched the panther's face as plaintive defiance turned into embarassment and fear. She could see his eyes furtively glancing at her clenched talons, and she could guess what he might be thinking, so she carefully increased the pressure on the male's eggs. Not hard enough to hurt - not badly, at least - but enough to get his attention. " What do you say?"

    Rhaelyn blushed again, his whiskers twitching as he quickly averted his gaze. Suddenly it seemed important to spend some time studying the cavern wall, or one of the stalactite formations, or the frayed hem of his once-lovely shirt. He did his best to suppress a shiver as he felt those scaled fingers squeezing about his trapped glands, but he couldn't find his voice until the hen suddenly pinched at his left testicle.

    "Well!?" Kira sounded more demanding, this time. More forceful. She didn't REALLY want to hurt the panther, despite what that little voice at the back of her head was telling her, but it seemed to be the only way to get through to him.

    The panther choked in response, ears slicked back and his lips briefly curled at the twinge of pain that shot into his abdomen. That pinch was all it took to bring all his memories of the testicular trauma he had suffered flooding back to the forefront of his mind. "Ah, okay!" he mewled, his voice cracked and lilting toward the soprano. "Gods damn it, I said okay! Just let go of my balls!"

    Kira did her best to suppress an evil little smirk, her head tilting to the side to obscure at least one corner of her mouth. Sure, she didn't want to hurt the panther, but it was really hard not to laugh at his overly dramatic reactions whenever she did. She eased up on the pressure again, but her fingers otherwise stayed right where they were. "Let go? No, I don't think I'll be doing that. Not until I'm sure you'll cooperate, that is. You're very tricky."

    Rhaelyn squirmed a bit, even after the pressure relented, the pain lingering deep in his gut for several long seconds afterwards. What was worse, that pressure had rekindled that abominable ache that always followed in the days after being thoroughly racked. His bruised bits were doing their best to make up for lost time, throbbing with a faint but unignorable pain that dulled the panther's mind and made it difficult to concentrate. "F-... fine, okay, fine! Just don't, ng... don't squeeze them like that!"

    The hen beamed, her breast swelling with no small amount of pride. She had guessed right! All it took was a good grip a little pressure, and she had already coaxed the beastkin into a more cooperative and respectful mood. Still, it couldn't hurt to make absolutely certain he got the point. "You're sure?"

    The panther squawked in pain as the hen's talons pinched viciously about his right nut, this time, hard enough to cause the bloated flesh to bulge out from between her claws. His body went rigid for a split second, then convulsed against the stone wall as he reflexively bucked and squirmed. Only a quickly planted hand at his chest kept him from squirming free.

    "Ngh! Aah...! Y- yes! Okay! Stop!" Rhaelyn's lips were curled back in a pained grimace, his voice lilting even higher this time. His eyes were closed tight, tears of pain welling up at their corners, and his ears were slicked flat as agony coursed through his every nerve. He bit into his tongue to keep himself from crying out as that impossible pain redoubled for a second, but then just as quickly it was gone. Well, not GONE exactly, but it dulled as the pressure relented.

    "Good." Kira nodded, smugly. Her fingers unclenched, an eye dipping as she watched that abused orb slowly swell back into a vaguely ovoid shape. It almost seemed like magic to her. One little squeeze and the panther already seemed eager to please. "And I won't squeeze them again, not unless you force me to."

    The panther panted for a moment, trying to regain his composure. The gryphon seemed willing to give him all the time he needed, so he milked it for all it was worth, squirming a bit and deliberately breathing heavily so that he had time to think of another escape plan. Sure, this gryphon might be telling the truth about being here to help him, but that was something he felt he would much rather discuss without the creature's talons wrapped about his nethers.

    "So." Kira spoke again, breaking the uncomfortable silence after a few long moments. It had been fun to watch the panther pant and gasp for breath, his body shivering and squirming each time she adjusted her grip, but now it was getting boring. "Can we talk like civilized beastkin?"

    Rhaelyn was mildly surprised by the hen's phrasing - it was rare for gryphons to refer to themselves as 'beastkin', although that's what they were by definition. The creatures were proud, and generally refused to be categorically lumped together with the other animal-like creatures that populated the world. "I, ah... I guess. For now."

    Kira arched a brow, her head slowly tilting to one side. "For now?"

    Rhaelyn swallowed, hard. "For, uh, for now. Unless you give me a reason not to."

    Kira smiled at that, the corners of her mouth curling upward. "Alright, that's fair. So, let's try all of this over again. I'll forgive you for the stabbing and the burning, and you'll forgive me for the little bumps and bruises-"

    The panther sputtered, his voice incredulous. "Little bumps and-"

    The hen squeezed lightly, very lightly, and the panther promptly snapped his muzzle shut again. "LITTLE bumps and bruises, all things considered. You should really be thankful for my restraint, Ser Rhaelyn. After the stabbing and hitting and burning, I really would have been entirely justified if I had crushed something flat."


    "I still might," the gryphon purred, interrupting the panther's bluster. She settled down on her haunches, sitting between the male's wide-spread legs. Her empty hand lifted in front of the panther's muzzle, taloned fingers curling into a tightly packed fist as if she were crushing an imaginary set of kittenmakers. "Depending on what you're about to say."

    "Hh... that's... that's fine, then." Rhaelyn reluctantly agreed, his voice hoarse and his ears drooped. "Consider it... forgotten. I, uh, I'm really sorry about..." He gestured vaguely, uncertain on just how he should proceed. "About all of this."

    Kira smiled wider, her beak gaping a bit to accomodate the expression. She was literally purring, now, the deep thrum of her content vibrating at the base of her throat, just above her sternum. "About... which part? Be specific."

    Rhaelyn scowled a bit, but he cooperated. "About attacking you, of course. The, ah, the stabbing and the magic, but it was an honest mistake! And besides, you won the fight, so if anyone should be apologizing here, it should really be you!"

    The hen laughed, a sound like a cross between chirping and hissing. Her head bobbed lightly, her free hand sweeping through the air dismissively. "Apology accepted. And yes, I suppose I'm sorry for thrashing you so soundly, even though you deserved it for not listening to me when I asked you to stop fighting."

    The panther snorted, faintly, muttering under his breath. "Yeah, right."

    Kira arched her brows, her keen ears catching the uttered comment. "I am, Ser Panther. I really am genuinely, truly sorry." She wasn't, really, but she was trying to mend fences.

    "Hmf, about which part? Be specific." The panther stated that part louder, since it was obvious that the gryphon had heard his earlier comment. He had moved past being scared or flustered, and now he was simply indignant.

    The hen was surprised at the male's minor show of defiance, and for a split second she considered pinching his orbs again. She quickly thought better of it, though, laughing again as she mused. "Well now, let me think. I'm sorry about the part where I kicked you in the groin, since I'm sure that didn't feel good. And the part where I struck your balls with the flat of my beak, since you really howled when I did that. Oh, and the part where I stomped on your balls, and ground them into-"

    "Okay!" The panther squeaked faintly, his eyes squeezed shut and his lip curled as if he were in pain. His voice was wavering again, like when she had pinched his soft spot, although this time she hadn't even flexed a finger. "Okay, I get the point! Move on!"

    Kira peered at the panther oddly - had she somehow hurt him by talking about his injuries? Did he actually feel pain in his memories? She filed that away in her brain for later exploration. "Yes, well, I'm mostly sorry for your mate, because you probably won't be having kittens after that fight."

    Rhaelyn flushed, hard, his body heating again as embarassment and anger wrestled in his mind. Still, now that he had thought about it, he really had nothing to gain from taking the gryphon's bait. The creature was obviously goading him. He grit his teeth and muttered softly, "Right. Well, I guess it's a good thing that I don't have a mate yet."

    Kira perked an ear, a bit flustered at that odd fluttering feeling in her chest. "No? Well, that's too bad." She didn't REALLY have feelings about the panther, did she? No, of course not, they hardly knew eachother! Plus, he was from an entirely different species, and a jerk on top of that.

    "Do you really think that I'd be tromping around in catbird territory if I had a beautiful bride waiting for me back home?" Rhaelyn practically spat the words out, shifting against the cavern wall as he found the strength to sit up a bit.

    The hen leaned back a bit, although she sensed that the venom in the panther's words wasn't really directed at her. Not this time. She was genuinely curious, since the beastkin seemed handsome enough. His fur was lovely, relatively speaking, and his features were symmetrical and refined - plus he seemed well hung, for a biped, although Kira certainly wasn't an expert in that area. "Well, why not?"

    Rhaelyn curled his lip, but he bit back his kneejerk response. It was an innocent enough question, and at least it wasn't another barb targeted at his manhood. "Because. I'm the youngest son of Clan fa Soren. Too important to marry whoever I want, but not yet important enough to be married off for political gain."

    Kira shook her head. She had heard a little about the politics surrounding beastkin marriages - especially the so-called regal beastkin, such as the lions and panthers - but it seemed a little silly. The hen decided that she really didn't have time to muddle through the intracacies of clan politics, so she instead opted to tease the male again. "Well, I guess you don't have to worry about disappointing anyone when I cart you back to Clan fa Soren. About how I rendered you sterile, that is."

    The panther winced at that, but he reached out to lightly shove at the gryphon's chest. "Ugh, shut up. I'm not sterile. I mean, I better not be, or no amount of low blows will keep me from thrashing you."

    The hen seemed amused at that, so much so that she didn't even bother pulling away from the light shove at her chest. Instead, she eased her grip on the male's balls, settling them back down between his legs. "Aheh, well, we'll see. Anyway, I'm not so sure about you being sterile, but at least you can still get it up." Her talons raised away from the panther's eggs, one talon lightly rapping at the side of his still-rigid length instead.

    Rhaelyn grunted, at that, relieved to feel those scaley fingers finally peeling off of his sac, but alarmed at the drumming of the gryphon's fingers. His hands shot down to his lap, shielding his nethers as quickly as possible - he could hardly tell when the creature might make another grab at them, after all! Of course, that made it hard to ignore the fact that he DID still have an erection despite all that he had been through.

    The feline blushed furiously, ears slicked flat against his head and his thighs closed a bit, although the hen was still sitting between his legs so he couldn't close them far. "Ah... tha- don't touch that! That doesn't count! You're the one who-" He paused, hesitant for a second as he thought back on things - he could have sworn the gryphon was licking or suckling him when he had first woken up, but he hadn't actually SEEN anything. Could he have dreamed that part? Best not to say it, just in case. "You're... the one who's been fondling me for the past half-hour!"

    Kira laughed again, entirely unabashed. "Yes, well, that was all business. It's not MY fault that you liked it so much. But hey, I had to make sure you wouldn't try to brain me again, and that seemed like the most convenient hand-hold."

    Rhaelyn groaned, faintly, as he blushed again. He was getting tired of being on the defensive, although he was thankful that the gryphon seemed to be far friendlier now. Eager to move away from the creature before it changed it's mind, he pushed upward against the wall to stand unsteadily. His legs quivered a bit, muscles aching, but he braced himself with a hand and managed to hold steady.

    "Hf. Nice, but you're not my type."

    The panther glanced downward, toward the seated gryphon, eyes going a bit wide as he realized her head was at the same level as his bared crotch, his apparently unending erection bobbing just a foot from her beak. His paws promptly shot back down to his lap, one covering his nethers defensively and the other shoving at the gryphon's beak - harder this time. "Ugh, shut up! I- you tore a hole in my pants!"

    Kira laughed, rolling back on her haunches as she pulled away from the panther's shoving paw. She flopped over backwards, her wings stretching carefully as she folded her forelimbs at her gut to feign mirth. "Ha ha ha! Oh, you should see the look on your face! You're really too high-strung, Ser."

    The panther muttered, fussing with his pants as he tried to find some way to cover himself. It seemed hopeless, though, since the entire crotch of the garment had been torn out. He shot the reclined gryphon a withering stare, lip curled. "This isn't funny. I can't just go traipsing about with everything hanging out, especially not in this gods-forsaken frozen waste. Where did you put my pack? I'll have to change."

    The gryphon remained on her back, smirking as she looked up at the panther. "Oh, did you have a pack? I didn't see one when I dragged you here."

    Rhaelyn frowned, staring down at the beast. "What!? Well, I-... where's my cloak, then, I'll just have to..."

    Kira laughed again, a taloned hand rising to her beak as tears of mirth welled up at the corners of her eyes. "You'll have to ask the bushes, Ser. It kept getting caught, so I took it off you a mile or so back."

    Rhaelyn scowled, now, his expression darkening. "Well, what about my sword? Is that here? Because I'd really like to stab you again."

    The hen snorted, her laugh cutting off abruptly. Head cocked, she fixed one bird-like eye on the feline standing over her as she tried to decide whether he was serious or not. "No, oddly enough I left it behind. I decided that it would be safer for both of us. Besides, I don't see what the big deal is. I'm not wearing any pants, but you don't hear ME complaining."

    The panther sneered, now, his glance flitting downward as the gryphon gestured toward her lower body with one claw. "Of course you're not wearing pants. You brutes are barely civilized enough to-" He hesitated in mid-sentence, his gaze suddenly locked at the crux of the gryphon's legs. "Wait, you're a female!?"

    Kira stared at the panther for a split second, incredulous. Shouldn't that have been obvious? And she really didn't care for the male's tone, either, but honestly- did she look like a drake? She had never felt so insulted in her life! 'Kick him!' that voice cried in the back of her head, 'kick him hard!'.

    "Fine," the hen growled to herself. "I will."

    "Fine what?" Rhaelyn asked, flustered all over again. It was an honest mistake, given that the gryphon was quadrupedal - no breasts, none of the distinctly femenine curves that the female catfolk had. Still, all of his interactions with the gryphon suddenly seemed a thousand times more awkward now, in retrospect, now that he realized that she was a she. Wait, had... had she been flirting with hi-?

    But that was as far as the panther's thought process got, before the hen's powerful right hindleg bunched and then flicked upward to launch her padded hindpaw viciously up between his thighs. His paws were occupied with trying to cover that ungainly erection, so there was nothing to stop the brutal kick as it thundered right up into the male's low-hanging sac and crushed it up into his pelvis.

    Rhaelyn managed a high-pitched squawk, oddly bird-like to Kira's ear, as her thick footpaw slammed home with enough force to lift the panther off of his feet. The blow was a powerful one, braced as Kira was against the stone floor, and her hind leg was deceptively long when fully uncurled. The panther was bounced a good three inches into the air, before landing right back on his feet - more out of feline reflex than out of desire.

    Honestly, his spry landing was unfortunate, because Kira clenched her beak shut with grim determination, squaring herself as she recurled and recocked her legs before launching both of them back up into the male's devastated nethers. The voice was loud, now, and so hard to ignore. It wanted Kira to hurt the panther for his insult, and to hurt him badly!

    To the panther, the first blow had passed in the blink of an eye. It had caught him off-guard, and he hadn't even finished processing the blow until he was in the midst of regaining his footing, his legs sprawled wide for stability. The second blow, though, that one he saw coming with dreadful clarity. He could see that oddly hurt look in the hen's eyes, and he saw her muscles tense as her shoulders and hips squared against the ground, but he had no time to react before her hindpaws impacted again with egg-scrambling force.

    There was barely enough room for both of the hen's paws between the panther's thighs, but fate conspired to make sure that they struck true. One heavy nut was caught by each of the hen's paws, the male's left orb quivering violently against his pelvis before it managed to squirt free between her toes, the right flattening like clay as it was trapped firmly between the pad of her foot and unyielding bone.

    The blow was enough to lift the panther a good six inches into the air, this time, and his legs were far too weak to keep him upright as he landed a second time. Instead, he collapsed bonelessly atop the startled hen with enough force to render her breathless. Fortunately, he wasn't in any state of mind to take advantage of his new position. In fact, Rhaelyn wasn't in any state of mind to do much of anything, beyond agonized whimpering as explosive pain raced through his every nerve.

    Kira wrestled with the limp male for a moment before realizing this, relenting after she realized that he wasn't fighting back. That voice was screaming at her to press the advantage! To slam her knee up into his groin again and again, or to reach down and twist his fingers out of the way so she could squeeze until he treated her with respect again. But... no, she managed to force those thoughts out of her mind, and the voice quieted.

    "Rrf... ah... Ser Rhaelyn, are... are you okay?" Kira carefully draped her forelimbs about the male, hugging him to her body as he shuddered and spasmed against her. His hands were plastered between his thighs again, his ears slicked back and his eyes closed tight as tears of agony matted the fur of his cheeks. He obviously wasn't okay, and that made the hen feel all that much guiltier about having given in to her baser instincts.

    "Ohh gods, my BALLS!" was the only hoarse reply she received, although at least it confirmed that the male was conscious. That was good, at least.

    Kira carefully rolled onto her side, her wing sliding out from beneath her before both wings folded against her back and out of the way. Rolling the panther out of her arms and onto his back, she clambered back up onto her feet before uttering a sigh. "I'm really, really sorry I had to do that, Ser. Really. You have to believe me! I just, you, I can't believe you couldn't tell I was a female!"

    Rhaelyn coughed and groaned, writhing a bit more as he half-curled against the cold cavern floor. He wasn't in any shape to talk so he didn't even try, instead focusing all of his attention on making sure that his aching balls were still intact. They had to be, didn't they? How else could they possibly hurt so much?

    The hen sighed again, crestfallen. It had taken so much work to get the male's cooperation the first time around, so how was she supposed to regain his trust now? Life was always so hard for her, and the panther wasn't making it any easier. Although honestly, life seemed kind of hard for him right now, too. Although... against all odds, he DID still seem to have an erection...

    Kira smiled a little to herself, prowling around the writhing panther again as she planted a taloned hand against the male's hip to push him flat against the ground. His hands were buried over his sac, cradling his bruised balls protectively and trying to knead them back to some semblance of life, but that lovely piece of meat was just bobbing there with thick rivulets of seed running down it's sides.

    "Well," Kira purred throatily as she ****** the panther's thighs apart and leaned in to nudge her beak against that length. "I really am sorry, Ser, so just lie back and let me help you feel better again..."

    That, at least, got a response from the stricken male. His hands stayed at his balls, but he did settle cringingly against the stone, his teeth still gritted and his eyes still clenched shut, but at least he seemed to get her meaning - and better still, he seemed to be cooperating again. Truly, oral really was the universal language of peace.

    With that in mind, Kira set about her work, dutifully mending fences and reinforcing the bonds of inter-species diplomacy. She could only hope that the panther had learned his lesson. Again. But still, the morning's interactions had been promising. The journey back to Clan fa Soren might still be a long and hard one, but all of a sudden she found that it just didn't seem to bother her as much anymore.

  10. #1135
    Senior Member
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    Midwest USA
    Oh hot! ~~~

  11. #1136
    Junior Member
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    You are a gifted writer.

  12. #1137
    Big Supporter
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    beside a large rock
    Hot damn, Saga! I've reread this latest chapter at least three times since you posted it. Forgive me for not commenting until this fourth read-through – the first three times I was a bit (ahem) "busy".

    Seriously, I love your characters and your writing and your scenarios and all of it. Kira's a wonderful tease of a ballbuster – giving Rhaelyn just enough casual abuse (both physical and verbal) to keep him in line, then giving him a hell of a wallop whenever he steps over. I like that she cares for him but is still willing to squash his plums to make a point.

    Anyway, point is – please please please keep writing. This was like an early Christmas present, it's so good :P

  13. #1138
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda, A1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by SagaDC View Post
    At any rate, I finally got around to polishing up a third part to my vaguely shaped fantasy story. A little trickier now, since it's moved beyond any of the original source material that inspired it. Still, I have some general ideas about where to go with it...

    Your story, SagaDC, was well worth waiting for.

    I look forward to the next enthralling instalment.
    Alec Anaconda

    Please click on book covers to read extracts.


  14. #1139
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    beside a large rock
    Mythical Pain/Of The Wilds posted a holiday special yesterday for his Dragon in the Dungeon series – it's got a few nice nutshots in it, as well as boatloads of fourth-wall breaking and other fun. Check it out:

    I've also been working on a new Dragon Slaying snippet with P'oiu and Lia, as part of a weekly challenge series on the new furry BB forum. This week's theme is ball-squeezing, and while this is still a rough draft, I thought it might make a nice Boxing Day present for the forum :)

    Let me know if you have any thoughts! I'm not sure if y'all enjoy these characters quite as much as I do, but I hope it's fun to see them again regardless :P

    It wasn’t at all unusual to wake up with Lia’s claws wrapped around my dragonmakers – after all, she was rather fond of the pair. But after a few months of living with a born ballbuster, you learned to tell the difference between “cupping” and “gripping”. And this was definitely the later.

    Sure enough, I opened my eyes to find the dragoness propped on one elbow beside me, still beneath the bedcovers but already wide awake. The look on her face was one I’d seen many times in the year since we’d become mates – a mischevious grin with a flash of teeth. That was usually the last thing I saw before Lia’s tailtip flicked up into my ballsac, or her foot slammed up between my legs, or any other time she chose to casually rack me during the course of the day (which was often). After a year of conditioning, the sight automatically made my balls start retreating into my body – though oddly, it also sent a strong throb through my member.

    This time, however, was slightly different. For one thing, the female had a very secure grip – my poor stones had no chance of retreating. And for another, there was something else in her look that was less familiar. Excitement? Nervousness?

    “...Good morning?” I said tentatively.

    “Good morning,” she replied smoothly. “Sleep well?”

    “Y-yeah.” I felt her fingers move beneath the sheets as she adjusted her grip, and I couldn’t help but swallow nervously. “Can I, uh...ask what’s going on?”

    Her grin grew wider. “I’ll give you three guesses, stud.”

    This sounded dangerous. “And...if I guess wrong?”

    The bed rustled ever so slightly, and suddenly I was wide awake.

    Ah.” It was only a warning squeeze, but it was enough to know that she meant business. “Got it.”

    “Good.” The dragoness scooted closer and pressed her naked body up against my side, so that her arm didn’t have quite so far to reach. She rolled my left nut carefully in her fingers, and my gut lurched as her claws dimpled the surface of the rubbery orb. “Then start guessing.”

    It probably would have been easier to think without a nude dragoness lying beside me, or without the threat of impending testicular agony...but there was no avoiding either of those things with Lia. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. “Um. Did I oversleep?”

    I felt the answer before I heard it. I bit back back a groan as a sudden jolt of nutache shot up my spine, my leg twitching involuntarily in response.

    “Wrong,” replied Lia, smiling sweetly.

    She held the squeeze, and after a few moments the sharp pain gave way to a duller throb. The ache spread slowly through my groin. I exhaled tensely. A year ago, a grip like this would have had me hyperventilating and begging for release...but after a year with Lia, I had learned to tolerate a little discomfort. (And besides, this was nothing compared to actually losing a nut.)

    Still, another wrong guess would make things a lot worse. I tried to focus. Why would she wake me up like this? It seemed important...unless she was just fucking with me, of course. Was I forgetting something? But what?

    Maybe...maybe Opal was visiting today. It had been a few weeks since we’d last seen the frog, and Lia did have a habit of throwing in a few extra nutshots when our friends were around. (At one point, Opal might have scolded that behavior – but ever since she’d seen my destroyed nut literally rebuild itself, Opal had grown much more casual about bashing up my balls. Much to Lia’s delight.)

    It was worth a guess. “...Do we have company?” I asked hesitantly.


    Lia’s claws tightened another notch, and this time I couldn’t help but moan. My toeclaws curled as the nutache spread further through my abdomen, nausea building in my stomach. Beneath the sheets, my scaly spuds bulged inside the female’s clenched fist, the poor orbs beginning to deform under the pressure. I could feel one of her clawtips digging into the center of my right nut – like a skewer trying to stab through my sac, or a needle about to pop a balloon.

    If it had been difficult to think before, now it was nearly impossible. I grit my teeth and fought the urge to pry her fingers away – I knew from experience that that only led to more agony. I had to be forgetting something...what was I forgetting? An important date?

    That didn’t quite seem right either, but it was my best shot left, and fuck was I eager to get her hands away from my huevos. “It’s it our anniversary?” I asked, my voice cracking.

    Lia was not amused. “Wrong again,” she answered – and clamped down with her full strength.

    I have to say: there’s nothing more nauseating for a male then the moment when your testicles lose their natural shape. (I say this as a guy who has gotten his balls bashed up more times than he can count.) Any time a girl slams her knee up between your legs, there’s a split second where your eggs are totally scrambled – crushed between your pelvis and her kneecap like pancakes. It’s excrutiating. And when your nuts are in a dragoness’s fist, squishing out between her claws like a pair of cheap stress balls – well, that’s a whole different league of agony.

    After all the trauma that my balls had survived, the rational part of my brain knew I was in no serious danger. But the irrational part...well, let’s just say that a pair of ruptured dragon testicles seemed like a very real possibility.

    “OKAY OKAY I GIVE UP JUST LET GO!!” My voice had jumped at least an octave – as it usually did when Lia was flattening my gonads to their limits. “FUCK, LIA, MY BALLS!

    “I’m not letting go until you guess!” she shouted back. She had rolled on top of me now, trying to keep me pinned in place as she crushed the spunk out of my jewels. (I imagine it was a bit like riding in a rodeo, with the way I was bucking beneath her.)


    “Oh, I wouldn’t be worried about that – your nuts are working just fine.” Lia adjusted her grip, and I let out a fresh mewl of testicular torment. “Otherwise I wouldn’t be looking at baby names.”

    My mate looked down at me expectantly, but with nausea and nutache clouding my thoughts, it took a moment to process exactly what she’d said. When I did, it hit me like a stomp to the groin. “You’’re pregnant?!” I squawked, in a mix of agony and disbelief.

    She grinned again. “You bet your balls I am!”

    The dragoness gave one last extra-strong squeeze – which sent stars through my vision – before she let my gonads pop out from between her fingers. Instantly I curled into the fetal position, hands flying to my tortured groin.

    Lia watched me with amusement for a few minutes, waiting as I moaned and groaned through the worst of the pain. Finally she moved closer, wrapping an arm around my chest and spooning me from behind.

    “So what do you think, dad-to-be?” Her bare breasts pressed against my back. “Good news, right?”

    “That’s...that’s wonderful,” I wheezed, claws latched tight around my sac. The orbs within were still sending waves of pain through my gut, protesting their mistreatment – but at least they were intact. “But why the...ohhhhh...why my nuts?

    “Eh. Call it a pregnancy craving. The first of many, no doubt.” She leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. “Besides – this is all their fault.”

    I just closed my eyes and tried not to throw up.

  15. #1140
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2012
    I like the characters and I can't wait for your next post this on was great.

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