¿quieress ver cbt con sangre? pues ponte las botas con esta chica sadica:
Y la parte 2 aqui:http://www.general-files.com/downloa...part2.rar.html
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpZSBoYUcgM - here you have a hot penectomy scene around 8th minute
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGk5A...57EA51388422BF - that one is great up to me
emili ha vuelto ha hacer de las suyas,amo a esta chica http://fetishcod.com/video/cbt-femdo...k-cutting.html
I've been a member for quite some time now and I have been searching for sites or links that maybe underground or not concerned that shows a woman or femdom that is actually biting off a man's penis or balls,,, so if anyone could help me in this matter here is my email michaelthomasbellotti@yahoo.com
little video compilation I found
nice girl, chop off ...
Very interesting artwork:
Nothing yet bro
Looks like you can buy a real plastinated dick from China. Pretty darn expensive for something they have so many of over there though.
If you have the bucks, it would make a nice decorative piece.
The cost is probably the processing. I wouldn't say that they really have a lot of such things over there. There is speculation that many of such items (including some shown in those traveling human body shows) are from executed prisoners - some being political prisoners- so consider whether you're okay with that before ordering.