scroll down and click on the burdizzos, some spanish script, some pics, some clips
scroll down and click on the burdizzos, some spanish script, some pics, some clips
Originally Posted by Troubled
Hi Sailor,
The servers still there but that site is gone.
Let us know if you come a cross any other good sites.
Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble
I asked for some more femdom ********** pictures and videos or video clips to be posted here on this site. I was asked what I have to give in return.
At The Eunuch Archive ( ) they have a Story Archive of ********** stories.
I used to be a member of Eunuch Archive and under the author name "Hereunuch" I posted 13 femdom ********** stories on the Story Archive there.
If anyone wants to go there and read any of my stories there, please do so. It might be interesting to know what anyone here thinks of any of the femdom ********** stories I wrote there under the name "Hereunuch".**********/
sorry about the first time
scrol down and click on the burdizzo's
Well the obsession with shirt sleeves confirms that those ere stories were definitely penned by your fair hand.Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet
..Hat’s off to ya,
PS. Where the hell did this sleeve thing come from anyways?
PPS. Check out Sailor's link above if it still works. Its jam packed with nut cutting
Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble
I don't know really where my sleeve fetish came from, I just know it has been with me for a very long time, almost all my life really. Even as a teenager I was never really comfortable wearing short sleeves, only long sleeves, but I don't know why or where this came from.
Also I've always had this thing about a woman in a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, but I have no idea why or where it came from.
Obviously the sleeve thing has lots of dominance/submission symbolism.
Me having my arms covered in long sleeves symbolizing weakness, inferiority, submission, being bound or restrained not able to move or do things as readily, the kinds of things we would associate with the male slave in femdom.
I seem to feel those things more when I'm in a long sleeve shirt and my arms are covered in long sleeves.
A woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows symbolizing power, dominance, superiority, supremacy, Omnipotent Goddess, in total control, free and unencumbered ready to work and do the job (in this cast ********** a male). When I see a woman with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows she does seem somehow more powerful, dominant, in control, and Omnipotent.
I don't know where these feelings and so forth come from, but that's how it feels to me.
I hope that answers your question.
Found an interesting site that has to do with **********.
It's a site with training videos from a veterinary college. One of the videos shows a complete ********** surgery being performed on a male dog. It shows the entire operation from incision through sewing shut the empty scrotum.
I got to it by going to Google Images and typing in cvm **********
I think the procedure in the video is being performed by a male veterinarian, but all you see is the veterinarian's hands, the surgical instruments, and the testicles as the operation is being performed.
Watching it I imagined it was being done by a woman veterinarian wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, and that she was ********** me.
I downloaded a closeup photo of a beautiful woman's face and enlarged so it seemed I was laying on an operating table looking up into her face and into her eyes, yes, imagining she was wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. I looked into her face and eyes for a few moments, then switched to the video. Just as the second spermatic cord was severed and the last testicle was cut off I switched back to the woman's face looking dire3ctly into her eyes so that I went from seeing the last testicle being cut off, to looking into a beautiful woman's eyes as if she was the one ********** me.
Your kinda woman...
Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble
Heres the address to a site containing movies mentioning ********** or ********** scenes:
In the stories I wrote on Eunuch Archive ( under the username Hereunuch, I tried to describe what I thought the man was going through and experiencing while the women were ********** him.
I would really like to know what others think. What would it really be like?
What would it really be like for me or for any man to be laying tied or strapped down helpless to a table looking up at a beautiful young woman watching her as she rolls up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows knowing that she is going to cut his nuts out?
What would it be like when she takes his balls in her hands to finish prepping him for **********?
What would it be like for him while she is ********** him? Would he have an erection, would he cum and what would that be like? How much pain would he have, would he feel sexual arousal, would he feel intense fear and panic, would he feel helplessness and hopelessness, would he worship the woman who is performing the ********** on him? Physically, emotionally, and sexually what would it be like for him seeing, feeling, and experiencing it as a woman surgically castrates him?
Afterword, what would it be like for him to be a eunuch and personally serving and worshipping the woman who had performed the ********** on him and at whose hands his manhood had been destroyed?
What does anyone think about that?
I would like to see a video or hear an audio where women discuss ********** and talk about ********** a man. To hear women talking about this.
I probably carry a ‘Y’ chromosome (although I have no formal karyotypic proof of this) but if I may comment:Once she got going it’d be pretty shitty. If you’re lucky she might’ve used an anaesthetic. If you’re really lucky she may have given you a high dose of morphine-like opiate – in which case you probably wouldn’t care so much.Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet
Well that’s gonna depend on the above but my guess is that without any kind of anaesthetic it'd probably smart a little. Lets look at this from a purely evolutionary/medical angle – your balls hurt so bad for a reason. If they get permanently damaged then that’s the end of the line in a genetic sense. They hurt bad cuz they are evolutionary critical. It’s no more than the flip-side of a fuck feelin really good. Its been designed that way as it is good in the genetic sense. Its also responsible for why foods high in calories (sugars & fat – or the ultimate mix of the two chocolateOriginally Posted by Castratrix's pet
) make us feel good. Things that were genetically good for cave man feel good. This whole thing got a little blurred when things that feel good but aren’t good (recreational drugs) were ‘discovered’. I digress. Bollox hurt so badly because they are indispensable to the continuation of species. Every nucleated cell in your body expresses human leukocyte antigen class I molecules that enable the cytotoxic T cells of the immune system to nuke it should it become infected with an intracellular pathogen. That’s every cell in your body except for those that are ‘immuno-privileged’. The cells of only two organs in the body are of such high importance to be in this category – the retina and the testes. This is simple because primeval men who couldn’t see or who couldn’t produce gametes were a genetic dead loss. These functions are so important that the body risks the cells essential to it being vulnerable to attack by pathogens rather then have them nuked by the immune system if a pathogen did get in. To cut what could be an even longer story short: bollox as so packed with pain receptors because they are genetically indespensible.
Sorry to get on one there….. to continue:No. He would not be able to maintain an erectionOriginally Posted by Castratrix's pet
Yes.Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet
It’s quite likely that she’d have very little interest in him. i.e. lose bollox = game over. As you’ll be well aware, there will be a considerably heightened possibility that he’ll be emotionally disturbed and there will much increased odds that he may go so far as taking his own life!Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet
I think its best kept as a fantasyOriginally Posted by Castratrix's pet
Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble
Apologies.I'm not sure what came over me there. Here’s some British pictures for u (as evidenced by the three-pin plug style on the wall). God bless the Queen and all that…..
Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble
There was this video called Roy's nut-hang with a mistress suspending him by the balls and then she pierces through them. I think its quite topical!
Anyone know where we can download it? Or perhaps post it here ?
there is the url...
but you must be member!!! it is free to become member! all you need is to... send them a video of you...