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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #181
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troubled
    That’s every cell in your body except for those that are ‘immuno-privileged’. The cells of only two organs in the body are of such high importance to be in this category – the retina and the testes.
    The retina and the testes? I doesn't know about Englishmun, but 'ere in America, that's FOUR organs!

    Luckily, I down't much care for retina-busting, but m'friends have rb (retina busting) parties and exchange naughty films about it and all that. Bloody perverts. Couldn't believe me ears at first -- blokes who enjoy getting kneed in the "balls" (obviously, they meant their eyeballs; I mean wot else could it have been, the balls of their feet? That I do not think!). 'Ere's a sample:
    Last edited by Trouble; 11-17-2005 at 09:04 AM. Reason: Bloody typos...
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  2. #182
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    I know there is something much deeper that I'm searching for in all this.

    Something I have said before is that very often when someone has a deep seated fantasy, like my femdom ********** fantasies including the strong sleeve fetish that goes with them, there is something that person is searching for through that fantasy, something deeper than just what appears on the surface of it.

    I have been trying to figure out and understand what it is I'm really searching for through my deep seated and strong femdom ********** fantasy, my fantasies of being surgically ********* by a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, then being made by her to be her very own personal eunuch slave ********* at her hands and made by her to personally serve her and worship her forever as Goddess.

    I have also been trying to figure out and understand what I should do to find and fulfill what it is I'm really searching for here.

    I would appreciate any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and so on that others here can give me on what I'm searching for here and how to find it. Again, I have never gotten many thoughts, insights, and so on from women. I would really appreciate some replies from women because I feel women can give me some insights that men cannot.

    Going to a mental health professional or "shrink" is not a good answer to find what I need to find and understand. Too often mental health professionals are too limited by some standard thinking and standard answers that don't really answer anything here.

    Probably a dominatrix who has experience working with ********** fantasies would be the best one to answer my questions.

    But I would appreciate hearing the insights of others on this, and again, especially from women and women's insights.

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I love ********** males.

  4. #184
    Senior Member Solonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet
    I would appreciate any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and so on that others here can give me on what I'm searching for here and how to find it. Again, I have never gotten many thoughts, insights, and so on from women. I would really appreciate some replies from women because I feel women can give me some insights that men cannot.
    I disagree. Your fantasy is about what’s going on in your head. What special insight can a woman give on that a man, particularly a man with a similar fantasy, cannot give. You are just searching for something to get off on. Its obvious that this is the reason you want to talk to women about it. Its time you admitted this to yourself and moved on. Why not just call up a phone-sex service that specialises in such things and discuss it with the woman on the other end of the phone?

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natali1970rr
    I love ********** males.
    Welcome Natali. I noticed this was your first post.

    You said you love ********** males. Are you a castratrix? Have you actually performed a **********? If you have please tell us about it. It's nice to know there is a castratrix here.

    To me, God is female and the Castratrix is God!

  6. #186
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Gr8 story...ny more of em

  7. #187
    Registered Member
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    i camt belive some of the pics on this forum

    some crazy shit!!!!

  8. #188
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    Talking Hard Candy

    Wow, I remember reading somewhere here about this movie-- Hard Candy (If someone's got links to that post or thread, i'll gladly apologize for this rant!) It sounds really...well. I don't know how people are going to react to it, I mean, I wonder if they're going to show her cuttin' that guys manhood. Ballbusting galore, only--it's on the big screen. It'll definetly give some wives a few ideas.

  9. #189
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrxwins
    Wow, I remember reading somewhere here about this movie-- Hard Candy (If someone's got links to that post or thread, i'll gladly apologize for this rant!) It sounds really...well. I don't know how people are going to react to it, I mean, I wonder if they're going to show her cuttin' that guys manhood. Ballbusting galore, only--it's on the big screen. It'll definetly give some wives a few ideas.
    This is the link to that post. But no need to apologize. I'm sure they'll be very tasteful and considerate, given that the issue is a potentially sensitive one. HA! Yeah, no way are they going to show nuts getting cut off; that would get the X rating so fast it would make the actress's skirts whirl. The movie sounds similar to Death Game. From the wayback machine:

    Death Game: (1977) Great knee as Sondra Locke teases the guy she's terrorizing about accusing him of statutory ****. HOT!
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  10. #190
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Dagnab! My link just takes you to the thread, not to the post. Okay, okay; I suck. Use the search function. Some poor underpaid programmer in India took a well-paying job away from somebody in the US or Europe to wrte that search tool into vBulletin, so you might as well use it.
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  11. #191
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    I would still like some idea of what it's really like

    I know I keep asking, but I really would like some idea, hopefully from a eunuch or a castratrix, of what it is really like for a man to experience being ********* by a woman.

    What is it really like for a man to lay there helpless on an operating table with a beautiful woman standing over him watching her as she rolls up her sleeves knowing she is going to ******** him and his manhood is about to be destroyed at her hands?

    What is it really like physically, mentally and emotionally, and sexually while being ********* by a woman? To look up at her and to watch and feel it as she cuts out his testicles and his manhood is destroyed at her hands?

    What would it really be like afterword if she kept him for herself to be her personal eunuch slave/pet ******* him to personally serve her and worship her as Goddess for the rest of his life?

    I really want to know and the best person to tell me what it's like would be a eunuch whose ********** was performed by a woman especially by the woman who is his mistress, or also a castratrix who has actually performed the ********** on her slave and made him to personally serve her and worship her as Goddess.

    I hope someone like this will answer me please. Thank you.

  12. #192
    Junior Member
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    Oh, hehe! thanks Trouble

  13. #193
    Senior Member Solonian's Avatar
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    Of no fixed abode
    I'm not sure what she's planning here
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 106.jpg  

  14. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trouble
    I'm sure they'll be very tasteful and considerate, given that the issue is a potentially sensitive one. HA! Yeah, no way are they going to show nuts getting cut off; that would get the X rating so fast it would make the actress's skirts whirl.
    It will be interesting to see what happens. When the film was shown at the Sundance film festival earlier this year . . .

    During one post-screening Q&A session, a man in the audience stood and, quivering with anger, read off a diatribe from notes he had written during the film. --

    And as mrxwins said, it is certain to inspire immitation. I remember reading a review at the time that said they did not actually show act. But since it is NC-17, anything is possible.

    Lastly, to add a bit of content, here's a link to a movie which also doesn't show the act, but will be of interest here: For good or ill, I haven't been able to find any copies of it available anywhere.

  15. #195
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    God is Female and The Castratrix is God

    I have an inner and personal spirituality that says "God is Female and The Castratrix is God," and this is part of what guides me in the direction I'm going.

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