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Thread: castratrix

  1. #31
    Registered Member
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SadisticSara
    I'd love to have a pair of real testicle earrings!

    - Sara
    Hey ma sei italiana x caso?

  2. #32
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    the ultimate castratrix

    Since this thread is about the castratrix or castratrices, a woman or women who ******** men, please describe in detail your ultimate castratrix.

    Hair color length and style, eye color, complexion, height, figure, approximate age, left handed or right handed, how she would dress, what her personality is like how she is as a person, etc.

    Is there a female celebrity you think would make an excellent castratrix or that you would like to be ********* by, perhaps a woman doctor from a medical drama on television, etc?

    If there is a woman here who feels she would make an excellent castratrix and she wants to describe herself please do.

    Since this thread is about the castratrix I thought it would be interesting to find out what members views and perceptions are of the ultimate castratrix.

  3. #33
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    Are there sites about castratrices?

    Does anyone know of sites on the internet about castratrices, women who ******** men and femdom ********** fantasies? Looking for stories, pictures, and videos.

    I know about and some of the sites on Yahoo. But are there others?

  4. #34
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    Re: seeks castratrix for marriage, **********, and permanent relationship

    In the forum in the thread "spirituality and religion in female domination" if you read my post of October 31, 2005.

    I think what I'm seeking through marriage, ********** and a permanent Mistress/slave Goddess/worshipper relationship with a castratrix is a form of something from certain very ancient Goddess worshipping cultures known as "Hieros Gamos" or "Sacred Marriage", where a man, usually a shaman or a man of some kind of rank in society was symbolically married to The Goddess through actual marriage to the High Priestess.

    In a number of those cultures the man who was married or united in this way with The Goddess was also ********* and his male organs and his male blood shed when he was ********* was sacrificed to The Goddess. The ********** and sacrifice was performed by the High Priestess to whom he was married, and the High Priestess was believed to be the living embodiment of The Goddess Herself.

    I think I'm seeking some kind of sacred union or marriage to The Goddess through actual marriage to a castratrix and ********** at her hands.

    What I think I'm seeking through that is to create and maintain the same balances and the same things those ancient cultures were seeking through those rites.

    Would appreciate any comments on this especially from women.

  5. #35
    Banned A Rill's Avatar
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    in space and time
    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet
    Would appreciate any comments on this especially from women.
    Quote Originally Posted by Julie18nz
    you should search for is a good shrink
    She has a point ya know.

  6. #36
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    I guess there are none here

    From the replies to this thread I guess there are no castratrixs here.

    I guess then that there are no women here who would like to roll up her sleeves and cut a man's nuts out then make him be her personal eunuch slave personally serving her forever.

    If my guess is wrong then please correct me on that.

  7. #37
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    If a man want to know what a castratrix would do to him, watch this.

    If a man wants to know what a castratrix would do to him and how, go to this site. I also got to it by going to Google Images and typing in CVM SURGERY

    It takes you to a video called "dog **********" which shows a veterinarian ********** a male dog. A man would be ********* the same way.

    The veterinarian in the video is a man, but I turned off the volume. I also found some photos of a beautiful woman's face. I enlarged them so her face took up the whole computer screen. I looked at the woman's face deep into her eyes, then I went to the video and watched it enlarged full screen imagining the woman was doing that to me. Just as the last testicle was cut off I went back to the photo of the woman looking into her eyes so that I went from the scene where the last testicle was cut off to looking into the face and eyes of the woman I was imagining was doing this to me. It was perhaps as close as you could come on a computer to what it's really like.

    Perhaps a castratrix could view the video and tells us if that is how she does it and how long it takes her to do a **********.

  8. #38
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    I want to be a Castratrix's slave/pet

    The more I think about it, the more I want to be a Castratrix's personal slave/pet. I feel my purpose in life is to be the personal slave/pet of the Castratrix at whose hands my testicles are surgically removed and my manhood is destroyed.

    Is there a Castratrix who would ******** and have me?

  9. #39
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    God is Female and The Castratrix is God

    I have an inner and personal spirituality that says "God is Female and The Castratrix is God," and this is part of what guides me in the direction I'm going.

  10. #40
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    Natali please answer my questions please.

    Natali please answer the questions I have asked here please. I really want to know how you do it and what it is like for the man while you are ********** him. I want to know what it is really like for a man laying there looking up at you while you ******** him and his manhood is being destroyed at your hands. Please. Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet
    I am seeking a castratrix for marriage and permanent eternal relationship of Mistress/Goddess and her slave/worshipper.

    I am a submissive 50 year old single white male seeking a beautiful young castratrix who will ******** me and have that kind of relationship with me for the rest of my life. Even a young woman on a farm or ranch who has actually done the castrations on male farm or ranch animals, has the knowledge and skill to do it, and would be willing to ******** me for real and have that kind of permanent relationship with me.

    I've thought a lot about this. I want to be surgically *********, to hav my testicles surgically removed at the hands of a beautiful young woman and to then serve her for the rest of my life as her very own personal eunuch slave.
    I her to perform the ********** like it is in my fantasies, me in a lone sleeve shirt with my sleeves down and my arms completely covered in long sleeves, Her in a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.

    If there is a beautiful young woman who would really do this please answer this. This is a very very big step for me so I need to know the following in detail.

    Please tell me why you would ******** me and in detail how you would do it.
    Please describe what you look like, hair color length and style, eye color, complexion, height and figure, approximate age, left handed or right handed, describe in detail your personality and what you're like.

    Please describe the long sleeve shirt you would wear to do it, describe how you would roll up your sleeves and how high above your elbows you would roll them up to.

    What will it be like for me while you are performing the ********** on me? Please describe what it will be like, will I have an erection, will I feel much pain how much will it hurt, will I cum will you masturbate me while you are performing the ********** and why would you do that and what will it be like?
    Will I be afraid feel total fear and panic? Will I feel sexual arousal and sexual feelings? What will it be like for me physically, emotionally, and sexually while you are performing the ********** on me?

    Please describe your ********** technique. Please describe in detail the procedure you will perform on me. Also, how long will it take you to perform the ********** surgery on me?

    Please describe what the effects will be, what I will be and what I will be like after you ******** me and why I'll be that way.

    Most important of all, please describe in detail what it will be like for me personally serving you as your personal eunuch slave? What will our relationship be like, what will it be like for me spending the rest of my life and existence personally serving and worshipping you as your very own personal eunuch slave ********* at your hands?

    I really want this, but like I said it is a very very big step for me, the biggest.
    If there is a young woman who would really do this to me I hope she will answewr this and answer all my questions here please, I really need to know and to hear from such a woman.

    Thank you.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ********** men, please!

  12. #42
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    I can't believe this. This is a BALLBUSTING forum. It stands to reason that if there are no balls, then no BALLBUSTING. If he wants **********, I suggest doing a Google or Dogpile search and leaving us alone. That would be a great Christmas present.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    hey natali i would like to have a chat with you

  14. #44
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary198
    I can't believe this. This is a BALLBUSTING forum. It stands to reason that if there are no balls, then no BALLBUSTING. If he wants **********, I suggest doing a Google or Dogpile search and leaving us alone. That would be a great Christmas present.

    You're by no means obligated to read his posts. If it bothers you so much, ignor it and move on. If it's not supposed to be here, it'll be handled. Otherwise, live and let live.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I to wish to be a eunuch. ********* after a heavy busting by the mistriss

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