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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #1741
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    Quote Originally Posted by srzl View Post
    One day il come on here and one of u kind folk will share a video of a woman grabbing a dick and using either a knife or scissors she cuts it off and plays with it. Obviously consenting adults. There's so much out there but little in the way of an actual video chopping a cock off.

    Perhaps even me. Emily always says she starts to like the idea more and more after each clip we make. We had a talk about it 2 weeks ago after another penectomyclip where she was pretty rough. She said the only thing stopping her is the risk. But she also stated that if she finds someone who would offer enough cash for such a clip, it would be the end of my penis.
    One day either someone offers enough cash, or she comes to the point that the deed is more important than the risk.

    Attachment 20338

  2. #1742
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    Well then, me thinks one day you will both be rich and the world will have a new 'extreme' video for the ages! One day...

  3. #1743
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    Not sure I will get rich . Would be nice though. Have a painful fantasy fullfilled and still get rich!

  4. #1744
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    The question now is. How much is enough cash? No offense to your penis.

  5. #1745
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pnek2me View Post
    This is a REAL happy ending

    Attachment 20326
    Just a note from a "skilled" photochopper:
    The left hand and the knife are obviously faked into the pic. Look at the upper edges of the hand and fingers.
    I like it anyway, because it "looks" quite real and the scene is nice.
    But of course it isn't real.
    All my manips:

  6. #1746
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartender80 View Post
    [...] She said the only thing stopping her is the risk.
    But she also stated that if she finds someone who would offer enough cash for such a clip, it would be the end of my penis.
    I thought the same thing when I read Srzl's post. I'm sure it's a way to go.
    So Srzl and others: If you want to see something like.., ähm well, like what you like, and you can't find that content to download from xxx for five bucks: Think!

    - There are people willing to pay for that content, including you.
    - There are men (some more than) willing to have it done to them, especially if it involves a nice young lady and a reasonable sane medical background.
    - As all known incindents show: Women ARE willing to do it. ->
    Quote Originally Posted by bartender80 View Post
    [...] either someone offers enough cash, or she comes to the point that the deed is more important than the risk.
    Go organize it! Get the ends together!
    I'm looking foreward on diskussing what "it needs". In what dimensions will you have to work?

    Why don't I do that myself?
    Well, maybe I will, at one point. But I see myself mor in the place of ..the victim, you know?
    All my manips:

  7. #1747
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    And, a little off from that, one more question to bartender80:
    Quote Originally Posted by bartender80 View Post
    Emily always says, she starts to like the idea more and more after each clip we make.
    I'm not surprised at all.
    But then..., well, frankly speaking, what are her feelings about having a dickless friend then?
    Does she like that idea?
    All my manips:

  8. #1748
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    Its not that easy. Because how would I know I would get the money when paid afterwards? And the other way around: who would ever pay upfront and just trust that you would go through with it?

    Especially when you just know eachother from the internet.

    It's not like I can just start a crowdfunding at kickstarter for this .

  9. #1749
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartender80 View Post
    Its not that easy. Because how would I know I would get the money when paid afterwards? And the other way around: who would ever pay upfront and just trust that you would go through with it?

    Especially when you just know eachother from the internet.

    It's not like I can just start a crowdfunding at kickstarter for this .

  10. #1750
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    Very good remark!
    Well..., "how would I know I would get the money?" to be true...
    you won't get money.
    ...: "if she finds someone who would offer [her] enough cash"

    My thought is, generally, that people like Srzl organize money to have the expences covered. Personnel, travels, places, equipment etc. And organize it.
    So that the guy with (or without) the penis is getting a great penectomy-video (with himself in the lead-role) for free.
    Well, at least that would be all I* could afford spending.
    Emily, however, surely counts as "personnel"...
    So, what might she estimate as "enough"?
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  11. #1751
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    It would still go through me. Emily doesn't do business. She likes to perform. Whether in a kinky private situation or on camera. And she likes money ofcourse. The only way I could her to really do it is if the third party as described is proven to be legit.
    But how can you prove yourself when it comes to something like this. Because those that are proven, probably will not want to have anything to do with this.

    Am I making sense? I understand what I mean?

    I don't know what enough is yet. I do still doubt I could get 'enough' though. I would not know who would be really interested in paying much for it, and when you go for many small amounts then you literally need many people donating to it.

    Or I should hire myself a businessman who isn't afraid of this deal to find ways of collecting and gets part of the cash.

    I haven't been digging that deep yet. It's just something that was brought up last time when she said she enjoys the thought more and more but wouldn't do it because of the risks...unless she was sure it would bring in enough cash to make her forget about risks. Thats basically as far as we have discussed it.

  12. #1752
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    i bet if you made a kickstarter for it you'd earn between 250k and a million if you offered access to a live feed to people that donated say a thousand bucks to watch it live, 500 would get you a copy of the video and some personalized pics of the action. maybe offer 500k to let someone do the cutting... just an idea.

  13. #1753
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    Or I should hire myself a businessman who isn't afraid of this deal ...?
    I know, it's just on of my weired thoughts again, but I guess it could be working out and not just for you:
    Let the guys, who want such a video, figure it out!

    Srzl and others. If they want real content: Well, it's definitely possible to arrange.
    I'm sure, if a few people stand together, then enough money could be collected.
    But nobody will take part, if all is not properly organized.
    So all of you, who don't have much money: Go think about organizing!
    It doesn't cost anything to think. Try and develop a save way for willing males, willing femals and willing watchers to all get what they want.
    Think about how YOU could get such a thing going.

    Having sayed this, well, tkm1:
    I (personally) don't think a live feed is a working option. We are still talking about something that is (in parts) illigal in most countries.
    And then again I think your numbers are far to big. 500k for "someone" to do the cutting?
    In that dimensions you won't get a "gentlemen's arrangement" working, because somebody will take the money and run.
    Everybody involed should have an interest in the result, so that money is mainly needed to cover the expenses.
    That would also minimize the "legal" problems, because then it's not a big "criminal deal" but just a private ...happening, well, a little on the strange side ok.

    Oh well, maybe it is nothing but a weired idea.
    All my manips:

  14. #1754
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    But how can you prove yourself when it comes to something like this?
    When the ends, and the involved people, finally meet, everything is organized and the special money for them is lying on the table.
    All my manips:

  15. #1755
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    It goes without saying that both me and Emily would go forward with it for the amounts named above by tkm1. .

    But as was said before, it's not that easy. Even when a third party is involved. Especially with the risk, as finally said, of someone stealing the money.

    But who knows one day .

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