wthat is most cruel cut off the man's cock raped you or grabbing his testicles until they explode?
wthat is most cruel cut off the man's cock raped you or grabbing his testicles until they explode?
photo blog on YouTube
This may be old news, but I read something (I think it was on "In a humbler") that all men deeply WANT to be ********* because of the disconnect between our hard-wiring to be dominant and our subjugated state (to females) during our formative years. To wit: bigger and stronger females have no weaknesses while WE have our vulnerable, accessible testicles to protect! The giveaway is to watch what happens to a man when a woman touches his genitals. Assuming the touch is friendly, he spreads his legs and rotates his pelvis to make himself MORE accessible and MORE vulnerable to her. This is not only (obviously) pleasurable, but continues an old, ingrained, instinctive even, behavior; we want her to ******** us so we can finally be her "equal" by losing those precious, but oh-so-treacherous eggs!
If you go to the real site, he does in fact have balls, but these sure don't show it.
A new set I found from a "Mistress Ashley":
Have a look.
Ok I am convinced that 90% of the women here are actually in fantasy mode, and would never dream of cutting their slaves gear off.
And I am convinced that 90% of the men who share this fantasy would also be horrified to lose their gear, at least after it happened
But all of us DO get such a kick from the thought.
My wife's respiration changes and her nipples go hard and she starts to take control, and her excitement is contagious. And it seems that the same is true for me. She goes to the kitchen and brings back a stay sharp knife in its sharpening sheath, and generally a tomato or a banana or some other suggestive article for demonstration purposes. And I immediately become hard and my body seems to surge. Is it adrenaline?
As she tells me what she is going to do with the knife, she ties my arms and legs to the bed and then places a gag over my mouth. She then stands over me and draws the blade back and forwards over the sharpening sheath. When she is happy it is as sharp as t will get, she rubs the sharp blade against the skin of the tomato, it penetrates and enters the flesh of the fruit, pulling and pushing the knife without pushing down on it at all, and the knife slips easily through the fruit as the flesh and the seeds spill out over the sheet (plastic sheet over the bedHer respiration rate is now higher and her skin is reddened and I am following her step for step. She picks up the elastrator and places a green ring high on penis pushing it in towards the root, and it cannot be now seen as my stomach covers it back over. It hurts and I plead for the anesthetic spray. She smacks me and tells me to behave and be a good boy or she will cut off my small insignificant penis as it is really worthless and I would be better off without it.
She then starts to tell me how I will pleasure her without a penis. My penis seems to be growing even larger, however I am losing all feeling in it as the band is so tight. She touches the blade to it and I feel its sharpness. She lifts it away and then says she is going to cut it off, and I try to look but she sits on my chest and leans forward, and her beautiful pussy is only inches away from my mouth. I cannot reach it, and anyway my gag is in the way. Can you feel this she calls, and I do feel the blade quickly pull across my shaft. The fate of the tomato is burning in my minds eye, and my penis starts to throb, and it seems to e pulsing. But is it? the tomato showed just how sharp was the knife.
finally the gag is removed and her dripping pussy is positioned over my mouth and I quickly go to work and bring her to multiple organisms. My face and beard are saturated, and I think that now that I don't have a penis, I better learn to do this right, if I want to remain to be her slave. She seems happy.
We lay this way for an hour, and then my crutch begins to throb, and I wonder how we are going to stop the blood when the ring has to be removed. I wonder where my penis is now? She stirs and picks something up from the bedside table and then I am in agony as the ring is cut free. I struggle to stop the blood flow, but the hands are still tied. She remains sitting on my belly, but leans forward and as she lifts her pussy back towards my face I can see my penis is black but it is still attached. and she is deep throating it, but I can not feel anything, it is numb after the ring.
the pain is bearable and I am able to work on the pussy once more Her body is jerking as her orgasm fires up her body. We have been together for 20 years and we have never ever had such good sex before. I look down once more and I feel my buttocks convulse and I come in her mouth and then as she pulls it out, all over her face. The volume was extraordinary, and I did not feel my own orgasm. I must admit the warm fuzzy feeling we both shared was something new for both of us. And gee I am glad she did not cut it off, because tomorrow I want to do it all againAnd do you know something? I think my mistress agrees with me
Cheers all
hi all! i'm back... someone probably remember me... i'm silvia
Hi i am New. Nice forum.
yes... that's me![]()