I haven't seen this one before:
I haven't seen this one before:
This one made me laugh.
Attachment 20380
their are guys like me out that like being male but hate his penis due to being different when i was born it was fixed at 32 so i could get my wife pregnant because she wanted a child. but i still hate it but do not want it removed because i like the pain i can but to my cock. but do not think it would take to much to have it removed for the right cause. was born with hypospadias
Maybe of interest for some of you:
http://www.google.de/#q=surgical+management+of+an+epidemic+of+penile+am putations+in+siam
Great, thank you!
This is also interesting, and written by a woman: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/...ten-by-a-duck/
Hi Bartender,
Thanks for the all the super hot penectomy clips! How'd you fancy doing one with a nice big pair of garden shears? Like these? Could make for some dangerous fun?
Hey Buckrix,
Is this just a coincidence, or are you the same buckrix as on the other forum(without naming names...the one with photo manips etc).
Yeah I really want one with garden shears. Maybe Emily knows someone that has garden shears. I myself dont, but doing one will be a thrill. I'll get on it. Should've done it before. Thanks.
Hi Bartender,
Yeah I'm the same guy as on the other site. (dark...).
Humanbean - I'm really not a fan of those types of shears. Seen clips with those before and they really don't do it for me.
I have no idea why it is appealing, but damn its a major turn on. It may be that I am on the trans spectrum and I legit hate my package...idk.
Penctomia and **********:
http://**********.com/preview/flowview.php?id=9427115 very hot mandy flores cutting it off for me
...Fastriker, I have no idea what's under the stars in that URL
http://**********.com/33729/9427115/...4xMy4wLjAuMC4w in clipsfoursale