Takkyu_Tama, have you gotten ahead in translating anything yet?
Takkyu_Tama, have you gotten ahead in translating anything yet?
Hi friends
There is a beautiful angel in this site(www.femaledom.com) her name is Nancy. Nancy is very cruel and sadistic with beautiful fcae. .Several times a month, she was best girl with members choosing.. worlds can't describe she. you should see nancy
I'm getting obsessed by the art of Space Jin, while looking for more of his stuff on Gelbooru and on his blog,
I stumbled upon a comment translation of one of his illustration, so I did the lettering.
I think the concept of a clumsy swift-legged superheroin who is innocent of male anatomy is insanely sexy !
We need to contact the japanses speaking members of the forum to get more translations !
Nice work![]()
If you'd like to letter any others, I've got a collection here...
Thank you so much Takkyuu_tama !
Here is the space jin that was on your gallery
Please update more !
Also, I would be glad if you could read Space Jin's blog to find out more of his illustrations.
Us poor gaijin cound on you !
Space Jin is als one of my favourites.
Ahomanten is also very good. Be sure to scroll back ALL the pages no his blog. You won't regret it!
Interesting. I've followed Space Jin for a while now, but I've never seen any of his stuff translated. Given that those two pics are part of a series (https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?&pa...28space_jin%29), I'd love to see the rest of it get the same lettering treatment.
But heck, I'd love to see all of his stuff get translated, as unrealistic a wish as that is. :P
SagaDC, I don't think your wish is so unrealistic !
A a fan of Space Jin, I have the will to letter all his translated illustrations.
Takkyuu_tama and maybe other japanese speaking members of the forum can help us with the translation.
Many artists like Knave, for example, gladly work for commissions and requests, I don't see why as a community,
whe coudn't contact Space Jin through his blog and ask him to work for our pleasure, against a just remuneration.
I'm starting a thread about this right now !
It would be nice to get any of the Japanese ones translated. Still, some don't need translation: