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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #1801
    Junior Member
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  2. #1802
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2010
    Nice stuff, but how about a hot girl cutting chopping or dropping a severed penis into the toilet? Or maybe a drawing sketch painting, etc of a severed penis floating or in the process of being flushed down the toilet? Can Never find any pics of that on the net anywhere surprisingly.


  3. #1803
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    Jan 2012
    Here's something for you wishes..


  4. #1804
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  5. #1805

  6. #1806
    Senior Member Steel's Avatar
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    Atlantic ocean
    Hi Everyone, I'm new to this site and would like to share a story of how I would love to lose my penis. It's a little different from what I've read on here as far as the details of the story, but It's my ultimate fantasy.

    Flush Fantasy

    I am in a bedroom having anal sex with a beautiful woman. With her back arched, I stroke deeper and deeper with my thick long penis as she moans from the pleasure I am giving her. As I reach orgasm, I have no idea that it would be my last. When I finally cum, she turns ask If I would like her to clean my penis off. Oblivious to what is about to happen I agree to her cleaning me off. She turns quickly and violently grabs my penis with an unbreakable grip. She pulls a pair of scissor out from under the sheets and before I know it she has the blades of the scissors around my penis squeezing as hard as she can. I scream, "STOP, STOP, STOP," and before I could even attempt to try and break her hands away from the scissors I hear a loud SNIP. My penis falls to the floor with a quiet thud, and so do I, but in pain with blood pouring from my now penis stump. While screaming in pain I see my penis on the floor next me, and when I reach over to try and retrieve it the beautiful woman steps on my penis to keep my from getting it. She pushes my hand back out of the way and picks up my penis. With my penis dangling head down from her hand she begins to walk towards the bathroom. Her butt is a beautiful sight, but I can no longer achieve erection from it because she has my penis in hand. She flicks on the light and leaves the door open. As I lay on the floor screaming, "My penis, my penis.....please I need my penis." She looks back with a smirk and tosses my penis in the toilet. I here the splash of my penis hitting the water in the toilet, I yelled out, "no, please don't flush it," she replies, "not yet!" With my penis now floating in the toilet, she sits down on the toilet and begins to take a crap on penis right in front of me (this is her way of insinuating what my penis really means to her.....NOTHING). I hollered out. "NO!!!" and began crawling over to the bathroom in pain leaving a blood trail from the spot I am crawling from. As I crawl, she laughs, and continues to defecate on my penis that is floating in the toilet. As I get closer I can hear the feces plopping down on my penis. Before I could get to close, she pushes me back with her foot and continues to crap all over my penis. Weakened and in shock from what is happening, I witness her stand up, and she looks at me, giggles, and says, "Now I'm Going To Flush Your Penis Down The Toilet With The Crap, Because That Is Where It Belongs!!!" I gather what little strength I had to Crawl over and try and stop her, but before I could get there......FLUSH.....My penis starts to swirl around in the toilet bowl, I scream, "No, My Penis", and as I got close enough all I saw was my penis go down the toilet drain, shaft first with the head of my penis up, it being the last thing I saw before being swallowed down with a gulp . She gives a devilish smirk, and says, "Have a nice life.....DICKLESS," slowly walking away to never be seen again. As I look at the toilet in disbelief, speechless, and baffled my penis is gone forever.

    What do you guys think of my flush fantasy? Feedback and questions are welcomed! I've always dreamed off having a beautiful woman with a nice butt cut off my cock, take a crap on it, and flush it down the toilet right in front of me.

  7. #1807
    Senior Member Steel's Avatar
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    Atlantic ocean
    Quote Originally Posted by ouch1 View Post
    Nice stuff, but how about a hot girl cutting chopping or dropping a severed penis into the toilet? Or maybe a drawing sketch painting, etc of a severed penis floating or in the process of being flushed down the toilet? Can Never find any pics of that on the net anywhere surprisingly.


    My photo shopping skills are not that great but it gets the job done for me!

  8. #1808
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    No the pictures that I seen was of some guy cut the cock and balls off of some other guy, Had them on a plate. He cooked them after and tried to eat them.

  9. #1809
    Big Supporter Pnek2me's Avatar
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    Trevor Brown Anime Castratrix
    Click image for larger version

Size:41.5 KB    

    Nailed penis cumming blood
    Click image for larger version

Size:157.1 KB    

  10. #1810
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    Jan 2012
    Wich one of my Penectomy Fantasy pics you like mosty. Tell me a little hot Fantasy Story over the pic.

  11. #1811
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    Quote Originally Posted by zapan View Post
    A gif I did for you wierdoes
    Haha, great Gif! I knew girls can make sexy things with bananas. But I didnt know that even breaking it can be sexy

  12. #1812
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    Jul 2010
    I asked this question before, but now that we have a few new users (and older ones might have learned something new as well) I want to ask it again:

    Do any of you know clipstores that allow a bit more blood in it?
    Clips for sale certainly does NOT. My store would be removed if I would upload it there.

    Fetishcod I know(great site, very underappreciated) and I have a shop there. But I dont know how much he would like it yet.

    The thing is:
    Me and Emily made a penectomy clip. And it's really bloody. And I mean really bloody. Tomorrow I'll make some snapshots and share it here. You'll see what I mean.

    So again:
    Do any of you know sites where you can upload clips to sell that actually do not dissaprove of such clips?
    Because if so, then we could do these more often. It's a full penectomy clip, cutting with knife and scissors which involves a lot of blood coming out of it during and after.
    Now we made it, but I don't know what the really good sites are yet.

    Help would be so much appreciated!

  13. #1813
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    Jul 2010
    And here are the promised images:

    Attachment 20565 Attachment 20566 Attachment 20567 Attachment 20568

    Note that this clip is not online yet at the time of this post. One of the reasons I created this post (see one from me before this one).

  14. #1814
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2011
    Hmmmm, well it is fantasy fiction. No different than the penectomy movie clips those Femdomspacedotcom routinely puts on their site. I hope you find a place that will since it is basically theatrical horror in a way because I am sure many would pay for such a clip!

  15. #1815
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    Thanks for the reply Nitemyst.

    But many clipsites put in their rules that both real blood and simulated blood is forbidden. They can even ban the whole shop for breaking a rule.
    There must be more that also see it your way though. Like fetishcod also does(well it ofcourse probably does have its limits).

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