hi, where can i find some more stories on the topic:men offer balls to turn into mash in selfdefense class ?![]()
Tobi, you can translate japanese too?
Thank you so much Tobi ! These are great, feel free to message me if you come up with translations but lack the time for lettering.
I'll be glad to help you ! For your japanese text overlay problem, be sure to look for the blank illustrations that Space Jin always includes in his pixiv account.
If you still don't find a particular illustration without text on it, let me help you with photoshop.
Here is the complete list of Space Jin's accounts : Danbooru wiki
I like to go to Space_Jin's blog with google translate. The translation isn't good, but it's still interesting.
Space_Jin's blog: http://omochi6262.blog.fc2.com/
sadly i can't speak japaneseI paid for them to be translated
here for all who can't view the pictures my translated Space Jin:
ballbust pic!
from me^^
Awesome and fantastic pictureyour a great artist
The most smart and dangerous ballbuster by femaledom members choice for sevaral month. as i heard Nancy injured some mans. femaledom man take a aditional feeds for working with Nancy.
[affdfdf] 3:22 am: http://www.fdmovies.com/advanced_sea...=nancy&x=9&y=8