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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #1876
    Big Supporter Pnek2me's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by targz View Post
    Have fun with your dirty imagination!

    I like it! Reminds of this girl, in the Opening for Metal Hurlant:

  2. #1877
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartender80 View Post
    haha she always teases me with keeping it in a jar and allowing me to see it once every 2 weeks .
    I don't know what she would truly do though.

    She did state it would be a fun challenge to see if she could make me cum when I don't have a cock anymore...

    Side note: you know, I may just be bad at reading comprehension, but I sometimes have trouble telling which of your clips end in a simulated penectomy, versus which are simply "ten minutes of Emily chewing on things." This sometimes makes me think twice about a purchase, though the ones I do buy are... daaaamn.

  3. #1878
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    I'd pay anyone willing to do this to me 50 thousand dollars I want her to not only cut off my cock, but my balls aswell. Also i want her to make me a woman. It is my ultimate fantasy 😍

  4. #1879
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    Quote Originally Posted by femdomguru97 View Post
    I'd pay anyone willing to do this to me 50 thousand dollars I want her to not only cut off my cock, but my balls aswell. Also i want her to make me a woman. It is my ultimate fantasy ��
    You can do it for less money in any clinic. Maybe the doctor will not be a woman but you can search for one. If you want to become a woman is not a good idea to cut the penis off. They will need the nerve to bild your femenine organ.

  5. #1880
    Supreme Poster LilShelly's Avatar
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    Hi everybody, it's just me. So the question, if a guy gets his penis cut off, he would still be horny, and full of testosterone, because he still had his balls, right?
    Are the balls what makes him horny? Or is his mind? If you cut off his balls, would he completely lose his sex drive? I mean I don't think he would even care if he had a penis at that point.
    Why would a guy want his balls to be cut off? I think I would be able to tell if a guy had his balls cut off, and I think the attraction would be lost, but if he had no penis, but still full of sex drive, the attraction would be intensified.
    I dont know, I shouldnt even be posting here, but I was just wondering.
    Thats all.

  6. #1881
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    The balls are producing the testosteron and also the hormones that make you horny. As far as I know, a man without balls looses his sex drive (thats why they ********* the eunuches).
    But the cock is just used for rubbing and cumming. When its gone, the guy is still as horny as before

    so if you are lucky enough to get a guy with balls but without cock, you will have the most horny guy on the world in your hands

  7. #1882
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    Severing the penis without removing the testicles causes intense sexual frustration, since sexual urges and drive originate from the testicles but with no penis there is no way to satisfy them.

  8. #1883
    Big Supporter Snakelinux's Avatar
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    Loss of Sex Drive

    Quote Originally Posted by LilShelly View Post
    Hi everybody, it's just me. So the question, if a guy gets his penis cut off, he would still be horny, and full of testosterone, because he still had his balls, right? Are the balls what makes him horny? Or is his mind? If you cut off his balls, would he completely lose his sex drive? I mean I don't think he would even care if he had a penis at that point. Why would a guy want his balls to be cut off? I think I would be able to tell if a guy had his balls cut off, and I think the attraction would be lost, but if he had no penis, but still full of sex drive, the attraction would be intensified. I dont know, I shouldnt even be posting here, but I was just wondering. Thats all.
    Testosterone increases concentration, which also happens to increase sex drive. Interestingly having a high level of testosterone causes permanent damage to a man’s ability to concentrate in his late years. To get an erection requires the use of muscles that are under the subconscious mind's control. If a man concentrates on something that makes him sexually aroused then his subconscious mind will as well. A man does not have to have testicles to get an erection. The only way that you could tell if a man was ********* without seeing or feeling his private area is if he was ********* before or around puberty. Testosterone changes a man’s voice and this is why the Catholic Church used to ******** young boys. Girls could not sing in the choir so they would ******** orphans who no one cared about to create female voice singers for the choir. It is also a myth that testosterone causes hair loss. That is caused by genetics. Believe it or not ********** has actually been tried as a method of preventing hair loss. It does not work. Couples have regular sex lives without testicles although getting an erection on demand is no longer practical and sex aids are common. Another aspect of sex drive comes from the pituitary and penis. They both work together to increase a man’s sex drive. The pituitary increases the amount of erections and an erection will increase sex drive for a while. Removing the pituitary will most likely result in death because it is right next to the brain stem. The only way to completely remove a man’s sex drive without killing him is to remove both his testicles and his penis. About two out of three guys who are chemically ********* suffer from depression. Studies have shown this number to be consistent among men who have been physically *********. About 90% of the men who have a sex change operation regret their decision. Wanting to remove sex organs is called body dis-morphism and it is a mental disorder. Because of the high rate of regret many surgeons consider it an immoral practice. If you want more details or information I would be happy to give them to you. I have researched the topic extensively. I also know the most common reasons why women lose sex drive.

    For links to games, clips, stories, forums, images, drawings, dares, game mods, cbt toys, and teases see Now with over 100 links on the main page. It is currently being used as a link directory. Please let me know if you want to add a link on this website. Also let me know if you want the source code to any of the games I made.

  9. #1884
    Supreme Poster LilShelly's Avatar
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    That is a lot of good information, thank you.
    I think this might also explain why the big jocks do not usually seem to be very smart.
    So far I see no good side effects, and depression being a very bad side effect, I think it is better to leave a guys testicles attached.
    So it sounds like the pituitary is the mysterious link that completes the loop. Without the penis, his testicles would still trigger the pituitary, and his sex drive, there just wouldn't be any way for him to get off. I think that guy would be so much fun. Would there be bad side effects if his penis is removed? Hopefully not.
    I sometimes wonder if I have a mental disorder because of my desires, and now I wonder if I may have dis-morphism.

  10. #1885
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    Hmm no there is no bad side effect if a penis is removed. Only that he is not able to cum anymore! Which is a biiiiiiiiiiiig bad side effect for every man! But its cool that you dont care and would just have fun with a cockless guy with an endless sex drive I'm sure it would be so much fun to be a dickless always horny slave for you, with balls full of cum that never gets released and only busted inside the balls.

    I dont think anything is wrong with you, I thin your desires are very sexy I'm not allowed to cum, so I can toootally understand what it feels like to have full balls and not get off anymore.

  11. #1886
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    LilShelly, Everyday I wake up I grab my cock, happy I still have it and my balls. I have a huge load in my balls I would love to run through my cock all over your tits & ass.

  12. #1887
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    Hey LilShelly, good to see you post again my friend,
    well, as with all hormones it should be in balance to be healthly. Leaving the balls attached, you've some punching balls to destroy :P ha ha ha!
    Chopping the cock off (you loove the word ) has no side effects, if done right (to prevent blood loss) except for the sexual frustration not to jerk off the pressure and a phantom cock feeling. So… for example, you'd chop off my cock by severing the ligament of my penis attached to to my pelvis, pulling your owned cock all the way out, till the foreskin is stretched to its extend of your trophy and then slicing at the base with a scapel, you'd need a female blonde nurse friend to patch me up with a catether, as well as killing the pain beforehand (a sexy though, isn't it? two girls slicing off a cock). Later, I'd have phantom erections as well as the morning woods with a protruding stump, but I can't ejaculate, I would still feel my cock, but there's nothing anymore , while you'd sucking your new owned toy in front of me…

    BTW: you don't have a mental disorder, dismorphism is with the person, who expresses the feeling to alter his/her own body by removing parts of it. You desire is a diffrent beast.

    Quote Originally Posted by LilShelly View Post
    That is a lot of good information, thank you.
    I think this might also explain why the big jocks do not usually seem to be very smart.
    So far I see no good side effects, and depression being a very bad side effect, I think it is better to leave a guys testicles attached.
    So it sounds like the pituitary is the mysterious link that completes the loop. Without the penis, his testicles would still trigger the pituitary, and his sex drive, there just wouldn't be any way for him to get off. I think that guy would be so much fun. Would there be bad side effects if his penis is removed? Hopefully not.
    I sometimes wonder if I have a mental disorder because of my desires, and now I wonder if I may have dis-morphism.

  13. #1888
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    Lots of wonderful ways of removing a guys cock for your own pleasure!!!
    Seconds of fun for you, and a life time of torment and frustration for him
    Try lots of porn

  14. #1889
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilShelly View Post
    That is a lot of good information, thank you.
    I think this might also explain why the big jocks do not usually seem to be very smart.
    So far I see no good side effects, and depression being a very bad side effect, I think it is better to leave a guys testicles attached.
    So it sounds like the pituitary is the mysterious link that completes the loop. Without the penis, his testicles would still trigger the pituitary, and his sex drive, there just wouldn't be any way for him to get off. I think that guy would be so much fun. Would there be bad side effects if his penis is removed? Hopefully not.
    I sometimes wonder if I have a mental disorder because of my desires, and now I wonder if I may have dis-morphism.
    I'd love for you to take my loser cock, and leave my heathy balls swinging and dangling between my legs, ready for you to kick, and generally have fun with at my expense.
    But the one thing that'll always be certain is you can aways go home and relieve yourself, but I couldn't.
    I wonder how intense your orgasms would be knowing you've caused a guy never to cum again??

  15. #1890
    Big Supporter Snakelinux's Avatar
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    47-1278 is right. Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is when you believe that there is something wrong with your own body. I called it dis-morphism earlier because of spell check, which is wrong. It is not listed as a mental disorder to want to change other people's bodies or at least it is not listed in the Diagnostic Manual 5 (DM-V). Removing a man's penis will partially reduce his sex drive. This would affect people on an individual basis. Everyone reacts different to change. A man can have sex without his testicles. Erections are still possible and the prostate still works meaning that he can still cum. He cannot have sex without his penis.

    For links to games, clips, stories, forums, images, drawings, dares, game mods, cbt toys, and teases see Now with over 100 links on the main page. It is currently being used as a link directory. Please let me know if you want to add a link on this website. Also let me know if you want the source code to any of the games I made.

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