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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #1891
    Big Supporter Snakelinux's Avatar
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    The safest way that I can think of to fulfill your fantasy is to have the man take P*r*o*z*a*c. It is a prescription medication but it causes erectile dysfunction in 80% of men. Most men are incapable of achieving an erection while they are on it and P*r*o*z*a*c is just an anti-depressant. This is a good test to see if you would really like to be with a man who "has no penis" without making the change permanent. Stupid 403 forbidden errors have required me to split out my post into two posts. I finally figured out what it is. The word P*r*o*z*a*c is causing the 403 forbidden error they must have it blocked or something... lol... Wow...

    For links to games, clips, stories, forums, images, drawings, dares, game mods, cbt toys, and teases see Now with over 100 links on the main page. It is currently being used as a link directory. Please let me know if you want to add a link on this website. Also let me know if you want the source code to any of the games I made.

  2. #1892
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snakelinux View Post
    About two out of three guys who are chemically ********* suffer from depression. Studies have shown this number to be consistent among men who have been physically *********. About 90% of the men who have a sex change operation regret their decision.
    Uh, nitpick, I'm pretty sure that last sentence isn't actually true. The only people who actually end up getting a sex change are ones who've been extensively vetted by psychiatrists and who've typically spent years living as a member of the target sex socially to get used to the idea. They don't go through with it unless they really want it.

    Now, self-identified men who are ********* are probably going to have a very, very high rate of regretting it... but there's a different between someone who thinks of themselves as a man losing his balls, and someone who thinks of themselves as a woman losing 'their' balls that they never wanted in the first place. Sorry for the digression, but it's an issue that affects a few people I know and care about so I get pedantic.

  3. #1893
    Big Supporter Snakelinux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strange_Fool_215 View Post
    Uh, nitpick, I'm pretty sure that last sentence isn't actually true. The only people who actually end up getting a sex change are ones who've been extensively vetted by psychiatrists and who've typically spent years living as a member of the target sex socially to get used to the idea. They don't go through with it unless they really want it. Now, self-identified men who are ********* are probably going to have a very, very high rate of regretting it... but there's a different between someone who thinks of themselves as a man losing his balls, and someone who thinks of themselves as a woman losing 'their' balls that they never wanted in the first place. Sorry for the digression, but it's an issue that affects a few people I know and care about so I get pedantic.
    The part about 90% of men regret their decision is based on what a psychologist told me. I do not know if he read that somewhere, if it was a guess from personal experience, or what exactly but that is what he told everyone in my college class. He had 7 years of practice before he started teaching but who knows. You are right that therapists vet out people. Commonly they convince them to dress like the opposite sex for at least one year. Despite this I was told that 90% of them regret their decision to have a sex change operation. They also went into the gruesome details of the surgery. I would like to see some statistics on how many people actually do regret their decision.

    For links to games, clips, stories, forums, images, drawings, dares, game mods, cbt toys, and teases see Now with over 100 links on the main page. It is currently being used as a link directory. Please let me know if you want to add a link on this website. Also let me know if you want the source code to any of the games I made.

  4. #1894
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    I've come to the conclusion,that 99.9% of women I know or chat to about this subject, fantasise or think about chopping a males peni.s off.
    Like my friend said to me( if I don't have to sit on it, or get off on that particular c.ock, what do I care giggling.
    the only thing she didn't no, is her talking about this made me so turned on!!!

  5. #1895
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    Quote Originally Posted by SamSam View Post
    I've come to the conclusion,that 99.9% of women I know or chat to about this subject, fantasise or think about chopping a males peni.s off.
    Like my friend said to me( if I don't have to sit on it, or get off on that particular c.ock, what do I care giggling.
    the only thing she didn't no, is her talking about this made me so turned on!!!
    The only trouble is you don't/can't get any females that what to chat on email about this:-(

  6. #1896
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    My hormones was absolutely raging today,when I over heard two good looking primary/toddler school teachers, talking about toilet training, in the staff canteen when out the blue one said( I told him I'd chop his dinky off if he keeps peeing on the floor).
    all I could do was sit in wonder that this beautiful woman could even mention such a thing, and that would enter her head.

  7. #1897
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    I assume you like being horny ... IMO you definitely don't want to take stuff that messes with your erection or sex drive.

    Are you married or in a serious relationship? You could do chastity play. You only get to have an erection when your keyholder see's it fit and you spend a lot of time making her happy which turns you on more and more while she gets pampered more and more. Some people do it long term. I like to do it for a few days here and there with my wife. I think its pretty hot and you can keep this fantasy stuff in fantasy zone ... there are no long term or permanent implications.


  8. #1898
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    Quote Originally Posted by freigeist View Post
    ...they write, when the stub has at least 3 centimeters ejaculation [...] is still possible.
    No need for centimeters here.
    You can find videos of men with not even a stump left, ejaculating. (Most of those videos are not very "sexy" to watch.)

    But you can also make your own experience:
    I cum reliable with only running a soft cloth over my balls and my cock "in a box", touching nothing.
    I even cum without touching anything at all, but that takes some ...time.
    It takes thinking of a woman who enjoys me like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by LilShelly View Post
    [...] if a guy had his balls cut off, I think the attraction would be lost, but if he had no penis, but still full of sex drive, the attraction would be intensified.
    LilShelly, If you weren't in the US, I would have tried to make contact with you. For sure.
    You understand it all.

    I like reading things like that over and over again:
    Quote Originally Posted by LilShelly View Post
    For me, it is seeing the helpless look on his face, as he realizes that I just sliced off the penis.
    He would watch in disbelief, as I feel the soft skin against my cheek, and touch it to my lips, cherishing the very moment that I have always dreamed of.
    Total satisfaction...
    All my manips:

  9. #1899
    Senior Member Steel's Avatar
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    Hi Everyone, I'm new to this site and would like to share a story of how I would love to lose my penis. It's a little different from what I've read on here as far as the details of the story, but It's my ultimate fantasy.

    Flush Fantasy

    I am in a bedroom having anal sex with a beautiful woman. With her back arched, I stroke deeper and deeper with my thick long penis as she moans from the pleasure I am giving her. As I reach orgasm, I have no idea that it would be my last. When I finally cum, she turns ask If I would like her to clean my penis off. Oblivious to what is about to happen I agree to her cleaning me off. She turns quickly and violently grabs my penis with an unbreakable grip. She pulls a pair of scissor out from under the sheets and before I know it she has the blades of the scissors around my penis squeezing as hard as she can. I scream, "STOP, STOP, STOP," and before I could even attempt to try and break her hands away from the scissors I hear a loud SNIP. My penis falls to the floor with a quiet thud, and so do I, but in pain with blood pouring from my now penis stump. While screaming in pain I see my penis on the floor next me, and when I reach over to try and retrieve it the beautiful woman steps on my penis to keep my from getting it. She pushes my hand back out of the way and picks up my penis. With my penis dangling head down from her hand she begins to walk towards the bathroom. Her butt is a beautiful sight, but I can no longer achieve erection from it because she has my penis in hand. She flicks on the light in the bathroom and leaves the door open. As I lay on the floor screaming, "My penis, my penis.....please I need my penis." She looks back with a smirk and tosses my penis in the toilet. I here the splash of my penis hitting the water in the toilet, I yelled out, "no, please don't flush it," she replies, "not yet!" With my penis now floating in the toilet, she sits down on the toilet and begins to take a crap on penis right in front of me (this is her way of insinuating what my penis really means to her.....NOTHING). I hollered out. "NO!!!" and began crawling over to the bathroom in pain leaving a blood trail from the spot I am crawling from. As I crawl, she laughs, and continues to defecate on my penis that is floating in the toilet. As I get closer I can hear the feces plopping down on my penis. Before I could get to close, she pushes me back with her foot and continues to crap all over my penis. Weakened and in shock from what is happening, I witness her stand up, and she looks at me, giggles, and says, "Now I'm Going To Flush Your Penis Down The Toilet With The Crap, Because That Is Where It Belongs!!!" I gather what little strength I had to Crawl over and try and stop her, but before I could get there......FLUSH.....My penis starts to swirl around in the toilet bowl, I scream, "No, My Penis", and as I got close enough all I saw was my penis go down the toilet drain, shaft first with the head of my penis up, it being the last thing I saw before being swallowed down with a gulp . She gives a devilish smirk, and says, "Have a nice life.....DICKLESS," slowly walking away to never be seen again. As I look at the toilet in disbelief, speechless, and baffled my penis is gone forever.

    What do you guys think of my flush fantasy? Feedback and questions are welcomed! I've always dreamed off having a beautiful woman with a nice butt cut off my cock, take a crap on it, and flush it down the toilet right in front of me.

    My penis going down the toilet

  10. #1900
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snakelinux View Post
    I would like to see some statistics on how many people actually do regret their decision.
    From the National Center for Biotechnology Information:

    Basically says "research is mixed and crappy due to limitations of our studies." The sample size (transwomen and transmen; you're thinking almost exclusively of transwomen) is small.

    Plus, a huge fraction of transsexuals have various psychiatric and health issues due to misery and crappy lives before their sex change surgery, or even before they started transitioning at all. No kidding they're depressed, in danger of having been beaten and injured for breathing-while-a-"tranny," having been coerced into sex work to feed themselves and having caught diseases, et cetera.

    So if your professor say "This huge percentage of transwomen suffer from severe depression after sex reassignment surgery, and this other huge percentage die of infections," your professor might be glossing over the fact that an even huger percentage of them suffered from depression and had attempted suicide before SRS too, or that (as I recall) a double-digit percentage of transwomen have AIDS and are probably going to drop dead some time in the next couple of decades whether they get surgery or not.

    Of the admittedly tiny sample size I actually know personally (two transwomen, one who's undergone SRS), both suffer bouts of severe depression. The one who got surgery had the bouts before she got it too, and they still manifest pretty much the same way... although maybe a bit less often; I'm not sure because I've been relatively out of touch with her for a while.

    Turns out genital surgery doesn't automatically fix all the psychological problems you get from walking around with what your mind and spirit insist are the wrong genitals for twenty years... which really shouldn't surprise anyone.

    The survey I linked doesn't directly touch on the 'regret' issue, but it does point out that SRS is pretty definitively established as helping reduce the sense of gender dysphoria, which is the only thing it's actually expected to do. It seems very unlikely that a patient whose gender dysphoria has been successfully reduced will regret the process that made that possible, because gender dysphoria is a motivator so powerful that it makes people do things anyone else would think were totally crazy.
    Last edited by Strange_Fool_215; 06-13-2014 at 10:43 PM. Reason: Remove words the autocensor blots out, and replace them with synonyms

  11. #1901
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    Imagefap. Lost the link.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 159425741.jpg   1211226556.jpg   1771464024.jpg  

  12. #1902
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    Very arousing fantasy Steel. What would you say the biggest part of your fantasy is? The impending denial of sex, or the femdom factor?

  13. #1903
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartender80 View Post
    I like both: the kinky play but also the dream of her doing it real. And in that I am lucky because she likes both as well.
    We even discussed how to handle it when the day come she really does it.
    Never been used...use mine has test subject..if needed...

  14. #1904
    Big Supporter Arcane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SamSam View Post
    My hormones was absolutely raging today,when I over heard two good looking primary/toddler school teachers, talking about toilet training, in the staff canteen when out the blue one said( I told him I'd chop his dinky off if he keeps peeing on the floor).
    all I could do was sit in wonder that this beautiful woman could even mention such a thing, and that would enter her head.
    i would like to have witnessed this. i cant believe a grown woman would say that to a young boy. but her showcasing her power over him and making a threat like that definitely is a turn on

  15. #1905
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcane View Post
    i would like to have witnessed this. i cant believe a grown woman would say that to a young boy. but her showcasing her power over him and making a threat like that definitely is a turn on
    Women make these kinds of threats to male children all the time. Read Freud's account of Little Hans from over 1909 or review this article from 2009 . Courts and society tolerate genital mutilation threats to male children and adult men but would never tolerate the same towards girls or women.

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