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Thread: Battle of the Exes Ballbustin/********** Fight Story

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Battle of the Exes Ballbustin/********** Fight Story

    Battle of the Exes
    by Dasma
    (Let me know what you think)

    We faced each other across the ring. 5 years it had been since last seen and she looked redic. Naked breast perky oiled and with a face screaming pure revenge. It was the battle of the exes. I signed up not thinking much of it but I was called and it was binding, so here I was.

    I too was nude a bit out of shape but with my wrestling skills I felt I had no worries. She was cheerleader and rumor had it that she had taken hapkido and self defense classes focusing on targeting male genitalia in confrontation. I found this out 5 mins before we entered. The crowd mostly women ex friends past college acquaintances we both had known. I was confident but had no idea what I had gotten myself into.

    The ref called us to the middle and explained the rules. No holds barred, anything goes, first to give or to incapacitation wins. I smiled and said nice to see you again lil bitch (smugly), She then looked at her trainer/sensei an Asian woman and she gave some sort of nod. Before I new it standing face to face she shot her hand up and had both my testicles by the base and viciously yanked down I buckled and reached for her hands standing up only because she had me by the balls. She pulled me close and said I’m going to end you tonight in front of all these people and your balls are the first to go. She gave a vicious squeeze that dropped me on my knees.

    Still tightly holding she looked in my eyes and said ring the bell as I yelled with one more squeeze given. Ding Ding! The match started and I was on my knees. She suddenly said remember this! Still holding my testicles she spun her left leg around so her well shaped ass was in my face she then lifted the fist full of balls up and slammed it down to the ring pinning them to the mat as I stuttered with shock. Her other hand joined the nut vise and her legs suddenly scissored my head.

    I instinctively grabbed my neck as her vagina was stuffed in my face. I gasped from the pain and I briefly heard her say game over. However I fought back and bit her inner thigh as hard as I could. She bucked still holding my testicles in one of the worst grips ever experienced. Her scissor released but before I found success she heel kicked me with her right leg straight to the nose, still holding my now swollen testicles.

    After that attack she did a front roll as I flailed backward onto my back. Blood flowed from my face and I was disoriented. Suddenly a sharp pain was felt in groin as she hammered a running kick into my tender testicles. I curled in the fetal and looked up briefly to see her with hands on hips thrusting her pelvis as she said I’m going to tenderize you and then ******** you.

    This was serious I thought to myself and I quickly fought of my injuries and stood up and staggered a bit. She lifted her fists into fighting stance and suddenly nailed me with a front kick to the groin that hit but not fully. I threw a haymaker which she ducked under and countered with an uppercut to m chin that nailed me solidly.

    I stumbled to the corner of the ring as the cheers of ex friends echoed for my demise. She came in close the little 5 foot brunette with well formed legs and perky breast glistening. Another shot to the gut with a right was followed by a brutal knee to my testicles with her left knee. She suddenly reached with both arms beneath my arms and began with a bear hug. However this was not your typical bear hug she then repeatedly nailed my balls, flattening them into my soft pelvis over and over again alternating left and right knees. My head hanging over her shoulder staring at her glistening ass as blood from my face dripped down her back, her grunts audible throughout the arena.

    I was shocked and after 30or so knees I was on the verge of vomiting. As she pressed me in the corner rope our naked bodies pressed together. She stopped the attack to regain energy as she huffed and with a whisper she said, your balls are mine. Without warning her hand shot back and grabbed my scrotum from below as she faced me.

    My face paused and with a big smile she yelled a loud cry as she lifted me by my balls and body slammed me onto the mat behind her. As we crashed her hand tightened around my manhood with all her might, not letting go for the world. She closed her fist with my balls in hand and cocked it back as I lay on my back, our bodies perpendicular to one another.

    She slammed her fist with my balls in hand 7 times into the mat, each collision sapping my will from me. Her breasts bounced in my face as I reached up in between her legs in desperation for any relief. Each fist slam was punctuated by a large, Ohh or Ahh, from the crowd as my legs flailed. I briefly heard jess a friend of hers cry out, Rip Them Off! I immediately rammed my fingers into her vagina and began clawing to survives but her grip was incredible and left me without strength to fight back. Again and again her ball ridden fist crashed onto the mat as I gasped for air. Suddenly and thankfully the bell rang, signifying the end of the round. However Melissa had other ideas as she ignored the rules and continued pounding my nuts to pulp with her fist into the mat.

    After 18 more fist pumps, bell in background the crew pulled her off me, fighting to loosen her grip from my now swollen and purple testicles. As she was removed I stayed flat on my back, completely defeated as my trainer grabbed me.

    We were given 2 mins to recover and as the medical team examined me all I could hear was how bad of a shape I was in. I over heard one trainer say, this goes 3 rounds and his balls are done. The female trainer sat in between my legs as I flopped on the corner stool examining my testicles. I looked down and found them to be the size of grapefruit and the color of plums. After the exam the medic said there was no rupture but it was close.

    The bell sounded again. I stood up legs shifting apart compensating for the size of my balls and got into fighting stance. Melissa confidently cat walked to the center of the ring and said read to lose those balls big boy. I tried my best to ignore the pain and the taunting as she lifted her fists and shot a sidekick into my abdomen. The shot winded me severely, but I struck back and hit her with a hammer fist with my right hand across her cheek. Blood flew from her mouth and she was now dazed.

    As I realized this though slower than necessary I shot a high kick to her flailing head. I underestimated her and with a left hand block she ducked crouched and delivered a devastating uppercut into my groin that sent both testicles into my abdominal cavity. The hit was solid and I fell straight to my face grasping where my swollen purple testicles use to be. She wiped the blood from her face and stood over me and raised both hands in a victory statement.

    As I thought to retaliate Melissa stamped down on my abdomen were my testicles were now lodged fiercely sending my balls back down to my scrotum. This almost broke me and I felt my testicles were gone as she jumped with both feet on my lower abdomen connecting cleanly with my orbs. I rolled on the floor and the mostly female crowd continued to cheer for my demise.

    She grabbed me by my hair and brought me up to my knees. I mustered up the fight and threw a punch at her midsection, which connected and winded her some how. However, this angered her more and as I was propped on my knees she simply pulled her muscular right leg back and nailed me with a vicious frontal kick to the chin that sent me to the ground again. As I laid on my face , I felt her manicured nails scratch in between my legs as she quickly found my oversized testicles. With both hands she secured my testicles and stretched them to the bottom of the scrotum a good 7 inches from my body.

    Her sweaty, glistening, heavily breathing and partially bloody body perked itself up as she looked at the clock, and simultaneously said and squeezed 1 minute left in this round. She bared down with all her might as I pounded the mat, begging for mercy.

    She suddenly let up her squeeze but I soon found myself being dragged across the ring towards the ropes by my balls. As we got to the ropes her grip tightened, and she stepped to the outer side of the ring still with my testicles n hand. She then stepped down on the middle rope, so it lay below the lower rope and pulled my testicles through with her other hand. She raised her free hand with a close fist and yelled , these balls are mine! As my stretched scrotum laid between the two elastic bands she suddenly lifted her foot off the middle rope she had stepped on.

    The elasticity of the middle rope crashed and trapped my testicles between the middle and lower ropes. My body convulsed as no sound but shrieks could be heard throughout the arena. The crowd jumped and roared as my trapped testicles lifted my pelvis 3 feet off the mat. My legs flailed and the pain in my chords and the already swollen testicles left me incapacitated.

    She then jumped with both feet onto the conjoined ropes, testicles in between, turned her back to my suspended body, and began hammer fisting my balls to oblivion as I lay face down, legs protruding out of the ring. After several double hammer fist my spirit was gone and I had no fight left in me. The bell rang to end the second round, but Melissa with a huge smile reached over the ring ropes and said, Who’s the stronger sex now? And slammed both her feet into my taut and trapped genitals over and over again. I was still somehow conscious and the bell had saved me again.

    The trainers came and removed my testicles from the rope trap and carried me over to my corner. The trainer examined me again, she was blonde and very gorgeous as she fondled my mangled and obliterated sack. To my surprise my testicles had not ruptured. And the last and final round was set to start.

    Both parties were given 10 mins to recover this round and as I sat in my corner, Melissa kept her eyes on my borderline cantaloupe sized testicles eyeing them as she bounced on the balls of her feet, licking her lips. My trainer then swiftly told me, Son you’re in bad shape, she’s faster, stronger, and she’s nailed those balls of yours so much one more hit and its over, just be careful. If I quit Melissa was entitled to ******** me it was the rules, so I had to fight.

    The final bell rang; I gingerly and barely waddled/ stumbled towards the center ring. During the last round you had to meet at enter ring, some kind of tradition or something. Melissa looked at me as she approached and immediately stated, this is it you ready to lose those balls? I disjointedly said go fuck off bitch. She then snickered I was only going to rupture them, but now I’m going to rip them from your body. Ding!

    She threw 3 straight jabs followed by a front kick to my immensely enlarged testicles that bent me over. She followed with a brutal frontal knee to my face sending teeth out of my mouth. As I staggered she nailed me with 3 quick snap kicks to my large balls, she yelled with each hit and then finished by saying here it comes!

    She came in close hit me with 6 body shots to mid section knee to the balls upper cut to the chin, brutal front kick and then another round house that staggered me but I still stood. I swung back and backhanded her ******* her turn her back to me. I grabbed her from behind in desperation wrapping my arms around her body keeping her arms locked close to her body.

    She brought her right heel back and nailed me in the balls, it hit solidly and quickly jumped on her hands and trapped m head in a head scissor as I stood. Her ass crushed my face and as I reached for my neck both her hands shot into my groin and gabbed my massively swollen and tender testicles in her hand. I yelled viciously but still stood, I heard her then say here’s to having balls and here’s to me taking them she stretched them to the bottom of the sack and she launched her upper torso in between my legs.

    I felt her warm mouth close around my balls as she sucked them both in to her mouth. She then clamped with all her might down with her teeth trapping my testicles in her mouth. With her legs around my neck and vagina in my face , I fell straight back on to the mat. The crowd went nuts, women jumping, noise was incredible, it was the time well wanted.

    She gnawed to tease me and those years of history definitely came out, she smacked her lips as she briefly removed her mouth from my testicles arched her back and said, Hey Jim Say Bye Bye balls! And then she went back into my groin and closed her mouth like a steel bear trap. My legs convulsed I clawed, reached, begged and past out quickly.

    Melissa, with me out, ripped my scrotum open with her teeth carved out my testicles and let them hang out of my scrotum. With 1 hand around each nut she closed a fist and viciously yanked and ripped them off and held them overhead in triumph. The crowd ex friends, were all shocked. She stood on the ropes and then swallowed the testicles, Game Over.

    By Dasma

  2. #2
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I liked it.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Virginia, USA
    I rarely speak in these forums, but your submission begged my comment.

    LOVED IT! Bravo! This happens to fit exactly into my favorite fantasies, and your story was perfectly executed, in my personal opinion. Thanks for writing!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Holy christ! That'll give me nightmares!! Nice story

  5. #5
    Big Supporter Arcane's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    great story. thank you

  6. #6
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hi ctruj003,


    Outstanding story. Please keep up the good work.

    poolman2 :-)

  7. #7
    Big Supporter 2nutbuster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Winslow, AZ
    Loved the story. I like how he was confident before the match......

  8. #8
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Greetings Dasma

    I absolutely loved your story and really appreciate you sharing it on this forum. It would be incredible if you continued writing, especially a story similar to this one.

    Thank you again for your contribution. I seriously hope that you write again and very soon.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Great Story

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Great Story! This is one of the best stories I read in this forum since many time! Go on with similar stories please. I like all the stuff related with fighting in a ring, hitting various body zones, etc.

  11. #11
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Nice story. If you want to read mine. Below is the link

    Now, I have three unfinishe stories

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