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Thread: My Very own Homemade Ballbusting Clip :)

  1. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by vela73 View Post
    I meant no disrespect. I really meant that to come across in a more playful way. You've both made some great videos, and I really appreciate that you're willing to share them with us. I apologize.
    I am really sorry for me getting angry there vela73, i guess i really had a bad day with lots of frustration, i know that is no excuse but i also apologize, i don't know what came over me, i guess i am really disappointed that since i posted my last vids this thread has got 1000 and something more views and only 3 more comments, i realise now that you are not like the rest of them but i guess that alot of people here are lurkers and just download my stuff and don't even bother to say "thank you" or share their thaughts on the matter so i am sorry Vela73, as for the masks she told me she dosen't want that, so i gues we will have to think of another way of her to torture my balls and film it. Cheers

  2. #77
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    No worries. I'm sure anything you guys come up with will be exciting.

    I hope to make similar videos with my s/o some day. We'd probably be more interested in the effort if it weren't for expectations of the same frustrations you expect here. Still, you know, it's not about the masses or even lack of masses, is it? It's about demonstrating a unique experience, and a distinct set of emotions. There's a lot more to such intimate torture administered by one's partner than we see in standard hardcore pornography. There's trust... and sort of a condoned and expected betrayal that one can only experience by way of such trust. What seems to some to be brutal is, to us, quite intimate.

    So I really do appreciate your sharing those moments with us. Whether you continue to or not, you must know that these contributions have value to an under-appreciated fetish scene.

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by vela73 View Post
    No worries. I'm sure anything you guys come up with will be exciting.

    I hope to make similar videos with my s/o some day. We'd probably be more interested in the effort if it weren't for expectations of the same frustrations you expect here. Still, you know, it's not about the masses or even lack of masses, is it? It's about demonstrating a unique experience, and a distinct set of emotions. There's a lot more to such intimate torture administered by one's partner than we see in standard hardcore pornography. There's trust... and sort of a condoned and expected betrayal that one can only experience by way of such trust. What seems to some to be brutal is, to us, quite intimate.

    So I really do appreciate your sharing those moments with us. Whether you continue to or not, you must know that these contributions have value to an under-appreciated fetish scene.
    Thank you Vela73 for your thaughts, and i think we think alike, i see that there is trust with your partner when shes busting you, and as a hypothetical example, she betrays that trust when she busts you too hard, but sometimes even in those moments i like not to tell her she went too hard and let her do her thing so that in our next session she will do the same so she will have full control and power over my balls, now that is a real turn on for me, but of course if she gets too carried away i tell her to stop and that she went too far but only in some cases. I started making these clips because i've made busting sessions with about 8 or 10 girls in my life out of witch only 7 have bust me hard with kicks and knees, sqeezes, slapps, punches biting and stomping, the rest of the 2 girls only sqeezed and slapped my balls so i came to thinking that i do all theese thing and i like them so much... maybe besides sex i consider ballbusting the best thing in my life, and i can't show it to anyone, even if i tell someone that i'm doing it he dosen't really know or feel it... And that is a real shame, so that's when the clips came in, sometimes we film ourselves and then we post it here so i can be understood and seen by my peers, and that's why sometimes i get really frustrated when no one comments. Cheers to all of you on this forum who are really my friends

  4. #79
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    Hi v15 just looked at your vids, very nice, keep up the good work. I noticed that your female buster, I think is married. If so, is her husband aware or is this just discreet. The reason I comment, I have a masseuse I use and she bust me among other domination events, she is married and her husband has no clue. Enjoy your work, especially liked the squeezing vid, going to show it to my gal for training. Thanks

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron10 View Post
    Hi v15 just looked at your vids, very nice, keep up the good work. I noticed that your female buster, I think is married. If so, is her husband aware or is this just discreet. The reason I comment, I have a masseuse I use and she bust me among other domination events, she is married and her husband has no clue. Enjoy your work, especially liked the squeezing vid, going to show it to my gal for training. Thanks
    I would like to thank you on your feedback here, ron10, for me feedback is everything, also i will have fun and keep up the good work i wish you the same with your busting partner. Cheers

  6. #81
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    Santa's brought you 2 more clips :)

    Hello guys and galls ! How are you... ? We haven't spoken for a while ! Long time no see... I have really missed you ! So Santa has come early this year for you and he brought you 2 more clips made bu us. In the first one you can see that i've made a stomping block... well actually i paid a carpenter to make it for me, i put my balls on it and then she steps on them and sometimes with her full weight and then she wiggles her body waight on my balls... going up and down up and down...UP and you know the rest. So she has done so in this clip you can see that she steped on them completly... you can see there is no room for the balls to escape, they're incarcerated under her foot... Damn that hurt, probably hurt her more than me... NO wait i'm just kidding, it didn't hurt her at all and as a matter of fact she really enjoyed it. So here is the clip. Have fun with it because you know we did

    And now Ladies and ballbustees this is the moment we've been all waiting for... My second clip. In this clip i have surrpased my old record of 50 kicks and now she kicked me 90 times with her bare foot. I am really sorry i couldn't do 100 kicks, but her foot hurt at the end and so did my balls. I am very proud of myself that i can take a few kicks so here it is my Masterpiece :

    Thethehe de de THAT'S ALL FOLKS:
    Please enjoy my clips and leave lots of comments telling me what you think of my work... Oh i love how that sounds...My Work... Cheers Folks And i wish you some happy Holiidays beside the people you love

  7. #82
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    You Rock!! Thanks for sharing. Any new grab and squeeze clip ?

  8. #83
    Member curiousj's Avatar
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    v15 Thank you for sharing and thanks for posting to google drive to make it easy to see! These are some of the best home made clips. I hope you and your lady friend keep having fun with it. I wish I had your pain tolerance.

  9. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by curiousj View Post
    v15 Thank you for sharing and thanks for posting to google drive to make it easy to see! These are some of the best home made clips. I hope you and your lady friend keep having fun with it. I wish I had your pain tolerance.
    You are welcome curiosj... i apreciate your words

  10. #85
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    You always bring such joy to the world.

    And I think everyone here is so grateful that you share with us,

    Your girlfriend does such a great job of jingling your bells.

    ok enough x-mas jokes....

    Thank you and your girlfriend so much, great like usual!

  11. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by curmudgeon View Post
    You always bring such joy to the world.

    And I think everyone here is so grateful that you share with us,

    Your girlfriend does such a great job of jingling your bells.

    ok enough x-mas jokes....

    Thank you and your girlfriend so much, great like usual!
    You are welcome curmudgeon, what can i say... we both love what we do, i'm hoping in our next video we would do 100 kicks although i don't know when that will be because i don't want to pressure her with the videos and filming. Thank you all, my friends, i am glad we think alike because i belive that on this forum we are all alike, i wish you Happy holidays curmudgeon and all of you that posted on this topic. Cheers !!!

  12. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by v15 View Post
    Hello guys and galls ! How are you... ? We haven't spoken for a while ! Long time no see... I have really missed you ! So Santa has come early this year for you and he brought you 2 more clips made bu us. In the first one you can see that i've made a stomping block... well actually i paid a carpenter to make it for me, i put my balls on it and then she steps on them and sometimes with her full weight and then she wiggles her body waight on my balls... going up and down up and down...UP and you know the rest. So she has done so in this clip you can see that she steped on them completly... you can see there is no room for the balls to escape, they're incarcerated under her foot... Damn that hurt, probably hurt her more than me... NO wait i'm just kidding, it didn't hurt her at all and as a matter of fact she really enjoyed it. So here is the clip. Have fun with it because you know we did

    And now Ladies and ballbustees this is the moment we've been all waiting for... My second clip. In this clip i have surrpased my old record of 50 kicks and now she kicked me 90 times with her bare foot. I am really sorry i couldn't do 100 kicks, but her foot hurt at the end and so did my balls. I am very proud of myself that i can take a few kicks so here it is my Masterpiece :

    Thethehe de de THAT'S ALL FOLKS:
    Please enjoy my clips and leave lots of comments telling me what you think of my work... Oh i love how that sounds...My Work... Cheers Folks And i wish you some happy Holiidays beside the people you love
    Great stuff V15. Your videos are so much better than the professional model vids that are just clearly fake. I especially am impressed with your lady's aim. So many of the vids show the woman basically kicking behinds the guy's balls and really only hitting his butt. Your lady catches the testicles square on almost every time.

    Again terrific stuff and thanks again

  13. #88
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    Great videos V.15! Thank you for posting! I really enjoyed the first one! Looked painful!

  14. #89
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    You are Welcome Neptune89 ! I am glad that you liked it... now... Get ready for my next hit !

  15. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rufous View Post
    Great stuff V15. Your videos are so much better than the professional model vids that are just clearly fake. I especially am impressed with your lady's aim. So many of the vids show the woman basically kicking behinds the guy's balls and really only hitting his butt. Your lady catches the testicles square on almost every time.

    Again terrific stuff and thanks again
    You are welcome Rufous, in this nex post i will post another clip, stay tuned, i am glad that i am a member of this forum and that i can make y'all happy with my clips. I agree with you Rufous, i am also not pleased with most of the clips that i see online, their mostly filled with man hating psycopath women that don't really care of what injuries they inflict on the guy they bust, they just want to have a good time laughing of the guy's fetish considering him some kind of stupid for agreeing to be busted like that, i don't think they get turned on or anything, they just want to make someone suffer and make fun of men, now i'm not saying they should be sorry for his pain but there are limits to anything... even sadism, also 80% of the guys in the videos are not really into it either, you can tell by seeing their flacid cocks, when i see this i ask my self... "What the hell am i watching here ? He's not turned on ! He's clearly doing it for the money ! I can't find any other reason why a guy who is not turned on by ballbusting would appear in a bb video, i kind of defeats the purpouse in itself ! But there are some videos that are really good, in witch you see guys with hard-ons and girls being turned on by the feeling of being empowered...

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