********** talk -two women encourage men to be *********
********** talk -two women encourage men to be *********
A comical news to say the least.
some castr and penectomy: http://g.e-hentai.org/g/778563/752ef3a4a5/
********** sequence - images 78 t0 94: http://g.e-hentai.org/s/94ecbbb9eb/767641-78
They're from a computer game - does anyone know where to find it?
Unbelievable great!!
the details (as is usually the case there nowdays) are posted by the origional uploader on the main page (if you dont know how to get to the main page click on the downwards facing arrow at the bottom of the image page your on, have script enabled and read the comments section at the bottom). If you want to know how to get the game i really cant help you, buying from Oriental manga DL sites is a nightmare at best of times, but most dont even allow purchase if your using a card thats not a oriental one ( legal issues about selling region specific rated content to other regions, its not the sites fault but they have to stick to there laws or face loss of legal selling rights and possible jail time! ).....If your on about "free" "found" sources, lol, thats another difficult area,lol, theres not much demand for this specific area of warez so no-one shares them.....Look at all the c4$ ********** clips, there impossible to find, so oriental ( probably Jappenesse launguaged ) manga games on ********** and cbt,lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you do manage to find it, share,i will drop dead with shock, but share i implore you lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously i really do wish you luck,and i mean that, but the odds of finding it, well......![]()
2 sexy girl tied up a masculine naked guy on a tree and ******** him.
Very nice sexy women cut off his babymakers !!!
i heard that on game OF THRONES the redhead chick tthreatens to cut off john snow's dick simple equation redhead+threat of violence=boner
My wife is pretty awesome. She's only recently become aware of my c@stration fetish, and so far she's been playing around with it in a cool way. She's taken to trying to convince me to agree to have my testicles removed as a positive step for our relationship. This is all just play (I'm pretty sure), but she's a good actor and is presenting me with arguments about how much better off we'd be without my mood swings and overactive sex drive.
Anyway, the other day she presented me with a printed flyer from a c@stration clinic, and said we need to have a serious discussion about signing the consent form. I've attached a link to the flyer for anyone that's interested:
She made it using info from online and pics from the c@stration folder on my porn drive. She hasn't actually presented me with a consent form to sign, but I figure that's next.