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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #5911
    Junior Member auntcassie's Avatar
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    36 is my blog and I wrote the "Men To Boys" story a few years ago. I'm glad you like it. Here is a better link for accessing the story:*-fantasy.html

  2. #5912
    Junior Member auntcassie's Avatar
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    This is an outstanding creation. The person that created it must be heavily steeped in ********** fetish porn. I've been jerking off to this brochure for over 2 weeks now and will most likely continue to jerk off to it, off and on, for some time to come.

    It's interesting that the clinic is located in Australia...

    The person that this reminds me the most of was a poster here named GoodyTwoShoes, or some such. He also used to post as KathleenK on the Eunuch Archive (the original) back in the late '90s. Another possibility for authorship is a poster called Kortpeel over at the Eunuch Archive. In any event, whoever they are, my hat's off to this guy. He's brought a great deal of simple pleasure and enjoyment into my life. Thanks!

  3. #5913
    Senior Member Steel's Avatar
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  4. #5914
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    It is a shame the system nice cannot be used legally by medical professionals on individuals who wish complete **********

  5. #5915
    Member ballsnblade's Avatar
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    Ok. here it goes. I am "posting". This business of ********** has always fascinated me. I have lots of experience ********** livestock, and various animals. Two weeks ago it was my daughters cat. She pretty much begged me to get the deed done. I felt bad for the cat and used ethyl chloride, and ether to knock it down a bit before cutting. I work fast, but it was still a bit much for the eunuch... cat and he it was shaking and trembling uncontrollably. Note to self less ether. I stood him next to a fan and he came around pretty fast with fresh air. I felt even worse for the poor little bugger. It was really a nice creature.
    Well now I'm the hero at the daughters place but every time I visit I spend a few extra minutes holding petting and apologizing to "silver" the cat. I get really tired of being the sadist sometimes in real life. I really want to be kind, compassionate and generous. I feel bad because I know in my heart I used too much gas and I nearly killed Silver. Normally I just start cutting without any anesthesia and delight in the screams of agony.
    Anyway, I doctored a few hentia/anime/guro images, and did a pretty nice job. My collection of ********** art has really grown over the years and I'd like to share it. However, the rules are I have to write something before I can post. Sooo here it is. I wrote something. Now I am a member.
    Don't get your hopes up. I am not that chatty in forums. I'll do what I can, but mostly I make art, and lurk. Maybe with my new status as a member, I'll be able to contribute something to the community. Well, I go now. And investigate if my status as member has changed.
    Oh Silver the cat is fine. He quit spraying, and is very lovable. I don't think he remembers the brush with death. He seems to really like to sit in my lap, and purr. So the trauma of the ********** is hidden from him. I am grateful for that.

  6. #5916
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    The Locusts (1997)

    That old sexist stereotype, the ********** woman, hasn't vanished from pop culture. In John Patrick Kelley's pulpy Freudian allegory, ''The Locusts,'' she makes a bizarre comeback in the person of Delilah (yes, Delilah!) Potts (Kate Capshaw), the widowed nymphomaniac owner of a cattle ranch in Kansas. In the film's most lurid scene, this sex-starved gorgon, whose impotent husband committed suicide, ****** her stammering, emotionally disturbed, 21-year-old son, Flyboy (Jeremy Davies), to watch as she castrates his pet bull, reducing the boy to quivering glazed-eyed catatonia.

  7. #5917
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    In Brooklyn Nine Nine, Season 2 Episode 14, 'Gina Linetti' (Chelsea Peretti) says she will cut off both his sons testicles.
    Pornography = boring.

  8. #5918
    Senior Member
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    Slightly off topic but not:

    Recently divorced and now dating exactly does one break the ice about this particular turn on to new love interests?

  9. #5919
    Big Supporter
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    You don't.

  10. #5920
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    Try creating a profile on Fetlife. It's a fetish dating site. I don't know much about it, but then you're out there right away. Good luck!

  11. #5921
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lupo_Prokofiev View Post
    Slightly off topic but not:

    Recently divorced and now dating exactly does one break the ice about this particular turn on to new love interests?
    I said it before in the penectomythread:
    From the last 5 girlfriends I had, 4 of them got to the point where they enjoyed ballbusting and penectomyfetish. Would think castrationfetish is no different. Doesn't mean they would actually chop it off, but they liked teasing it. Ballbusting they all did. Was fun. Finally ended up with one who I make videos with for **********.

    They way I did it was that I started in a funny way. Joking about it and such. Not making it seem like I have a fetish for it. But taking the jokes further, or sometimes 'bluffing' them to kick me, I would let her know in a subtle way that it was funny or even kinky. And ofcourse always making it look like I never did that before and am surprised myself that it's kinda hot for a girl.
    I did always wait for a few dates before joking about it. Don't want to appear 'strange' on the first date.

    But 'funny' is the way to go. As long as it's funny, then you are not a weird pervert. And then they can grow into it. Most enjoy it as soon as they see it can actually be fun. Especially when after the laughs, they notice they are turning you on with it.
    1 of them did it because she had anger issues and this ended up for a way for her to relieve herself. Another girlfriend of mine did it because she noticed it was turning me on. And another found out that being dominant this way really suited her(Emily, from the videos of **********) and having the control over the sexlife of a male was hot.
    You will be surprised in the end how many enjoy it. Many girls would love to try kinky stuff as they themselves are bored with their current sexlife....but they never dare to say it out loud. Same counts for most men. Just start with joking about it, and always appear openminded.

    Good luck.

    ps: I said 4 out of 5 last girlfriends. Doesn't mean 1 turned the offer down. With 1 girl I never tried it because I noticed from her that she wasn't openminded or into 'other' things other than normal sex. You'll know soon enough whether you can go this route or not.

  12. #5922
    Junior Member auntcassie's Avatar
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    how do you delete??
    Last edited by auntcassie; 08-08-2015 at 09:29 AM. Reason: want to quote original post

  13. #5923
    Junior Member auntcassie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by virile View Post
    The Locusts (1997)

    That old sexist stereotype, the ********** woman, hasn't vanished from pop culture. In John Patrick Kelley's pulpy Freudian allegory, ''The Locusts,'' she makes a bizarre comeback in the person of Delilah (yes, Delilah!) Potts (Kate Capshaw), the widowed nymphomaniac owner of a cattle ranch in Kansas. In the film's most lurid scene, this sex-starved gorgon, whose impotent husband committed suicide, ****** her stammering, emotionally disturbed, 21-year-old son, Flyboy (Jeremy Davies), to watch as she castrates his pet bull, reducing the boy to quivering glazed-eyed catatonia.
    Love to watch that ********** scene. Sounds very jack-off worthy. Don't own the necessary video equipment. Oh well.

  14. #5924
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    I need help translating this:

    ■みなさん明けましておめでとうございます。男子禁制のここ少女寺(しょじょじ)では、恒例の『除夜の鐘』 が行われたばかりです。少女寺の鐘楼は長い廊下のような造りになっていて、年の瀬のみ『釣鐘』が吊られます 。え? 裸の男がいるじゃないかって? いえ、あれは『釣鐘』です。ここでは男子のふぐりのことを『釣鐘』 というんです。金的のことを『釣鐘』と呼ぶこともありますが、この風習からきているとか? 男子の『釣鐘』 は脆いので、確実に1発で壊れてしまいますから、108人の男子を吊っておきます。そしてこの釣鐘を、住職 (14歳)がひとつひとつ、心を込めて衝いていきます。
    住職も裸なのは、麻袋越しにうっすら見える住職の裸体に、魔羅が勃起したところを衝くためです。こうすれば 魔羅が釣鐘にかかって邪魔になることもないですし、この『除夜の鐘』には1回につき1つの煩悩……男子の『 肉欲』を祓うという意味があるので、その肉欲がもたげる瞬間を狙うのは効果的なんだそうです。
    撞木がふぐりとともに中の玉を砕く音の大きさ、衝かれる瞬間の『釣鐘男子』の鳴き声(悲鳴)、そしてふぐり と玉の潰れ具合から、来年の吉兆を占うともいわれていますが、今回はとてもいい出来でしたので今年はきっと よい年になるでしょう。……さて、新年となりましたので、これから『魔羅祓い』が始まります。魔羅祓いとは 、不吉な文字である“魔”と“羅”のつく男子の『魔羅』を、小刀で根元から“祓い落とす”儀式です。初詣の 参拝者の女子によって、釣鐘の役目を果たし終えた男子の『魔羅』を一本一本切り落としていきます。玉を潰さ れた苦痛で小鬼のように呻く男子の魔羅を切り落とすと、(痛みとショックで)気を失い、憑き物が落ちたよう に静かになるんですよ。ちなみに切り落とした魔羅はお守りとして、参拝者の少女たちが持ち帰っていきます。 以上、少女寺の年末年始でした。 ■……ということで、明けましておめでとうございます~。知らないうちに pixivの投稿に『反社会的表現』かとか、『属性:未成年』とか入力するようになってて驚きました。オイ ラの作風だと、いつ締め出されてもおかしくないかもしれませんね……。

  15. #5925
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    ■ Congratulations New Year everyone. In the men's forbidden here girl temple (virgin same), just has been carried out annual "bells on New Year's Eve." Bell tower of the girl temple they become to build, such as the long hallway, hung the end of the year only the "bell". Huh? You do not a have a naked man? No, there is a "bell". Here it's called "bell" that of Fuguri of men. Sometimes referred to as a "bell" to a Kinteki, but Toka comes from the custom? Since the fragile male of "bell" is, surely because you will break in one shot, you have hung the 108 boys. And the bell, priest (14 years old) will continue with it is put one by one, the mind.
    Chief priest also naked Nanoha, the nude of faintly visible priest in hemp bag over, because you get a place where Mara was erection. To is never get in the way and it takes Mara is to bell In this way, because this is the "bells on New Year's Eve," there is a sense that pay "lust" of one of worldly desires ...... men at a time, the moment when the lust is exalt It seems to effectively do the aim of.
    Wooden bell hammer the size of the sound that break the ball of the middle with Fuguri, cries of "bell-boy" of the moment to be stuck (scream), and from the collapsed condition of Fuguri and Ball, you are even said to predict next year's auspicious, this time It will be surely a good year this year because it was a very good can. ...... Now that we became the New Year, we will begin now, "Mara exorcism". The Mara exorcism, it is the "Mara" in the boys take of a sinister character "or" and "Luo", from the root with a scalpel "exorcism to drop" ritual. By worshipers of women of Hatsumode, we'll cut off one by one the "Mara" in the boys finished playing the role of a bell. If you cut off the Mara of the boys small like the devil groan in pain that was crushed the ball, and fainted (in pain and shock), it becomes quiet as inherent fell. By the way, as Mara is talisman cut off, worshipers of the girls will brought back. Or more, it was the New Year of the girl temple. With that said ..., Happy New Year ~. Toka or "anti-social representation" to the post of pixiv While you do not know: I was surprised to be adapted to "attribute minor" or input. When's style OY La, it might not be funny even when been locked out and ....

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