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So guys, there's a female friend of mines who's name is Nicole. She's someone who that in the past I've been sexually involved with but not currently. This weekend we were just hanging out catching up, and the conversation found it's way to crazy outrageous fantasies. Her's was she wanted to dress up as a dominatrix and put a gun to a guy's head and force him to have sex with her. So, when I told her that my fantasy was to have a hot chick cut off my cock and flush it down the toilet in front of me she found it intriguing. I must admit i was quite skeptical in telling her at first, but once I told her I didn't get that dude your crazy look. So, after I confessed my fantasy to her, and her being intrigued by it. She told me that if it were a country out there that she could get away with doing it without doing prison time, and having medical personnel nearby so that I wouldn't bleed out or go into shock and die that she would do it to me. At that point I told her pump your brakes it's just a fantasy that I think about when I blow a load, I don't really want my cock to be cut off and flushed down a toilet. She said she understood that, but it was something about the thought of taking away a guys manhood and getting rid of it in some form or fashion was a symbol of dominance for women over men. Her saying that didn't surprise me at all considering what she shared as her crazed fantasy. Moral of the story is now that I know she won't think that I'm crazy for fantasizing about it, I wonder if I can talk her into participating in doing a short film about a woman cutting of a guys cock and flushing it down the toilet. I've always had a thought about producing some type of 5-7 minute clip about that. There's not much material out there about our kink, and it would have a different dynamic to it as well because me being a black male and her being a white female of course it would be a severed black cock theme and it's not that much of that out there. I will propose the idea to her and see if she will oblige. Wish me luck me guys!! I will let you guys know if she agrees and I put this thing in motion.