Found this little jem on youtube. russian surgeon who does ********** and other body mods. This guy is already radically circumcised like it was never there and a massive Prince Albert. This is the surgery and some after pics of his empty bag. Considering this for myself, but the fear of ending my genetic line is very real, but feel it should be done. Prince Albert is an interesting concept. Maybe a permanent on with spikes on it to prevent intercourse and masturbation...

And here's a couple other operation procedures. It's quite a simple operation that helps us men in so many ways. Why it isn't performed more is beyond me.

I'll be honest. I'll miss mounting women, but you can't deny the results. The empty bag looks is beautiful. Though, I would put two chinese medicine balls in my scrotum so they jingle if I make too much noise swinging them. Anything for my woman.