Woman cooking snakes - symbolic - action begins around 10:30
Girls cooking snakes - much more symbolic than the first - action begins around 4:40
Woman cooking snakes - symbolic - action begins around 10:30
Girls cooking snakes - much more symbolic than the first - action begins around 4:40
Castrations mans
very pretty nurse penectomy Internship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmaC...j0TIRl721sBwXA
I don't know if you guys have seen this yet, but enjoy!!
i´ve foud this film contains penectomy made by a woman http://wipfilms.net/splatter-and-gore/lunatic/
clone your dick for cut later https://www.amazon.com/Empire-Labs-C...000NBS2RE?th=1
My first time posting a story here so be nice haha I'm an awful writer so I'm totally open to suggestions as to how to make the story better. I think an improvement would be to name the main characters instead of using just pronouns but it's no novel so I don't think it takes too much away.
I _______________ being 100% sure of my desire to have my penis cut off and destroyed permanently agree to allow _______________ to chain/restrain me, sexually abuse me, and cut off my penis with or without being allowed a final orgasm. I understand (above) is not a medically trained or board certified surgeon, however we have discussed the process and mutually agree with the proper tools and this signed contract, this permanent and life changing action can be done safely, sanely and legally.
Furthermore once this contract is signed I can and will beg her not to cut my penis off, beg her to let me have one last orgasm, and eventually beg her not to destroy my penis afterward, also beg her to ******** (crush testicles to rupture and cut off) me afterwards to end my permanent sexual frustration, However these pleas are to be ignored. I want to enjoy a long sex life with permanently blue balls, and the only pleasure I am to give is from using a strap-on dildo I will wear in place of my severed penis, to pleasure my partner, receiving sexual gratification vicariously through pleasing her, enjoying her regular, brutal and constant abuse of my testicles with both pressure (squeezing/crushing) and impact (hitting/kicking/stomping) for the rest of my sex life.
Also I look forward to her dressed provocatively when we’re alone or in public if she chooses, and I wish her to (both verbally and physically) taunt me regularly, about having cut my penis off, and how I am her permanently blue ball sex slave, who’s testicles exist only for her abuse and enjoyment of my permanent sexual frustration. If she chooses to allow other women to examine my penis-less state, and/or allow such women to abuse my testicles as well, is entirely up to her. If I’m only to be her sex slave I agree that if we separate for any reason after my Penectomy, she may either ******** (remove my testicles) or leave me in a sexually frustrated state.
I ______________________ Wish to begin immediately with my penis amputation, orgasm denial and testicle abuse.
(Man Signs-________________________) To be performed Immediately by:_____________________
Woman Signs_______________________)
“You are out of your mind if you think i’ll sign this! This is a death sentence for my dick! After all the times you’ve threatened to cut my cock and balls off, you really think I don’t think you’d actually do it after I sign this??” He said with a weak laughter to his voice. “Babe, just think of how exciting our sex life will be with the fact that I could end it all for you whenever I want looming in the back of your head.” She said seductively. “You got so hard when I held that knife to your cock last week. You really did know I would’t do it. What if I could? What if I just yanked your dick and cut it clean off?” With a bounce in her step she walked towards him and whispered in his ear while cupping his balls “I’ll get you to sign it. Don’t worry.” She gave his balls a hard squeeze and wrapped her fingers around them and immediately fell to her knees and took his cock into her mouth. She truly enjoyed the feeling of his cock getting harder and harder in her mouth. Her boyfriend started to moan and relax. She started to push him gently towards the support beam of the house until he was leaning against it. Her tight grip on his balls reminded him to do what she wants him to do. With a the sound of a pop she took him cock out of her mouth and gently cooed “don’t worry babe I won’t make you sign that contract yet. Let’s have some kinky fun right now! I want to pretend I’m a mean interrogator and you’re my captive prisoner and I have to use my mouth to get answers from you.” She put his balls in her mouth one at a time while stroking his big dick and looking up at hims with her gorgeous blue eyes. “Sure, yeah just keeping sucking that cock, girl.”
The scantily clad seductress quickly leapt up, and without stopping the stroking of his cock, got handcuffs out of a nearby drawer and walked behind him. With a click the handcuffs cuffed his hands around the support beam of the house. Without even getting into character she walked back around to his front and sat down on her knees with her face inches from his throbbing cock. She would not break her stare from his package. “Come on and suck it, what the hell are you doing just staring at it?” Her eyes darted up to meet his and she cracked a devious looking smile. “Close your eyes” she said after taking his cock in her hand and lifting it to get a good look at his testicles. She really enjoyed simply looking at men’s genitals. But this was not a time for her pleasure. This was a time for her to complete her goal of getting him to sign the contract. She dropped his heavy penis and stood up then walked back about 10 feet, almost into the living room or their home. She took a running start and landed a devastating shin kick to his exposed and vulnerable balls. His mouth agape, just high pitched sounds and air were escaping while he slowly hunched over to eventually fall to his knees. The girl acted fast and tied his ankles to an iron bar she had hidden behind the couch in case an intruder ever broke in. This would prevent him from being able to stand up. She pulled the hand drill from out of his tool bag that he uses for work and keeps by the front door. What she did next was attach a very strong industrial magnet to the drill bit and stuck a chisel to it. She pressed the drills trigger and the magnet and chisel spun with the chisel handle facing out. She let go of the trigger and walked back over to her red faced heavily breathing boyfriend. “What the fuck is that?! He cried. Without answering she placed the drill on the floor with the chisel’s wooden handle just touching the back of his swollen balls. Pressing the trigger caused the chisel to spin and continuously strike her man’s precious balls in rapid succession. In her constant reading about penis’ and testicles she learned about the epididymus. Hitting a man there hurts the testes just a little bit more so she made sure the chisel handle was hitting the back of his scrotum first. Looking satisfied in her work, she took a zip tie and tied it around the drill handle to keep the trigger pulled down. She didn’t make the chisel spin too fast but just fast enough for the force to really hurt. So she placed the drill back down with it spinning the chisel into his balls. “Sign the contract and this will stop” she whispered into his ear. “I’m going to bed babe. Shout if you change your mind about the contract” She then bounced away to let the drill continue it’s onslaught on her man’s balls. “No please don’t go please take this away!” Not until you swear you’ll sign” she replied. She didn’t actually intend on going to bed. She knew it won’t be too long before he gives in.
After only about 20 minutes of his balls getting turned to putty, he finally shouted “Okay I’ll sign please just make this stop! My balls can’t take it anymore!” Completely nude, his girlfriend very slowly walked into the room. “You swear? Because if you’re lying much, much worse things will happen to those fat nuts of yours” She stood over him arms crossed, thinking about how much pain her man’s balls are causing him. She stared at the drill while he swore he’d sign and he promised her that he understands how much more exciting it will make their sex life. She moved the drill away with her foot and knelt down and used a very large blade to cut the zip tie on the drill trigger then placed the blade on the floor between his legs. “Good” she said slyly. She placed the contract on his chest and filled in everything except his signature. She then jammed the pen into his dick’s urethra and used his penis to forge his signature. While he screamed she sloppily wrote his signature then pulled the pen out of his dick. “So I recorded the audio of you saying you’ll sign it. I’ll edit out the screams and the drill sounds.” She then made copies of the contract and placed one on their dinner table. She returned to him fully clothed and immediately started to suck his dick after saying she wanted to make sure his poor balls still worked. Once he was rock hard, she stood up and with the knife he forgot about, held it to the base of his dick and looked into his eyes and said “this is what you get for cheating.” She yanked his dick as hard as she possibly could and cut it off right from the base. She ignored his screams and tears and told him “I used your phone to text the bitch you fucked. I told her to come over with some wine and condoms. She’s on her way.” His now ex-girlfriend walked out of the front door with her copy of the contract in a suitcase and his still erect severed cock in a plastic bag. “No ice for this cock. I want it to die and never fuck again.” she said to herself. She quickly closed the door to cover his screams and walked to her car.
“OH GOD PLEASE HELP ME AMY! MY COCK SHE TOOK IT! SHE CUT OFF MY COCK! Amy was the man’s girl on the side. She dropped everything in her hands when she walked through the front door to see her stallion tied to a pole and bleeding from the crotch. She uncuffed him and held a towel where his penis used to be and looked for her phone to call 911. “Who did this to you?!” She cried. “My girlfriend! she tied me up and cut my dick off! Please get the cops to find her, I saw her put it in a plastic bag so it can still be put back on my body!”
Pic of Amy found on his phone:
“Your GIRLFRIEND?!” Amy shouted. “Please I’m sorry I never told you please call the cops I need my cock back!!” Now it was in that moment that Amy truly hesitated. Her hand just 2 inches away from his balls she thought about ripping them off. But she took a breath and remembered that she was having sex with other men and women as well. Amy called 911 and watched as they took her dickless man to the hospital. She ignored his demands to find the girl who took his manhood away. She ignored him when he said he can’t live without his cock as they hoisted him into the back of the ambulance. Amy watched them drive away. She realized she was covered in blood and had to go home to change. A few minutes later when Amy got home she went into her bedroom and started taking her bloody clothes off. She was wondering if she forgot to lock her front door because she was in such a hurry to get fucked by the biggest cock in the area. She looked at her bed and saw on her pillow a severed human penis. “I could get this to the hospital so they can reattach it!” Then Amy realized that the girl who cut this dick off was the one who texted her to come over. Amy stared at his cock. She went and got cooking tongs to pick the severed organ up. She realized her pussy was actually getting wet at the thought of having the power over a man to end his sex life. Amy decided to flush the penis down her toilet and never see the cheating bastard again.
Thanks so much, guys! I tried to keep it short and not too overly descriptive because we've got lives and things to dobut I could probably cook up a part two if you guys want. Should I tone down the violence or take it up a notch? I'm a pretty sick dude haha. Oh and the photo's do you guys like that? I think it helps get a mental image but I won't do it if you feel it takes away from it
Chapter 2.
7 months later.
There was a knock at Amy’s door late one night in winter. She was a bit concerned so she grabbed a kitchen knife before answering the door. She slowly opened it and saw that it was Brad. He saw the knife and grimaced. It looked exactly like that one that took his precious member away forever. Amy hid the knife behind her back. “What are you doing here? I thought I made it clear I didn’t want to see you again by, you know, ignoring your calls and texts. Cheating bastard at least you can’t send me any dick pics anymore.” Amy’s words had stung Brad deeply and he immediately fell to his knees and cried. “I’m so sorry Amy. I’m so fucking sorry I lied to you and cheated on you. Don’t you think I got what I deserve? Don’t you think that I can barely live with myself with no…. no…” Brad sobbed and sobbed into his hands. Amy was worried her neighbors would notice so she invited him in. “Amy I’m so sorry I’m just such a horny guy I couldn’t keep it in my pants. It was like I wanted the world to see my dick. Now…” Brad scoffed. “Now I lost my job because I’m so upset and depressed. You know I commuted out of state and my accident was only local news. No one at work knew. All the girls I was fucking in the office were hounding me like vultures. I even had one confront me after we closed and demanded I let her suck my cock. I just ran, Amy. I ran out and never came back.” Brad started to cry again. “I never leave my house. I never have fun. I never smile. All I can think about is having sex. It’s like my balls are in complete control over my body. I almost wish they were cut off instead! I can’t even watch T.V. anymore. For fucks sakes Game of Thrones was my favorite show and I just got to the part where that one character has his dick chopped off and it shows how much it ruins his life in such detail. I can’t look at porn. You know blowjob POV porn was my favorite. I see their massive cocks and just want to cry. My life is a fucking mess, Amy. I can’t live like this it’s torture every single day. I have to piss sitting down. I have to get my wound checked every few weeks and sometimes there are female nurses and doctors in the room. I’m so sorry Amy but can’t you see I should have just been broken up with. I didn’t deserve some crazy bitch cutting me and running away with my dick. God know’s what she did with it. Probably fed it to her dogs or buried it in the woods. Fucking bitch. I wouldn’t even be mad if I saw her. I wouldn’t do anything. I wouldn’t hit her. I’d just look her in the eye and ask how could someone be so cruel and insane?”
Amy’s thoughts were a mess right now. She felt an immense state of guilt flow over her. She kept having flash backs of her decision to flush his penis down the toilet. She bursts into tears and collapses onto her couch head in her lap. She was almost shouting her cries as if she had just seen a loved one die in front of her. “Amy what’s wrong?” Brad said as he ran and knelt down in front of her wincing has his massive blue balls bounced together. Amy could not stop thinking about Brad’s cock whirling around in the toilets bloody water. She remembered her smile she had for triumphantly ended a cheating man’s sex life. She remembered that she masturbated immediately after as a “fuck you” to Brad never orgasming again. Amy looked at Brad with red, teary eyes and said “I’m so sorry Brad. Please forgive me. I flushed it.” “You flushed what, Amy?” Brad said confusedly. “When I came home I saw my door was unlocked and thought nothing of it. I came in and your penis was on my bed. I was still so angry with you that I flushed it down the toilet.” Brad’s face turned white and his mouth fell open. He leaned back and just laid on the ground. They sat in silence for a few moments with just the sound of Amy crying. Brad sat up and put his and on Amy’s lap and lifted her chin with his hand so she could make eye contract with him. He rubbed her cheek to dry some of the tears. “I forgive you baby girl. I understand why you did that. You were angry and I’m a cheating dog.” Amy started to cry harder out of disbelief that anyone could ever forgive her. “Look, at least you weren’t the one who actually did the cutting, Amy. I forgive you for what you did.” It was at that moment that Amy remembered why she had fallen for Brad in the first place. Sure he said some nasty things to her but that was only when they fucked and she liked the dirty, degrading things he would say to her. She remembered that he did have compassion. They both smiled and embraced each other and cried for some time.
It was very late so Amy decided to let Brad sleep over. She let him share a bed with her because she felt no romantic attraction to him anymore and well, there wasn’t much he could do to her.
“YES OH GOD YES OH BRAD NNNN YES FUCK ME HARDER DEEPER I WANT TO COME ALL OVER YOUR FAT FUCKING COCK! I WANT YOU TO COVER MY FACE WITH YOUR HOT CUM! OH GOD BRAD YOU’RE SO FUCKING BIG I CAN BARELY TAKE IT JUST KEEP FUCKING ME YES YES YESSSSS! No I’m not that bad of an author. Amy’s having a dream. A damn good one. She woke up in such a daze of tiredness and horniness and thought nothing of past events and just saw her muscular brad sleeping in bed next to her and she reached for the cock she craved daily. Then it hits her hard that just thinking how badly she wants this man’s cock, she can’t imagine how much brad wants it more. She destroyed such a beautiful thick cock out of spite. He’s so young she thought. Just 24 years old. To live the rest of his life with such a beautiful body and no cock is truly awful. The guilt started eating away at her. He is a deep sleeper so she pulled the covers down to see his mutilated crotch. there was nothing but his large balls hanging there. Since his cock was yanked so hard before being cut off, there was absolutely nothing there. Not even a half an inch stump. He lost it all. Amy started to cry again. Then she remembered she once made a guy cum in high school just by rubbing his balls. Now this was clearly a case of youthful premature ejaculation but Amy’s emotional state had her not thinking clearly. She decided to gently start licking his left ball. His breathing got heavier. She put her hand underneath his ball sack to lift up his nuts and that’s when he woke up. He panicked thinking it was his ex back to ******** him so he sat up really quickly but he noticed it was Amy and asked he what she is doing. “I’m gonna suck on your nuts.” Amy said in a soothing tone and a serious face. “I bet you I can get you to cum by playing with these big guys.” “What are you talking about? I don’t have a dick, Amy. That isn’t possible. Trust me I’ve been trying and haven’t cum since they day before I lost it.” He replied. With that, she began to suck one ball at a time, rolling her tongue around it. “You know, for one, I get a better view of your abs without your penis blocking my view.” Amy said jokingly to lighten the mood. He moaned a rather annoyed sound and put his hands over his eyes. Amy realized that she probably shouldn’t mention his cock-less state.
Amy tried for quite some time to feel any kind of pulsing sensation in his balls but felt nothing. She took off her panties and put her bare tits in his face and reached under and grabbed his balls and started to rub them against her clit. He sucked on her nipples furiously. He was so desperate for an orgasm he thought it would help. Amy started to pretend his dick was still there and was just rubbing her pussy all over his crotch. Just as if she was riding his cock and rocking her hips. Amy put a lot of effort into pleasing him and was exaggerating her moans very much. He grabbed her by the legs and swept her off the bed so they could 69. Then Amy’s moans became very real. Her cum was running down his chest as she sucked his balls until his scrotum had stretched out. She kept going back and forth between rubbing his soaking wet nuts and sucking on them. Still no cum. She noticed the small hole behind his sack and figured out that that was where he peed from now. She tried for two hours to get him to cum and failed. She had cum 16 times though and felt terrible about it. She felt like she had failed him. They laid there naked and sweaty, breathing heavily, and Amy was just rubbing his balls gently. She asked if maybe she wasn’t rough enough. Maybe she could squeeze the cum out. “It’ll hurt like hell but I want to see a big load come out of you. You know how much I love your cum!” He looked back at her and said that sounds like an awful idea. I mean I love a bit of ball busting but what if you crush them or something? I can’t loose my balls too.” Amy just sat up and put a thumb on top of each of his balls and gripped from behind. I’ll start soft and slowly get harder. “Amy I don’t think this is a good idea please just think about this.” He said nervously. “Well you can’t stop me. I’ve got you by the balls” She said in a silly voice. “Look at ya you’re totally paralyzed. You must get real nervous with a woman near your balls. I just want to try this so relax and enjoy the ball busting.” She began to start squeezing and his moans kept getting louder and louder and eventually he was holding her wrists begging her to stop. “Please no! Stop! Not my nuts please! Please I want to stay a man!” Amy immediately let go. She realized that he might have been thinking she was actually trying to ******** him. “Babe, I’m not going to ever hurt you again after what I caused you. This is all my fault.”
The next day she woke up and he was in the shower. Amy sat up in the still wet bed and tried to concoct some sort of plan to help her scarred man who would do anything to get his cock back. She thought maybe she could get an organ donor to give theirs. She thought maybe surgeons could craft a new one out of his other body parts. She did some research and concluded that stuff was far too expensive and dangerous. Brad had left to go back to his apartment. Amy begged him to stay and let her play with his balls more. “I swear I can get that cum out of those stubborn nuts! Please just let me try again. I’ll be gentle!” No Brad said. I need to take care of some things at the bank and call my family members. I’ll be back in a few days.” Amy grabbed a hold of his arms and very seductively said “at least let me kiss them goodbye.” With a sigh, Brad pulled his pants down exposing his even larger balls due to last nights fun and near **********. Amy dropped to her knees and in a very funny and cute voice said to his balls “You two be good to big ol' Brad! the three of us going to be spending a lot more time together than you’re used to! I can't wait to gulp down all your cum. I'll even lick it up off the floor if I have to.” She then grasped his sack and gave two long, wet licks to his balls then kissed them and looked up at Brad with an adorable smile. "Alright, alright I gotta go Amy" He helped her put his balls away and had to pull her hand out of his pants to get her to stop touching his sack. She then leapt up to hug him and "accidentally" lightly kneed him in the balls and giggled. Brad left with an awkward walk out the door.
Attachment 21991 Amy ran to her computer and immediately began researching life with out a penis and how to ejaculate. She couldn't wait to see brad again and try all the new techniques on his nuts and prostate. In many ways she felt it was her duty to stay by his side and be his only source of sexual relief. She couldn't fathom a woman ever wanting a man with no dick.
Chapter 3.
The next day Brad had killed himself. Amy was inconsolable and more distraught then she had ever been in her life. She cried all day and every day until a very intense moment at his funeral. She was in the front of the row of his family members and during a eulogy, she glanced behind herself to try and look away from his poor body in the casket. She had to do a double take because she thought she saw Alana. The bitch who started this all. The bitch who took my man’s cock that eventually made him take his own life. She wore a scarf and sunglasses and a large brim hat to conceal her identity. Alana was just stopping by briefly to just see if this was all true. Amy was certain Alana didn’t see her. Out of pure gut instinct, Amy snuck out of the funeral home and hopped in her car. She thought about honestly running over Alana but she calmed down and realized she could truly take revenge for Brad. She decided to follow Alana’s car until they got to her house. Amy pulled over a few houses down. Luckily it was night time so the visibility was low.
“What’s this? Who is that man coming out of that house and getting into Alana’s car?” The man approached Alana who was leaning against her cars passenger door. They hugged, kissed, and laughed about something. The pure rage inside of Amy was truly something. "This fucking bitch goes to the funeral of a man she pretty much responsible for the death of and is now going to get some dick from this guy she just picked up!" Amy watched as they drove off and she left her car and approached Alana's new mans house. Amy noticed a window on the side of the house was open a little. She lifted the window and opened it. Using her keys, she cut a hole in the screen and tore it off. After stealthily climbing through the window and making sure no one else was home, she took a tour of the house. She found the master bedroom and noticed that the possessions of a man and woman lived there. She snooped around and looked into the dressers of a closet that had women's things in it. She found a box that said Brad on it hidden deep in the bottom of the closet, hidden under a pile of clothes. She slowly opened the box almost expecting a severed penis or worse. She thought to herself Alana is crazy enough to find Brad's dick in the sewer but she nodded in disagreement and opened the box. In it she found a small recording device, a piece of folded paper, a handgun and a blood encrusted knife. Amy held her hand over her mouth and went wide eyed. "I can't believe this whore kept the knife. What a psycho. I guess she didn't want to leave things with her fingerprints." She opened the folded paper and it said:
I, Bradley J. Smith, being 100% sure of my desire to have my penis cut off and destroyed permanently agree to allow Alana D. Cox to chain/restrain me, sexually abuse me, and cut off my penis with or without being allowed a final orgasm. I understand (above) is not a medically trained or board certified surgeon, however we have discussed the process and mutually agree with the proper tools and this signed contract, this permanent and life changing action can be done safely, sanely and legally.
Furthermore once this contract is signed I can and will beg her not to cut my penis off, beg her to let me have one last orgasm, and eventually beg her not to destroy my penis afterward, also beg her to ******** (crush testicles to rupture and cut off) me afterwards to end my permanent sexual frustration, However these pleas are to be ignored. I want to enjoy a long sex life with permanently blue balls, and the only pleasure I am to give is from using a strap-on dildo I will wear in place of my severed penis, to pleasure my partner, receiving sexual gratification vicariously through pleasing her, enjoying her regular, brutal and constant abuse of my testicles with both pressure (squeezing/crushing) and impact (hitting/kicking/stomping) for the rest of my sex life.
Also I look forward to her dressed provocatively when we’re alone or in public if she chooses, and I wish her to (both verbally and physically) taunt me regularly, about having cut my penis off, and how I am her permanently blue ball sex slave, who’s testicles exist only for her abuse and enjoyment of my permanent sexual frustration. If she chooses to allow other women to examine my penis-less state, and/or allow such women to abuse my testicles as well, is entirely up to her. If I’m only to be her sex slave I agree that if we separate for any reason after my Penectomy, she may either ******** (remove my testicles) or leave me in a sexually frustrated state.
I, Bradley J. Smith, Wish to begin immediately with my penis amputation, orgasm denial and testicle abuse.
(Man Signs- (illegible)
To be performed Immediately by: Alana D. Cox
Woman Signs - Alana Cox
"What in the fuck??" Questioned Amy. "What the hell were they up to? Wait... did Brad want his cock cut off? That couldn't be true. That's not even his signature! The cruel bitch must have forged it or something. She opened a second letter and saw it was filled out the same way but with a different mans name. "It must be this new guy." Amy whispered to herself. "Alana must do this to every guy and if they ever cheat on her, she... well... Amy then put the box away but kept the handgun just in case. She continued the tour of Alana's house. And tried to devise a plan of revenge. Amy had nothing to loose and was so controlled by rage that she was planning a very devilish plan.
Photo Cred to Slap_Happy user on Imagefap. Check out his galleries. Amazing stuff!
Wow!!!! This last entry is fantastic. Post-penectomy tease is my deepest fantasy. Please keep posting.
You got it, friend! Amy has got nothing but revenge on her mind and will stop at nothing to torture Alana and her boyfriend any way she can. If that means waving the severed dick of Alana's new boyfriend in her face then so bet it. I'll put some time into the story tomorrow
I wonder what would happen if she accidentally walked into a gloryhole.