Actually, on a second look it appears almost certainly to be very good photoshop. He has earlier pictures with the penis cut off.
Actually, on a second look it appears almost certainly to be very good photoshop. He has earlier pictures with the penis cut off.
I was at work today and something remarkable happened. Some girls in their 20s were sitting round a table and one found a video of male to fem surgery on her fb when she was on her phone. She showed the vid to her friends, particularly the part where the peni2 is cut off, her other friends didnt seem that interested, though one did remark on how big it was. The girl with the phone was watching with enthusiasm though and said she "always wondered what would happen if you did that".
This is clear proof that at least some girls have thought about it. I mentioned that people used to chop them off in Medieval times but i was too embarrassed to say anything else in case they thought I was weird. It would have been great to mention a few other things and then judge their reactions. It's very rare to get a real girl's view of this taboo subject.
Just seen today on some poor guy has had his cock sliced off completely, only leaving his balls.
Must say she did a very neat job, have a look
A penectomy story on Amazon: There is a book called giving it to her - Matt and Kylas Penectomy story. Nice written, sexy theme, seems to be a good book.
crazy and real stuff:
Well I am pretty sure from guy that made the profile, he does several like it all with his cock. I do not like the picture with the younger kid in it though in one of his earlier galleries so I am not a fan of the person. Imagefap seems to make you log in or use your personal email to report images like that so I just avoid looking at that guy's galleries.
Short 3d story with a penectomy ending:
I am looking for a specific movie, where a naked woman shoots the guy in the crotch with a gun and then he is lying down and she is above him and then he shoots her back in the pussy.
Do you have any idea what movie this is?
Thanks !
You're probably thinking of Der Todesengel/Angel of Death:
As Jim was leaving the College showers after his game of basketball with his friends, he saw a flock of young women, who’s volleyball practice just ended, walking into the women’s shower room. You see, Jim was a bit of a pervert. He’s a stud who could get any girl, and in fact has slept with 95% of the volleyball team and broke each of their hearts by dumping them or cheating on them. They all hushed and scowled at him as they walked past him. Once in the shower they continued their conversation about their upcoming game. “Crazy bitches” Jim said aloud. He then wondered where his current girlfriend, Jessica is. He then remembered she always stayed late after practice to work extra hard. She was the captain of the volleyball team, and the one girl Jim cheated with on each of his other girlfriends. He always came back to her. He knows deep down inside it’s because she is completely addicted to his cock and cum. Jim was late for class every morning because Jessica would refuse to stop sucking his dick. She would often make him cum in her cleavage and she would walk to class with the load of cum visible. Or she’d have him cum in her mouth so she could just keep it in her mouth for a while. She’s a truly kinky girl who always had Jim’s package on her mind. Somehow, almost miraculously, Jessica can orgasm just from sucking on Jim’s dick. She didn’t care that he broke the hearts of all of her team mates. She actually gets off to the idea of her having his cock to herself and how many girls want it. Their relationship is on and off because Jim really can’t commit to one girl. But she keeps saying that he will one day. They break up and just a few hours later, there’s a knock on Jim’s dorm door and she comes in and drops to her knees and cums as soon as his cock head touches her lips. Seriously though, this girl is a cock freak. Sometimes when Jim is done with his morning work out, Jessica will have him dry his balls off with the shirt she’s wearing that day so she can smell his musk all day. Then she’ll suck his balls until he has to leave just so she can have the taste in her mouth. She’ll scoot around on her hands and knee’s as Jim prepares for the day. The girl is truly something else. She was born to suck dick and that is why Jim keeps coming back to her. It’s selfish but there isn’t a man on earth who would grow tired of a girl doing even a tenth of what Jessica does.
So Jim got a rather devious idea to get back at the girls volleyball team for spreading rumors that he has a small penis. It didn’t take long before the whole university was giggling behind his back. He was going to photograph them in secret while they showered and put the photo’s on a revenge porn site. Jim snuck into the locker room and made sure all of the girls were in the showers. He hopped into a large locker that had nothing in it and took out his cell phone and turned on his camera and waited. He could hear them talking about pussy shaving techniques, their boyfriends penises, what professors were caught looking at their tits, and a lot of it Jim couldn’t make out completely.
Once the girls were finished showering, some of them toweled up and the rest stayed nude and came back to their lockers. Jim immediately started snapping photo’s through the air slot at the top of the locker door. He also began to get an erection watching them oil each other up to stay soft and moisturized. Jim’s rather well endowed so his cock was really starting to hurt in his tight jeans so he unzipped and started to stroke his dick. The tip of his dick was touching the door of the locker. One of the girls started ranting about how much she hates Jim and how much she can’t stand to see him and she showed a lot of distaste for the fact Jessica still dates him. “You know why she dates him” said a blonde, and another girl quickly said “ssssshhhh no one in the school is supposed to know we made it up that he has a small penis!” They all laughed. Jim was ecstatic because he got her saying that on film! Finally no one will believe these lying bitches. “When Jim cheated on me all I wanted to do was give the hardest kick to his stupid balls” Said the girl who was the most angry at Jim. “Guys like him don’t deserve to even hack a dick.” she continued. “Next time I see him, I’m going to do this to him.” on the ground, right in front of the locker Jim was hiding in were two volleyballs in a bag and it kind of looked like a ball sack. She stepped back and would up a kick, the girls started cheering, “fuck up those balls!” She ran towards the locker and accidentally slipped on the wet floor and her foot went flying into the locker door and slammed directly into it.
AAAAAAAHHHHHH FUCK!!! FUCK MY DICK!!!! OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK!!! AAAAAHHH!! is all the girls heard being screamed by a male voice. they opened the locker door and Jim fell out in tears. He slouched over so they couldn’t see his face or penis. There was mass confusion. “Why does he keep saying his dick hurts?” shouted one of the girls. “Roll him over!” “You fucking bitch I will kill you if you broke my dick!” Shouted Jim, and the girls immediately recognized his voice.
“Jim? What the fuck are you doing in here?!”
“AAAHHH fuck it hurts so bad, please I need to get to a hospital I think my dick is broken.”
“Were you spying on us you fucking pervert? Good, I hope your dick is broken you cheating asshole”
They rolled him over onto his back and pulled his hands away and they all gasped. His penis was very swollen, bleeding from the tip, and had a very noticeable bend in it and was getting bigger by the second.
“Shit I think I did break his penis” One of the girls then found his phone and saw that he was taking pictures and filming them get changed and she passed the phone around to all the girls. She also saw on his web browser that he already uploaded most of the pictures to a porn site. Jim was rolling on the ground, crying and moaning, and begging for help. They almost felt bad until they figured out the situation. One girl took control of the situation and began tying Jim’s hands and feet up with part of the volleyball net and then she taped his mouth shut with Volleyball repair tape. “We’re not gonna let this piece of shit get away with this. Let’s beat the shit out of him and then leave him in front of the campus police.” They stripped him naked and hung him up on one of the shower heads so his arms were above his head.
The first girl to get her taste for revenge squeezed his broken cock while shouting “You like that you cheating bastard!? I hope it rots and falls off!” Jim was red in the face he was screaming so hard. “I say we each get 2 kicks in his balls and then we wrap this up.” Each girl then proceeded to demolish his balls with her kicks. One girl started kicking and then would not stop. She has a special history with Jim that makes her especially angry with him. He raped her last year and he was completely intoxicated and has no recollection of it. She landed probably about 15 to 20 solid kicks before the girls had to pull her away. She broke out of their grasp and lunged at his package, punching, scratching and squeezing his balls until they bled. They couldn’t get her off to end the onslaught on his manhood. She started screaming “******! I fucking hate you!” Now that the girls knew why she was doing this they all came into agreement to let her continue her attack. There was a rule made in solidarity by all the girls that all rapists deserve to have their cocks cut off. They never thought that that would ever have to come to fruition but here was a ******, committing acts of serious perversion and sexual harassment, who fucked over all of them for their friends. Without saying anything one of the girls took out a 4 inch self defense knife and handed to the girl who just destroyed Jim penis and testicles. With tears in her eyes, she grabbed his penis and held the knife to the base of it. Another idea came to mind though. She lifted his penis and began cutting into his scrotum.
Just a minute or two later.
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!” Shouted a confused Jessica as she walked into the shower with a towel on. She had finally finished her practice and couldn’t hear the commotion because they had turned all of the showers on to cover the noise.
JIM?!? WHAT HAVE ALL OF YOU DONE TO HIM?! Jessica couldn’t take her eyes away from his battered package. His penis was beyond repair and the word “******” was carved on his scrotum, with the letters going all the way around his sack. The R started on his right ball and the T was right next to it. She broke down in tears and ran to Jim and pushed the girl with the knife down and fell to her knee’s with his package in full view. She was bawling her eyes and begging for and explanation. She stood up and turned around and held Jim’s package in her hand to protect it. At this point her towel fell off but she was too upset to care. The girls tried to get Jessica to calm down but she was to distraught at what happened to her favorite cock in the world. Jim was just a moaning, soaking wet, mess. Jessica remembered how Jim loves to put his penis in her butt crack so she positioned her self so it was between her cheeks. Jim moaned in pain as his penis tried to get slightly erect. It was a futile attempt to take some of the pain away. She didn’t understand just how badly broken his penis was. The girls then proceeded to explain the situation. The poor **** victim gave Jessica every detail about the night Jim raped her. They also reminded her of the “pact” of sorts they took if anyone raped them. His penis must come off. Jessica asked why she was never told about the **** and they answered that it was because Jessica herself, was dating Jim. She looked back at Jim’s face. He was frantically shaking his head “no” as if trying to convince Jessica they are lying. “Look, this is fucking crazy. We have to get him to a hospital. What if he gets an infection in his balls and the doctors have to cut them off?” said Jessica as she cupped his swollen, bloody balls in her hands. “Can we just think about this? You guys can’t be serious. We always said that about rapists on T.V. and stuff, not a guy in real life!”
“You just want to save his fucking dick! It’s not happening Jessica! He’s a disgusting perverted ****** who just put porn of us online! He’s cheated on you countless times! He’s lucky we’re even letting him keep his balls!”
Jessica then frantically tried to untie Jim but the girls grabbed her and tied her up as well where she had a clear view of Jim. “Don’t you fucking hurt him!” cried Jessica. “Don’t you dare touch his penis!”
The **** victim shouted in her face “Oh don’t hurt him? Yeah?! Don’t touch his penis?!” she then started to slash at his package with the knife in between kicking him in the balls. She then started to bend, twist, and jerk off his ruined penis. That got more muffled screams from him than the ball kicking. “Nooooo cried Jessica. Please stop! Leave him alone! You’re gonna kill him! After about 20 more minutes of each girl permanently damaging Jim’s package, a few of them stretched out his penis as far as it will go and put the knife at the root. “NOOOOO!!” screamed Jessica as the knife sliced through his flesh, forever taking away his precious penis that Jessica, just that morning, had in her mouth. Jim had passed out from the pain and they took his penis over to Jessica and held it in her face. “This is what happens to rapists, Jessica.” They then flushed his penis down the toilet and told Jessica that if she or Jim ever goes to the cops and tell anyone about this, the’ll finish the job on Jim and cut off his balls then tell the police about the **** and the perverted spying and illegal photographs.
A few days later Jim was still in the hospital with a miserable Jessica by his side. They cut off 100% of his penis and his urethra had to be redirected. He had to have one testicle removed due to damage and his other testicle is barely alive. Any future damage would mean it would have to be removed. His scrotum had become badly infected and had to be removed. A new scrotum was skin grafted on, although it looks nothing like a scrotum. A few months later, Jessica broke up with Jim with no explanation, and Jim dropped out of college and was never heard from again.
This is a picture of Jessica that Jim still has saved on his phone.
Anybody got any penectomy videos to share?
in this web have many videos about ********** and penectomy!
here also in especific