Full artistic movie with ********** theme
“Moebius” is a three-actor, four-character piece that plays like Greek tragedy filtered through the lens of extreme filmmakers like Takashi Miike. As soon as one thinks that Kim has pushed the envelope narratively and visually, he has something else disturbing up his bloody sleeve. The three entirely committed, fearless performers put through the physical and emotional motions by Kim carry a film that is the definition of “not for everyone” but “Moebius” works on its terms. Its twisted, Oedipal, sadomasochistic, ********* terms.
A man (Jae-hyeon Jo) is having an affair. A mother (Eun-woo Lee, who also plays the mistress) knows about the affair and she’s cracking in every possible way. She confronts her husband and attempts to ******** him. She fails. So she castrates her son (Young-ju Seo