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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #2806
    Senior Member Steel's Avatar
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    It was what seem to be a causal work day. Myself, and 2 co workers Sarah & Kristy were working like any normal day. Throughout the work day I noticed that the 2 of them kept giving me the seductive eye look. Now, these 2 girls are both hot blonde’s. Sarah has a nice round plump ass(big booty white girl) & Kristy is an average built blonde with a nice butt as well. At the end of the day we were the last 3 to be in the office. They pulled me aside & said, “We’ve been wanting to talk to you.” I replied with, “Ok, what’s up?” Sarah then replied I’ve been thinking about that big black cock penetration my tight little asshole all day, & I want you to fuck me anally!” Kristy then replied, “Oh yeah I want to watch you punish that ass!” Little did I know that there was something sinister that these two hot ladies were brewing. I said , “We can set something up for us to meet up later.” Sarah replies with, “No, I want it right here right now!” She drops her pants & gets down on all fours. Kristy unties my scrub pants & pulls out my cock. Kristy says, “Oh girl! He has a nice big black cock!” She strokes me until I get an erection. Once my dick was hard Kristy then spits on my big black cock to provide lube to prepare me to enter Sarah’s asshole. I pound Sarah in her ass from the doggy style position for about 15 minutes. Sarah is loving it. Continuing to say, “Oh yes, give me that big black cock!” Kristy is behind me watching the whole thing as she plays with her clit. Kristy then says, “I want you to squat & tea bag her asshole with that big black cock.” I switched to this position to comply with her request. As I’m stroking her in this manner I didn’t realize it, but Kristy had stop playing with herself & was now walking up behind me with a pair of heavy scissors. She comes from behind & under me and put the scissors around my cock & started to squeeze. At that moment I was beginning to scream as I could feel the scissors cutting into my cock. Before I know it I hear the snip sound of the scissors & fell back immediately screaming in pain, clutching my cock stump & looking for my penis. Sarah, starts asking Kristy repeatedly, “Did you do it, did you do it?” Kristy laughs & says, “Yes I did!!” Kristy also says while laughing, “Your sphincter muscle is holding onto the head of his cock while the rest of it is dangling from your ass!” Sarah also begins to laugh,& when she stand up, her ass let go of my severed cock & it fell to the floor. I reach over to try & grab my severed big black cock, & Sarah yells, “Don’t let him get it!” Kristy then steps on my severed cock with her tan 6 inch high heel pumps just before my hand grab it. I yelled, “No, don’t step on it! I need it!! As I thrive in pain clutching my bleeding cock stump. Kristy then picks up my penis, as the two of them scrambled to get dress. Once dressed. They scurried to the door to leave in a rush. As the were leaving Sarah was on the phone & Kristy said, “Bye” At this moment I pass out. When I awoke I was in the back of the ambulance with two hot chicks(one was a hot brunette & the other a hot redhead) that were medics. I started to yell, “My cock, I need my cock!! Please help me I need it!!” The redhead replied, “Calm down sir, there wasn’t a cock at the scene to recover. We are taking you to the hospital without it. Trust me, you can live without your big black cock or at least it used to be.” The brunette chuckles in an amused manner. Two weeks later as I am recovering, I received a text message from my co-worker Sarah as I am home recovering from my injury & surgery. It is a video of Sarah & Kristy that is time stamped 33 minutes after they had cut off my cock. In the video they are standing outside & when the video starts Sarah says, “We time stamp this video on purpose. I bet you wonder where your cock is & what we did with it. Well, your about to found out!!” Kristy laughs. Sarah flips the camera around, and in her left hand is my cut off cock. She shows herself toss my severed cock into a public trash can. She walks closer to the trash can & it shows my severed cock laying on a white to go tray with remnants of food it. Also, next to it was a mostly eating taco with a few chicken laying nearby my severed cock as well. The camera pans down to the ground as they begin to walk away. You can barely hear them talking but you could hear Sarah say, “He’s never gonna find or get that thing back.” Kristy replies with, “Exactly girl, that thing is right where it belongs, in the trash.” Then the video stops playing. I started to cry as I had come to the realization that they could’ve given my cock the medics or left it at the scene so that it could have been reattached. But now my big black cock is gone forever & it’s nothing I can do about it. Another text comes through from Sarah’s phone in a group chat with myself, Sarah, & Krista. The text read, “Hey, dickless! I hope you have a nice life! You won’t be sticking that big black cock in white girls anymore!!”

  2. #2807
    Senior Member Steel's Avatar
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    I had a dream last night that my boss cut off cock. She’s Italian, dark hair, nice shape, with a nice ass. She was visiting me at my home. I was sleeping on my couch when my cock got hard. I was awakened by a sharp pain in between my legs. When I woke up 65 percent of my cock had been cut off, blood was starting pour out from cock stump. My boss was standing there with heavy duty scissors in hand looking at the ground when she let out a laugh & said your cock just squirmed a little once I cut it off & it hit the floor. She grab my severed big black cock & quickly ran out the door with my cock in her hand. She was holding it by the shaft with the head of my cock hanging down. The next morning she had a staff meeting, & all of my co-workers are women that met my boss in the conference room. My boss Jessica enters the conference room sounding very excited when saying good morning to all the ladies. She tells them she has something to show them. She also says you may notice that one of our male counterparts is not with us this morning & here’s why. She pulls from her bag a jar that has my severed big black cock in it. A few of the ladies briefly laughed & asked is that his cock in the jar? My manager Jessica shakes her head yes with an evil smirk on her face. She passes the jar around the room that had my severed cock in it as if it was some types of exhibit. Once it makes it back to her, she asked all the ladies what should I do with it. One of them said freeze it in the jar & keep it as a souvenir, another woman said toss it out the window of your car while on the interstate, another said through it away it’s no good now it’s not attached to it owner anymore, & another lady said let’s all take a field trip to the restroom & watch Jessica flush his severed big black cock down the toilet. All of the women laugh & said let’s do it. They all go to the restroom & Jessica takes my cock out of the jar & tosses it in the toilet. You could hear my cock plop when it hits the water. She pushed the handle down & my cock started to swirl around in the toilet. That made the women laugh even harder. One of them did the swirl motion with her finger as she laugh so hard. At this moment you could hear the final gulp of the toilet finishing to flush. One of the woman said that was fun I wish we could do that again.

  3. #2808
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    It's a pity to flush such a part down the toilet when it serves as good nutrition

  4. #2809
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    Also as a Hot Dog spezial edition it looks tasty

  5. #2810
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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  6. #2811
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    To eat own eggs is magic

  7. #2812
    Junior Member ray1977's Avatar
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    Looks like thisvid is hardcore cracking down on C*a*s*t*r*a*t*i*o*n and penectomy stuff. My profile got deleted for the 2nd time. So be aware.

  8. #2813
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray1977 View Post
    Looks like thisvid is hardcore cracking down on C*a*s*t*r*a*t*i*o*n and penectomy stuff. My profile got deleted for the 2nd time. So be aware.
    Anyone have another option yet?
    Glad to see I'm not the only one

  9. #2814
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray1977 View Post
    Looks like thisvid is hardcore cracking down on C*a*s*t*r*a*t*i*o*n and penectomy stuff. My profile got deleted for the 2nd time. So be aware.
    a mi no me lo han borrado y tengo de castracion y penectomia todo escenas de peliculas con copyright.

  10. #2815
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    closest real video I've seen to my fantasy

  11. #2816
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    Quote Originally Posted by hardhotrod96 View Post
    closest real video I've seen to my fantasy
    holy fuck, those videos are not common to see these days, downloaded already in case it dissapears

  12. #2817
    Senior Member Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hardhotrod96 View Post
    closest real video I've seen to my fantasy
    He is a very lucky guy to have found a woman that was willing to carry out his fantasy of having his cock cut off. It’s cool how he moans with pleasure once she has cut it off. And the dialogue back & forth between them. He say’s, “Ah you cut my fucking dick off” & she replies, “I did” He then says, “What’s that in your hand” & she says, “Your dick.” Where do I sign up lol. I instantly have a hard on at the thought of having my big black cock cut off. If only I could convince my hot co-worker here in Orlando to do it to me!

  13. #2818
    Supreme Poster Alone_4ever's Avatar
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    If you go on thisvid again send me a message please .. i got the same nickname there....
    sorry for my bad english

  14. #2819
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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    dick cut off by asian girl in time 1:33:00

  15. #2820
    Big Supporter pegama78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastriker View Post
    dick cut off by asian girl in time 1:33:00
    Buena escena la vi el otro día y me gusto, aunque le falto un poco más de dolor

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