Dear Sharon,
It looks like 99% of users here post no attachments. Is it *SO* bad that Inquisitiv posted 5 user’s worth? I could not join in time to download his stuff
and now I have no chance (It was like a tease to see the small pictures). He also seemed to post lots of links (these I could see. I REALLY liked the Men in Pain movies he used to link to
). It’s a shame he doesn’t post anymore. Attachment posting now runs at about 1 a week where it used to be several per day. Inquisitiv was a big loss to the forum and I hope he comes back. I like this forum so much BECAUSE of all the attachments. They can be great source material for discussion. Is it possible that you could extend the posting limit for people that post interesting attachments? I can understand that Femaledom might not wish to pay for this free file transfer service but it does help promote these boards which in turn advertises Femaledom. Femaledom would’ve been just another Fetish site to me until I found these forums.
Can Sara and Julie come back? Other than yourself, there no longer seems to be any women posting here anymore. Women that are into BB and willing to regularly contribute to a forum such as this are very rare indeed. It would be great if they could come back.
Are you into BB Sharon? How do you like to do it?
Just so you don’t think I moan about attachments without posting any I’m attaching a CGI sample by Tumor at Velvet Kick. I have loads of these but they appear to be too big to post here