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Thread: Intense Maximum Ball Squeeze/Spank Game-- Let her read this at your own risk

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    Intense Maximum Ball Squeeze/Spank Game-- Let her read this at your own risk

    I have an idea for a ball-spanking game for husbands and wives to play. Lots of trust is needed. If she is a little open to ball play, but just does not really bust your balls thoroughly enough. Slaps and squeezes by hand can be very controlled, targeted, and can extend pleasurable ball pain for a long time. Kicks can damage other areas, might be more likely to cause long-term damage, and can easily miss the target area.

    The following game can potentially be quite pleasureful (and painful) for a man. If your wife is not playing intensely and log enough with your testicles, this could bring out a competitive side of her that could cause her to be a lot more intense. You may enjoy this, but carefully consider what you are getting yourself into before you give her this to read. If she does read it, you may be signing up for something more intense and serious than you had in mind. Being tied up my intensify the experience, especially at the end. There is a rule that allows forfeiting the game, but this rule may not be very effective if you are tied up, depending on your partner.

    - A 30 second hour glass. (Can substitute stop watch of stop watch app)
    - Velcro straps for thighs
    - Velcro straps for wrists
    - Carabiners or key rings
    - Small bells
    - Lube
    - Eager testicles
    - Eager wife with durable, reasonably strong hands (also possibly mouth, vagina).
    - Beads (chips, game pieces, etc.)
    - Two cups, labeled with both your names.
    - Optional-- testicle separator.

    More about materials. I bought little hour glasses online. You could sub out 1 minute or whatever time you can find. Read the game rules and see what makes sense for you. You can buy a roll of the two materials of Velcro straps with glue on the back of them. Glue them together with a ring or carabiner in the middle. You have to have two straps long enough to wrap securely around the thigh just above the knee. Attach bells to each thigh. Optional: create straps for wrists. Make sure carabiners on thighs are on outer thighs. She can strap your wrists to your thighs to prevent blocking if you want a scary version of the game and if trust is high.

    I got the bells at the Dollar Tree. One of them says 'Kiss Me' on it.

    The game consists of three types of rounds with the sequence continuing until the game is over. Each round lasts the duration of the hour glass, which in this case is 20 seconds.
    1. Ball spanking
    2. Ball squeezing
    3. Hand/oral stimulation of the penis.

    If the man is going hold the hourglass, the wife should notify him to wait to turn the hourglass if she plans to put a stretcher or ball separator on him for the next round.

    Setting Maximum Strength
    Some sexual activity before the game may help prevent having to reset maximum strength later. Before the game, the couple negotiate the maximum strength for various hits and squeezes used throughout the game. She can try various types of ball squeezes until he says 'mercy' to signify the maximum squeeze or each type. You can either agree on a maximum just below 'mercy' or agree that 'mercy' may be used for one hit or one second of squeeze per round. Techniques should be discussed also. For example, hand clap slaps should be tried out and negotiated. If she plans to isolate testicles using a ball separator and squeeze individual testicles between fingers, this can be discussed.

    A limited type of squeezes and slaps may be agreed upon. Naturally, there will be some slight variations of this since exact precision during a ball-spanking and squeezing is not possible. A woman may be given fairly free reign to slap or squeeze, or the couple may exclude some more intense forms of stimulation like testicle finger squeezes or holding testicles in one hand while they are spanked with the other-- depending on how sensitive the man is and what his limits are. During this pre-game warm-up the woman should learn to isolate testicles between thumb and forefinger. If this is considered illegal for a squeeze, a firm hold may be used elsewhere in the game, so she should practice it before the game starts. If she is going to use this as a squeeze, it is less tiring for a woman if she uses her first knuckle rather than the pads of her finger. She could also exercise care because this enables much stronger squeezes. A ball separator may be useful to enable this squeeze. A stretchy penis ring with a wide cut a rubber band in the middle might work for a home-made separator. Make sure not to injure his skin.

    Types of slaps need to be agreed upon. Palm slaps work well. Scrotal skin stinging type slaps are generally undesirable. Lube may help prevent this issue.

    If ball separators or penis rings will be used to isolate testicles, squeezes and slaps with these devices can be tried out. She may also isolate testicles using one hand and hit with the other and negotiate out maximum strength strikes. Fingernail squeezes pose an unnecessary health risk, both to the testicle and to the finger.

    She is not required to demonstrate one-ball only squeezes. and slaps. These can feel quite different and be a bit off-putting for a man, and get a different reaction. But the woman may save these advantage during the game and only negotiate out maximum pressure, angle, etc. during this maximum-strength-setting pre-game warm-up.

    A man is encouraged to be honest and forthright about his limits, and not ask for lighter hits and squeezes to win the game, on an honor system. The woman may try squeezes several times while reminding him about the honor system during the pre-game warm up to set the proper strength level.

    The ball-bustee, if his wrists are not bound, holds a bag of beads, 50 or 100 or 200, for example. For each round, 1, 2, or 2, if the man is able to endure without ringing the bells on his thighs, he wins a point. If he blocks with his hands she gets a point. When one wins a point, the beads goes in his or her cup. If he rings the bell, she gets a point. (The idea is not to flinch.) The game is not finished until all beads are in a cup. The man may forfeit. (The option to quit may be hypothetical only if he is tied up for the game.) If he ejaculates during the game, the game continues until all the beads are used up, making it more difficult for him to win the game. Completing the game may be a form of punishment for ejaculating prematurely. A woman can also take it easy on the penis during the hand/oral round so as to prevent ejaculation. Rules can also be adjusted to allow for extra stimulation of the penis, post-ejaculation, if he ejaculates early, before continuing with testicle squeezing and slapping.

    Wimpy Versions versus Tougher Versions
    Rules can be adjusted so that if he ejaculates, she automatically wins. Since a man can forfeit, this version is not very necessary, not if she enjoys the game.

    A tougher version requires that a round be finished even after the bell rings and a man looses a point. A wimpier version would require that the round stop when the ball rings. If this is not negotiated during the pre-game portion, then the wife may alternate between the two, choosing whichever approach is most advantageous to earning a point or insist on the tougher version if she prefers.

    Negotiating Illegal Excessive Force
    If the man feels the woman squeezed or slapped harder than the maximum force, he may contest a round and the couple may discuss. Game etiquette requires that the woman hold the man's testicles during this negotiation. If she is able, she may consider a balls-between finger hold during the negotiation, whether or not this was allowed as a type of squeeze allowed during the pregame warm up. The hold should just be firm, not a painful squeeze. The purpose of the hold is to facilitate a psychological mindset that speeds the negotiation forward. It is a very intimate hold that also encourages honesty and forthrightness on his part, and is an assurance to her of his honesty and forthrightness.

    A ball separator may be useful in getting the appropriate grip of each testicle between fingers, so it may be necessary to put a separator on before the discussion. If the couple determine a hit or squeeze was too hard, the bead may be returned and they can do a 'do-over' round for the point/bead in question.

    Renegotiating Maximum Hits and Squeezes
    If a man warms up to harder hits and squeezes, maximum hits and squeezes may be renegotiated. The woman has a right to ask for this at any point during the game if the man seems unresponsive and has gone for more than two rounds without ringing a bell. She should remind him of his responsibility to be honest while holding out a 'maximum' squeeze for however long it takes to explain his obligation to honesty in this regard. A man may call for a renegotiation of maximum hits to increase the strength of hits if the game as it becomes boring. If he wishes to renegotiate for less than the pre-agreed upon maximum, he forfeits the game, though the wife has the option to bring up this renegotiation.

    Renegotiation is a means to ensure that balls are properly and thoroughly 'busted' from the game and that the game is not boring for either party.

    Female Strategic Approaches
    A woman can use psychological and physical factors to win points in the game. Feigning a death blow with a double fist that ends in a maximum allowed strike might cause some bells to ring. If she can feign a strike with one hand while hitting with another, that may confuse a man. Also, switching from two-ball to one ball strikes or squeezes might shock a man into flinching. Mixing up kinds of blows-- for example going from slaps to finger flicks on sensitive parts of the testicles, might cause a man to flinch. If maximum hits and squeezes are set well, the game may be challenging for a man unless he warms up later.

    A woman can also cheat, of course, hitting harder, and either hoping a man does not call her on it, or else not giving in during the negotiation. Squeezing testicles beyond the maximum limit during the negotiation of illegally strong hits or squeezes is another method of cheating. Giving a squeeze beyond a firm hold during rules violation negotiation is also considered cheating-- but she must grip his testicles between thumb and finger to discuss this rules violation also.

    There is also the 'evil' water-melon seed testicle attack. This is where a woman squeezes balls and causes them to slip out of her squeeze, with her squeeze closing on the ball as it slips out. And 'evil' grinding attack can also be used, where the ball is squeezed, but she also grinds against them with a thumb or finger. Not demonstrating this during the pre-game portion might be considered cheating, but it is a fuzzy area of the game. These can be jarring, painful, and overwhelming. To prevent point disputes, a woman might want to save these for if the is losing, especially toward the end of the first game. A woman who does this may find that the topic comes up the next time they play the game and set maximum strength rules.

    A skilled hand or mouth bringing him to ejaculation may also help her win the game. Whatever seconds are left of post ejaculatory sensitivity during her 20 seconds might cause him to ring a bell. If her man is less able to endure ball spanking or squeezing after ejaculation, he may ring bells or forfeit and she can win. A woman may want her man to be erect at the end of the game, and this can be important for either male or female for the stakes of the game.

    A wife has the right to play with her husband's penis for as long as she wants if he ejaculates during this session, even if he loses a point. He has to forfeit to make her stop. Ejaculation gives her to right to use approximately 20 seconds of squeezes and or slaps immediately after, up to maximum-agreed-upon strength, in addition to penis stimulation. This rule, of course, can be changed if agreed upon, but only in versions of the game where the husband is not tied up. A wife has the right to substitute intercourse for hand or mouth.

    Male Strategic Approaches
    Sorry dude, there is not much you can do in this game besides endure and stay still. You can hold out a bit in the pre-game setting of maximum squeezes and slaps, but that kind of defeats the purpose of playing the game.

    If He Wins
    If he wins, he has earned an ejaculation. A wife may just want to use his erection for intercourse. Where an ejaculation during the game counts as his prize, or if a subsequent ejaculation (whether he is eager for it or not) after the game is the prize should be negotiated out during the game or agreed to be the wife's decision.

    A man may need to be tied up to do the following properly. A ruined orgasm is an option. If he experiences post-ejaculatory sensitivity, a ruined orgasm can actually make post-orgasm stroking more erotic and enjoyable. A full, head-squeezed orgasm followed by continued stroking can be very intense. A wife may stroke, suck, etc. him to orgasm.

    Some couples use ejaculate as lube, but male ejaculate can have a course, almost microgritty texture that irritates the skin. So pointing his penis towards his belly to get rid of the ejaculate, pointing his penis downward, or using a wetwipe to catch and wipe up the ejaculate, without missing a beat can help prevent chafing so his penis can be on beck and call for future use. Any hand job should use proper lube. There are advantages to lubing testicles during ball spankings as well.

    A wife can also do post-orgasm stimulation with intercourse by tightening her Kegel muscles as hard as she can and in a WOT position laying on his body with her legs closed together, ankles crossed, and making very long strokes. Rotating like a washing machine may suffice if a man is extremely sensitive and she is tired. There may be some variations of WOT positions that stimulate the top of the penis head she can experiment with, but it is best to do that prior to a post-ejaculation stimulation session. His hands may be tied during intercourse to prevent him from stopping her motions by pushing her buttocks to prevent thrusting.

    Post-ejaculatory head sensitivity can be extended by making a ring with forefinger and thumb and holding it tightly against the base of the penis to trap the erection-blood in the penis. Before ejaculation, a man can also fully 'flex' his penis to maximum size, and she can put a penis ring on, also. Both approaches can also be helpful. A woman using manual or oral should pay some attention to the head, which is generally the most overwhelming sensation during post-ejaculatory stimulation.

    A woman may stroke a man through to a second orgasm, also, if he is able to have one. Of course, this can be followed by more post-orgasm stimulation. Some men can do a third. Or a man may just 'go flat' after a period of time.

    An unerect penis can have hypersensitivity in it still. When some hypersensitivity has warn off, a man may be able to lay still and not react to trick his wife into thinking the hypersensitivity is all gone, so a wife may want to play with the penis head for a little while after he has stopped moving and after his penis has lost it's erection.

    This should not be deemed as medical advice or as medically-healthy plan. Talk to a urologist if you have any health questions. At least one urologist has expressed the opinion, often circulated in discussions on this topic, that it takes quite a bit of force to rupture a testicle. Veins and other parts may be more tender, so handle with care.

    What are your thoughts on this game?
    Could you play this?
    Would you play this?
    Is it too complicated?
    Men-- would you want your woman to read this?
    Why or why not?
    How could it be improved?

  2. #2
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    You may not want to tell her the part about the first knuckle being used for squeezes instead of pads of fingers if you cannot take much. I can take full strength with pads of the fingers with my wife. I don't want to try with the knuckle. But I love my wife and I did not want her to wear her fingers out, so I told her. It's also scary she has that in her tool bag. Scary stuff in the tool bag makes the experience more fun even if she isn't going to use it.

    Trust is required to tell some of these techniques--like finger squeezes and ball separators, but she knows about butcher knives and sledge hammers, so trust is already required.

    During rule violation disputes, when she holds the testicles between thumb and finger, I would suggest she make strong eye contact. This can be a fun, funny, intimate, scary moment. She can also use a playful threatening voice and make some threatening gestures.

    The rules are skewed against a man winning this game. Since the real objective is to get a woman to thoroughly work her husband's testicles over in a statisfying way, and she's working hard on his genitals, it is kind of fair that she'd have a good shot at winning the game. Keep that in mind when betting sexual favors on the game at the beginning, no matter how tough you think you are.

    Work as hard or harder at pleasing your wife as she works for you. Ball busting is a lot of work for her and can wear out her hands (in this case) and make them tired. A game like this can last a while. You could start with 20 beads. I'm thinking 50. It can go up from there.

    15 beads might be about a couple of hundred spanks, 5 minutes of ball squeezing, and 5 minutes of penis stimulation. This is not counting pre-game strength setting, rule violation negotiation, and time between rounds.

    With a 50 bead game, this could involve 16 minutes worth of ball spanking with approximately 700 ball slaps/spanks/beats or so, ~17 minutes of hard ball squeezing, and ~17 minutes of hand, mouth, or vagina action before the game ends, not counting pre-game strength setting, rule violation negotiations and the little bit of time between rounds. Set the number of beads realistically. Be willing to lose a sex bet. Tap out if you need to save yourself enough energy to give your wife a proper well-earned cervical pounding if she needs as a reward for all her hard work.

  3. #3
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    The game is designed to give a thorough-- more than satisfying ball busting session. If she's a real sweetheart, after the game is over, she can ask if he's had enough, and then lay into him. She can also spank or squeeze a good ejaculation out of him while her other hand and/or mouth go to work, and of course continue for ridiculously long afterward if he has post-ejaculatory sensitivity.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balloney View Post
    The game is designed to give a thorough-- more than satisfying ball busting session. If she's a real sweetheart, after the game is over, she can ask if he's had enough, and then lay into him. She can also spank or squeeze a good ejaculation out of him while her other hand and/or mouth go to work, and of course continue for ridiculously long afterward if he has post-ejaculatory sensitivity.
    If you want to gamble for something important (e.g. household money for a big project versus sex every night for a week or a couple of weeks or whatever), you might want to modify the rules of the game. Everyone's different, but I think it's easier to keep control over ejaculation if the slap round comes before the hand job/blow job round. I think it's easier to loose control and ejaculate if the squeezes come right before the penis stimulation round.

    I also think changing the 20 seconds of penile attention to 10 strokes and even the slaps to 10 slaps makes sense. Using the hourglass for 20 or 30 seconds on squeezes makes sense rather than 10 squeezes, because she can choose to lay in hard into one squeeze on a sensitive spot or else do multiple squeezes. It adds more variety.

    A couple more rules. The man could lie on his back with knees up, or other positions could be agreed upon. With the knees up position, she should be able to change a man's position a bit-- e.g. open his legs and move his feet to make him a bit more vulnerable for a slaps or squeeze. If he handles the hourglass, she needs to let him know ahead of time or have a word she uses to get him to turn the hourglass to prevent delays. Delays could give a man a bit of an advantage, potentially, also.

    Another rule adjustment is that the couple can negotiate up to a regular strong hit or squeeze and a true super strong maximum hit or squeeze. She could do one max hit or one second of max squeeze per round, during the appropriate round. There could be a squeeze-hit round, or an implement round, also. A man could veto a squeeze-hit round in exchange for two or three max hits or two or three seconds of max squeezes in the round that follows.

  5. #5
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    There used to be discussion on these threads.

    What do you think of the game? Is it too crazy and intense? Too 'easy'? Could you win?

    Would you gamble for it? I'm thinking if I were willing to use household money toward the garden anyway, I might gamble that verses 7 days/nights of intercourse with being awakened by being 'raped' (with her vagina, of course) in my sleep at least once during that time.

    But I'd want to win the game at least once to 'cash in' if I did it. I'm concerned the game is too intense for that, and I'd have to set lower thresholds. A woman playing for stakes might hit and squeeze too hard without quite realizing she is exceeding the maximum limits.

    Has anyone played this?

  6. #6
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    Has anyone played this?

  7. #7
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    Awesome game!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balloney View Post
    There used to be discussion on these threads
    I remember those days!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by perri View Post
    Awesome game!
    Have you played it? If so, how did it go?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balloney View Post
    Rules can also be adjusted to allow for extra stimulation of the penis, post-ejaculation, if he ejaculates early, before continuing with testicle squeezing and slapping.
    What I mean by this is that the penis stimulation round is 30 seconds, but if he ejaculates, then that rule is suspended so she can keep stimulating his penis while he is sensitive after ejaculation, while he helps, writhes, weeps, etc. until the post-ejaculation sensitivity is gone.

    When he is spent and his balls are hypersensitive, she goes back to squeezing and spanking them with the same strength as before ejaculation. Since it would be hard for him not to writhe around, if she sees he's winning, and she can get him to ejaculate in the 30 seconds, strategically, she can use that to win the game.

    If the game is played without a surrender option, where the man can't surrender the game, she can just get him off, then he might lose start losing rounds if post ejaculatory ball-squeezing and ball-smacking makes him writhe more than before.

    The couple can agree beforehand what to do with the penis-stimulation round if he's soft. She could stimulate his soft penis, or else just skip it if he's soft depend on what's agreed.

    For me, when I used to get post-orgasm sensitivity, if the stimulation didn't continue, the sensitivity would subside. If there is a man whose penis head stays sensitive for a while after ejaculation, she could just continue the normal rotation and get him to flinch easily and pick up a point when she plays with his penis. It's 'in her hands' so to speak.

    IMO, there are a lot of advantages for the wife to win the game. The husband's advantage is getting to experience some intense play. If he's really self-controlled, he might win. A competitive woman might finding herself squeezing a lot harder than originally agreed upon, maybe without realizing it.

    To clarify the comment about the first knuckle for the ball-squeeze, I got a ball-separator and had my wife put an index finger on the underside of my ball and a thumb on the top-- doing this with both sets of balls and both sets of fingers. I asked her to squeeze harder and harder until her fingers were getting tired. If, instead of using the pads of her index finger, she was pressing against the back side of that first knuckle, she was less tired, and I'd have to ask her to let up. It was easier to get a strong squeeze. When I was young and new to ball squeezing, the pads were too much...terrifying to think about. I had her do some whole hand squeezes back thing, but the finger squeezes were on way too intense of a level.

    Be warned about this stuff. I got a varicocelle after some of this kind of play, whether that was the cause or not, some time after posting this post.

    My wife never played this game with me. I tried to set it up, and she said she didn't want to play a silly game, but just laid into my testicles for me organically. I noticed my writhing and realized I would have lost.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balloney View Post
    Have you played it? If so, how did it go?
    Yes! was hard to endure...
    I love how you describe the rules and how to cheat

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by perri View Post
    Yes! was hard to endure...
    I love how you describe the rules and how to cheat
    Need more details. What did it feel like? How long did it take? How did she react? Did she cheat? How so? Did she internalize the rules? Was she really in control, or did you top from the bottom? How did you negotiate out rule variants? How many maximum hits could she do in a round, and how many maximum squeezes? What 'combinations' did she use for hits, etc. to gain an advantage.

    Are there any new rules you would make to protect yourself down there if you play again? Would you dare play it again? How much recovery time would you need?

    Did you ejaculate before the game ended? Did she stop stroking or keep going? If so, how did you hold up each round after? Did she skip over the dick sucking/stroking round if you went soft? Did she try to make you ejaculate as a strategic move? Was she competitive, really trying to win? Did she make you ejaculate, torture your sensitive member until the sensitivity was gone, then continue with the game, or just keep playing right as you went sensitive? Would you consider being tied up for the game so she can do that next time? Does a break for post-orgasm torture make it easier for her to win after the game resumes, or harder for her to win than busting your balls right after the refractory period begins? If you didn't ejaculate during the game, did she serve you afterward and give you some release?

    Did you try to negotiate her down to lighter squeezes and blows after ejaculation? If so, did you succeeding? Was she too nice, too mean, or just right for optimum fun? For optimum ball torture?

    Did you try renegotiating while she had your balls between thumb and forefinger? What effect did that psychologically-powerful hold have on your negotiations? Did she use 'evil' attacks like grinding and water-melon seeding the testicles?

    Did you win? Did she win? How many game pieces did you use? I had in mind 50. how long did it take (if you had any sense of time)? Did she tie up your hands? Did you block? What kind of blows and squeezes did she give? Did she go quickly from round to round to attack before you had a chance to recover? Did she take her time, setting up your balls with cock rings or separators to make them more vulnerable?

    Did she look you in the eye? Taunt you? Giggle? Did she enjoy the game? Did that make it better? Did you tell her, 'You hit like a girl?" Did you have to tell her to hit harder, or did she overwhelm you? Did you find yourself begging for mercy? Did she not let up right away when you asked? If she was too gentle prior to this, did this teach her to be sufficiently hard on the balls?

    Would you agree with the idea that if the man wins, for the next game, the maximum hit and squeeze should be increased? Should the parameters be set so that the man always loses? Would the ball busting session be thorough enough to be satisfying if the man has the possibility of winning?

    Should implements-- e.g. 20 or 30 seconds in the ball crusher up to an agreed upon level or smacks be given their own rounds? How about a big rubber band or sling shot pulled back a certain length, agreed upon before the game?

    Did your testicles work properly the day after? Were you sore? Did you cry?

    I came up with the game, but got a varicocele before I talked my wife into playing it. She passed up on it for regular ball busting sessions between my inventing the game and getting that health problem.

    I had wanted to play for stakes. If I won, however many nights straight (7, 21, whatever I could get) of sexual activities/positions of my choice. If she wins... don't know what she'd go for. Neither of us really gamble.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by perri View Post
    Yes! was hard to endure...
    I love how you describe the rules and how to cheat
    Btw, did you play the tough or wimpy version? If a bell rung why she was squeezing, did she finish out the round even though she won a point?

    If you switched rounds, did she go right in for a maximum squeeze before the pain subsided for a maximum hit, or vice versa? Did she go from stroking right to a maximum attack on the balls before you had time to prepare yourself? These can also be powerful strategic moves? Did she create pauses between rounds to throw you off? Who turned the hourglass and who put the beads into the proper cup?

  14. #14
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    I would have thought @squeezeme might have played and described the experience.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I hope you make another game like this... or this with modifications... I love to read your game

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