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Thank you very much indeed, Mike!
The whipping on one of the guys is obviously really hard. For me, that takes away from the squeezing, because his balls look so damaged and in pain from it.
The squeezing itself is good, though. However, in my (hardly neutral) opinion, my girlfriend is the best squeezer. She loves taking each of my testicles between the thumb and forefinger of each hand and really squeezing, as well as rolling them against each other, massaging them, hitting them or trapping them between her forefingers and middle fingers with both hands and pressing down upon them with her thumbs as if she's using a gaming controller. She even outdoes Ballbusting Jenny or My Balls Need Busting from XH with her techniques, and that's without me addressing the knife- or scissors-play that we indulge in, her biting, foot sessions and more that she's so good at.
Whoops! I didn't quite intend this comment to turn into a paean to my partner! Sorry about that, and my gratitude to you once again, Mike.