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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #316
    Big Supporter EggsForCrush's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SadisticSara
    One of my favorite "games" is to make a guy believe that I'm really going to cut his nuts off. Or squish them, pull them off, bite them off, or whatever! It's all 'pretend', of course! He knows that I won't really do it (?), but if I wanted to, he couldn't do anything to stop me. I like the feeling of control and power that it gives me -- having a guy by the balls. Preferably tied up!

    I really can't figure out why a guy would like to be in such a vulnerable, helpless situation, but it seems to really excite some guys.
    Maybe some of you could tell me why you like this?

    I find this make-believe game to be exciting. A real turn-on!
    By the way, in Mexico I worked as veterinary assistant, and have ********* farm animals of all sizes. I'm familiar with the different ways to do it.

    I wouldn't really ******** a guy, though. Well, not unless he was ****** me or something, and there was nothing else I could do to stop him.

    This is a "don't try this at home" topic.
    Guys: Don't play around at this with a gal that you don't know and trust. The results would be very permanent, and would really put an end to your fun and games! --

    - - - Sara

    Hi.. I'm new to this forum and i really like here! I am a medical student. i like ballbusting and i have lots of fantasies about ********** too. I asked myself why i like this idea,and i found something.. In the place where i grew up, some of muslim people cuts animals in some kind of their festival. (i'm serious) anyway, i saw lots of animal in agony in the hands of those people. Some of those people were women.But all of the animals were male! You can see the balls of the animals when he is in agony in the hands of those women!
    When a person is between 2 and 7 years old,he or she can use everything s/he see,hear,think etc.. as a compound of his/her sexual fantasy world. (As you know sexual fantasy world begins to develop when we are just little babies!) Anyway,if you look at the pics of pics, you can see the men is in a shape of an animal,and women are ********** him! I think the owners of that site are attracted something like mine when they were between 2-7 years old.
    Oh, i also saw a muslim boy when he was being circumcised by a women doctor,and lots of men and women were there,watching him. May be i thought he was a victim of those really nice looking girls huh? kisses.. I really like this forum..

  2. #317
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BenBen
    Your fantasy in no weirder than us guy who fantasize about the same thing. The idea of switching gender roles is fun for most of us. Your fantasy is just a little harder to simulate. Maybe you should find a partner who will let you play with a strapon and "emasculate" you by taking it away at the end.
    Well, I could get one of those realistic looking strap ons and actually get it cut off. That would be a step up.

  3. #318
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    sorry, something went wrong got a double post. Sorry about that.

  4. #319
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    Actually Snoodle, what I was looking for here are women who have fantasies in which she herself castrates a man, maybe then ******* him to serve her and worship her.

    I was looking for insights and fantasies and thoughts and feelings from women who have fantasies where she rolls up her sleeves and she herself performs the **********.

  5. #320
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    Snoodle, you fantazise about a girl doing that to you or a boy ?

    It sounds interessting that a girl has such fantasies hehe
    aybe you would be a good storiewriter

  6. #321
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet
    Actually Snoodle, what I was looking for here are women who have fantasies in which she herself castrates a man, maybe then ******* him to serve her and worship her.

    I was looking for insights and fantasies and thoughts and feelings from women who have fantasies where she rolls up her sleeves and she herself performs the **********.

    I'm too sub to do it myself...but, to answer Dereknor's question, I imagine another girl doing it to me. Maybe I will try my hand at storywriting one of thse days.

  7. #322
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    Would be really interesting. I love stories and Fantasies hehe

  8. #323
    Banned Fenric's Avatar
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    Hi Snoodle,
    Welcome aboard – you belong here! A woman that wishes she had a dick so that another woman could cut it off. I like it and reckon it makes you an even sicker puppy than sick puppy Julie!

    Are you like Julie in preferring a female dom? Or would you be OK with being dominated by a man?

    What’s your view on Julie’s fave – the cuntbust?

    Do you ever fantasize about having the genitalia you currently have mutilated?

    I guess that’s enough questions for one day.
    Looking 4ward to your answers,

  9. #324
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenric
    Hi Snoodle,
    Welcome aboard – you belong here! A woman that wishes she had a dick so that another woman could cut it off. I like it and reckon it makes you an even sicker puppy than sick puppy Julie!

    Are you like Julie in preferring a female dom? Or would you be OK with being dominated by a man?

    What’s your view on Julie’s fave – the cuntbust?

    Do you ever fantasize about having the genitalia you currently have mutilated?

    I guess that’s enough questions for one day.
    Looking 4ward to your answers,
    I'd prefer a female dom, I think. Girls can just be so cruel.
    I wouldn't mind being dominated by a man, though.

    I don't realy fantasize about having anything done to me as I am...I dunno. there's just something about that balls that I like...or don't like, depending on what angle you take. Something about having a big pair between my legs is a turn on.

    God, I sound like a freak.

  10. #325
    Banned Fenric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle
    I'd prefer a female dom, I think. Girls can just be so cruel.
    I wouldn't mind being dominated by a man, though.

    I don't realy fantasize about having anything done to me as I am...I dunno. there's just something about that balls that I like...or don't like, depending on what angle you take. Something about having a big pair between my legs is a turn on.

    God, I sound like a freak.
    You can feel at home here Snoodle - this place is full of freaks! (just look at me!) Would you consider a tit for tat with a man (where he’s v cruel to you and then you get to take it out on his balls?). I love to play that one out with my gf.

    Have you ever been truly dominated by a man? (or woman for that matter?). Please do tell.

    When you say “Something about having a big pair between [your] legs is a turn on” am I right in thinking that you’d like to have a pair of balls?

    At what age did your fascination begin? Do you have any idea of what might’ve triggered it?

  11. #326
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenric
    You can feel at home here Snoodle - this place is full of freaks! (just look at me!) Would you consider a tit for tat with a man (where he’s v cruel to you and then you get to take it out on his balls?). I love to play that one out with my gf.

    Have you ever been truly dominated by a man? (or woman for that matter?). Please do tell.

    When you say “Something about having a big pair between [your] legs is a turn on” am I right in thinking that you’d like to have a pair of balls?

    At what age did your fascination begin? Do you have any idea of what might’ve triggered it?
    I've never been dominated. I don't trust anyone enough.

    You'd be right to think that I want a pair of my own. My interest got started sometime early in highschool, and just kinda grew, I guess. I honestly don't know what triggered it.

  12. #327
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    Really freaky Snoodle hehe

    Whats about pictures and stories ? Do you have some with males getting busted ? Or do you have mangas or hentai with dickgirls ?

  13. #328
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dereknor
    Really freaky Snoodle hehe

    Whats about pictures and stories ? Do you have some with males getting busted ? Or do you have mangas or hentai with dickgirls ?
    I have my fair share of both.

    ...and what's so freaky about it?

  14. #329
    Banned Fenric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle
    You'd be right to think that I want a pair of my own. My interest got started sometime early in highschool, and just kinda grew, I guess. I honestly don't know what triggered it.
    This is so Fantastically Freaky that I feel compelled to start a Snoodle thread in order that we can explore it properly without gumming up this bollock-lopping thread.

  15. #330
    Big Supporter EggsForCrush's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sergy
    Are those pics funny?
    funny?? i think these are really good ones..

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