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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #331
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    ********** fantasy

    One of the best ********** fantasies I ever read was in a Nancy Friday book of mens fantasies. It concerned a man whose wife had a lover and between them the wife and lover had decided to ******** the cuckolded husband and keep him as a slave. The lover was a medic and was using a scalpel and forceps to remove the testicles; meanwhile the wife was holding the husband down and watching the operation with detached interest. The most powerful moment in the fantasy was when the lover asked the wife to hold the victim's cock out of the way so that he could see what he was doing. At the end of the story, the victim lies in agony, watching his hugely endowed rival making love to his wife, and getting an erection. The wife notices, and points it out to her lover, who says "yes, but it's his last one !"

  2. #332
    Member OldWereWolf56's Avatar
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    I'm a new member....Hi all

    I joined this site yesterday and find it fascinating so far. Both the women and men have interesting things to say. I like the lil pix though when I click on them it says I don't have permission to do so? I think I'm old enough to see them at age 59. For those into **********, come visit the Eunuch Archive chatroom at IRC chat. I'm one of the site op's there

  3. #333
    Big Supporter Julie18nz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldWereWolf56
    I joined this site yesterday and find it fascinating so far. Both the women and men have interesting things to say. I like the lil pix though when I click on them it says I don't have permission to do so? I think I'm old enough to see them at age 59. For those into **********, come visit the Eunuch Archive chatroom at IRC chat. I'm one of the site op's there
    If u read the sticky at the top of the page instread of dashing off trying to get all the pics, u would have found out that u HAVE to post b4 getting the pics. Try now, u will be able to get them

  4. #334
    Member OldWereWolf56's Avatar
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    You were right. No problems now. Thank you.

  5. #335
    Senior Member Tetrap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldWereWolf56
    For those into **********, come visit the Eunuch Archive chatroom at IRC chat. I'm one of the site op's there
    So what's happening to the archive at the moment? I've not been able to access it for as week. When's it coming back?

  6. #336
    Supreme Poster Ace Hardlight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EggsForCrush
    Hi.. I'm new to this forum and i really like here! I am a medical student. i like ballbusting and i have lots of fantasies about ********** too. I asked myself why i like this idea,and i found something.. In the place where i grew up, some of muslim people cuts animals in some kind of their festival. (i'm serious) anyway, i saw lots of animal in agony in the hands of those people. Some of those people were women.But all of the animals were male! You can see the balls of the animals when he is in agony in the hands of those women!
    When a person is between 2 and 7 years old,he or she can use everything s/he see,hear,think etc.. as a compound of his/her sexual fantasy world. (As you know sexual fantasy world begins to develop when we are just little babies!) Anyway,if you look at the pics of pics, you can see the men is in a shape of an animal,and women are ********** him! I think the owners of that site are attracted something like mine when they were between 2-7 years old.
    Oh, i also saw a muslim boy when he was being circumcised by a women doctor,and lots of men and women were there,watching him. May be i thought he was a victim of those really nice looking girls huh? kisses.. I really like this forum..
    Well, it seems like no one replied, so I guess I will:

    There are two things that drive me to the point of insanity in this world: animal abuse and child abuse [in that order]. If I grew up next to a group of sadistic perverts and child abusers, I would have had to just accept massacare charges.

    By the way, I am not, in any way, saying that you support these actions.

    Dom/Sub play between adults is fine to me. I have no problem with it. But when you decide to ******** a poor and defenceless living being [with no anistesia, just to watch it writhe] for sado-religious purposes, then those participating and supporting these unhumane rituals have lost the right to live.


    Back on track:

    One of my latest and favorite ********** fantasies would have to be a group of women rupturing both of my balls through repeated, full-force kicks. And then, one of the women injects a neddle into my sac while I have passed out that will completely fix and heal my broken balls so that when I wake up, they will be able to ******** me all over again [I know it could never happen, but I guess that is why they call it a fantasy].

    P.S. I know I spelled anistesia wrong, but please don't bust my balls over it [excuse the pun].

    P.S.S. Stop the animal and child abuse!

    P.S.S.S. On that note, save the whales!

  7. #337
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Well, that's the good thing about fantasy, really. You can do whatever the hell you want in your head or on paper...the problem is when it crosses over into reality. Some would argue that moral and ehtical guidelines can be crossed in thought, and more easily in art, but, as far as I'm concerned, thought is freespace, and art's open to most anything.

    I'll be more than ready to admit I've had, and still have some wierd fantasies in my life. A majority of them I'd never even consider thinking about possibly maybe wanting to really try...and I'd wager most people have a handful of ideas floating around their noggins that they probably know are downright wrong, but entertain from time to time.

  8. #338
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle
    Well, that's the good thing about fantasy, really. You can do whatever the hell you want in your head or on paper...the problem is when it crosses over into reality. Some would argue that moral and ehtical guidelines can be crossed in thought, and more easily in art, but, as far as I'm concerned, thought is freespace, and art's open to most anything.

    I'll be more than ready to admit I've had, and still have some wierd fantasies in my life. A majority of them I'd never even consider thinking about possibly maybe wanting to really try...and I'd wager most people have a handful of ideas floating around their noggins that they probably know are downright wrong, but entertain from time to time.
    Okay so this is one of my early posts (been reading up and stuff), but I'll jump right in and second Snoodle here. I have done ********** fantasy play a number of times and found them most enjoyable. The real thing is out of the question though. I like getting busted too much.

  9. #339
    Supreme Poster Ace Hardlight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle
    Well, that's the good thing about fantasy, really. You can do whatever the hell you want in your head or on paper...the problem is when it crosses over into reality. Some would argue that moral and ehtical guidelines can be crossed in thought, and more easily in art, but, as far as I'm concerned, thought is freespace, and art's open to most anything.

    I'll be more than ready to admit I've had, and still have some wierd fantasies in my life. A majority of them I'd never even consider thinking about possibly maybe wanting to really try...and I'd wager most people have a handful of ideas floating around their noggins that they probably know are downright wrong, but entertain from time to time.
    I know what you are saying. Gives new meaning to the term don't even think about it.

    And you are right. While thinking about my fantasy gets me off many times, going through with it and actually acting it out in reality would probably kill me [I don't think a human being could take so much pain in a lifetime].

    P.S. Could you share some of your ********** fantasies with us Snoodle?

  10. #340
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Hardlight
    I know what you are saying. Gives new meaning to the term don't even think about it.

    And you are right. While thinking about my fantasy gets me off many times, going through with it and actually acting it out in reality would probably kill me [I don't think a human being could take so much pain in a lifetime].

    P.S. Could you share some of your ********** fantasies with us Snoodle?
    Yeah, agreed. Most of my wierd ones cross moral bounds, not safety ones. XD

    My biggest one is in the thread named after me. Figure I might as well use that space, since it's got my name on it.

  11. #341
    Supreme Poster Ace Hardlight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle
    Yeah, agreed. Most of my wierd ones cross moral bounds, not safety ones. XD

    My biggest one is in the thread named after me. Figure I might as well use that space, since it's got my name on it.
    I think I have read it before. Unless you posted a new one, which I will check out later.

    By the way, do you like my fantasy Snoodle [actually, anyone's positive opinion would be appreciated]?

  12. #342
    Join Date
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    hi this is my first post in this site so i have no idea what will happen when i hit to enter button

  13. #343
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave4rtownership
    hi this is my first post in this site so i have no idea what will happen when i hit to enter button
    Well, as you can probably tell, it was the same thing that happens on other forums when you hit the enter button. Welcome aboard.

  14. #344
    Senior Member male4her2cut's Avatar
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    Talking Final Bust

    Hard to tell what's really under that shoe, not much left to identify
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails smashed.jpg  

  15. #345
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by male4her2cut
    Hard to tell what's really under that shoe, not much left to identify
    I'd wager it some kind of tropic fruit.

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