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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #376
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Colin
    She does sod all 4 me mate. What the hell has that photo got to do with ballbusting? This is a forum about testicles in pain. There are limits mate and you’ve crossed them! Rolled up sleeves is just …….. well……… really sick!
    And ILLEGAL outside of certain puny island nations!!!

    The only thing worse is.. [gulp] ...yes. Pictures of... children with rolled up sleeves.

    Not that *I* have ever looked at one of thoese freak websites featuring children who have rolled their sleeves up -- that is - just -- just -- Good God, how can people sleep knowing that there are children out there who have rolled their sleeves up halfway?!?

    I feel cheap and sickened. I'm going to go burn my bra.
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  2. #377
    Big Supporter Julie18nz's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Trouble
    And ILLEGAL outside of certain puny island nations!!!

    The only thing worse is.. [gulp] ...yes. Pictures of... children with rolled up sleeves.

    Not that *I* have ever looked at one of thoese freak websites featuring children who have rolled their sleeves up -- that is - just -- just -- Good God, how can people sleep knowing that there are children out there who have rolled their sleeves up halfway?!?

    I feel cheap and sickened. I'm going to go burn my bra.
    Trouble, Sweetie, just remember to take the bra off BEFORE you burn it

  3. #378
    Administrator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    more specifically, a ********** thread WITHIN a ballbusting forum, with the subject of testicle removal or destruction, depicted in various art forms and stories. I say let the individual member viewers judge the pictures' relevance to the thread's topic, rather than removing what material may be unsuitable to your own tastes. After all, this entire thread is off ballbusting topic.

    Hi Vulkrypse,

    As Julie pointed out (what I wrote and edited in your post) I was the one who deleted your pictures.

    I dident see the post at first but got a complaint with a link to the thread. After I clicked the link i saw bloody pictures of a guy performing a ********** on himself so i removed them as it was a bit too much for me.

    I think all members should be entitled to have their own niche of anything ballbusting related however these pictures was just a bit more then I could stand watching the insides of that guy being displayed all covered in blood.
    Best Regards
    Team Femaledom

  4. #379
    Big Supporter tonyr's Avatar
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    Jun 2005

    Thumbs down Yeah, Whatever.

    What Sharon has said and done is very much the end of this issue.
    Forums are not that hard to set up yourself. Good Day.

    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    more specifically, a ********** thread WITHIN a ballbusting forum, with the subject of testicle removal or destruction, depicted in various art forms and stories. I say let the individual member viewers judge the pictures' relevance to the thread's topic, rather than removing what material may be unsuitable to your own tastes. After all, this entire thread is off ballbusting topic.

  5. #380
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    I don't know enough about computers and stuff to do this, but it would be nice if someone could do a photo manip showing this girl as a castratrix ********** a man.[IMG]6c01[/IMG]
    Last edited by Castratrix's pet; 10-18-2007 at 03:28 PM.

  6. #381
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by
    Hi Vulkrypse,

    As Julie pointed out (what I wrote and edited in your post) I was the one who deleted your pictures.

    I dident see the post at first but got a complaint with a link to the thread. After I clicked the link i saw bloody pictures of a guy performing a ********** on himself so i removed them as it was a bit too much for me.

    I think all members should be entitled to have their own niche of anything ballbusting related however these pictures was just a bit more then I could stand watching the insides of that guy being displayed all covered in blood.
    Hello Sharon,

    ********** can be a bloody event, just like any other surgery or mutilation.
    As the subject of this thread, it interests those who've pushed it into 26 pages of discussion, as well as mentions in and creations of other threads.

    I am doing my part to participate, by my drawings, photo manips and actual photos. It's quite obvious who complained at this point, and who doesn't belong in this thead, since he didn't have the balls to initiate a conversation with me directly before running to the op and complaining about seeing some blood. Only those with balls can have them removed.

    Sharon, you are fully within your pervue to edit the forums. If the surgical nature of the photos disturbs you, then by all means, follow your ethics. As you can see, I've never complained about the removal of the pictures, only discussed it. Actually, it's fun to even be debating people about such topics.


  7. #382
    Big Supporter tonyr's Avatar
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    Jun 2005

    Cool Balls, Debate, and All that JAZZ!!!

    Dear Vulkrypse,
    You are into what you are into, maximum respects due. In light of the mass of interest generated as you have stated, why not start a forum to cater for the mass of interest.
    Debating over the issue when it is of scant appeal is not where the issue is at.
    The image was not fitting with the forum. More I'm sure will be eventually removed, whether they are ********** related or not.
    The forum is one about ballbusting. The forum's operators have been more than flexible with regards alternative viewpoints and subject variations.
    I couldn't care less what you feel towards whom didn't belong in the thread or who highlighed the issue to Sharon.
    It has fuck all to do with debating with yourself beforehand. Your more than welcomed to debate with me at anytime on anything. I'm very much about bandwidth.
    Start a forum that is dedicated to this subject and I'm sure it will be a big success. More so, you have a successful template to follow and a significant number of persons whom are clearly interested in the forum. I'll gladly exchange links with it, as it will be a well justified chanel for persons whom are interested in **********.
    I'm only to aware as to the nature of viewpoints of some forum members towards one. Frankly, I don't give a damn.
    By the way, my balls are reserved for being busted by a Ballbustress.
    Get your forum up and running. My offer stands. I'll even provide some interesting facts and debate on ********** and the Church.
    Rise to the opportunity. You have much work ahead of you. Advice on internet, feel free to ask.

    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    Hello Sharon,

    ********** can be a bloody event, just like any other surgery or mutilation.
    As the subject of this thread, it interests those who've pushed it into 26 pages of discussion, as well as mentions in and creations of other threads.

    I am doing my part to participate, by my drawings, photo manips and actual photos. It's quite obvious who complained at this point, and who doesn't belong in this thead, since he didn't have the balls to initiate a conversation with me directly before running to the op and complaining about seeing some blood. Only those with balls can have them removed.

    Sharon, you are fully within your pervue to edit the forums. If the surgical nature of the photos disturbs you, then by all means, follow your ethics. As you can see, I've never complained about the removal of the pictures, only discussed it. Actually, it's fun to even be debating people about such topics.


  8. #383
    Administrator's Avatar
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    Hi Vulkrypse,

    You dident complain about the removal or anything so its not about that...I just wanted to explain why they where deleted

    It could be a long story why this thread is here but the short one is that when the thread was created I was not here regulary and another moderator thought that the ********** topic was in the spirit of ballbusting
    (this explains the 26 pages you are reffering to).

    It has now been here for years and I dont intend to close it or anything. Just please be easy with the bloody pictures stomach hurts when seeing all that blood
    Best Regards
    Team Femaledom

  9. #384
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by
    Hi Vulkrypse,

    You dident complain about the removal or anything so its not about that...I just wanted to explain why they where deleted

    It could be a long story why this thread is here but the short one is that when the thread was created I was not here regulary and another moderator thought that the ********** topic was in the spirit of ballbusting
    (this explains the 26 pages you are reffering to).

    It has now been here for years and I dont intend to close it or anything. Just please be easy with the bloody pictures stomach hurts when seeing all that blood
    Sharon, I'm all good. It's nice to see that you took the time to explain, though there's no need.

    Tony, I require neither your advice nor opinions on any subject. You're welcome to ramble as you wish. I am curious, however... why do you use bold lettering in your posts? Writing in this manner denotes "shouting," as most internet-savvy folks know. Do you feel your posts are neglected, and therefore need to "shout" to be acknowledged? Or do you think everyone here wears glasses?

  10. #385
    Supreme Poster Peter D's Avatar
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    The 4th dimension
    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    . I am curious, however... why do you use bold lettering in your posts? Writing in this manner denotes "shouting," as most internet-savvy folks know. Do you feel your posts are neglected, and therefore need to "shout" to be acknowledged? Or do you think everyone here wears glasses?
    Tony’s writings signify that he has lots of problems. It’s been very interesting to watch them develop. He actually has his own site and could set up a ‘rival’ forum rather easily. However, I doubt many of us would visit it.

    One of the beauties of this forum is its use of threads. If you’re not into ********** than you can opt not open the ********** thread. There are plenty of severed testicles in this thread already, some posted by the moderator ( Please don’t click that link if you do not wish to see them.
    Keep up the good work Vulkrypse

  11. #386
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    why do you use bold lettering in your posts? Writing in this manner denotes "shouting," as most internet-savvy folks know. Do you feel your posts are neglected, and therefore need to "shout" to be acknowledged? Or do you think everyone here wears glasses?
    I find the typeface here is too thin for me to read easily, so I use boldface type. Up until two minutes ago, it was TYPING IN ALL CAPS that signified "shouting". Bold print just means I am emphasizing every syllable.
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  12. #387
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2005
    I reckon it's a good idea to just post a text link with a brief description, or just something like 'this is bloody'. I don't like the bloody stuff, but the world clearly doesn't revolve around me so I skip what I don't like and focus on what I do. It is a real pity that in a dedicated thread a moderator would see fit to override the wishes of the participants according to her own preferences. It's much the same as Colin's comment about the rolled up sleeves being 'sick' when that particular detail is the most bland and inoffensive thing in the entire thread (though I understand that you might just be referring to his fixation, not simply the fine detail of his fetish). Gurochan might be sick, but rolled up sleeves, it's really a stretch to get uppity about that. Incidentally if sleeve-boy wants proper help the Australian government has put psychology on the medicare list, so you can get real help for next to nothing; failing that just go to a community centre like I do where psychologists volunteer once a week and you pay like $25 a session. But if rolled up sleeves and their owners aren't ruining your life, then maybe you don't need help. I just know that my nutcase head has been ruining mine, and this ballbusting thing is merely a small part of that - perhaps a focal point for my anxiety, it's the one small indulgence I allow myself, though I do think it's insane and I think I'll lose interest eventually.

    Just my merest of cents.

  13. #388
    Big Supporter tonyr's Avatar
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    Thumbs down New Frontiers Not So Avant Garde

    Originally Posted by Trouble
    I find the typeface here is too thin for me to read easily, so I use boldface type. Up until two minutes ago, it was TYPING IN ALL CAPS that signified "shouting". Bold print just means I am emphasizing every syllable.

    Nice try vulki.
    But let's cut to the chase Sigmund Fraud. You're not obligated to read them. I don't speak for anyone else but me, so I very much laugh at you in your sterile attitude, speaking of everyone, glasses, etc..
    It's very much like I said, you've got a great market segment waiting for your creation.
    You really do have much work ahead of you.

    Keep Coming.
    That's before the ole snip snip, snip.

    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    Tony, I require neither your advice nor opinions on any subject. You're welcome to ramble as you wish. I am curious, however... why do you use bold lettering in your posts? Writing in this manner denotes "shouting," as most internet-savvy folks know. Do you feel your posts are neglected, and therefore need to "shout" to be acknowledged? Or do you think everyone here wears glasses?

  14. #389
    Big Supporter tonyr's Avatar
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    Thumbs down The Problemos of Antonio 'The BallsBustee'

    Here we have PeteyDee
    My Problems????

    1. Rival Forum, why bother, Sharon's efforts are perfect for oneself. The forum is the best and I am glad to help, and contribute. Why not add to rather than the crap you're trying so unsuccessfully to dump on me. It ain't you're smelling, it's yourself.

    2. If you never visit my site or rival non-existent forum, I can live with that. You now speaking on the behalf of others, not visiting my site or rival non- existent forum, Keep Coming.

    3. Not enough time to be busted 24, 7, 52 a year.
    The amount of Females that are so cool with Ballbusting is beyond the comprehension of many of the males, whom see ballbusting as a problem. I don't see it or experience it as a problem, Petey. That's why I am so honest, upfront and for real and can express myself so freely in the best forum around with regards to ballbusting and subject matter beyond. You ain't got's to read it.

    You see Petey, you really hates me because I am just being myself and thus you thoght you were onto a safe attack because you think everyone is with you in your contempt. Humans are fast waking up to the scams on Earth. You're vilification has been seen through for what it really is. The truth and the truthful are always under attack from the pre-conditioned, the self imprsioned and the brainwashed.. If you denote from my writing that I have lots of problems, then you are so wrong. The reality of it is that you are with the problem of interacting with one whom is so free of mind. You've watched my problems develop and find it interesting. That is very much a revelation of your jailer mentality, Petey Dee 'The Guantanamo Kid', fails again. What is really beefing you is that what you are expressing of me is very much the image of yourself. You're the kind of guy that hates the one that is confident, at ease with oneself and is about spreading POSITIVITY rather than your master's negativity, that produces war and suffering and makes a ton of money out of it. I'm very much of the infinity camp rather than the prison camp. I maintain a open mind and can but only pity you and hope that you will see what you are falling into without resistence.

    I am ruffling feathers with a few truths hence:

    'Start your own site, produce you're own material and post it up rather that rip of others.'
    It ain't hard, after all, that 'Rambler' TonyR did it .

    This brings forth 'the negativities', who come looking to attack and vilify.
    Why do you use such type?
    I don't like your site?
    Why do you 'ramble'?

    What it realy is, is that I am me. I am very much about expressing issues in full. I feel sorry for those whom have allowed themselves to be restrained by the templates that have so many unable to read much beyond the daily tripe of tabloid celebrity crap. I feel sorry for those whom can't get there head around some of the lies and misconceptions that have lead too many humans down the wasted pathway of negativity and envy and evil. More so, I feel sorry for anyone whom goes around in life, attacking those whom present alternatives, that in time, will be proven to be so right, without the momentary thought to digest, understand and explore futher before jumping on a bandwagon that is going nowhere. You're KNACKERED, but I will always have time for you.
    Now go straighten up and fly right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter D
    Tony’s writings signify that he has lots of problems. It’s been very interesting to watch them develop. He actually has his own site and could set up a ‘rival’ forum rather easily. However, I doubt many of us would visit it.

    One of the beauties of this forum is its use of threads. If you’re not into ********** than you can opt not open the ********** thread. There are plenty of severed testicles in this thread already, some posted by the moderator ( Please don’t click that link if you do not wish to see them.
    Keep up the good work Vulkrypse

  15. #390
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    It's true that all-caps denotes shouting. However, as one scrolls down the forum, tony's posts blare out due to bold type, overly large font, and bright color. Far be it from me to complain or to impose constraints on how people express themselves, but such comport clearly describes one's character. It would be easy for anyone to use such text, but you'll notice it's rarely done. And the times it is, well, you get the picture.

    Tony, why does anyone feel a need to emphasize every syllable? In a conversation, that would be shouting indeed. I like to make points, rather than overwhelm people with delivery.

    I also found it interesting that, at the beginning of this conversation, tony never conversed directly with me. He waited until Sharon posted, and then affirmed her postings as if she needed support. Sharon HAS my respect.

    And think a moment tony, why would I create a new forum? This thread is here, the subject is **********, the pictures and stories and fantasies are all about ********** (to be very clear: removal of male testicles). My pictures were about **********. I find it interesting that, in such a liberal forum (female domination), in an intense subject (ball busting), in the most extreme thread (**********), someone would complain about pictures which expressly describe the subject of **********. It's being ultra-conservative in a ultra-liberal field. Why be here in this thread tony, if such things disturb you?

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