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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #391
    Supreme Poster Peter D's Avatar
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    The 4th dimension
    You’re a very interesting case study Tony.

  2. #392
    Big Supporter Bill's Avatar
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    where you live
    Hey Tony,
    Stay cool. Don’t take the bait! They only stick it on the hook to see how you behave. Ignoring it will work better than rising to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by tonyr
    That's why I am so honest, upfront and for real and can express myself so freely in the best forum around with regards to ballbusting and subject matter beyond. You ain't got's to read it.
    Now that’s an interesting argument. Its true that we ain’t got’s to read it. Its also true that you…. clears throat and takes deep breath…….


    I feel much better now. Thank you

  3. #393
    Big Supporter tonyr's Avatar
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    Jun 2005

    Thumbs down This is a very tollerant Ballbusting Forum

    This is a very tollerant Ballbusting Forum.
    All you have done is to come up against the limit.
    It is not my forum.
    If I come up against a limit. I can either accept it or I can go elsewhere.
    You are about stiring shit. In this case, it is very much your own shit you are stiring and thus smelling and trying to agitate all against me.
    You're thing is not Ballbusting.
    This forum is one very tollerant forum.
    I am not criticizing you're thing.
    There are clear offers and opportunities to take your thing and make it flourish, if that is the extent to which you wish to present it.
    But you're all about imposing. And that is very much where you will mess up yourself.
    You're now just attacking myself and more importantly, this forum, because you tried, just like Sollozzo, in The Godfather, to push, impose your stuff on this forum which, depite the wide differences and opinions, is very much a family. Now you are going to war. The reason is that you feel that the thread should be not for those whom are not into it.
    Your thing is your thing. I have no objections to it. More so if your thing remains within reason. You've pushed the mark and come up against a wall. Now your intent is to take me out.

    Dude, you've lost.

    I get enquires for content relating to it via my site. I make it know to the enquirers that it is not our thing and wish them all the best in finding the apropriate thing, elsewhere.
    Get a site/forum going and I gladly direct potential traffic towards it.

    This forum is a Ballbusting forum.
    The typography argument is a waste of time.
    It's my choice.
    Complain to the moderator, what she decides, will be final and absolute. The moderators's decision on the image is final.
    It was out of place.
    Create a place for you're thing and it will prosper.
    Are you up to the challenges?
    We should meet and then you can really assess my character.
    Conversing with you at that point was not important, the proven out of place image, was the issue.
    Why not express and post what you are about in an appropriate forum dedicated to your subject.
    Are you up to the challenges of setting up a site/forum with regards to your subject?
    Female Domination is a genre full of sub-genres.
    Not all aspects are featured or appropriate. You just crossed that line and you're eager to get back at someone.
    An Agent Provocateur has a chance to create a site/forum and draw an interested audience towards it. Instead you think that I am enguaging in a play of words.

    I ain't.

    This is a Ballbusting Forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    It's true that all-caps denotes shouting. However, as one scrolls down the forum, tony's posts blare out due to bold type, overly large font, and bright color. Far be it from me to complain or to impose constraints on how people express themselves, but such comport clearly describes one's character. It would be easy for anyone to use such text, but you'll notice it's rarely done. And the times it is, well, you get the picture.

    Tony, why does anyone feel a need to emphasize every syllable? In a conversation, that would be shouting indeed. I like to make points, rather than overwhelm people with delivery.

    I also found it interesting that, at the beginning of this conversation, tony never conversed directly with me. He waited until Sharon posted, and then affirmed her postings as if she needed support. Sharon HAS my respect.

    And think a moment tony, why would I create a new forum? This thread is here, the subject is **********, the pictures and stories and fantasies are all about ********** (to be very clear: removal of male testicles). My pictures were about **********. I find it interesting that, in such a liberal forum (female domination), in an intense subject (ball busting), in the most extreme thread (**********), someone would complain about pictures which expressly describe the subject of **********. It's being ultra-conservative in a ultra-liberal field. Why be here in this thread tony, if such things disturb you?

  4. #394
    Big Supporter tonyr's Avatar
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    Thumbs up I'm Cool

    Bro Bill,

    Thanks for the words.
    They've been lurking and just hate being outed.

    [QUOTE=Bill]Hey Tony,
    Stay cool. Don’t take the bait! They only stick it on the hook to see how you behave. Ignoring it will work better than rising to it.

  5. #395
    Senior Member Sylvester's Avatar
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    Handbags at dawn

    Now, now gentlemen; our Tony may be a little off his rocker but he is making a contribution and it is harmless. He’s got as much right to be here as the rest of us perverts and he’s right - you don’t have to read his ramblings. Lets look at it this way: Its very easy to spot his posts so its very easy not to read them.

    Can we get back to the testicular destruction now please?

  6. #396
    Supreme Poster Colin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fightfair
    It's much the same as Colin's comment about the rolled up sleeves being 'sick' when that particular detail is the most bland and inoffensive thing in the entire thread
    I guess I’d better come clean and admit that I was extracting the urine.
    How did he miss that?
    And I'm with Sylvey: Let the bollock-lopping begin again in earnest

  7. #397
    Big Supporter tonyr's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Look in the mirror

    Look in the mirror.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter D
    You’re a very interesting case study Tony.

  8. #398
    Supreme Poster Colin's Avatar
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    Restoring normality

    I'm going to hit them harder and harder until you beg me to remove them
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 1.jpg  

  9. #399
    Big Supporter tonyr's Avatar
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    Jun 2005

    Talking Jokes Aside

    Jokes aside. I am far from off my rocker.
    Now enjoys your snips.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sylvester
    Now, now gentlemen; our Tony may be a little off his rocker but he is making a contribution and it is harmless. He’s got as much right to be here as the rest of us perverts and he’s right - you don’t have to read his ramblings. Lets look at it this way: Its very easy to spot his posts so its very easy not to read them.

    Can we get back to the testicular destruction now please?

  10. #400
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    You haven't gotten the point, tony. Your "line" is completely subjective to you. I might find others' threads, posts or pictures offensive, but would never complain to an op about them. Why? Because even though what they like isn't what I like and I may find it offensive, I totally respect their right to post here. This is where people like us find commraderie and can share our interests. I am not policing anyone.

    Somehow you have again missed a basic fact... you're posting in a ********** thread. Whether that's in a ballbusting forum (a very appropriate place) or in a site covering BMW aftermarket parts, it IS the place for ********** related pictures, drawings, and discussion. And since you find it so difficult to grasp the connection between my posts and their relevance to this thread, perhaps you can find another thread that has a less controversial or extreme subject. That way, you can look at less severe pictures. Until you grow some balls, stay at the kiddie table.

  11. #401
    Junior Member
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    Surely it's better to just let Tony be Tony and deal with the real issue which is Sharon removing pictures that offended HER? I'll admit, I didn't read all the back and forth for the last day because it's mostly nonsense, but wasn't that what actually happened? She said the pic was too bloody so she removed it, who cares what other users think, it's the moderators that have veto and aren't afraid to use it.

  12. #402
    Big Supporter Julie18nz's Avatar
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    I was wondering if there is anyone here that can actually PROVE it was Tony that complained??? YES, he had the next post after the post that had teh pics removed from it, but where is the proof that it was HIM that complained to Sharon ??? It could have been any one of the people on this forum

  13. #403
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    Tony, why does anyone feel a need to emphasize every syllable? In a conversation, that would be shouting indeed. I like to make points, rather than overwhelm people with delivery.
    He was quoting me, mate. I sez, I does, that boldprint just means that I am emphasizing every syllable, but, y'see, that its more joke than sine qua non: bold print is typically used to indicate emphasis; italics are also used like that. So is underlining. Here in this Brave Newton World of Electronic Labyrinths, it is not common for people to maintain that italics, boldface type, or underlining constitute shouting. ALL CAPS IS OFTEN CHARACTERIZED THAT WAY, EH?

    I. Em. Pha. Size. Each. Syl. La. Bull. when explaining things for the 48th time, so there's an instance in which I speak with the equivalent of solid boldface; but I use it here because I think the default type is too skinny.

    Anyway, people express themselves in different ways, and that's not a bad thing.


    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  14. #404
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    The space colony

    An ingenious place to hide it.

    Can somebody post a link to the ********** thread on that BMW aftermarket parts site?

    PS. Don’t worry Tony, most people here are of their rocker so you fit in just fine

  15. #405
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by fightfair
    Surely it's better to just let Tony be Tony and deal with the real issue which is Sharon removing pictures that offended HER? I'll admit, I didn't read all the back and forth for the last day because it's mostly nonsense, but wasn't that what actually happened? She said the pic was too bloody so she removed it, who cares what other users think, it's the moderators that have veto and aren't afraid to use it.
    Actually, Sharon is beyond reproach. She is the op and can do as she want with her forum. My point was that tony is policing the posts, complaining about pictures of ********** in a ********** thread. Very odd, and then to hide behind Sharon's authority, piping up after she makes a comment. Very uncool.

    I'm all good. I think anyone who wants to has already seen the pix, and I'm through trying to teach the horse to drink. Shall we get back to the thread's business? I hope others were also entertained by all this

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