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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #406
    Big Supporter tonyr's Avatar
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    Cool Whatever

    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    You haven't gotten the point, tony. Your "line" is completely subjective to you. I might find others' threads, posts or pictures offensive, but would never complain to an op about them. Why? Because even though what they like isn't what I like and I may find it offensive, I totally respect their right to post here. This is where people like us find commraderie and can share our interests. I am not policing anyone.

    Somehow you have again missed a basic fact... you're posting in a ********** thread. Whether that's in a ballbusting forum (a very appropriate place) or in a site covering BMW aftermarket parts, it IS the place for ********** related pictures, drawings, and discussion. And since you find it so difficult to grasp the connection between my posts and their relevance to this thread, perhaps you can find another thread that has a less controversial or extreme subject. That way, you can look at less severe pictures. Until you grow some balls, stay at the kiddie table.

  2. #407
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    Actually, Sharon is beyond reproach. She is the op and can do as she want with her forum. My point was that tony is policing the posts, complaining about pictures of ********** in a ********** thread. Very odd, and then to hide behind Sharon's authority, piping up after she makes a comment. Very uncool.

    I'm all good. I think anyone who wants to has already seen the pix, and I'm through trying to teach the horse to drink. Shall we get back to the thread's business? I hope others were also entertained by all this

    vulkrypse, I think you are above all this, but if you want to fight with Tony then it's your prerogative. However, people 'like' Tony will probably always complain and usually get their way, but only if the powers that be agree with them. I hate to be a patronising bastard, but if you want to deify the moderator and thereby dodge the issue of who exactly is responsible for removing what, you are probably going to find yourself in this position again and again. Here's a thought, tell Sharon you're not happy, tell her why and bypass myself and the other plebs (inc. Tony) and actually get something done about your complaint. Cos me. personally, I dislike bloody gore and shit, but I fucking hate smilies and fluorescent text on a 2 tone red background. That's what really offends me. And while we give him attention he'll just keep acting up, until he gets banned for pissing everyone off.

  3. #408
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    FF, you're absolultely correct. Topic's played out, I'm over it. Back to bizness!

    Watching "Pepper Dennis" the other night on WB, saw Rebecca Romjin looking super sexy in a nice leather skirt. She actually uttered "crushing his gonads" and later slammed her knee into a co-worker's balls, on tv. I was impressed. She looked gorgeous delivering pain to his testicles.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails pepper.jpg  

  4. #409
    Senior Member Tetrap's Avatar
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    In the mountains
    Quote Originally Posted by fightfair
    I fucking hate smilies and fluorescent text on a 2 tone red background. That's what really offends me. And while we give him attention he'll just keep acting up, until he gets banned for pissing everyone off.
    Oh Yeah! Alternatively, you can just add Tony to yer 'ignore list' like I do then you don't have to see it.

  5. #410
    Senior Member Sylvester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fightfair
    And while we give him attention he'll just keep acting up
    I agree, best just ignore him and stop fighting.

  6. #411
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sylvester
    I agree, best just ignore him and stop fighting.
    Yeah, play nice...unless you're playing with balls.

  7. #412
    Big Supporter Magnum's Avatar
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    Hey, I have an idea. Why doesn't sharon just lock this thread? Better yet, why not start a new thread entitled "trivial shit to argue about"? This way I and the others who really don't give a shit about who, what or why can continue to enjoy this forum. Besides that, if you want to see the bloody stuff then go the (I think thats the site) or another ********** site. The bottom line is Sharon is the Queen and what she says goes. I doubt any of you really want to spend your time arguing about this anyway. One other thing, I say that all of the ones doing the mud slinging stand naked in front of sharon and the rest of her gals on this site (Snoodle, Julie, and Evil all included) and be kicked in the nuts until you drop to see who has the toughed testes. Last man standing wins.

  8. #413
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnum
    Hey, I have an idea. Why doesn't sharon just lock this thread? Better yet, why not start a new thread entitled "trivial shit to argue about"? This way I and the others who really don't give a shit about who, what or why can continue to enjoy this forum. Besides that, if you want to see the bloody stuff then go the (I think thats the site) or another ********** site. The bottom line is Sharon is the Queen and what she says goes. I doubt any of you really want to spend your time arguing about this anyway. One other thing, I say that all of the ones doing the mud slinging stand naked in front of sharon and the rest of her gals on this site (Snoodle, Julie, and Evil all included) and be kicked in the nuts until you drop to see who has the toughed testes. Last man standing wins.

    ...and, just as the conversation steers way from the arguement...

    "Every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in!"

  9. #414
    Big Supporter Magnum's Avatar
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    Sorry snoodle!

  10. #415
    Supreme Poster carnivorous_daisy's Avatar
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    i have done cartoons and paintings of various castrations i'll post as soon as i get them scanned.

  11. #416
    Supreme Poster
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    next to that other guy
    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle

    "Every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in!"

  12. #417
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carnivorous_daisy
    i have done cartoons and paintings of various castrations i'll post as soon as i get them scanned.
    I'd love to see em!

  13. #418
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Philadelphia, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    I'd love to see em!

    Me too!

    ...and Magnum...All is forgiven...for an unspecified price to be paid in full later.

  14. #419
    Supreme Poster carnivorous_daisy's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    I'd love to see em!

    i posted some of my older bb toons to the cartoon thread, found here,

  15. #420
    Big Supporter Magnum's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle
    Me too!

    ...and Magnum...All is forgiven...for an unspecified price to be paid in full later.

    Of course, my balls are yours to do as you please!

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