You haven't gotten the point, tony. Your "line" is completely subjective to
you. I might find others' threads, posts or pictures offensive, but would never complain to an op about them. Why? Because even though what they like isn't what I like and I may find it offensive, I totally respect their right to post here. This is where people like us find commraderie and can share our interests. I am not policing anyone.
Somehow you have again missed a basic fact... you're posting in a ********** thread. Whether that's in a ballbusting forum (a very appropriate place) or in a site covering BMW aftermarket parts, it IS the place for ********** related pictures, drawings, and discussion. And since you find it so difficult to grasp the connection between my posts and their relevance to this thread, perhaps you can find another thread that has a less controversial or extreme subject. That way, you can look at less severe pictures. Until you grow some balls, stay at the kiddie table.