I'm roo-n'd? thats great. lol i'm so easily amused.
I'm roo-n'd? thats great. lol i'm so easily amused.
i have always wondered are their any real ********** clips i never really saw one before but then again what guy is actually that dumb to get his nuts really cut off?
BME has a few real castrations: http://www.bmezine.com/hard.htmlOriginally Posted by Frozenorb2112
ogrish.com has a few real torture ones from different countriesOriginally Posted by Bill
i just seen some ********** pics from the sites thanks by the way i think its a huge turn off to see blood all over it and i dont know how any man would like that to be done to himself
i know tell me about it...
That's a nice gift you got. I couldn't tell how I would react to such present.
Was that before or after you split up? Do you still have any contact with her?
Trots om nootjes te hebben / proud to have nuts![]()
this is the most good pic i ever see you have any cartoons too
sadistic sara what happened you used to be a bigger part of this site what happened and maybe you would like to see me bust mysely for you on cam sometime let me know
a question for the ladies would you really ******** a guy if he asked you to do it and if you did would you laugh while you cut them of when you were done or maybe both
Well, if he REALLY wanted it done...yeah...'course I don't have the medical training to promise safety on his part.Originally Posted by tim157b157
I'd probably laugh.Not sure when, though.
snoodle would you keep the balls for a trophey
Originally Posted by tim157b157
...that's a good question. Maybe...I dunno...it's one of those extreme circumstance kind of things, where you don't know how you'll really react until you're in that position, y'know?
yes i see snoodle