Originally Posted by Bill
At best that's a mistake in the title, although that's debatable. No the error is in the picture itself.
C'mon free manipulation 4 the first correct answer.
Originally Posted by Bill
At best that's a mistake in the title, although that's debatable. No the error is in the picture itself.
C'mon free manipulation 4 the first correct answer.
[quote=Bill]IMHO that is – by far – the best yet cutponies
What mean IMHO?
Another on the same theme![]()
Last edited by cutponies; 07-14-2006 at 04:50 PM.
bits???????????Originally Posted by ottobeused
The cookie oreo is named for a landform that it resembles, which is turn is named for the region surrounding a woman's nipple that IT resembles!![]()
That calling a woman's equipment a pussy is not slang, it's the proper work in ancient greek!![]()
Aside from Homo-Sapiens, the only other species that nookey-nookeys just for fun (and usually face-to face) is the Bonobo (pygmy chimp.)![]()
All male mammals have a bone to aid erection, except H. sapiens.![]()
Only Humans and Elephants wear the tits over the upper rib cage.
Only Humans and Kangaroos can make love when both partners are standing up.
A touque is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch, an' it's pronounced Zed, not Zee, ZED,! My name is----- oops wrong forum![]()
Baaad cutponies
Last edited by cutponies; 07-05-2006 at 12:45 AM.
Uh, common guys and dolls and neuts. I Know you're viewing my pics, I can see the numbers. Give me some feedback, criticism, requests. I feel like I'm monp, uh momopol, monopolic.... the only one in this thread sometimes.. Don't be shy, POST!
Even if only to insult me, I don't mind.
Remember free job to whoever finds my goof first!
"It's cold outside, there's no kind of atmosphere. I'm all alone, more or---"
whoops---- wrong forum again
Really baaaad cutponies
Last edited by cutponies; 07-14-2006 at 04:50 PM.
As good as cutponies stuff, and do keep it coming, does any have any other bb artwork?
Im wondering if maybe the threads contents is almost all thats out there?
Maybe any others could have a go at some bb cartoons themselves? Post them up for all to see?
Maybe those that can could pick a type of bust and then in there own style share with everyone what they came up with?
I wish I could draw...
I have doodled before, but Im no artist! haha...
But anyway, no dis respect at all to cutponies...as I said, just maybe we need abit more variety?
Or maybe we dont. Hey its just my opinion, Im not expecting everyone to agree with me.
I do like your style tho cutponies.
kisses and kicks
Awesome stuff Cutponies, I don't know what program your using tio do the pics with but the're good. I'm not sure if you do them by hand and load them or if you do them on the computer though. I'd like to say MS Paint but that'd be way offAnyways cool art and happy drawing stuffs.
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way
I'd take back the first 'toons
So I could stay
Let's see now
Supremely baaad, cutponies
Last edited by cutponies; 07-06-2006 at 01:46 AM.
Actually you're not off. I draw and solid colour them in MS paint, Then make a mask with the flesh tones removed, airbrush the shadows and highlights in Paint Shop Pro v3 (It has the best airbrush), and overlay the mask again with MS paint. With very complex curves I will sometimes hand draw on paper, scan, and paste ( I have about 1k of curves stored)Originally Posted by ThanxsMan
Now for the kicker. I'm not an artist. I'm a scientist, with 2 books and 3 research papers to my credit. Specifically a photogrammetist (I interpret air-photos and convert them into topographic maps) That's where I picked up the talent, a curve is a curve whether it's a winding river or a thigh. There were about 500 of us worldwide.. Then I did something supremely stupid. I wrote a computer programme that would do it all automatically. Now there are none of us, we all became obsolete.
Needless to say I'm not very popular in the field![]()
Still get royalties for the programme, mostly from CSIS & CIA ( does that make me a spook?)
Realllyyy baaaad cutponies
Last edited by cutponies; 07-13-2006 at 01:02 PM.
Well, you requested comments, so here yah go:
The typica; backgrounds used in computer art (solid white or solid black) are, of course, just as easy to compress as solid blue or any other colour. I suspect you floodfill with blue after arranging each piece; I appreciate the choice, but since solid blue is atypical, I suggest using another colour from time to time.
As you are probably well aware, blue in the tone and hue you use does a semi-good job of triking the brain into thinking it's daylight (our brains sure are easy to fool). I suggest using some other colours. Another thing you might try is starting with backgrounds. After assembling a piece, use MS Paint to draw a line across whereever it looks right to have the horizon set; then colour the floor and the wall differently.
The flaws of much of my early artwork are still present in the artwork I do today; however, I added backgrounds, and then worked more and more on developing the background art, and people now tend to overlook he crumminess of my foregrounds. So I would also urge you to start working in some background art; even a little sets the atmosphere and context better than none at all.
Now, aren't you sorry you asked?
If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!
Interesting points. What do the rest of you guys, dolls and neuts think? Vote for choice 1 or choice 2. I personally think that backgrounds detract from scene, and that's why I don't do them, unless it adds to the theme of the pic, but like I said earlier, I'm a scientist, not an artist.
Oh by the way. I will have to delete the earlier pics from time to time in order to keep my allotment below 4 mb of attachments, so if you like a picture, download it, it won't be there forever. If you want to play with it (cut paste, maniplulate) or share it with others, feel free, they're not copyrighted.
Still haven't found the goof in the earlier picture? It's obvious to me, but maybe I'm my own worst critic.
Last edited by cutponies; 07-09-2006 at 05:00 PM.
Originally Posted by BallbustingPrincess
Thank you princess. Send me a portrait of you and I'll do a toon of U busting me (or any other man). Who would you like to torment?
Last edited by cutponies; 07-13-2006 at 01:02 PM.
(she's refering to the proofs I sent her)Originally Posted by silvia_lati
Do they look Italian?
Silvia, What do you want me to do with the original photos now? Erase them?
Last edited by cutponies; 07-13-2006 at 01:02 PM.
He asked me to do one of him being ********* by a red-head with green eyes with his usual rolled up white shirt kinky fetish. HEY it works quite well doesn't it?
Well Pet, I hope you enjoy your life as her personal eunuch, attending her needs when she entertians her girfriends. Never again to erect, never again to wear anything below the navel, so that all can see your loss.
I know this lady personally, and if your penis so much as twitches in her presence she will tear it out with her bare hands, just as she did your testicles! Or maybe you want her to do that to you? Let me know.
As for the rest of you here's a clue to my goof. Octopus, Platypus, Triceratops, Rinoceras.
Last edited by cutponies; 07-14-2006 at 04:50 PM.