I'm With Snoodle.
By the way Snoodle, haven't seen you in ball-busting cartoons lately. Have you thought about my proposal to photo-manipulate you?
I'm With Snoodle.
By the way Snoodle, haven't seen you in ball-busting cartoons lately. Have you thought about my proposal to photo-manipulate you?
thatguy was blaming the messenger. Obviously I should have put the warning in bold. :-| It is the content of the videos that is sick and disgusting. Depriving an animal of their sexuality for the convenience of others is sick and disgusting. Finding it, to quote the woman on youtube who posted the second clip, "friggin' hilarious" and keeping the aftermath in a jar much more sick and disgusting. I don't blame him for being upset. But I'm only the messenger.Originally Posted by Snoodle
If you are willing to pay, I have read repeatedly that BME has legal human ********** videos.Originally Posted by Snoodle
Neither of the videos show the horse being anesthetized. In the second there are obvious pain reactions to the removal of the remaining testicle, so it must have worn off. Inhumane can be defined as "[l]acking pity or compassion". Pity can be defined as "[s]ympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another". The women watching the second horse demonstrated a complete lack of pity. Compassion can be defined as "[d]eep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it". Their jokes and banter reflect deep awareness of the suffering the horse is and will suffer, but also mocking indifference to it.Originally Posted by Snoodle
please do not make my respect for you plummet any further. there is a HUGE difference between a sicko having his own privates mangled becaue he gets off on it and having some defenseless animal with his head hanging to the floor in obvious pain because of some kids. Obviously you missed the youtube versions of the video. Then after another member here, as well as myself, contest to it HE REPOSTS IT! Yeah you're right, I'm in a ********** thread so i guess it's only normal to see animals, right? I mean after all, there are tons of pics in the grabbing and squeezing section of unwilling animals getting their balls squeezed, as well as pictures of cattle getting their nuts bit in the "biting" thread. Get real.Originally Posted by Snoodle
Originally Posted by thatguy
Yeah, it was done for the amusement of the people watching. Not like it was obviously a demonstration or anything. After all, people who geld farm animals must be born with that knowledge.
Oh, you don't respect me? Boo-fucking-hoo. As if some internet lame ass was really that important to me. You are, in fact, as your name suggwest 'That guy.' A fucking nobody. Don't respect me? no skin off my back. You can go on not respecting me until hell freezes over.
There was a just a post describing an unwilling man having hios penis cut off. Oh, it wasn't a picture, so who cares. Man, go fuck yourself.
No horse that gets gelded wants to, but y'know what? It fucking happens. Know why? Because ranchers fucking say so.
Get real, huh? Stop being a little peta bitch and accept the fact that it fucking happens, and it's not inhumane just because you don't like it. Gasp! A video was posted online! Honoes! That must mean it was only done for amusement. Real world for the win.
You're right. They should have cried into their cheerios for months about the routine gelding performed on that day.Originally Posted by ridgel1n9
Whatever happened to Snoodle? I haven't seen a message from her ever since... Hmmm... Ever since I put her on my ignore list, she just seems to have vanished! I wonder what happened to her.
Originally Posted by Snoodle
If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!
I don't want to fan the flames here, but I agree with Snoodle (if not necessarily with the way she said it). Animals are spayed and neutered every day. This thread is specifically about neutering. If you don't want to talk about **********, don't visit the thread. If you visit the thread and don't like the content, use the back button on your browser. If you don't want to see a horse being gelded, don't click on the link. If you click on the link and don't care for the video's content, put it into your recycle bin. It doesn't have to be difficult.Originally Posted by Snoodle
I'm sure she is absolutely devastated and jumped off a bridge by now. (Or were you being sarcastic and telling other people in the thread this is what they should do?)Originally Posted by Trouble
Troubled sarcasticsurely not!
I’ll wager that our Snoods is made of sterner stuff than to let any of it bother her anyway. Can we get back to the nut cutting and rolled up sleeves now please?
Anyone know some good stories pages?
Im aware of the valkyrie and eunuch sites, but just wondering if anyone knew of other good places with reading fiction? ********** or ballbusting, or both!
Yeah have all the pics been taken from cruella now? Seems awhile since some new pics have been up...
Snoodle rules!![]()
Hmmm I found some multilanguage (french, german, polish) stories about amazons, who tortured catched soldiers. Very brutal. Some with sister who cought her young cousins looking at her in the shower (ironing, beating). And some real stories about Viet Cong woman, who castredaed about two dozens boys with her own hands. And ancient stories about mass ********** on the armies beaten by Egiptian. That is why Egiptian slaves didn't reproduce.
The rolled up sleeves is Castratrix's Pet's KinkOriginally Posted by Melkur
Visit ballbusting cartoons. There Silvia Is a STAR. She has oodles of fansOriginally Posted by silvia_lati
Should is a rather pointless concept in this world, which is ruled by might makes right. I only pointed out that what they did do, revel in schadenfreude, is inhumane by one definition of that word. I posted the link to the second video because their behavior demonstrates the amused apathy and sadistic glee that some women derive from knowing a male is being deprived of his ability to experience sexual pleasure for their benefit, the jubulant "YES!!!" when the stallion's severed testicle is dropped in the jar being an example of this. That stallions experience sexual pleasure outside the context of breeding is documented (for the moment) here (Google HTML conversion), including this passage:Originally Posted by Snoodle
Outside the mating context, stallions also frequently exhibit
full erection, contraction of ischiocavernosus muscles result-
ing in rhythmic bouncing of the penis against the belly (Fig.
1 f), and occasionally ejaculation [ 121. Accompanying
skeletal movements, including variations of pelvic thrusting,
suggest a goal directed self stimulation of the glans penis.
Accordingly, this behavioral sequence is viewed as mastur-
bation. Among domestic horses, masturbation is commonly
observed in stabled stallions, but also occurs in stallions at
pasture with other horses (McDonnell, personal observa-
tions). (emphasis added)
I find this apathy and glee morbidly fascinating. I have sympathy for thatguy. The videos are brutally honest in their depiction of the reality of ********** and female reaction to it. My unpleasant fixation on the subject is the result of my mother and her girlfriend showing me at age 11 that brutal reality. On the other hand, I find the convenient denials and rationalizations about this brutal reality by women predictable and debatable.
We are all here for different reasons. I regret that my posting provoked thatguy. I regret that I feel compelled to dispute your remarks about the video's import. But I don't regret pointing out the reality or supporting documentation of that reality. I think the non-fictional sexual mutilation of involuntary subjects is wicked, regardless of how common it is or the species and gender of the victim. Fiction about (or in this case documentation of) it isn't.
NO MORE ROLLED UP SLEEVES! Ah'm the Prez'dint! Ah has a VEE-TOE!!!Originally Posted by Melkur
If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!