You know now that's it's posted, I'm a bit ashamed. Not my best work.
Head too big, colour off.
I'll redo it with a better black amazon.
You know now that's it's posted, I'm a bit ashamed. Not my best work.
Head too big, colour off.
I'll redo it with a better black amazon.
The software automatically promotes you based simply on the number of posts. Rate of posting, length of posts, and "quality" of posts are all unconsidered. In addition and subtraction, whether or not you include a picture is not considered: only the total number of posts.Originally Posted by cutponies
That's how I got to the White House. Sheee-yoot!!!
If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!
Better? I even forgot that he doesn't like them nude, just upskirt.
I see his point too. More mysterious. More "forbidden fruit"
I picked the wrong day to give up pot-smoking
I'm so ashamed of that previous picture that I am going to delete it!
I've embarassed myself and my good friend skipper. Just for that Skipper, you get to vote twice for or against my emasculation. I know how you're going to vote (nudge nudge wink wink)
Bad bad not-paying-attention-cutponies
Last edited by cutponies; 07-25-2006 at 05:10 PM.
You mean my posts with the magnificent( cutponies is modest) artwork counts the same as somebody posting a smiley or a one line insult?Originally Posted by Trouble
Aren't you going to vote?Originally Posted by Trouble
No, the one-line insults count double, dummy.Originally Posted by cutponies
But enough of my being silly (and I do suspect that your sense of humour is the kind to know what is being silly and what is being rude -- or, in my case, both). I vote "'arf wif 'is 'ead" -- run that through Google to translate from English to English. I think that the backgrounds that were submitted in a few cases were very good -- that was kinda what I meant, cutponies. The ballroom one, for example, fits well. On the other hand, I do art with pencil and paper (archaic computer peripherals; a "pencil" was a write head that deposits graphite on media, and paper is a bunch of flat stuff made out of hemp pulp -- or tree pulp after the lignin has been extracted by chemical processes) and then scan it in, so I think in terms like, "Hmmm... two-point perspecive time..."
If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!
I'm working on several pics at the same time, and I need some input before I can continue
Skipperbob- I've finished the third black brunette ball busting bounceing braless blue belled broken buttoned but beautiful bellied buxom bitch, and I need to know if you want to be seen from the bows or the stern. Oh and does she literally bust one or both of your balls ( ie does she 1/2 or fully ******** you)?
"Hey Bob, Supe had a straight job
Even though he could have smashed through any bank
In the United States, he had the strength, but he would not"
Know where that's from?
Bekzide and Fittizzioh- Do you want the man seen from the front or the back? I've finished the lady wrestler. You see her from the front. Do you want either or both to be persons of colour? (ie black)
How do you pronounce your name? does it rhyme with "high-ho, hi-ho. it's off to work we go"? NO, I wasn't referring to you, bek! (dumb)
and Fittizzioh, I need that translation for Saturday, I'll be very busy Sunday morn.
Oh and don't forget to vote. I won't post your 'toon untill you do!
Silvia - I still need the pictures of the 3 students who are going to be *********, and a pic of Italian school uniforms. If I dressed them in Candian school uniforms they'd look Scottish. I'd like another of you as well for a change of posture.
And promise me that you'll never shave your Bush
Trouble- It's too much trouble to paint backgrounds, and my loyal fans seem to have fun doing it for themselves. I take it your vote was yes
The votes so far 3 for, none against![]()
Oh and when do we count the ballots? Skipper, you started this!
I forgot to mention that she's buck bare bottomed
I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue
from the front,and I don't care if they are people of colourOriginally Posted by cutponies
@ silvia_lati:concerning post 741,how was it to dance with someone you just *********,do you felt powerful ??
Remember that Bekzide requested the work first, so he decides... however i vote for black woman, white man. More than that I'd like to see a busty buster (another joke/pun?) like the other girl with Silvia if front of the White House (maybe just her! She also thought to squeeze some balls)!! I love big tits!
For the survey I vote yes too, even if I love ballbusting and in the toon you'll have no balls!
Finally, all the "i" in my nickname are pronounced like in the word "hip".
So GROANOriginally Posted by fittizzioh
Bek doesn't care so she'll be black and buxom. That cartoon of Sylvia's friend is based on a real person.
You're a cruel man to vote that another man should lose his penis!
Let's see now 4 for 0 against![]()
cutponies - bad boy!For my pic, want to see me from the front to get the full picture of my suffering!
Sounds like vote will be unanimous - off with it!
Don't see any need to drag this out any longer - voting cuts off end of today! (A little pun maybe?)
Oh the suffering of the true artist! Don't put yourself through such torture cutponies! Although I have to admit, I like the second pic better! Thanks.![]()
Lets see, Silvia, Her friend, her friend's daughter, still room if you wanna watch. I would be honored if you attended. I should have a friend present when I lose my manhood, and I'll never see you again, as I'll be heading for a harem. There doesn't seem to be much chance I'll be spared, the vote is 6-0 for my emasculation with 12 hrs to go!Originally Posted by skipperbob
Last time the momma kicked him so hard one of his testicles came off. He asked me to tell the black brunette... ball busting bitch to be more carefull this time.
Time is running out for me. This time tomorrow I'll probabley be the chief eunuch in a Harem
I should have the wrestling picture done by end of day.
Hey skip. I noticed that in your threads when you refer to the ball busting victim you use the first person ie. me, I, my etc. so I'll oblige. I've made sure that the victim looks like you!
"How does he know what skipperbob looks like?" The World Wonders.*
"Does he have X-Ray vision?"
No. Actually I went to Hogwarts!![]()
About that picture. HMMM. The Dommes are all black. I wonder if that in a previous life skipper was a slave-trader or plantation owner or something like that. Anyway enjoy all
*Anyone recognise that quote?
Last edited by cutponies; 07-25-2006 at 05:10 PM.