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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #511
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    Attention Snoodle

    Lovley Snoodle
    Kind Snoodle
    Kinky Snoodle

    Enough of the soft soap

    I wanted to PM you with an urgent request, but you've exceeded your quota of 50 messages. Can you delete some of the earlier ones.

    I kiss your hand
    I kiss your feet
    I kiss your;-- oh right I had a girl cut that off in the ballbusting cartoon thread.

    If you visit that thread you'll see what my problem is. They want to sell me into a harem, as a eunuch, AFTER they cut my PENIS off

  2. #512
    Supreme Poster
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    next to that other guy
    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle
    Yeah, it was done for the amusement of the people watching. Not like it was obviously a demonstration or anything. After all, people who geld farm animals must be born with that knowledge.

    Oh, you don't respect me? Boo-fucking-hoo. As if some internet lame ass was really that important to me. You are, in fact, as your name suggwest 'That guy.' A fucking nobody. Don't respect me? no skin off my back. You can go on not respecting me until hell freezes over.

    There was a just a post describing an unwilling man having hios penis cut off. Oh, it wasn't a picture, so who cares. Man, go fuck yourself.

    No horse that gets gelded wants to, but y'know what? It fucking happens. Know why? Because ranchers fucking say so.

    Get real, huh? Stop being a little peta bitch and accept the fact that it fucking happens, and it's not inhumane just because you don't like it. Gasp! A video was posted online! Honoes! That must mean it was only done for amusement. Real world for the win.
    you obviously didn't watch the video. /sigh I give up.

  3. #513
    Supreme Poster Ace Hardlight's Avatar
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    First off all, I think the flaming has to stop. It does not make these forums credible and it just lowers the respect anyone would have for the both of you.

    Second, many farm animals are sterialized every day. It makes sure that unsafe and unpredicted mating habbits do not form between the farm animals.

    But, these videos showed something completely different. Both looked not only unsanitary, but could also leave reprocutions for the horse later in its life. Usually farmers just cut the vas deferens so it sterializes the animal, but there guys actually removed both testicles. Not only does this disrupt negative feedback systems of hormones in the body [stunting growth, weakening of muscles] but it also leads to osteo perosis [I don't know if I spelled this right][weakening of the bones and bone marrow production: both red and yellow]. And all of the infections from cutting with metal tools in an unsanitary place may result in heavy infections that are not only contageous to the other animals, but to also the farmers themselves!

    This video may have been made for enjoyment, but I sure didn't enjoy it. And I don't know how anyone can even get turned on by it [but if you do, I guess it is whatever floats your boat in this world].

    Animal rights groups are cracking down because a lot worse than this happens to animals in this world. Yes, they may have been unsafely *********, but then again that doesn't mean that they will act completely different after their surgery. Plus, those who shot the longer video were as steriotypical as they come. Just because you are a farmer does not mean you have to act that uninteligent.

    Child molestation is a serious thing and ********** a horse isn't. Besides, they must have used a tranquilizer on it because if they didn't, everyone around the horse would have lost their lives [it is a 1200lb horse after all].

    P.S. On the animal rights subject: some poeple say that humans are just as much animals as those horses. Well, I have news for you: most of the rational world believes that humans are above any animals! Well, you are both wrong. Agent Smith was a genius, and I fully agree with him that the order of importance and complexity in nature goes as follows:

    1. Animals
    2. Plants
    3. Fungi
    4. Protists
    5. Monera
    6. Virus [still in debate]/Humans

    Yes! Humans are more like a virus more than anything else! Take that!

  4. #514
    Junior Member
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    Before I begin, I offer my apologies to the readers of this thread. This thread's title is "********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)". From this I did not expect my posting of two publically available (at the time) videos (the first is taken from the movie Eden Valley) to be so disruptive. As I remarked elsethread, I find the subject morbidly fascinating. I was hoping to stir some discussion of the emotional and ethical issues involved. But all it did was get me called a child molster, cause hostility between regular posters, and show me that people are more (willfully?) ignorant about the reality of the subject than I had thought. I will refrain from injecting reality into this thread after this reply, and I regret my previous doing so. Sorry folks. But first, I just have to rebutt several things in Ace Hardlight's post and I ask that if you doubt what I have said about the subject in this or my previous posts that you check with Google, the library, or other reference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Hardlight
    Second, many farm animals are sterialized every day. It makes sure that unsafe and unpredicted mating habbits do not form between the farm animals.
    Yes. And the other reason is because it makes the animal docile.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Hardlight
    Usually farmers just cut the vas deferens so it sterializes the animal
    Um, this is just plain WRONG. They remove the testicles vs. just cutting the vas deferens because the advantages of the behavior changes of the former to the farmer outweigh the costs (some of which you list) of the latter to the animal in almost all cases.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Hardlight
    Not only does this disrupt negative feedback systems of hormones in the body [stunting growth, weakening of muscles] but it also leads to osteo perosis [I don't know if I spelled this right][weakening of the bones and bone marrow production: both red and yellow].
    Yes, those are some of the other effects.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Hardlight
    And all of the infections from cutting with metal tools in an unsanitary place may result in heavy infections that are not only contageous to the other animals, but to also the farmers themselves!
    Nevertheless, a large percentage of castrations of farm animals are so performed. For what it's worth, US law is much more tolerant about the non-use of anesthesia during such surgeries (another being the tail docking of sheep) than European countries, though thankfully we are slowly catching up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Hardlight
    This video may have been made for enjoyment, but I sure didn't enjoy it. And I don't know how anyone can even get turned on by it [but if you do, I guess it is whatever floats your boat in this world].
    That's one of the things I was hoping for some discussion of: how can anyone get turned on by it? Yet obviously the girls in the video were enjoying it. The girl who posted it to youtube remarked in the comments (which were deleted even before the video was removed) that she posted it "on a bet". I'll always wonder exactly what the bet was.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Hardlight
    Animal rights groups are cracking down because a lot worse than this happens to animals in this world. Yes, they may have been unsafely *********, but then again that doesn't mean that they will act completely different after their surgery.
    Um, yes they will. See the previous link about behavioral changes. If you search hard enough, you can find articles by veterinarians explaining this is the reason they recommend neutering (**********) over a simple vasectomy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Hardlight
    Plus, those who shot the longer video were as steriotypical as they come. Just because you are a farmer does not mean you have to act that uninteligent.
    That's another issue that bothers me. The people in the video weren't unintelligent, they were (to me) incomprehensibly inhumane. As Sulu asked Captain Kirk in That Which Survives, "How can such people be?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Hardlight
    Child molestation is a serious thing and ********** a horse isn't.
    Most people would agree with you. I would argue they are deluding themselves.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Hardlight
    Besides, they must have used a tranquilizer on it because if they didn't, everyone around the horse would have lost their lives [it is a 1200lb horse after all].
    Not necessarily. The number of people holding down the animal's back combined with the leg ropes would make any movement very difficult even if he wasn't tranquilzed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ace Hardlight
    Yes! Humans are more like a virus more than anything else! Take that!
    Well, at least we agree on something! :-)

  5. #515
    Registered Member
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    Feb 2006

    Are there any site outthere that has updated staff?

    I can not understand, why most sites/forums on this topic go either dead, or they have mostly spam or out off topic posts.
    Are there any site outthere that has updated staff?
    As for the animal ********** videos, i think that enough conversation has been done for a subject that most people here are not intrested.

  6. #516
    Junior Member
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    Thumbs up News

    I don't know if its a repost or what, but here's an article with self **********.

  7. #517
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Well, this ********** stuff has me interested. I am going to go to the City Zoo with my knives, shears, a scythe, and a pointy stick or two and ******** every animal in the place!!! I think I'll start with the tigers...
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  8. #518
    Senior Member curious's Avatar
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    A request

    I've got a pic request for you cutponies, how bout a pic of a white bloke trussed up on a frame getting ball cut off by a naked black woman, she makes a comment something along the lines of "you won't be needing these if you're to be a harem guard" . Add yourself in somewhere if you like and maybe some other women looking on.

  9. #519
    Join Date
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    What an interesting theme!!!

  10. #520
    Big Supporter silvia_lati's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by curious
    I've got a pic request for you cutponies, how bout a pic of a white bloke trussed up on a frame getting ball cut off by a naked black woman, she makes a comment something along the lines of "you won't be needing these if you're to be a harem guard" . Add yourself in somewhere if you like and maybe some other women looking on.
    i think that everyone wanna see it!

  11. #521
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    Uh I did it

    Quote Originally Posted by silvia_lati
    i think that everyone wanna see it!
    See it in ballbusting cartoons

  12. #522
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    New Dundee

    Well if you're looking for action

    Quote Originally Posted by trelos96
    I can not understand, why most sites/forums on this topic go either dead, or they have mostly spam or out off topic posts.
    Are there any site outthere that has updated staff?
    As for the animal ********** videos, i think that enough conversation has been done for a subject that most people here are not intrested.
    Ballbusting cartoons is alive and kicking ( no pun intended), and It's not just busting but ********** etc

  13. #523
    Junior Member meronbt's Avatar
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    Some pics, hope you enjoy it
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 2422.jpg   a1cf.jpg   e3ab.jpg  

  14. #524
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    Luv Em

    Quote Originally Posted by meronbt
    Some pics, hope you enjoy it
    Got any more? BIGGER? Trade you my 'toons

  15. #525
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States
    Are there any new bb sites. Takethepitch has not been updated in years.

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